Mike Rashid | Hotboxin' with Mike Tyson

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you know it's always been just got genuine love like no one nothing from you but you to be good that's it so then I seen the pot guy like oh this is dope and then I'm checking it about I'm like go on folks wherever because ever loves money I'm gonna see it you know I'm saying I see that as genuine like every solid yeah so let me Epke nected on instagram though it was like it always happen the way it's supposed to happen everybody welcome to another episode of hot box and I'm Evan Britton and I'm Mike Tyson I'm like we've got a blast from the past here baby that means my brother's right here Manny and Mike welcome guys tell me one thing though this is house before we say anything you know I was in a master square garden gym in Phoenix Arizona and I met Manuel that 97 what was there was a 96 or something like that wow man and then you can even coming in my workouts watching them write and watch me work are coming in my workouts then you start sending us to your fights we've gone through your fights in Vegas went around fights yeah the first one I was a friend I thought would give tickets away yeah my friends francois both does yeah yeah that was my first pro fight that i've watched that was a little scary look like he was trying to do something for me when i sit out there no I was telling no I was getting mad that he was fighting so hard yeah guilt really died I remember exactly where I was sitting and exactly what I felt when you hit him with that right and it wasn't you felt listen I didn't feel nothing it felt like I missed right cuz you didn't even extend really you didn't have to pull he came right in juice boom he walked in mmm yeah that was my first experience that was my first on one of Vegas feel seeing all those people in star there was that was a highlight of my life you know when you give me tickets I was sitting oh who was that sitting behind us who's that slippery it was a lot of the narrow one of them they were sitting behind they never was we are excellent season world we cook the shot the knockout you felt it you felt the tug you did just hear Felton right yeah the reason before we get into what they're doing they were just good people and you do that when you meet cookie when you meet good people you just do that with good people you don't have to know much about the weaker people you know this is good pieces connected yes this is good people he need to be around this more you need to see what we do you know the people you don't let for my experience in life I don't let everybody that close to me yeah then you feel good people yeah the people uh there's a lot I'm sure it's a lot might you need so many people and I haven't met as many people as you but so it's a lot you probably don't remember but you would take me out with you we went out right and Scottsdale and stuff like that and not just that but like the stuff that you would do at the gym like you were paid for people's quinceañeras for their kids and like you did so much good stuff for people using I all right so my my introduction of boxing was you that was my error but my dad did send me give me all the Muhammad Ali tape so it was you and Ali all right but as for growing up watching it was you so you as my god Brooke we all from Brooklyn like the whole nine right so I grew up like Mike Tyson is it that's it and not just the boxing side like you're a cultural icon whether you see it or not you are you clearly are right so when we actually met you I was like wow first time you guys met and Phoenix and this is my this and this this was my first time my first time seeing Mike I'm sure you don't number you pull up sitting in the back of a rose voice you got a driver and y'all was bumping boots hanging like a black King Young Saeng bumping wu-tang on shorts casual the back of Rose was ready for the gym ready for the gym Mike loved rolled up in five or six black SUVs and he had an entourage they didn't like me because they didn't know who I was you know why I think they like you because you will yeah I was telling one time I'm watching you train and you just wasn't into it that this particular day and you this is when you had on what's the guy he's a trying to Holyfield - yeah but yeah so you was like half a city mates he said I'm done and then everybody was like good job champ good job champ and I was appalled oh it's not a good job like why they saying this I was too young to say anything I like what I mean but my dad y'all connection was real you know but I felt like you have people around you to just want to be around well I wasn't I can't blame him I would want to be around me to a value like I don't want to be around somebody just to be around like if I care I gotta say yes say some like they was letting you not train you ain't saying and applauding you that's great I hated that I remember one time I came down to the gym like sit man you got your car with you I said yeah he said let's get out of here I said you know what go where yeah it was it was a daytime party in Arizona he got a thing they called it once a month everybody go to one bar what's the name of the bar oh man I forget am vets I think wasn't even a black born the hood yeah that's the Legion he said what is this man it's in the daytime why all these people in here they all suddenly says hey Mike Tyson's in the house Mike said Manny I want to do no signatures of nine I said okay I said I'll handle it I said matter of fact my stakes are raised you only meet Mike I talked to him about it we had a good time we got back your count was mad at me where'd you take him I said man talk to Mike he your boss man Dan guru flew me out to Vegas to see your first show oh I did yeah I remember the we ran into each other at a la fit expose some years back when you was first doing the arm the one-man show yeah and then yeah a ball pops out and and we saw the show and they said you agree I said uh they said it's about $600 I said no just tell Mike man who was here they went back and told you they said man Center back here back there [Laughter] so this is what I want to see - yeah what's been going on in your life man every time I see him is always positive you always look good healthy focused he's always serious man I want to you know a lot a lot a lot of growth um you know I stop boxing earthlike early 2000s and I just you know but you know as you know boxing is a hard sport and training and as soon as I found something I thought like I could make a living I said I I'm good right I don't need to only do boxing more so I did that and along our that route you know just growing up making stupid decisions and you know I went through a lot it's like I ended up you know I got back in the street I was you know doing my thing and then I caught a case a big case it was like kill tonight no I mean you know not as you know it was a self-defense situation and uh and I became a fugitive I went on a run and I don't want to be separated for my children because it was coming hard like Arizona Rome is like no reason there's no logic behind howdy so you know I like [ __ ] it I'm not going to jail so I just left and I wasn't running I was in hiding in plain sight right I was in California next state over and I went through a lot and I kind of I I completely rebuilt my life even when I was in the streets I was still I was growing out of that so I was like you know I would think about my grandparents and how embarrassed I was if they can see me right now so I was evolving at that time and when I when I left I wasn't in communication with anybody that I knew barely would like send messages to my dad and I had I don't know if you remember this part but I've always been really self-sufficient and resourceful you know I've been in other countries about myself and just figured it out so this one time I was running out of money because I'm a fugitive and I hadn't eaten for like two days like and I was like homeless like I didn't tell my dad a lot of this stuff and uh a couple days like I'm rough it out I know I got something coming on Friday whatever and I was like the only way I'm gonna eat is I'm gonna go still and that's raising my possibility getting arrested and it ain't gonna just be four step theft they're gonna Know Who I am and take me back and you know me so I broke down and and call my dad cuz I never did that so it was sold like as I'm talking to him like I couldn't even say it without like my voice