Military M4 vs High End Civilian AR15

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[Music] [Music] if you've ever bought a rifle you had no money for ammunition because it was so expensive that subscribe button like comment all those things help me out quite a bit thank you guys we are getting a lot of support from gun Meg warehouse right now they actually are having me do some exclusive videos for them you might be like oh no they're taking grant them away from us no they're not doing those videos in these videos at the same time but a lot of cool stuff going on there so support them by magazines from them they're really cool discount code grant thumb I feel looking for t-shirts belts all that type of stuff and that sick merch alonzo defense group teespring discount code grant them for alonzo defense group thank you guys yeah I'm trying to spend less time kind of doing those intros but let's talk about a really interesting subject today so I don't know that I've actually done something like this and the channel so far so I think this might be a first I don't know you guys actually probably know my videos better than me at this point comments-section is out of control you guys I love you guys so today we're gonna compare two rifles directly head-to-head against each other with drills and it's kind of cool because I don't believe I've done this before and I want to do more of this with products where I have you know two products and the kind of the same kind of pool they're kind of trying to do the same thing and I want to compete them against each other drills so today we are going to compare a military m4 against a Gucci doubt civilian style ar-15 so we're going to take these head-to-head and a couple drills we're going to see which ones are faster which ones are better in that type thing and then we're going to kind of take all the information that we learned and that we know and we're gonna talk about these two rifles and about the differences and why they're set up the way they're set up and you know the pluses and minuses to both so with all that being said let's talk a little bit about the setup of each rifle here now with the military import now first off I know when I'm picking this out that people are gonna a start screaming that they were not issued a set up exactly like this like I never was issued a you know a point competent for s that's ridiculous I was issued a ACOG and it's gonna turn into a measuring contest and the guy's gonna be like yeah well is issued am 68 and then dudes gonna be like oh I was issued to iron sights but then nobody really cares so chesty puller was gonna rise out of the grave he's just going to string all of you because he's tired of us so it doesn't matter too much but this is kind of in the in the realm of a block 1.5 set up so let's talk about it really quickly first off the upper is military it is a m4 military everything's government spec all that there's no tomfoolery there the right here we have APEC 15 on the side we have an insight light we have a nice little kak broom handle grip there on the bottom just an instant classic we have our pressure pad for our light and for our PEC 15 moving back from there Oh cack rail of course moving back from there we have a Aimpoint comp m4s I know some of you were not issue these or did not using the use these in the military but they are widely used you have a scaler works mount that is kind of my my preference I understand the scaler works mounts aren't so much used yet moving back from there we have an MA Tech rear sight we have a Colt charging handle we have a b5 system sopmod stock all this is good the sling is a way of the gun sling from Frank Proctor who is a really cool dude highly recommend that you watch his stuff moving down to the lower lower is all milspec parts um it is a narrow position lower obviously the military is not using arrow precision lowers they are using FN or Colt so that could be a problem for some people the selector switch is again another kind of fashion faux-pas here it is a Radian rapture I do have it set to the 90 degree throw that way it's pretty close to what you see at the mill spec only difference being that it's just really well-made grip is of course sanded down I always stand down my grips on the I hate the grip angle here so I stand that down that little nub right there the finger it always catches me so that is this particular setup moving over to the Gucci civilian ar-15 so the upper is a Bravo Company MCM R with an enhanced lightweight barrel the MCM are being the the rail system which is M lock the barrel is 14.5 inches with a pinion welded muzzle device the optic is an endpoint comp m5s on scaler works mount we have a Arisaka 600 series light connected to a cloud defensive mount to hold the pressure pad in place hi big fan of cloud defensive if you haven't used them before your pressure pads are gonna go anywhere scaler works front sight we have a cat rear sight moving down to the lower we have a rating weapons a TAC lower it has a guy Z trigger all radian internals all that type of stuff we have a Magpul grip and then we have a radiant selector of course raptor on the a neck lower charging handle is a Radian raptor they absolutely Rock probably so the best on the market this one is mp3 coated super slick finally actually the same sock a b5 sopmod so some things are just good some of you might ask about the hand stop the hand saw is a zero Bravo hand stop I just started using these I'm really digging them so more on that later sling is a barrel concept sling stir so I understand that when it comes to the military and for some of you like might be like oh it's nowhere close what has issued to this test socks fair enough but the gas system the upper is all military and the lower is pretty freakin close so deal with it so let's do a direct comparison here I did five drills with these five drills I first saw started with both these rifles and I warmed up with them using the bare solutions drill which sucks if you haven't done it yet highly recommend you watch the video on and try it out after I warmed up I did each drill so I did three iterations of the drill with each rifle so the drills run three times at each rifle there's a problem of that obviously the more I run the drill the better I'm going to get at the drill that's just the way it goes so what I did was I'd start with one rifle run three and then go to the other rifle run three and then in the next drill I would use the opposite