How to Shoot an AR15

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welcome back to the warrior for textile 216 training center where we were going to be forming our wonderful test it approves imp obviously Zeb's datoria Portobello is bullet proof as well as powerful on the lathe machines that they're volatile 100% bulletproof he stands but as I do not let's prove it now we will be forming the disk commence here is a hundred percent success rate these are tests you can see for yourself what I call that this is where the bullet exited the shirt leaving the person inside completely harness travels around the first yes exactly what happens is the bullet circumnavigates using circle differentiation it takes the person inside completely harmless and ready for that there you're not bulletproof boy your quotes a boom no not bulletproof definitely not bulletproof hi guys arranged a we have gotten so much crap that's required it arranged now I went and got this sweet car from Walmart it's probably gonna fall apart in in like 30 seconds but this is gonna help us out we're governor's gun club this is in Kennesaw we get up here about once every month or so we get up here anyway pretty good time we're gonna run a gun make some videos it's gonna be grand old time so yeah here we go [Music] [Music] you I was happening folks I'm in Kennesaw Georgia governor's gun club having a good old time with my buddy Eddie say hello to the people how are you hey how are you very good so in this video we're going to teach you how to rock and roll in ar-15 the idea is to be able to shoot accurately and quickly without trying so hard that means we rest on our technique but Before we jump in that you gotta choose a gun I've gotten three babies for you to choose from so you gotta choose wisely you want to take beat let's say all right here we go so these are all AR pistols this is a five five six this is a 300 blackout with vortex razor lpv oh this is my land tack probably my favorite gun and it's also in a pistol five five six let's go oh hi guys so Eddie's a former grunt he knows how to run a gun but what I want him to do is just have a real jacked up platform so I have something to fix Oh Eddie let's go ahead and face downrange and present in a terrible manner [Music] alright now you laugh at this for grip I immediately see it but if you got to clear room for like eight hours this is about the only way you're gonna be able to hold it with any longevity so if you look first and foremost you see all this space in between his shoulder and the buttstock and that is really really bad it could be even worse as some people will put their rifle up here and you'll see the energy of the gun recoiling over the shoulder so as soon as that shoots you're going to lose your sights and you're gonna have to find them find them and that's no good similarly sometimes folks will have a bright forward to low and that means when they try to get a sight picture to try to get a sight picture they'll have to push their head way down and then flag their shoulder up really high like that and all that amounts to being really slow and sometimes you present your gun and you don't see anything so the real goal go and relax is to have the top of the buttstock or brace right here at the very very top so that when the gun recoils it's going into kind of your bones sometimes guys are big lats up here like this kidding I'm working on that though right there even so right here I see a little triangle I'd rather not have that and so I'll even have them come in a little bit more into his rifle and you'll see it kick back in place now I also see a craning of the wrist right here it's not too bad but I'm looking at his general links of pull and I would prefer it go ahead and face straight up and grab the pistol grip if you'll look here go ahead and come right arm right angle with your arm you'll see right here it's a good quick way to test your length of pull pretty good right there I think he's gonna be a little bit more comfortable just one out one click out and let's try that now all right very good see we have this big mess which I hate as well and as we kick it back you'll see the energy kind of pushed through the shoulder my goal is shooting quickly and accurate is the name of the game I'd rather him push into his gun a little bit more and it's not accomplished by squatting forward it's more by taking your energy and leaning it forward onto your toes so let's lean forward on the toes on the toes on the toes yeah very good starting at the feet I would like us to be in an athletic stance if Eddie put his feet side-by-side and what's called a horse stance you could see quickly as he hits it rocks back so it doesn't really matter how good all this stuff is if your feet are side-by-side for shooting quickly rifle or pistol it's gonna rock you back and rock back rock back and rock back so we want to kick back one foot not too much let's come in a little bit more should be pretty comfortable but this by putting all your weight on your toes allows you to sprint forward sprint left and right meal good meal drop to a knee and you should be able to do all that come back up and you think transition right transition left and so your weights on your toes so that you're poised ready to sprint in any direction drop to the transition manage recoil and have that good old fighter mindset suffice it to say let's get our feet right here I still think he's a little too far out and a little too narrow like this so he's a little off-balance right one way that I'll teach folks to accomplish their feet go and relax recover all right here's hey just face the targets it's good enough punch over just to touch stand by me and I'll be all right just face the target hips toward the target chilling out now take your right foot and just bring it back about 810 inches like that and then literally just bring your arms up right here and lean your weight forward onto your toes and that's going to be a pretty darn good shooting platform let's come a little bit wider right here and don't lock out this nice slight bend leaning forward on your toes that's much better now the next thing I look at is the the brace or buttstock whichever one you're running you'll won't want it on your shoulder I made a video every time to relax I made a video before on this where a few different times and people like way to put it on your collarbone you idiot and like not realizing I do this full-time professionally no big deal doesn't mean I'm right it just means give me the benefit of the doubt here bro now I you can put it directly on your shoulder but generally what I'd prefer you do is put it in what's called the pocket of the shoulder so here's your shoulder if you put your arms straight out you'll feel a muscle right there inside the muscle is what's called the pocket of the shoulder and that's where I want you to put a rifle right there that allows this muscle to kind of squeeze it in and you want to have a good push again so they have a good platform which with the rifle can reciprocate against right there it's really important in your in your platform you really have two bookends the shoulder and your fore grip which really works to sandwich and squeeze the gun and hard like this and it shouldn't be a real muscular thing you shouldn't be trying really hard it's more of your bones pushing and pulling against each other so we'll have more points of contact in between here but this is the main is the hard push and then a nice pull so let's go ahead and do that and what I'll do let me go ahead and borrow this gun you wanted to do what I said before it's just keep one foot back very good let's pull