is cracked and he didn't finish it he says how much you need were you at and you send me $300 and that $300 was everything to me you know what I mean and you know like I had before that right before that a few months before I had the big house all the cars the jewelry everything Scottsdale it was all gone stripped right I had cars like everything's gone to be in from that to being on the streets like homeless is a huge contrast it's not like I was some bummy cat and just this is my existence now listen brother um the distance from the limo and the gutters just one step one stuff yeah that's true I can attach food I was there like that so that but my dad he gave me that that just man my dad like I felt so much love from him and my dad is the reason why I'm such a survivor like my dad he gave me all the tools so and then my son like once I so I figured out I can get a job right I don't know if I could do anything in my idea would be and the SIS I didn't know nothing I took a chance to apply for a job and got a job okay so I saved up enough money to move in with somebody's looking for a roommate my okay save up enough money to get my own place with a movement and still gonna have a car I have nothing in my arm I was angry like I was so mad because I was a boss in the street and it was people under me that was happy that I was they thought I was done happy life and talking I'm hearing it and I was soaring I wanted to go back and just show up on people's doorsteps and it was so I know that the you know just do bad things to people and my son's mother shot at the Vanessa she sent my son out to be able to stay with me for a little while and I don't know why because I had my life was a mess it really didn't and she's not she's a smart girl so that kid loved me so much it made me love myself because I was like how is this little pure soul why does he love me I have nothing to offer you know I mean and that right there it just lit something in me you know a upward trajectory to not succumb to the conditions that I put myself in right so I fixed everything I controlled my life and that's what I believe I'm the architect of everything that happens to me and that's what I live there so you start working more saving money started a business you know everything was doing great and here it is I got this great life but guess what I'm still a fugitive six seven years pass I'm like maybe you don't care the social media I am is like I didn't intend for me to get big on social media I was trying to avoid it but it just happened and uh people just gravitated towards me and one day in 2013 2014 I was actually sparring and I come outside me and my boys I was sparring come outside taking a break to walk my dog I seen I do walked in the gym and my gym like there's only certain people come in that gym so this do Jiu Jitsu is a black dude didn't look like so it's like you are the gangbanger or powerless you know it's not good you see him right he was just a regular dude and I speak to everybody it was somebody doing he was like nervous like I was weird and then the next thing I know sheriff's car on Marc sheriff's unmarked unmarked sheriff searched they came and his US Marshals and they come hard but they came to me there was like like gentlemen you know and they said yeah we've been following you for a while and know who you are who are you like you tell me what do you know but uh you know he said I remember this guy he said I'll look man you do a lot of good for a lot of people just get this behind you move on with your life you know he took me down to the substation he came in he gave me a pen and paper he says here's your phone you need some numbers I like yes please he said anything you'd like me to do I said can you call my father and he did right he called he called my dad told him what was up and I decide to do it deal with it you know I had to sit I had to sit in California for a while before they actually died I went through the whole process and got out got to Arizona bonded out got a amazing he shot the Brian Russo I love him to death I love by Russo when he was expensive and I want to pay him extra you don't say I know those I felt that way too before yeah so so far they and beat it you know and I in life is good it couldn't be better it couldn't be better than card is great yeah it's amazing yeah so many you you boxing is part of your life I grew up I used to box a little bit PA ELLs of Brooklyn mm-hmm bed-stuy gates Avenue Howard oh yeah but I never went pro but I loved the sport and I made sure my son I introduced him to the sport just so he'll have confidence in himself and he could take care of himself because the difference between a kid who can't boxing a kid can it's a big difference but I taught him to respect that sport don't you can't be a bully it's like a loaded gun you can't play with it somebody come at you even walk away you're in control somebody step too close take care of them I used to get phone calls he's about 14 I get a phone call from the police officer we have your son down here I saw what's going on I said well he's on a bus and he knocked the man out he said the man approached him sexually I don't know okay cool man turning himself yeah what Danny got him and uh he just evolved and to be honest with you this young man had Talent he could have went a long way but he you know he wanted to start a rapping yeah and he got good at that but I still said the boxing he was a natural you know yeah yeah yeah I think that's what it was it was like um you know how my dad but it was outside of there was no support system yeah being a black fighter in Arizona is no teams it's a hard law sir you know so it was just it was it's people understand like like when you got a supplier I'll get it for you right he got his entourage he got that makes it easy it makes it easy it's old fan when you buy yourself doing it it's I used to show up to fights my coaching by myself literally by myself but I'm like this is not fun you know I'm saying and the older I got I just kind of rebelled against it you know what I mean the discipline yeah structured you know anything instruction as you get older you go to repeal mmm I'll submit to it yeah right yeah interesting interesting how that happens I like however though you know it took me a few years like I when I stopped I couldn't even watch boxing cuz I loved it so much not seeing guys that I knew that I was better than me and I love making money I like soccer and watch boxing it took me a couple years all money's not good money though right but when you young he's like man well you know these guys but when I start back you know I love I love boxing with everything right so I got to a point to where I was like I want to start cuz I'm cool with so many fighters I would like maybe I'm gonna start managing some guys help them make some money and I'm talking to one of my guys about it and my son is listening and I like NASA I should just get back in in time throw and his eyes lit up but I did I did I would tell you why Mike I did because I said why I said you only fight yes yes yes I said okay so I did because just a challenge myself it wasn't like I was trying to make a career out of it but just to get in fights shape which is different you know I mean it's hard and and I just wanted that on my my thing before I die you know I'm saying yeah so in some for my kids to be proud of so so I did it last year and it was hard as hell you know I mean it's raining how do you control your emotions in that situation as our I mean that's one of the hardest things in life controlling your emotion it is yes Mike would you say you felt very lonely in your boxing career absolutely yeah absolutely that's why I was after I finished running I would go to some girls house right like if one when I get run that come on cause I'm coming over there he's like fine people to get around yeah yeah yeah but people would think I was breaking training cuz I was going to the girls houses and hitting I was but I was lonely no just over there to talk to someone good after I finished running it was five o'clock in the morning I can't sleep and I'm up I want to talk to somebody I got to do with the exercise tips I said when I do it over the girls house I would do the same thing I have some comfort but I can still hug her or something kids her mom near yeah you should like get up and walk like ten miles to everyone I walked him out I remember one day he called me said Manny I said yo he said oh I met