Top 5 Rifles For Home Defense

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[Applause] [Music] what's up guys this is the Honest outlaw here and today we are gonna be talking about the top five rifles for home defense before I start that I want to mention my patreon supporters thank you guys very much you help keep the channel moving because of that we have a monthly giveaway for any member of my patron to win and this month it's going to be a pair of range guards from peltor they are electronic gear Pro I also want to mention a supporter of my channel mo comm they leave a link in the description below for $20 off an order of 200 bucks or more I also want to mention we're doing a giveaway on Instagram for another Ontario rat 3 so if you don't follow me on Instagram pop on over there I want to start this video off by talking about why you would choose a rifle for home defense because there's so many other options pistols shotguns crossbows Swords whatever you want to use I like a rifle for home defense for a number of reasons one they're good for any shooter because of more points of contact they're a lot easier to intuitively shoot under stress than a pistol a pistol is one of the most difficult platforms to shoot quickly under stress it also has a lot more power than a pistol so it's a lot more capable of stopping that threat as quickly as possible let's say Michael Myers is in your house for the kitchen knife you want to get him out of there or you want to get him on the ground as soon as possible and rifles gonna do that better than a handgun we've gotta get out of here okay it's also better than a shotgun in my personal opinion for a number of reasons one of those being that a shotgun is a more complicated battery of arms than most people really think it is if you grew up with shotguns you're used to it but the average person that's never shot a shotgun has a really hard time not short stroking a pump remembering what the next thing they're supposed to do remembering how to load it it's a lot more complicated than simply sticking a box magazine into a mag well and racking a charging handle and going or at the very least if you keep your gun loaded which I think you should and a safe spot of course all you do is flip off the safety and get her done any rifle that you're use that is an intermediate caliber which is the most popular type of rifle is gonna have a lot less recoil than your average 12-gauge shotgun now that means a little bit during the situation but it means a lot more for practice I want you to remember that whatever you practice with that's what you're going to do you're not going to rise to the occasion you're just going to rise to the level of your training so the more you shoot and the more you practice with this particular firearm the better you're going to be when a terrible situation Rises if it ever does I also want to mention the ability to cover different ranges with the rifle now a lot of you city guys are gonna worry about that but guys like me who live in the middle of nowhere it's nice to have a firearm that can shoot from zero to all the way to six hundred meters if I have to give it a lot more diversity on what you can use it for and I know when we're talking about rifles for home defense the topic of overpenetration always comes up so I want to talk about that really quick if you're used to shooting guns and you've shot guns through barriers you'll understand that every major caliber that's capable of stopping a human being effectively is also going to go through drywall it's just a matter of fact that most walls in a normal house are made from either drywall or plywood those who are not very effective at stopping any caliber any caliber from nine-millimeter 357 Magnum 45 to two three seven six two 12-gauge buckshot all of those rounds are gonna go through a wall or two of drywall so it's really up to you more than it is up to the caliber to worry about over penetration what I mean by that is it's your house you live there you know where it's going on you know the entry points you know where your bedroom is so you pick where the fight takes place in most cases if you know that there is a house with a whole bunch of house cats right behind your front door try to get off the line of fire meal down to change the direction of the bullet after it passes through any number of different things you can do to change the circumstance to see it and accidentally shoot your neighbor's house cat across the road with all that said let's get right into number five now number five is gonna be a little controversial but I'm gonna pick the Winchester 1873 lever-action carbine this ladies and gentlemen 73 never actually son have you ever seen what this could do to a man this is a blow hole in your daddy's six inches wide one of my personal favorite firearms it is a 16 inch lever action and mine is chambered in 357 but you can get a number of calibers I would pick either 357 or 44 because they are very potent out of that 16 inch barrel very easy to shoot rapidly in case you need follow-up shots the 1873 is well known for a slick action kind of the assault rifle of its day I really liked the 357 because you can also shoot cheaper 38 specials through it making the shooting experience very pleasant and fun to help with that training especially for your wife or teenage son or daughter because it's important to have a gun that every person in the house can use because you're not always gonna be home another reason I really like the Winchester or any lever action for that matter is that they don't have all those scary features of your standard ar-15 like the flash hider detachable magazine