Firearms Facts: AR-15 vs M16

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welcome back everybody this is Eric and Chad here with Iraq veteran 8888 today we've got another firearms fact episode for you and we're gonna be talking about a very common misconception when it comes to the AR okay is the difference between an m16 and an ar-15 there's so much confusion within especially the mainstream media and even society at large is just completely ignorant to the basic facts that there are two very different guns they might have a very similar outward appearance they might look similar and they may have some similar functions but they are two different things and we want to discuss what makes the two so drastically different and look if you want to learn more about firearms technology definitely check out the folks at STI they are a great group of people Sonoran Desert Institute they've got great programs when it comes to gunsmithing reloading firearms technology anything within the industry they're a great resource to look into so check them out all right so let's kind of dive into this a little bit you know anytime something happens okay and let's just say a tragedy occurs where if there's some crime the typical I guess it says somewhat in gun gripe territory this is almost a firearms fact slash gun right but what tends to happen is the mainstream media wants to spin oh well this crime was committed with gun a right and then they want to go on YouTube and get b-roll of a full-auto m16 like shooting full auto and acting like someone can just waltz into the store and buy that commonly as an item and they want to spin the narrative to fit you know basically their agenda and not what the actual facts are so they want to mislead the public through giving really really crappy advice and crappy data weapons of right you know so so look let's just start off by saying that the primary difference between the two rifles is that one is select-fire and one is semi-automatic only and with select-fire what we mean by that is on a standard and on a standard AR okay you've got a position for it safe you've got a position for fire what they mean by select fire is that it can go from single fire which is a standard you know one shot per trigger pull like every air 15 but on m16 you have a third position and it makes the gun shoot full auto okay and that's an m16 m16 is a military designation for a military gun right so we talked about m16a1 in 1682 a-three a-four m4a1 alright all of those designations are for a military firearm okay so to call a standard ar-15 an m16 or to call it an assault weapon or a machine gun it's just not only incorrect but it's just downright ignorant oh yeah especially when the mainstream media puts this information out there and everybody takes it for gospel and they don't have all the facts in place so yeah I mean the big thing is the fire control groups and everything between the two platforms is drastically different there are some definite similarities but you're not gonna just make an ar-15 just a machine gun just by like shaving something down and this doesn't work that way and that's FUD terminology like all these funds go oh yeah you just do this and it's fully automatic man just saved that disconnect out a little bit bombed a hammer a bit and you've got machine gun boy no it is it is it's an entire system that depends on an intricate and precisely placed set of variables and parts that have to occur in order for that to happen there's entirely different components and the lowers there's no way a civilian ar-15 right off of the Shelf is gonna shoot full auto it's just not there the parts simply aren't there the geometry and the lower is not there the holes required for the parts aren't even there so without drastically modifying this you're not gonna get this gun to shoot in a manner that the mainstream media says it'll shoot in absolutely it's just not possible so the way that the m16 fire control group functions okay we're talking about a standard m16 fire control group that goes from safe to semi to fully automatic okay and we're not talking about three round burst that's a completely different and more complicated set up but like Eric said the geometry the lowers is drastically different the mill of the millon cut in the rear receiver is much wider on an m16 lower okay there's a pin that has to go through for what's called the auto sear and the auto sear is kind of the heart of this system and what it allows for is it allows for the rifle to be in battery before the hammer drops okay when you're in select fire mode and to be clear this is a part that doesn't even exist on a standard air yes it's not there now okay on most standard ar-15 s that you buy in the store these days okay in the gun shop all right they will have m16 bolt carrier groups alright and what that means is that on the rear of the bolt carrier itself there's this little ledge right here okay now this is full-length this is an m16 carrier this is an ar-15 specific carrier notice how the ledge okay is cut back a good deal this is what actually engages the auto sear on a select-fire lower and allows the system to function properly even if you had an m16 lower and you had one of these bolts in there it will not function in select fire mode okay so if an ar-15 upper has a ar-15 specific bolt you could still even drop it on an m16 lower and it will not function now back in the day I mean this is a Colt this is going way down the rebel so just while we're on the topic of bolts this is a colt ar-15 carrier you notice that it doesn't even have a lug on the bottom at all it's completely void alright there's no way that this can be converted into anything they could be construed as fully automatic so very specific components and you look at the fire control groups themselves the safeties are drastically different you have some various cuts in here that engage with the auto sear as well as a leg that's extended on the disc connector on the m16 fire control group plus you have the auto sear and then you have a specific hammer that has a small hook on the rear that actually engages with the auto sear this is kind of one of the parts of that system to keep it timed properly so the bolt carrier will come forward and basically what it does is the little Auto sear grabs hook on the hammer when you have the trigger depressed the bolt will slam home go into battery that little edge on the m16 carrier will push the autos here and lever it up releasing the hammer and then the cycle starts again so it's a very very reliable and very safe you know operation the system will operation right there's no way this thing can hammer fall there's no way can fire out of