so-and-so on Van Buren I said okay he says uh and I'm going to the south side why don't you come walk with me I said man you crazy no hustle I said 120 degrees out there I said I'll beat you over and I met you it's on used to walk that fast people I read about these great gladiators from each time these creeks and minute I cannot survive a walk 20 miles a Holley invented the marathon by running 26 miles to relay a message so I said I want to do that I mean this walks 26 miles to did it I love psychology my feet felt like they took a [ __ ] blow towards him yeah if it good it was hot now yeah yeah yeah getting shaped like that extreme about being in shape it's funny when I'm before I quit fighting I was like I'm gonna go I'm gonna go go hard with this was around you and I'm getting tatted up my dad I was doing that I'm worried about it and to me it was like war markings right yeah and I almost got your face - I was so people got this tattoo and if you're out there [ __ ] my [ __ ] I got talked out of it I mean I really I don't know how I ran into you talk to your something and you sent me your gloves with that tattoo one there's a lot of the little stuff I gave my son one of the gloves I kept one of them well the best part is what Mike was gonna get tattooed on yeah demeaning [ __ ] but you know that tattoos like a landmark yes yeah you set it out there yes it's a Maori warrior son yeah yeah tell us more about you business than your pop yeah I want to know how well I guess you were around training your whole life basically and what was sort of the first step you took because you're really man I mean you know I hate to use this term just because you're way more than this but you're you're like it you're a fitness guru you know everything you do with training and nutrition and mindset around how how people should approach training and you've got a massive following there and you've built an incredible business I was talking to Sean earlier about the products you guys sent me home with it's my favorite protein powder I've ever tried perfect mate with plants that base we got to get some for here like you would love it it's plant-based vegan okay he's all plant-based it's awesome products but what was the first step like how did you [ __ ] even figure out that you could use social media to promote this way of life and this message well initially um I wasn't trying to social media was starting online all right I used it to like track my client's progress mm instead of um you know having a before-and-after picture I will have a video of when Jennifer can do couldn't do a pull-up and now she was doing ten you know I mean I thought that was more compelling than a before-and-after picture yeah for sure that was getting me more business more clients right so every now and then I told myself up there working out right and people really liked it you know and I think it was just the type of content was attracting people to follow it and share it and subscribe to what I was talking about so then I start doing more long-form videos on YouTube and of my strategies and my training and my training always stood out because when I stopped fighting and I was just lifting weights lifting weights to me it was just too easy it wasn't like when you boxing training you drank you you leave it all on the floor well weightlifting I didn't feel that so I just made it more intense right so and people they thought it was cool they liked it so so it just grew it grew and people just start at at like liking me as a personality or whatever and I wasn't really trying for that I was just got a nice person no money so so the following start growing and then you have but I was still training people and I was getting to the points where I was getting burnt out like like I've burnt out trading feed like all day every day and people will come in halfway through the day and I'm like mad because I'm tired you know I mean I need I need to do something so I didn't take supplements before but then I started taking like fat burners or just for energy and I like the energy but in like everything else I would feel nauseous so I have anxiety yeah so I was like you know what let me I started taking pictures of the ingredients I don't have a science background or any of that so I would take take that and after work our research I will go look up each ingredient and see what it was and try to figure out what did I like in these products and what I didn't like okay once I identify that I start ordering the stuff that that to test on myself that I like so I kind of like started making my own little formulas you know like my kitchen at the time anybody know me on that time my kitchen look like a like a laboratory yummy I'm ordering all the routers and I have milligram scales and gram scales and and I'm just making my own concoctions and then as when your social media grows I'm sure you like because you're Mike you got a lot of people coming at you with pitches like hey you want to partner with this or do that somebody so people start reaching out to me like hey you ever thought about this now and then I had a guy who who had experience in manufacturing supplements reach out to me like hey you ever think about doing this I said actually I'm kind of doing it but just for myself and we started talking about the formula what I'm doing how okay you want to do that for real whatever I guess yeah I didn't think I noticed so we came up with the formula that I came up with and made a pre-workout and this [ __ ] worked out you know so the pre-workout was the first liver first thing yeah and then I kept Adam Warren one more and then that became a real company you know and it grew it peaked because my partner like he was content and I wasn't you know but also I wasn't like over you know I had that company for a few years I sold it last year I wasn't really into those kind of products anymore and this is when I had already stopped eating meat and I was eating one meal a day and I was trying to take my health a lot more serious so one meal a day for sushi with some berries and that justice system is getting less work young opposed to three times a day which system will last longer Verdell good because you have the leaky stomach syndrome you get that yeah it's a lot of issues that's juice in the mornings excuse me juice in the mornings what are you juice many different fruits okay Plus every morning I have a teaspoon of garlic and honey mmm let it sit go right through the head with you go all the way yeah and then I take apple cider vinegar yeah I do a tablespoon of olive oil and vinegar yeah then some days when I juice you don't do this every would I juice beets apples for the taste that's natural sugar beets apples and some celery just tastes nasty if you drink it by itself doing good doing Incan warning you see is so swelling yeah yeah let's say you want it yeah [ __ ] yeah you don't [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] but you don't [ __ ] yeah the truth as a teacher slogan yeah absolutely yeah Mike so you're on the one meal a day as well right which I think for a lot of athletes might think that's crazy mmm you know they keep all the muscle mass that you hold on to listen you know not crazy because listen the greatest riders that ever lived they look at their marrow and a bone they're all vegetarians and vegans and that violent sport now this is violence portly the vegan competitors see I got a I got a notion about the one minute day right and this is watch over you they think is so crazy I might look if you're not doing it you can't speak on it if you haven't experienced it but this is I see we live in a world where there's an abundance of food right we this is new I mean our species has been around for about hundred thousand years we've been kind of civilized for around ten thousand years no no no we've been around the oldest human being for many years I mean our artists our genus or Homo Sapien yeah yeah yes it's a lot of humanism it's funny because Sean and I and my son we've eaten a book sapiens right now oh yeah so it goes into that all the different human evolution but us Homo sapiens sapiens by reader youngest ones we're new right but most of that a lot of that you know like animals you know and then even being civilized about ten thousand years ago it wasn't a lot of food like there's no convenience stores there's no yeah so we will go days without eating and then when you're hungry you go on you go find food on an empty stomach right