rifle that way each rifle was kind of getting used first on a drill that way that we could kind of see make sure that it wasn't just getting really proficient with the drill and then running to the next rifle and just crushing that drill so there's gonna be human error here you know we can't be perfect when it comes to these drills there's gonna be familiarity if the rifle familiarity with the drill that type of stuff these numbers are kind of just to kind of see what I can do given my level training and that type of thing but I think the number numbers are still pretty interesting I wasn't really sure what to expect you know which one I'd be faster with so without further ado let's talk about the first drill that I did so the first drill that I did is a classic from Viking tactics Kyle lamb came up with it is the two to two drill so there's simply two three targets they are ten yards away from you they're spaced approximately 2 yards apart and then you put two rounds into each target from little already on buzzer so let's start off with the military m4 so I ran that drill I did it in 1.68 really good time I next ran the drill with the Gucci AR and I ran that drill in 1.39 so there is definitely a difference I was definitely faster with the civilian AR and of course I ran the drill with Celine AR last so there's a possibility also that I was super warmed up and that's why I did it so much faster but in reality the civilian AR was actually much easier to control had much better ergonomics and the recoil impulse was much lighter on the civilian gucci tout AR so because of that it was easier to keep my dot on target as I transitioned through that allowed me to speed up my trigger control and trigger speed in that type of stuff as able to put the rounds and faster so that was a to to to drill next drill that we did was a basic Mozambique so Muslim big drill is simply two to the chest one to the head it's a very classic drill a military application maybe not so much but still fun to do because it works your cadence as you're working from chest a head so I started off with the Gucci doubt civilian a are so ran that drilled 0.73 did it in point seven three seconds okay great I did that three times hovered around point seven three seconds and moved over to the military and for Bill's rating for okay ran it in point seven six seconds so there was very little difference between these two rifles when it came to that next drill that I ran was a simple barricade drill so I worked off a cement barricade so what this worked was moving the rifle around doing that type of stuff due to the setups I figured that there would be a pretty big time difference so it was simply too from on the left to on top and then to bottom right so so so there's a lot of movement a lot of kneeling that type of thing it's easiest to see it so we started with the military m4 so did that in approximately 13.7 hovered right around the earth for my three runs next I did it with the Gucci doubts they are I did that in about eleven point nine three seconds it was slightly easier to maneuver this due to weights of course the military m4 has a PEC and all of that extra equipment also has a big broom handle sticking down so it's a little bit more difficult to maneuver so because of that it was much easier to maneuver this good sheet out civilian AR the next drill that Iran was the 75-yard to shot so I simply started from a high ready and then on buzzer I would bring my rifle to my shoulder and I take two shots at a steel target that was 75 yards away so I started off with the Gucci task civilian AR we go ok did that in about two seconds flat I was pretty consistent with that next thing I did it with was the military m4 I did that in about two point seven five seconds and I was pretty consistent finally we moved to the collateral drilled the collateral drill is kind of my own little drill that I love to do from the movie collateral assists to targets you're approximately seven yards away from them on buzzer you do to to the chests on the first one two to the chest on the second one one to the head on the second one and then immediately transition and do one to the head of the first one so it's just a fun transition drilled space from the movie collateral it's cool Tom Cruise is great he's really short though I didn't realize that until pretty recently and that kind of haunted my dreams a little bit but anyhow collateral drill so I started off with the military m4 ran that three times averaged out around 1.7 eight seconds then moved over to the Gucci doubt AR and ran that three times did it in about 1.6 four seconds so with all these drills I was undoubtedly faster with the Gucci doubt civilian AR but I was really really close for almost all the drill times with the military m4 they weren't a whole lot different now I will say this it was a lot easier with the Gucci doubt a civilian they are and that was due to recoil impulse and ergonomics and that type of thing so let's kind of delve into this as delve into the difference between these two setups and why one felt a lot easier to do all these drills with verse kind of the old military m4 so first off one of the big things is going to be gas system so these two rifles are running different gas systems military m4 is running a carbine length gas system now what's good about the carbine length gases as a system is that you have a crap-ton of dwell time so what does dwell time dwell time is the amount of time basically that you have gas hitting the gas port and pushing back through the system and impinging upon the system and allowing it to recoil forcefully so as long as that barrel is kind of plugging the end here it's keeping all that gas behind it it's keeping that gas pressure high so carbine length gas systems are great especially on a 16 length to get like a 14 5 or 14 or 16 because of all of that dwell time that you have so very reliable now at the same time you also have it's a little bit over gas so because of that you render some problems such as a little bit more perceived recoil and of course it's going to wear parts a little bit quicker than say something that was less over gassed now let's compare that to something like the mid-length gas system on the BCM so mid length gas systems are perhaps one of the best compromises that have been made they don't have quite as much at all times the carbon length but they still have more than enough to make sure that this system runs reliably so with any type of good Brad a mo