battery it's a very reliable system but what Eric said people just get these things misconstrued so much you know they talk about a ours as m16s you know the whole weapons of war thing that the media construes right and this this is kind of like a firearms FAQ and a gripe like you said I mean it it is definitely great territory it is you know just because of the misinformation of ignorance is spread out there my my thing is is I just want people at large whether they're the mainstream media whether the anti Gunners whether they're Pro Gunners no matter where you fall in line in terms of what camp you believe right I mean I'm Pro freedom guy I'm libertarian in terms of the way I view things like I think everybody should be able to you know have ten machine guns in their closet but no matter what camp you subscribe to you need to be armed with facts before you're armed with anything else you have to know what you're talking about because it's just gonna make you sound ignorant if you don't know the proper terminology for what you're discussing yeah an ar-15 as Joe Blow can go buy it at the gun store is not a machine gun alright it's not even close like Chad said there are some distinctive differences which we already discuss but right out the gate I mean you've got an extra hole that's drilled you've got a wider and more specific geometry here in the rear of the receiver so the receiver has to be drastically modified you have to have a special hammer special sear an extra pen for this year you got to have a special safety special trigger it's a complete conversion that is very involved you're not just gonna you know file some piece down and make it a machine gun and and I don't want to mention this now you know understand that your average Joe Blow cannot just make this okay now if they make it illegally that's on on their own but and again I don't want this to be taken the wrong way I'm not suggesting you know that that it doesn't happen or anything like that but what I'm saying is in terms of these lowers right to own and possess a machine gun is a very lengthy and expensive undertaking an average person does not own this okay you're either a manufacturer who has manufacturing license and you make a post sample machine gun or something for demo purposes that's why when you go out to these arrange events and stuff you'll see all the companies that have like full auto versions of their their gun whether it's a Chris vector whether it's a CMM G guard in 9-millimeter whether it's an m16 well no matter what the platform is the manufacturer can make a full auto version of their platform for demo purposes and things like that an average person can buy a transferable m16 lower okay they are out there civilians own this gun okay I want to make that clear that civilians own m16 civilians on full auto ar-15 or basically full auto you know m16s they are transferable they are legal there's a mountain of paperwork a humongous wait time that has to occur a long wait time and you got to have about $25,000 okay so these things are prohibitively expensive for the average person to procure and own it's not a common use thing to and not to mention these are not used in crimes period there has never been one documented case where a registered machine gun has been used in a crime outside of a military personnel okay and they probably stole it from the armory anyway it wasn't even like theirs it was like a issue weapon there have been a few instances where soldiers have gone a little crazy with their issue weapon yeah that the government issued them and done something crazy all right Charles Whitman used issue guns to commit his his his shootings right and he was obviously disturbed and disgruntled and that's another story for another day but civilian civilian-owned machine guns whether it's an m16 of whether it's a belt-fed saw or whatever there are hundreds of thousands of machine guns in private hands and the data is completely conclusive to the fact that they are not used in crimes this definitely turned into a bribe all right but people need to get their terminology right but um we have a video it's a little bit dated at this point but we do have a video called all about the NFA if you guys are curious about the National Firearms Act and how it affects gun ownership for transferable machine gun suppressors or Braille rifles for British shotguns all that kind of happy stuff go check that video out sure the link in the description box but the basis of this video is that the two are very drastic or very drastically different systems right like Eric said they look the same on the outside but their internal function is completely different from one another and you know one is completely legal to just go into a store and just buy outright the other like Eric said it you can't own it and that's one of the other things that's really expensive that's one of the other things that's misconstrued by the mainstream media is that you always hear these people talking about Oh will you know machine guns have been illegal since blah de blah they have not been illegal the laws were changed to where you cannot buy a newly manufactured machine gun prior to 1986 you can go into a gun store and you can buy a mac-11 or mac-10 or an m16 and it calls basically the same as anything else yep you just had to pay the $200 tax on top of that and then file your paperwork and wait register and all that happy still it was not a small amount of money that so after 86 you could not do that that's why the prices have steadily been increasing okay supply and demand finite supply increasing de mais de man so but anyways okay something else important that we need to talk about go and say alright so this is gonna be another gripe in itself but AR okay we're gonna talk about terminology and such and how people get this stuff mixed up but AR does not mean assault rifle Armalite rifle is what AR means that's another thing that the media gets wrong all the time and people get wrong out there - that's right ah alright now there's something now it's very important about this video and guys this is just data right okay so let's let's switch over to the ar-15 so the the left media and let's just say the extreme you know forward-thinking mainstream media who to report things completely wrong what happen when you believe I wouldn't call them for think and I call them progressive they they're progressive which is not the same thing exactly but they would have you believe that the ar-15 itself now let's just forget the m16 forget select-fire right we've we've already established the fact that standard that most civilians do not own a select-fire m16 right you look at Walking Dead or you look at different