so here it is we we don't have to do that food is all around us and like it's a it's a reason why there's a quote-unquote hungry mind state yeah that's literal and figurative I know get it when you hungry I don't get it there's no full mind state yeah I'm saying yeah so like when I eat I want to relax I want to keep my feet up you know so to me recovery to I want to go out conquer my they trained do all the things I got to do around five or six I eat and I relax my day is done you know so because I I know me I don't operate well with a lot of food in my system you're not suppose to is the fact your body's working and it can't work when you congested right yeah that's why you have less food you always fentons when I don't have no food I'm always ready yeah no food there's no there's no fuel but it's energy yeah because energy and fuel cycle ah yeah Smike did you eat on days that you fought today therefore yeah yeah yeah I couldn't eat I could never eat tea and that's the thing you can't let your emotions and your feelings control you you eat no you say everybody saying I can't eat my body no you control your body your body's purpose only to cover your brains to serve you your body can't tell you what to do brain was dead tired yeah well yeah for sure uh I get that though and I think I've heard you say that many times yeah Mike about the hungry mindset and you know you're not hungry when you're full of food yeah you know so there's no sense of urgency to go out and do anything absolutely and you're more long ago because you're not as agile more alert and plus from the enemies people are conditioned to eat out of memory oh look what time it is yeah yeah there's not a good habit matter of fact if the FDA right yeah it food is the drug exactly yeah people get addicted to food in their life is over there exactly this day imprisoned in their body exactly you should eat three times a day yeah get your three square meals yeah yeah I know got only 50 [ __ ] if you won't eat let's eat [ __ ] I get it out in a room if I worked for me he was very kids I got a I got a ship first before I could eat again I love he won't leave food on top of food he had one meal he won't even let make sense make sense I tell people all the time it's like food is literally fuel for your body I always faith food is the enemy and so much food is the enemy dear I can be right pork left of all in preservatives preservatives all that syrup and all that stuff left the enemy yeah candy bother and why do you think candy bar the name with masculine names and look like people's dicks you know if I call it psychology psychology the three musketeers pay then that dick me I [ __ ] that pay David Snickers huh Snickers laughing at you Reese's Reese's Jeffery no but really this is totally it's promoted that way yeah candy bother you they hire people did think lemon oh yeah all of that is important I don't eat me right I'm riding somewhere on the little a Vegas and I'm seeing this just a fried chicken barrel I don't know chicken but that look good but I did I say where's that place ass I don't eat me but it struck my attention it got my attention and I said it looks good my minds about don't eat that [ __ ] imagine if I did I would go right there cuz it pulls me I'm gonna give you another example I have a friend shoutout to Gary Gary he uh he's he was Optronics and used to do the eyeglasses and stuff he told me that the owner of that place had a special rug design when you go and sit down you look at the rug your eyes like you need glasses mm-hmm just go in look at that wrong he says I said nice tie said yes Wow I said seriously said yeah that's deep the artists regions a [ __ ] [ __ ] it is like me right if I want to persuade somebody's family in here and their mothers should I put it back let's go to the movie so I get a pack of popcorn I put it in the [ __ ] here this beep microwave take the bag throw it outside opening and parents coming what's that hey my let's go to the movies sure does that cool they get popcorn it's all about persuade is all about psychological this ain't a word that brings them to the moment of better times you know what do you think about my like we know that you conscious of that right and I feel like there's a small percentage of people that are conscious of these tactics and aware of them and we may even use them and most people aren't you know they just don't see it they don't get it you know is there something to that do you think that about having conversations about this recently over the past few days like the evolution of man like we kind of talked about it on our part kept my podcast and I feel like I don't think that people are getting Dumber or smarter I think it's always been the way that it is a small percentage of people that kind of get it a large percentage of people is it really - because um there's more information now even if it's fake information is movement so we under the notion that we know more than somebody 10,000 years ago probably we don't know what about the our notion of like let's say the scientists or whomever before said they got to this point for us to start here and get it at that point you know what I mean and then whoever's after us will build on top of that listen um we're gonna evolve recallers who did it what did how it's been done we're gonna evolve we finally involved to evolve the self-destruction you know me but um the world does still flourish I agree with that I don't think people say that we're destroying the earth I don't think we can I think we can destroy ourselves we can conceive of the earth right we weren't even fully understand what people told it we know nothing about it for it for this you know me for my simplicity we know nothing about this place what who are you who you think he said she'll follow him in him and his lemons woman gets had you and that's it mmm that vessels you know mm-hmm what do you think I just think you will figure it out when it's over mm-hmm you know yeah like thinking about it though think how great death is going to be right for this great thing about death ugly that's gonna be I look at it from that perspective so you think it's a another stage of consciousness absolutely is not is not just nothing just da Pinkett is too thin I think every time I go to sleep I die cuz there's nothing if I wake up I want to know if I was telling nice I didn't wake up well I'm sleep it's just a bliss nothing on the scene I don't hear nothing and I don't sigh nice wake up so the testicle SteriPEN attest that there's nothing mmm that's it's fun is easy I'm having a ball sleeping I feel great I don't know wake up I don't fear death what I fear about that is the fact that I have relationships with people that I love and I won't anymore yeah I don't know well know that in my mind when lights is out is arrived I don't think it's over listen look at your fears you fear that it won't be important when you wanna exist no more that you can't hear your main mentioning your praying them it's your ego torturing you right now somebody and you're not gonna exist no longer what we're gonna do to prevent that listen you've been divinely guided ever since you didn't do this you think you're smart enough to put yourself in the suit that your ego tell you are Carthon guiding you just gonna I'm taking your time to go them take you then too he's been doing it all this time it's like oh stop trying to think it out you never know stop leave it alone thank you let him take that's deep Mike like that I like that Mike so philosophical yeah like this philosophical because we don't know anything but we want to definitely know but we want anybody else then the think that we know something but the fact is how can we tell them that we don't know anything and we try to control everything and we don't have to we have no control exactly that's a figment of our we can't even control ourselves exactly we let it flow and that's where we go I think we can control ourselves for an extent to extent well no you can't stop this stuff from taking the [ __ ] mmm I don't want to stop skin stops yeah oh down well you can control you can learn to master your mind yeah in my abilities betray you because look most people it's like you're driving a [ __ ] motorcycle down a one lane highway a thousand miles an hour and [ __ ] [ __ ] fly animals are crossing people are crossing other cars are crossing and when you don't have any control over your mind that's gonna there's gonna be a lot of wreckage you know