that has that's loaded to NATO specs and all that type of thing you're gonna have more than enough gas to properly cycle the system I haven't seen mid-length be any less reliable than a carving length so I understand the kind of concept behind the carving length and why they run that in the military but at the same time the mid-length is incredibly reliable and I've seen no detriment to it and a variety of conditions so because of that the felt recoil this is one of many reasons the felt recoil from the BCM was significantly less because the gas system was very well balanced so that allowed me to run the gun a little bit faster because I wasn't getting as much jump and now I know here we go people are gonna come in there and be like wow if you think the five five six jumps and recoils I get it all right we get it man but if we can have a rifle that recoils less and is easier to keep on target why wouldn't we so let's not argue that point okay so we've talked a little bit about the gas system let's talk about the handguard so the handguard on the m4 is non-free flooded what that means it makes contacts with the front sight post which is attached to the barrel this dis allows the barrel from flexing as the slug is traveling down the barrel because of that you have a little bit of decrease accuracy overall now some people think that the difference between free-floating on fields of free float is like huge in and it's definitely there there's no doubt that a free floated handguard is awesome but I don't get out of control on this so it is not free floated and then obviously it's a little bit fatter than the BCM it's a lot shorter right so the handguard on the military important does not extend past the front sight posts so that leaves a lot of barrel exposed it is light to start off with but the problem comes into play when you start shooting off of barricades so if I'm coming up to a window or a wall or something and I need to brace this rifle off of that in order to take a shot you don't want to rest the barricade on the barrel of the weapon if at all possible sometimes you have to but when you rest the barrel on a barricade or something like that it's going to push on the barrel and it's going to affect accuracy it's going to deflect it's going to cause that round to not land where so what's nice about having a extended handguard such as a b c m and c mr is that you have very little that barrel expose so if i go to rest of that barrel on a window cell or a ledge or something like that i'm not going to be pressing on the barrel that allows me to get a little bit further back and not expose the barrel as much and that type of stuff so it's pretty cool now another great thing about having an extended handguard is the ability to reach my hand out further and this is always the what people get really pissed about is they're like why do you reach your hand out so far it basically allows me to control the rifle more so old bang is coming out the end of the barrel right there so the closer I have my hand to the end of the bang right there the more I can kind of control like is in a little bit more leverage on that right that's basic kind of mathematics and science and I feel like I'm rehashing Magpul DVDs right now and so I'm not like a fan of like super like over anything like that but getting my hand forward is nice it allows me to control everything and also allows me to get an easier length of pull so when you're holding an AR and you're bringing it to your shoulder you want a good length of pull you don't want to be sucked in where you're having day like really pull everything out you want to allow your kind of your natural bones and muscles to kind of allow that wrath to be pulled back into you so with a hand grip further out that allows me to not pull the sock quite as further out to get a good length of pull for myself so right there feels perfect to me about two klicks out now I know Frank Proctor's gonna run in here and be like you should do it all the way out and I get it Frank Proctor you're an enormous man though you're very tall at least I think so but length of pull matters so on an m4 because the handguard is so short getting out pretty far is not very far at all so because of that to get a good length of hole I have to pop the stock all the way out on the m4 now what that actually does is it overall makes the length of it just a tad longer than the civilian when I have that pulled out for the proper length of pull so that is another reason that I like hand guards that extend out a little bit further now of course there are other military m4 s that have rails that go out and that are free-floating that type of thing so this isn't to say that the military hasn't already figured this out but I just want to point out in this particularly military style them for that it is a definite problem when it comes to length of pole okay next thing is going to be barrel profile so barrel profile is underneath the handguard that you have how much metal is taken off you know how thick is that barrel and you know is it thick all the way to the end or it's a taper or was it do so a lot of military and Poor's you have a so calm profile barrel which works in certain applications like militant mounting and like an m203 or something like that but might not be the most advantageous to ish to a shooter so BCM uses like the enhanced lightweight profile and some certain other profiles use like the Hanson profile in that type of thing where it tapers down the point is is that barrels weigh a lot there they encompass most of the weight out front of the rifle so a good barrel profile that has a good balance of thickness of the barrel to tapering to ensure that it's not too heavy is going to be important and that's where the civilian AR really kind of shines because they have a great barrel profile and because that's a little it's a lighter weight out front that allows me to drive the rifle now of course a lighter weight barrel it's not gonna be able to tolerate heat quite as much under extreme sustained firing but that is kind of another topic for another day so next is going to be lower receivers when it comes to lower receivers there have been some really cool advancements made in lower receivers since the you know m16 was first conceived so we have like the Radian attack lower which allows you to lock the bolt back off the mag release so when you're trying to clear my function that's just one less step that you have so it's these cool things