it's not semi-automatic so it's going to be legal in almost every state any firearm is gonna be legal so not only is it effective you can fire multiple shots quickly you can hold anywhere from 10 all the way up to 20 shots depending on what caliber and what barrel size you get so you have plenty of firepower you can shoot it very fast you can shoot it very easily and it's legal in every state now I know a lot of you are gonna be discounting that but I promise you if you're in somebody's house trying to steal their TV or rape their daughter and somebody starts firing 17 rounds at 357 your way you're probably gonna get out of that house pretty quickly and that's the point to either make the threat run away or make the threat stop whatever it's doing in the winchester 357 and my personal opinion can do that very effectively even though it's almost 150 years old at number 4 is going to be basically any type of very reliable pistol caliber carbine I'm cheating a little bit there but my personal choice is going to be the X star ep9 because of the price and reliability several others will fit in this category as well the sig mcx the cz scorpion the CM mg Banshee all of these are very reliable very small very lightweight very easy to shoot nine-millimeter forty five or ten millimeter carbines I would personally go with a nine-millimeter because of the cheap ammo again I can't stress how much more important I personally think it is that you practice with your gun all the time and get used to intuitively loading it clearing malfunctions and shooting it because under stress you're just not going to be able to think rationally and I know the extra power of the 10 millimeter or maybe even the 45 sounds appealing but the cheaper cost of the 9 millimeter will allow you to train more and more and more personally I shoot a lot of ammo I shoot a lot of c-23 issued a lot of nine-millimeter I very rarely shoot my rarer calibers even 357 doesn't get out near as much as 9-millimeter does so the more I trained with it the more comfortable I feel with the platform now why do I like 9-millimeter rifles because the 16-inch barrel allows for a lot more velocity on the cap on the cartridge and gives it more hitting power than your standard nine-millimeter handgun would but it still is very lightweight very cheap and very manageable to shoot for a smaller statured person and this is where this really comes in because if you're looking for a gun that your wife is gonna really like to use or your kid is really gonna want to use the 9 millimeter carbine feels like a real rifle while being super cheap and super easy to shoot so it builds up that training personally I like to train with a 9 millimeter rifle because I can shoot steel up close making the experience all that much more fun I also want to mention that rifle is like a 2 to 3 or a 3030 or a 308 are gonna be very very loud indoors and even with a silencer or suppressor on them they're still going to be very very loud whereas a nine-millimeter or a 45 is gonna be much quieter so if you're worried about hearing damage and you still want something that packs a decent punch with a large magazine capacity any of those 9 millimeter or 45 caliber rifles will do the job very easily and shot placement really is key and believe me plenty of people have fallen to the 9 millimeter or 45 just ask the top-center the grease gun at number three we're gonna put a classic especially from 80s TV shows the mini 14 you can also put the mini 30 in here as well the mini 14 is chambered in five five six or two two three in the mid me thirty is a 760 by 39 I have no preference between either one pick whichever one you choose the two two three is gonna be a little easier to come by in the United States it's gonna be a little less recoil it's going to shoot a little bit flatter but these 762 is going to be a little bit cheaper but you have to buy it in bulk online and it's gonna hit a little bit harder but it's going to be a little harder to control so whichever one of those two you choose both will work great I really like this particular rifle because it has a lot of the advantages of something like an 8k or an ar-15 as far as the ergonomics and the detachable box magazine yet still it doesn't have a lot of those evil features and it has a very classic look with the classic stock in a lot of states in the United States you will be able to buy this where you wouldn't be able to buy an ar-15 so it really is an ar-15 alternative that works almost as well 95% as well without having to worry about some of the legalities the mini-14 also has that very reliable very classic m1 grand action in it and that is a very proven system did I mention the mini-14 has a very cool look that's another thing I wanted to talk about about the Winchester 1873 as well both of those firearms would do well as a wall hanger as well as a home defense weapon [Music] at number two I'm gonna put the ak-47 or any 8k variant for that matter you can pretty much buy them in any caliber you want two two three five four five seven six two which ever one you want to buy I like the ak-47 because it packs a hefty punch it has a 30 round magazine it also has many accessories available allowing you to customize the rifle however you want even has options to put rails on it even some come with rails to allow the use of a red dot which is a big advantage up close it allows you to easily mount a weapon light which I suggest on any home defense weapon I know the other firearms have that option as well all except for the Winchester 1873 but if you're in a pinch you can always duct-tape a Maglite to it what's really not to love about the ak-47 it's