but when you learn to master your mind and control your emotions and feelings which that doesn't mean that they don't that they just stop coming that just means you stop reacting to everything you know you get yourself out of the reaction phase and into being able to take action when you feel it's necessary or when you know it's divinely guided like even a with the toad I know you have you doesn't totally be interested in doing anything you know what at for a minute I was right well not the toe specifically about ayahuasca right I didn't know about the toad and Trust I wash myself honestly and I've told me a lot about it but here's the thing so I've been meditating since 2016 like heavily and for me meditation with me eating properly being physically active does a lot for me right and I feel like it's enhanced me in a really good way and the ego dissolution that I hear about so often I feel like I've experienced that however I felt me personally I feel especially in my field of work and just the people that I'm around I felt like my ego is necessary at certain times I benefit from it but I kind of I kind of control that you know so when I needed I pull it out and I know what I'm doing you know but but outside of that I get it and not just that just certain things certain situations that I've been in in life like total isolation you know I've been in you know in other countries for months by myself right with a huge language barrier you know and people having basic English but it's like it's like there's no English so all of that like brought me to where I am now how I think now and you know from what I've heard from certain psychedelics that I was really interested in experimenting when people that tell people that I trust they're telling me the the benefits from it I think I already experienced that you didn't never experience this I know the total is the next level no but knowing the kind of energy that you give off and the kind of person that I believe if you want to be after do the told you would you would advance to that person quicker than you ever anticipated yeah it wouldn't necessarily like destroy who you are you know it would just amplify anything as you are and keep you in there oh my god you do manage to stay out of [ __ ] let me just stay out of [ __ ] keep my nose clean and be the best person I could possibly mm-hmm and that's just what I got from that right made me reach my highest potential so far but you do you feel like because some of my favorite things to watch of yours is your prison interviews you were you were like in a different space or just it shows you know I show people these interviews all the time like oh you should watch this you should watch this you know and in my mind I was thinking like since because I've been isolated you know I was like that's what that is like he's dealing with herself brother my my some of my arm some of my biggest peaks in my own personal growth is when I'm alone when I don't want to be alone you know like I like you like I want to have a girl around just for company like this sometimes being yourself to just you know yourself yourself brings up [ __ ] you don't want to bring up mm-hmm I think it's necessary to face these demons sometimes and you can't face it with people gotta be other demons only come out when you're alone yeah that's absolutely true and some that I've learned is physical pain is nothing to me the emotional pain is is heavy so I really trying to like run after that like that bully I'm explaining this emotional stuff the motion stuff so anything that we have everybody is emotional and the reason that we are emotional because we allow our outer life to interfere with our inner life we let the out here get involved in here and then our motions go [ __ ] whack mm-hm you know it goes whack and so that's why my whole objective is just to be more so distant from out there I don't let this and when you say out there what is that the world everybody out the whole thing out this anything that's outside of my [ __ ] circumference well it's the world and there's my yeah that's peaceful I control the piece in there and if I was out of the world make this in the world I'm peaceful I've lost I might be improvement I might have a choice anything can happen why what do you think was your biggest battle which personal demon for you was the biggest one to fight no self-worth ego I feel like that what like giving yourself to my self worth nothing giving it enough not enough like thing what the [ __ ] I got all this money for why am i doing all this [ __ ] well I mean one of this guy yeah a college degree some more wiser than he ever was so too too much humility no I'm an ability it's not anything have information mm-hmm yo I don't think y'all realize the gravity of Mike Tyson I don't I do and and it's okay for Mike to not get it cuz it would be kind of weird you like yeah I am all of that but might like you like I have the ability of like being involved in things and also being completely uninvolved in things and watching it from a straight laymen perspective and I just want to say this you are like there's certain things I could say right now that you've like nah nah nah like in terms of like boxing and who you are in boxing and combat and sports period like I don't even I don't even narrow down the sports because sports is I mean - boxing is all entertainment so it's all these different types of sports but you you were the king of sports as soon as you beat Trevor Berbick and then as soon as you unify use the king of all sports because we kind of talked about the like people fear that heavyweight champion because you can beat any man up in the world welterweight champion can we respect the lorises cool he's talented little guy right but heavyweight is different and not just that you had you took me in your prime you were a perfect fighter really perfect listen listen Mike I was so much fans of yours even before we met you it was like a family certain things growing up was a family thing def Comedy Jam Living Colour Mike Tyson like who Jordan but Mike Tyson since we were like boxing fans and box and family used used use it right so how you said like whoever you lost to him like here but they couldn't afford this time by that time right and for as a heavy weight you been I remember I had all your tapes and I remember you explaining I was young he was explaining how you being shorter than these guys gave you leverage to punch up punching down there's not much as much leverage to shots don't hurt you to use your legs I remember all of that and you know I held on all of these words and then I was as a child I was mesmerised by your boxing wisdom you're naming boxers I've never heard of you know I made me go look them up you know and I I don't know anybody personally that know as much and I'm friends with a lot of boxers now currently they don't know much about boxing history you know what I'm saying so that that is something you like a scholar and that you know that's just who I am if I was involved with something something box I got involved it I said I wanna know who the first kind of ever did this [ __ ] mmm well the first ever start the first person ever put on the club and so I go from there and I know their history for gladiators that's Thai boxing first from people being scored as captured after slaves they make them fight each other for money and that's they make that's how glad you started making just people quick sense the captive from another army make them fight each other yeah for money interesting yeah so just knowing having a knowledge and having that that desire for that knowledge is is amazing man and I and I go to war people all the time on social media or whatever and and I watch a lot of like different programs and I like to subscribe to smart people and then I at one point um there's one guy he kept driving home the point about IQ and different races have higher levels of IQ and ass [ __ ] and we start diving into like what's intelligence right what about physical intelligence right the physical genius genius mmm there's way more important than some you know scholarly intelligence yeah because at the end of the day we animals and we got to survive you know what I mean so that's the great neutralizer for all of those like yeah but we're animals and I can if I had to take everything you have for my survival I can you smart guy in exam yeah but that's why they have laws right even though animals and with domesticated animals