like that that are innovative and kind of have pushed the platform further further there are some really awesome triggers now on this civilian rifle I'm using a guys II trigger guys the triggers are my favorite triggers BarNone because they use full powder springs so there have been huge advances in triggers it and a good trigger can make all the difference when it comes to making long shots close shots that type of thing so they are bounds and leaps superior to military mil spec triggers and that type thing now you can get really good at mil spec triggers look at guys like mil spec mojo on Instagram he almost exclusively runs mil spec triggers and the guy's a complete beasts so there's no doubt but again if I can have a product then easier to shoot and can still function just as reliably why wouldn't I take that advantage so that's kind of my point here finally charging handles there's no doubt that the coal charging handle works but for one-handed manipulation the rating is my personal favorite I think that they are the best charging handles on the market they're slick they're easy to grab on to they work really well if you don't like the larger wings on the radian raptors they have the radian s l's which are smaller I call them the small Raptor s mo L but that is not their official name but I'm trying to change it finally we have optics and mounts so in this case we weren't so much comparing mounts but when it comes to optics there are of course and miniaturized optics that are just as reliable as the larger optics that we're used so the aim point comp m4s is a excellent optic massive battery life it rocks I get it but then you have other optics that are miniaturised like the aim point t2 the aim point comp m5 they do just as well that had battery lights that are just as large and are just as reliable or more reliable and are smaller weigh less and that type of thing and of course military mounts are typically a little bit heavier now you have some really excellent mounts like the ones from scalar works that are just very well made very lightweight very robust so there have been changes there between these two rifles you notice that I'm running a fixed front sight post so on the Gucci tout AR I am running a scalar works front sight post I just like them as a reference point when I'm shooting fast I'm looking through the optic kind of helps me keep on target and of course on the military and for it has a fixed front sight post the difference being between these two is that the front sight post here just allows the system from being free floated which can affect accuracy like we talked about earlier burst the civilian where I had this mounted to the rail and it's still a free float handguard so as the difference between the two but ultimately yeah the civilian Gucci de AR is a smoother recoil impulse is easier to keep on target and all that kind of stuff but even with all that I still was pretty dang close on my times with military him before and that's because I trained training is what matters they're really nice rifle is really nice but if you're not shooting a lot of rounds if you're not practicing if you're not dry firing if you're not actually getting in there and taking that time to really push yourself you know you're not gonna be good so if there's anything I hope that this video illustrates the site yeah it's definitely a superior rifle you know no doubt superior but if all you have is you know a plain j m4 or even you know a less Gucci doubt civilian AR I go and practice you know the guys can can go and brag online about how cool and Gucci doubt their guns are but if they're not shooting them you know what's what's the point you know guns are cool but if you own them train with them so that's my only point here guys we're gonna be doing a lot more of these types of comparisons between rifles especially when we start getting to higher-end rifles and even different types of rifles like a cave or say our scar or say RL scar bursae K you know Glock verse another Glock Glock imitators so we're gonna be doing way more of these I hope you enjoyed this video and kind of the drills and then the thought process then the thought processes behind it we have a lot more coming so stay tuned be cool get training cog works bare solutions esoteric Haley strategic which is my dad which is a great company and I've got nothing else are you guys okay I do have one more thing for you guys wash your hands dear God wash your hands wash your hands if there's anything that's gonna keep you alive longer its washing your hands we can prevent literally stop the cold maybe if we wash your hands so please do it and if you stayed here long enough guys you're gonna hit another segment here you're my ultra fans and that is from big and Daddy unlimited now you've probably seen these advertisements all through like Kalia noir and other guys and that type of thing you probably heard of it quite a bit but when it comes to optics and other really cool things that you can buy you're not gonna find lower prices and here's the thing I understand a Big Daddy in limits like a subscription service and all that kind of thing but it doesn't really cost that much and plus you guys can cancel Netflix first off what does Netflix ever done for you so get in there check out Big Daddy unlimited if I need to buy optic I typically go through them because I find the lowest prices through them just straight-up being honest with you guys but yeah obviously you can buy used and you can get cheaper sometimes but for the most part you won't see optics quad is cheap for a while they had Trijicon RMR is that like an outrageous price like super low I can't remember I think is like below 300 ooh is like insanity so get in there if you're looking for optics and that type stuff and check them out they're a pretty cool little service there and that is literally the end of the video you have stuck to the very end there for you or my ultra fans if you've gotten this far comment with ultra fan it's I don't know do something I love you guys take care
Channel: Garand Thumb
Views: 3,728,872
Rating: 4.844419 out of 5
Keywords: garand, thumb, garand thumb, military m4, m4a1, m4 vs ar15, is the m4 good?, what is better m4 or ar15, m4 vs high end ar15, ar15, high end ar15, m4 review, cod m4, bf4 m4
Id: C-ghQZ1_s5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 15sec (1575 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 07 2018
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