been around a very long time it's probably the most proven and definitely the most popular rifle in history it is extremely reliable reasonably cheap will work under any adverse conditions hopefully there won't be adverse conditions inside your house in case you don't have a roof but if you don't have a roof the ak-47 is a great choice the only thing that really holds this back for me from being the number one spot is I don't think it is quite as economic as the number one spot due to things like the safety and the fact that it's just a little front heavy for some smaller stature shooters I also want to mention the fact that the ak-47 because of pop culture today is the classic bad guy gun so if you are in a court room in front of a jury this is probably not the gun you really want to be showing that you've shot a bad guy with simply because of a lot of biases if you're not worried about that then the ak-47 is a phenomenal option and has been very successful over the years now we'll get into some quick honorable mentions I want to mention the Galil it's a great rifle but it's pretty hard to come by in the United States it's also kind of expensive the Tavor and OGG are also both great bullpup rifle so bullpup would work very well inside age-structure that's what it's designed for six two inch barrel makes it a great package without losing velocity well over again they're fairly hard to come by and they are very expensive compared to some of the other entries on this list I also want to mention the mighty Ruger 10/22 it is very popular it is extremely easy to shoot the ammo is very cheap and it's really fun to train with the only problem with it is shoots a very very weak round in the 22 long-rifle that is going to be a serious problem if you want to stop the fight quickly you got somebody on the other end of your hallway with a butcher knife it would not be the perfect choice so ever you can put 30 rounds of 22 downrange very quickly now finally we're gonna get to number one but I bet most of you can guess what it is already I know it's the obvious choice but it's obvious because it's really the best choice especially for people living in the United States it is the ar-15 or air 15 variants now the ar-15 is the perfect choice for home defense for a number of reasons number one the 2 2 3 or 5 5 6 is very effective up close and at an intermediate distance while still having a very light recoiling and manageable platform not to mention it's very very affordable some ar-15s even coming in as low as $300 so though I would suggest to you to buy a more premium air 15 like a BCM if you can afford it the parts the ammo are all readily available and very affordable as well making it very easy to train with and the rifle itself is a very fun platform to shoot despite the media bias you can also get a ar-15 pistol in for a home defense gun that is what I would really suggest I know it doesn't meet the criteria of the top 5 rifles but a pistol ar-15 chambered in two to three with an arm brace is very effective and with the very short barrel makes it easy to move around structures if you had to grab a child in another room or if you had to go rescue your gun-toting granny in the attic it would be easy to move around your house and also it would be easy to shoot one-handed if you had to if you had to carry your kid to safety if you had a seriously bad home invasion scenario where it was three or more intruders I wouldn't want anything else besides an ar-15 the only downside to an ar-15 in my opinion well actually there's two number one it is very very loud being a very fast very lightweight round it does cause a lot of hydrostatic shock when it hits but it also causes a lot of noise when it breaks the sound barrier coming out of the barrel that is made worse by shorter barrels and it's made even worse by being inside a structure so if you're gonna use it I would recommend some electronic gear Pro if not it certainly wouldn't kill you and you are very unlikely to run another situation the first but if you're out there and your binary or 15 why not pick up some ear Pro I hope you like this video the criteria for what makes the cut and what doesn't is basically a system that's easy to fire reasonably easy to find runs a cheap cartridge so it's easy to train and the rifle has to be able to be used by any person in the house from a twelve-year-old child all the way up to an 80 year old man it also has to be reasonably cheap that's why I ruled out guns like the scar 16 because if you can't afford it it's not gonna do very good not to say the scar wouldn't work it would work great it's just kind of unobtainable for most people with its twenty five hundred dollar price tag if I forgot some things leave them in the comment section below if you want to disagree with me also leave that in the comment section below please help out your local homeless shelters and remember to recycle I'll check you later oh it finally fell over oh my god that's funny [Applause] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 630,580
Rating: 4.905303 out of 5
Keywords: rifle, home defense, defense, home invasion, robbery, self defense, protection, home protection, ar15, ar-15, ak, ak47, ak-47, mini 14, ruger, ruger mini 14, tavor, steyr, aug, steyr aug, hk, hk 416, scar, fn scar, colt, m4, s&w, 1022, ruger 1022, 10-22, 223, 22, 45, 9mm, 556, best 556 rifle, best rifle, worst rifle, top 5 rifles, top 5 ar15s, cz scorpion, extar, ep9, best rifle ever, all time, bcm, daniel defense, mk18, m1 carbine, winchester, 1873, lever action
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 17 2018
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