some of us take longer to become domesticated in our system cage cage take longer to be domesticated in the right but but it happens but um but back to what I was saying initially you were the in my opinion the king of sports there's no basketball player I mean yeah Jordan but it still wasn't the same cuz basketball you share victories and you share defeats boxing is you yeah all as [ __ ] hot the highest of high status no to to men when when you when you fought Buster Douglas probably tell you I run into my room late my head my pillow couldn't believe it I was so couldn't believe we all like no you see the count you know when you're knocking down c12 but but you were so important to so many people especially me especially my dad but there's so many people but there will never be another like you got Deontay Wilder and all of these guys no one has like you had the like you enter everything yeah it was the dopest [ __ ] I used to love watching you telling the guy will turn your [ __ ] TV oh why are you interviewing me that you don't saying but that's dope because okay no but look well here that they know here's the thing you're a real better artist it was time so there was times out I've been around you in Arizona and I can hear people around or that's Mike Tyson I'm gonna try to hit them up for money in so you're being poked at whether you hear it or not you're being poked at so eventually you're gonna have to roar on somebody you know what I'm saying as you should you know I agree but I think that's just yeah I mean I really some people might need that the mother and father didn't do it kid grew and something I have to leave it up to somebody else to do it that's why I always have to chastise my kids and let them know when you're out in the world to be respectful because there's some kids that haven't been chastised at home and when they come out in the world that's gonna be their first inclination would being chastised I agree I agree a million percent people have a hard time in my industry like sometime because they feel like I'm aggressive towards them isn't a third but like if you're a bad person I don't want you to be comfortable no way around if I'm around so I do mean something around bad guys know I know the damage they can do right what bad people can do they can do some damage that forever that negativity is terrible the work thing in the world and negative energy come so much faster than positive could even think of it just comes twenty times fast but the good thing is I think we all right here we could see negativity coming mmm could feel it I could be in a room with somebody and they they'll say a few words no same let me get out of here I'm naughty I was reading I was reading about that like it was talking about humans live in a sea of vibrations like fish live in water they just don't realize that they're in it so were you walk in a room if people were talking about you or talking bad about someone yeah even they shut up before you come in you feel it you feel that tension quite right now I could feel it I can feel it well go yeah yes I've been on this earth longer than a lot of cars you know I'm saying really you're trapped in them yeah I mean part you only 4243 listen you guys was talking about the brain and everything the brain is so powerful that you can make yourself do anything that you really want to and I experienced and I only want to tell you what the brain could do I recently went through some surgery where they tapped into my sciatica no about that yeah that can [ __ ] your thoughts I had to walk learn how to walk all over again I did in three months well doctor said well I he couldn't answer the question I said well I answered for you I'm gonna come back and see you guys walking and I walked back and seeing my son who tell you I've been through some health stuff but I survived because the brain he helped me I had a quadruple bypass before I met you right after I met you nobody knew it you guys can't guess my age but I'm in my 70s I could drop right now do a hundred push-ups straight 125 air squats the other day I swam a quarter mile so the number has nothing to do it it's the brain the mind can do anything you wanted to do my son told me 100 pushups right now fight for a fight that you have won you picked the wrong guy that's what I did the total I did the total coaster we have to get in condition we have a lot of work to do you know there you go you know then we have gotten condition I was around 60 65 pounds since I started right hey Lloyd you look great amazing amazing stuff going we purchased a [ __ ] resort in Antigua man we got like a hundred and well under 85 acres I'm gonna run to the restroom go for the hold you down hey if we purchased um we're caught in property of 185 Wow Wow and they they're gonna use your land for the oh yeah it's gonna be a resort for you to Europeans to come over here cannabis friendly and liquor friendly definitely gave us a casino Wow Wow yeah we're getting ready to go to I believe next week is somewhere to Amsterdam it you really purchase a hotel in some restaurant we see okay that's coffee shop I've been out there yeah this is good really the Tyson the ranch is really gonna do something everyone's talking about it really proud to be involved nice ice major and you have a ranch in Vegas right no sore thumbs um I've dumped a Palm Springs husband Springs okay yeah out east yeah there's it really beautiful when is that launch next year yeah yes no way that's amazing can't believe it come very happy for you I'm very happy for the car that god is great can't believe this Mike you came a long way man I agree came a long way and you survived you survival driver drive yeah most cats when it was over the box was over terrible for them I guess um I believed in myself and always had um when I wanted to always had a good foundation support team so I had to get her hand something you said about us and all that you got a good heart you could separate from [ __ ] it was real you know when and that's that's a talent when he offered us to come to the fight the first fight he flew us out to you said he said y'all want to come to the fight was like yeah I wouldn't have been upset if you didn't make it happen but he made it happen you know what I mean you kept his word yeah that that was that was major that's it a lot Lee Davis little things this is this one coming from where I come from the hood I'm now come from right in the lane this [ __ ] Senator suet and I used to know that some of us never didn't I'm like they've been a professional first he [ __ ] wealthy people around you think next to them and you feel good if they feel that you have pride exactly your black men they know better than me I could I could fit in yeah I still got my tickets yeah I got all the pictures like I'm in when custom them I was a little kid 14 he take us to the fight to Madison Square Garden he was a big-time man to back in the everybody knew him so they let us going free we in front row and I thought that was great we had a hot dogs and popcorn eyes to that way then we were in the back room and met the fighters and talked to the fight that's what I want to do and that's just awesome one thing I admire is your your love and your respect and loyalty to cus today and he would you be like he says little man but he's intimidating and that says a lot you know do you think that your career would have taken different turns I know he passed away but maybe he was around longer yeah they're staying any longer yeah because once cut that everybody was just trying going for themselves right yeah you bet we thought we were friends our brothers and [ __ ] when money can't get we were poor all the time we were in the money came on the see world who the [ __ ] are you I knew for Tennessee [ __ ] this guy 15 you know there's a crazy mother he's out to get us now are you think you know the guy you don't know right a lot of friends family a lot of people wanted to hang out come to game I do it I was open I was I really vibe with Mike Wow that was [ __ ] some that Oh God but taking to get you somewhere Oh God I was very open you can't believe like Mike you know I gave away a lot [ __ ] Dennis Rodman my days here be rods just another game Tyson Rancho tennis school he had him on the pot yeah well man I'm so glad that man I was able to help get you guys back together [ __ ] let's not come in real quick come on yeah absolutely talk about the comp that just sex appeal those pants or something