it out a little bit far so we're not in a slalom ski go ahead and put your arms straight out straight out and when it goes straight out right here I'll be able to have this muscle right here now it's on his collarbone that doesn't look comfortable does that no no it doesn't so if you lean your body forward all of a sudden it flattens out it becomes much nicer so when you're standing upright hurts the collarbone when you lean forward this which is budding out or jetting out all of a sudden sits nice and flat and when you pull this up kind of flexes that muscle and my collarbone gets lost under kind of the sheet of muscle that generally we're all going to have right there let's run this other foregrip out like so and it should be right in there now Eddie's muscle right here is really working to squeeze this rifle in right here so when he shoots it's not going anywhere if it's on the shoulder and say his shoulders relaxed back as he shoots all the energy goes through this sole this lone shoulder and it starts wiggling around which sucks some newts will kind of Weaver out more and when they shoot it just kind of goes for a ride they have to fight you have to have a stable platform with which the gun to push against so it can have an immediate recover right where you wanted it to be so right there brilliant very good elbow down awesome now this for grip can be problematic because it depends on what you want to accomplish if you're a competitive shooter just wanting to run a competitive shooting stage and you need 20 seconds of Awesomeness but if you run this hand way far out we don't have much rail available but if you ran this way far out so that he basically had a lock out of this arm it's hard for you to see if you could see it from underneath a lock out of this arm right here in pushing the arm way far forward like this it allows you to have an amazing ability to control the rifle left and right and to keep the rifle from or pistol from moving upward if you put a thumb over on top like so it will absolutely help keep the muzzle down and so as you move your arm out it amounts to more control on the gun the problem is is the only real muscle that's holding all this stuff up is really this delt right here which gets fatigued quickly and after about 30 seconds to a minute all the advantages you would have with this extended for grip are basically lost if you come way in here like Eddie was before you can hold a rifle especially if you stand up more right like this and let it wait let it rest on your bones you would really be able to hold this rifle for an extremely long time and so a lot of dudes like I remember clearing rooms in the Middle East where we're taking down a city it literally I've cleared non-stop for six hours non-stop kind of thing and so this was about the only way that you could hold it right there for any length of time generally for my general purpose shooting though I have a warm cup of boards kind of thing where I go about midway out put a thumb over on I take this finger right here and I basically try to point it at my target because of this muzzle device that's pretty dangerous without a hand stop so I'm about to put a hand stop on this rifle but if you point and that goes over the muzzle device on this Landtag dragon break you will wish that didn't happen I would be really horrible but anyway this is a pretty darn good platform now that elbow right here is going to be bent and generally people drop the elbow down which can be okay especially people try not to get it shot up but when you run your hand out more it's not making a bigger platform that you're gonna get hit with right but when people fatigue when people fatigue and they're shooting and the gun jumps up and you're trying to shoot quick and you're tired generally the rounds will start walking down wherever your elbows pointing so I like guys to be able to lift their elbow up and drive it out just a little bit so go ahead and get into this gun and present pretty darn good right there that looks good it's a little bit too much of a shake I'm wondering if you're pulling too hard in or you just been holding a rifle for a long time but yeah yeah yeah go ahead and let it rest very good all right let me see if there's anything else to pick on about going Brazil all right very good again he's doing that kind of slalom ski where if I pull him over he falls and pull him over so I'd like your legs to be a little bit wider and hips pointed at the target that's fantastic lean forward keep both eyes open you don't need to close one on a red dot if you see a red dot through either eye you're good to go and you would hate to lose half of your vision and a gunfight go and close that eye again very good all right cool great and open it look at that see this no yeah you didn't see it before right and it's not because it ninjas all of a sudden gonna pop out of nowhere and get this close it was a metaphor for all the things that could be in that you completely lose all of your peripheral vision I don't see anything over here all right present good all right this looks pretty darn good now here's the bookends it's the pull and the push right here there's other points of contact as well I'd like him to pull back a little bit with the right hand and then with this cheek I want him to push down just slightly into the gun so you really have one two three and four points of contact all kind of hugging good and relaxed now some dudes will have a problem of not being tight enough on the gun and so it runs all over the place but a lot of times also guys will be just too tight on the gun which means it will shoot and then you're flinching all over the place and that can be bad too it doesn't take a lot of effort or strength to be able to keep that gun still now some instructors in the past have been like all right what you want is like a 70 or 30 70 kind of thing I find that not very helpful what you want to do this is the secret as you watch your dot or your reticle lift when you shoot and then it should recover right back shouldn't move a lot and it should come right back so if you see it make a journey way right and back well you need to be pushing farther on the shoulder right if you see it zip to the left you may be pulling this arm back when you really need to pulling it back and left when you should be pulling it straight back and maybe ease up off this shoulder a little bit right so there's all that kind of what if your gun shoots and lifts up and then drives down and then comes back up you're probably gripping it all too tight and and really fighting against it after the fact relax a little bit breathe bro chill out the goal isn't just to keep the gun from moving at all though that's really nice the goal and recoil management is the goal the goal and recoil management is that if the gun moves and we try to keep that from happening it returns immediately to where you want it to and it doesn't move anymore so that's really helpful so Eddie's gonna shoot and we'll we'll call this video good to go man you guys think that was that helpful is that extremely that was helpful yeah you learn something you know huh yes yes were you in the Corps yes Lord that c1 Army Ranger helping an old Marine you're gonna get mad at me alright guys take it easy [Music]
Channel: Warrior Poet Society
Views: 688,007
Rating: 4.9558334 out of 5
Keywords: ar15, how to shoot, how to shoot an ar15, m4 carbine, AR-15, pro tip, army ranger, navy seal, special forces, special operations, john lovell, veteran, ranger teaches, SEAL teaches
Id: 2yWgvIq9YM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2019
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