TV shows and they always have machine guns they they want to act like every civilian just has a pile of machine guns laying around it's not true okay get that out of your mind all right so let's get that out of the situation let's move completely over to back to normal Ville okay so this is a very very commonly used and owned rifle and ar-15 is extremely common there's millions of them in private hands alright and despite those millions of ARs being out there in circulation within the and within our country such a small number of them and you are used in crimes that the data is almost I'm almost inconclusive so we're talking such a small amount of data that it's almost can't even be considered like a percent it's it's literally an iota of a percent of the total guns and circulation that are actually using crimes so they want to lead on like every time there's a shooting every time something happens that this is the culprit and it's just simply not true you have a higher chance of being killed with a ball peen hammer or shovel or by gravity then you have being hurt or harmed by someone armed with an AR or m16 now if you want to consider in 1600 that data is super super inconclusive because they just simply aren't used in crimes just like suppressors aren't used in crimes up to this day I believe only about three crimes and the entire history of the United States have been committed using this oppressor think you have a better chance of bitten being hit in the head by an asteroid you have a better chance of getting eaten by its ouranosaurus Rex than you do getting killed with one of those guns and and it's just the fact of the matter is when you look at all these things that kill Americans right heart disease right look how many people died from heart disease look how many people get in car wrecks right did are you talking oh we need to do this and that with cars oh we need to have stricter background checks for people that buy a car or get a driver's license or or oh when you go rent a giant panel van from Home Depot that you have to pass some special background check in order to even rent a panel van No so it becomes an issue to wear guns and the Second Amendment are the only thing that gets treated like this society at large needs to understand that gun owners are not the enemy of the public safety at large the mainstream media wants to create this facade that guns are the problem and it is just not the case it's all propaganda today they are adhering to a very strict and controlled agenda that's being pushed by their handlers now for what reasons we won't discuss that in this video but the average gun owner in this country is not the enemy of the people gun owners in this country are some of the most awesome people you could ever run into and I didn't want this to turn into a gun gripe but it is totally in gripe territory because you know besides the technical aspects of these of these devices right being two different things okay besides all of that it's a cultural problem that we're running into and we have created a culture of people who want to ignore statistics they want to ignore the facts and then want to use nothing but knee-jerk rhetoric and emotion and just complete illogical thinking to determine what you and I should have to do with our lives just because they have a horrible disposition about and insecurities about the way that they live their lives they're so insecure with themselves as people that they can't stress themselves to make a logical decision so their needs your reaction is well since I'm so incompetent to make a decision based on logic then I automatically want to apply a blanket statement to everyone else around me and go well I have no business owning a gun so therefore nobody else should own a gun too and whether you want to believe it or not that's their logic now a lot of these people are instilled with this fear just from you know listen to the mainstream media and listen to politicians out there anti Gunners and stuff that you know guns definitely are the enemy okay and that in order for you to be safe you need to trust local law enforcement okay and you need to trust the government so that's how they kind of brainwash people and propagandize people but like Eric said okay we won't just lay out the facts in this video that these two systems are drastically different and how they're misconstrued in the media and such but hopefully you guys can see from this video that you know they are drastically different systems okay and you can't just interchange one with the other it doesn't work that way you know but we just want to lay the facts out there for you guys okay so hopefully you came out of this video a little bit more well-informed Teran educated and maybe your opinions have changed yeah I mean okay so picture this as two black sports cars okay both of them are fast both of them get from point A to point B it's just one of them does it in a different way one of them has a different engine under the hood that's the only way to look at it that the base technology in terms of what each one does is relatively similar but just one does it in a different way it's a different engine under the hood versus this sports car that's the only different there they're both tools they're simply tools that's all tools so guys thank you for watching today's video we hope you enjoyed it and I definitely want to take a moment to thank all of the people who support our channel both from watching our channel as well as financial contributions if you love our channel and you love what we do consider donating on patreon or going over and purchasing or pre-ordering a man can over on our website man cans is a monthly subscription box that we sell to help support our channel so if you love what we do also on ballistic you can go and check out t-shirts all the t-shirts we earn you know money off that goes right back into supporting the channel supporting our efforts um we are politically active so if you'd love to support our efforts there we graciously appreciate any support you can give so thank you so much for watching today many more videos on the way all right there's a lot to talk about so we'll see you next time and have a good one take care guys [Music]
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 312,818
Rating: 4.9028316 out of 5
Keywords: iraqveteran8888, iv8888, ar15 vs m16 difference, ar15 vs m16 bolt carrier, ar15 vs m16 lower, ar15 vs m16 bcg, ar15 vs m16 trigger group, ar15 and m16 difference, colt ar 15 vs m16, firearms facts, firearms fact, ar-15 vs m16, ar15, m16, how it works
Id: qowqgLGmzxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2020
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