don't go to jail like that this is your head but Nadia Ambrose a collective all right so I had already I accompany um you know I'll pop you might see right there all right so um so I had a company Sean had his company we have another party the cup mop my freebies come here is a typical supplement company okay you know so making plenty of money he making plenty of my we were all making plenty of money and we was just talking about like what if we came up with um could we were all evolving and growing you know and we're going to be healthy healthy so and things in a supplement business is not always super healthy is not always that good for you there's a lot of you [ __ ] right right this is the guy who's taking yeah that's easy as easy free love you put that together right so so we talked about look alright we making money but let's start another company and let's make the absolute best products that we can make that's actually healthy for people right it's good stuff let's source the highest quality ingredients right and let's not really let's make it affordable we're not really trippin on making money on this I mean we don't want to lose money but we're not trying to get rich off of this let's just do it just because we can because we can so so we did we did that and it started doing so well like I sold my other company we all just went all-in and now it's just growing like leaps and bounds we toil over the world on this worldwide and we marketed by educating people on what kind of products the ingredients and when you don't know you don't know but once somebody bring this to you information your attention you're like okay I need this you know I mean so and not just that things that are really good for you usually tastes like [ __ ] absolutely that's okay but now I'm alright with that me too but you get adapted to that right apple cider vinegar to sit ahead because you know how good it is for you my customer but for example we found a way to take apple cider vinegar dehydrate while maintaining its integrity and deliver it in a capsule so you don't have to have it be on your teeth and and erode the enamel on your teeth well I don't care about my teeth the fact is I care about your teeth everyone loves when you smile when you crack jokes and laughs I said that's a that's one of the best parts of the podcast solution but we're serious about making the world healthier in every which way and that's what we've been focused on we deliver products I help with that but we also provide the motivation and the programs both work out wise and nutrition wise need to go on business and some kind of food products yeah we'll talk about that we'll talk about that because we actually have ideas for that beyond this agent deals yeah listen my you have no idea the portfolio was vast there's nothing that we can't do yeah I think it's close to you together some kind of way and we should do some [ __ ] health food that keeps you there call keeps your vibrant all that thing is like you watch the game changes movie I know you did because you were you were referring to some of the stuff about it when you eat healthy and when you run your body and fuel your body right your dick is hard that you wake up you wake up hard and you go to bed or and you you operate at a higher love dick stays hard my god they they hooked me I went down and I was on their podcast it was awesome they're down nearby you man so you should go in there will be yeah you should go in and check it out and then once I'm home I'm home we don't leave the house yeah I'm not mad at that from working this rat yeah about God and the kids and love and all that you watch your ality shows yeah yeah what show is he watching right now if any be on face you have you watch like you gotta walk 90 day [ __ ] huh you got a watch murder in the bayou I don't know megavision and about people dying and can i know- no more I'm fascinated by the psychology I don't do that no more put that out my phagocytes gonna sleep with this channel on well that's another kind of fast no it's another kind yeah the following oh I've heard of that good one I think the same way as we're careful about what we consume like dietary wise we're very careful about what we conserve salutely wise yeah we try to attack you're gonna tell me you don't do any negative stuff but you're watching some reality shows oh yes childish stuff is light is light that's childlike I get it a 90 day fiancé we all know this is scripted stuff it is like it's not a cop this lady enough some guests got kilt and [ __ ] and they chop the finger off the head and it's funny like I watched I watched a few of those like making of a murderer and all that yeah and it stresses me out yeah it's been a while yeah this show it's just it's really it's [ __ ] up but it's crazy you have the insensitive to people feeling whatever these are [ __ ] you used to seeing people get shy and did [ __ ] then they should happen to nothing funny something that hey you know what I'm gonna say this but I could probably use a little more of that really I would think that you're that way you strike me that way as how it's very peaceful and loving I know that's why I need a little read a little bit more like grip and grunge and I need to remember that the world is not as peaceful and pleasant as it is in my existence we got we have to make it that way that's if I strive I've taken me here you know that eagle the eagle the eagle wants you to UM be afraid of that [ __ ] it yes well gift a Pew some change yeah dude I'm just on the [ __ ] freight train of change yeah it's my thing my thing I love how can I point something out like you guys in particular and maybe man he uses this word but you guys use the word evolve a lot no you you have this appreciation and recognition that things are always in a state of ever evolution you know constant change and turning over and you know all of the how our consciousness works and you know you have the flow of creativity and ideas and thoughts and the way you observe yourself and we are constantly as an organism like taking all of that information in and bettering ourselves in some way so maybe not getting better you know maybe we only think we're getting better but even think I believe in we're getting baby if you think you're getting better you getting better at the thought created but I'm saying in a tainted vessel getting better could mean not necessarily getting better I think anybody and anything can improve if it wants to if it wants to one I agree if it has the understanding of that and in the spirit of like evolution all things evolving I I'm with it all you know yeah I did I did a pop we did a podcast about who's talking about a neural link the interface that Elon Musk is developing to connect myself to AI and all that stuff yeah I'm like it's great the people in the comments was so negative about it yeah oh this is the mark of the beast oh the government's gonna control your brain oh I'm like calm down like this is happening whether you want it to or not yeah just like cell phones cell phone is like witchcraft you take it back 100 years like what oh it's in a video to some what you don't mean I don't even understand how it works I love it you know what I mean because I feel like there's nothing like things are not good and back good or bad everything is a utility for us to apply it however we see fit yeah some people want to use a flow some people use it for bad you know it's all spirit telephone you look at it from that way let me feel negative right let's talk negative your cell phones on their tracker mm-hm we love it so much we can't get rid of it so nowadays since we have the phones it's gonna change when we die we get the person we love the most our phone mmm decided that phone is I will hmm so when you died somebody's gonna the phone that's that's the coolest thing let you know what it is - is a brain is a piece of ya brain it's a hard drive for our brain I don't think it's all that but um I just say I gotta go back I too much Dwayne you know too much drink [ __ ] all that goody stuff no I have to go back to the in the process of evolution every human being is doing the best they can at their level of consciousness so you are constantly getting better thank my wife for doing see my wife already know my wife and she's no other thing is she thinks she's gonna help the world she thinks she's gonna help Dennis and make Dennis come you know she really wants you know and sometimes when you're a friend of everybody sometimes oh you know what explain that to me your friend the friend that everybody your enemy to yourself yeah like what does that mean because your self purpose is to help everyone else but you you want to help him with this a word about your to it why don't you work with your situation artistry that I know people are so much help for someone else but you know but I love my wife and she has a big heart Monsieur do you think there's a balance that she could achieve where she's doing both listen I think it's who she is it's just who she is and she said well people are we have to accept and love them for even the qualities that we don't think it's so cool right that's when you really love someone if you know you embrace all the qualities really love but that's just part of the game well that that's when you really love for my no that's [ __ ] when you really love somebody you do this in today sometimes you don't love somebody used to things the only the person that was madly in love with somebody would do it's our choices what we do I chose make people with give people the perception that is love my choices but it couldn't be love sometimes you know love is all perception why is it called love why didn't they come wasn't that call [ __ ] why not why is it love what i think i think because we why when someone says love this is a cultist man you know people think [ __ ] out here else you really do I think as the animals that we are we come up with certain rules or arbitrary things that once we all agree upon it then it's a thing it's not arbitrary anymore like like when you say like why is it called love I think because we all like you know it yet that's love man and woman marriage that's what love is about because it used to be different like marriage was like property is like this is my property like a slave like a this is my woman this is my property here's my last name like a slave but now love is or it used to be the merging of great families or like now we're bigger right like Caesar and Cleopatra or yeah clear thought is this partners business you know that was an idea you know love is love love is love can't be tangible gotta be something else because it's thought of it that makes you believe that I have a connection with different enough where I loved with the thought love is just a thought no physical being it's just you do thought of it yeah well here's why I think you do tend to take someone as they are you said you start to realize that some of the things that you think you love about them or like about them they're all ABing and flowing with the things that you don't like like some of the things that you you you may love about your wife or think you really like they might be the same characteristics that on the other hand you don't like but they lead to each other like who we are is a complete thing it's not able to be isolated so someone who's very emotional that leads to them being very caring but maybe also volatile so I was like they all go together so we since we can't separate it you you tend to take them as they are and appreciate all the good things about them and work with them on the things that are not as favorable well if I decide to I will yeah and that's a decision we all get to make yeah what is that decision based off photo excuse me what is that decision based off of like how would you decide why would you decide to accept them or not well when I accepted why would you like what what would you base that decision off all of my experiences to get with the person where I thought experience some people listen this is um from this is a quote from the unknown pimp he's a [ __ ] up [ __ ] but he's all [ __ ] up [ __ ] yeah I get that I get that I like that as well I think that's love yeah you know for sure yeah that's the essence of it we talk about love respect becomes more powerful than love look how many times love has been betrayed other than respect has been betrayed listen they think about the things you did the people you love how you hurt them but think about the things you did with people that you respect you never wanted to hurt them you never want some that you and a bad spot in their mind [Music] 50% right now 15 3 out of 4 marriages don't work yeah because listen listen is here so you go skydiving and you accident sucked up how many parachutes what's the percentage that workman says 3 out of 4 you may go through a gonna go there so why would you good no listen um this is interesting those analogy but reason why we go there because it's a call from God you know look the stupid [ __ ] what my mind doing getting narrow it's time to clean up it's a call for God you know it's bigger than me was about the kids now just their turn to live now it's good it's been a moment scorpy I won't exist [ __ ] you Michael now it's their turn what are they gonna do you know we're nothing in the scheme of things my ego told us with bad [ __ ] we got money we got [ __ ] but with nothing we're gonna die in a moment very shortly see look I agree with you but I also think that we are something because while we're here I mean yeah we got it we're like this right with God with dots on a little ball floating through space but [ __ ] I'm so proud when I see you know my son's report card or my daughter's dance recital like those things and the big scheme of things like when you think about like 3,000 people died in a tsunami like that right how volatile life is but how precious and how good we feel when certain things that we are really into happen you know what I mean these certain experiences see some people and I want to believe that but it is but it's an illusion act movies are not real but I enjoy it you don't I mean I guess I'm in a place where I really are thoroughly I am very like even when I'm speaking to people about health and nutrition I might look guys I could get hit by a car tomorrow you don't even be done so it's not you know you live like but I appreciate what I have right now well I don't have tomorrow well I don't have yesterday I'm right now because your feelings are enslaved by your emotions be they may but but I'm alright with it right now when I grow out of it if that's something if that's an evolution that's to come I mean I'm with you you know all of those things though as we perceive them in many ways are just as real as the earth revolving around the Sun the Stars the galaxies the universe because sure these things don't happen anywhere else nowhere else in the universe that we discovered that we've discovered that we can see do these dramas play out you know this is all spirit we're all the same thing if you believe in the Big Bang we are literally particles of Stardust that made its way into a human form that are now expressing the [ __ ] and all the energy of the Big Bang through human consciousness we may have know the minerals in the planet they made out of oil diamond platinum exactly copper hello we are the fovea deaf way another planet that made the same [ __ ] - so there's all there's an energy there's a gravitational force there is a network of flow between all of these things the Stars the planets the Sun that all of it why would you think that that's separate from us - I don't know I know I know I saw but it's all even I've been embracing AB like this is all natural yeah this is all from the earth is not some mysterious thing and we like this some intelligent person with a brain like mine and yours and yours figured out how to manipulate these elements like alchemists to where we can transport our voices across the world yeah people are looking at us in these cameras what do you think about people there's some you know crazy conspiracy ideas about Edison stole a lot of his technology ideas from Tesla listen listen yeah and Edison's and why was Tesla killed I don't know about that but I know Edison tell you that you gotta be a good stealing I know how to steal so Edison's good hey Bob yeah it's a JP Morgan stole of General Electric General Electric for Mama that's his Copa death that's the Edison coming General Electric and he and they believe that JP Morgan stole it from him that was his scientist he was JP morgan scientist you know it's all all of that I mean those are just our ideas about it being stolen and he made the light bulb if age is so stupid well who and me also the idea of stealing intellectual property property like that it's like where did the first guy get it an idea that floated into his Mon ride on I think J ghoul and look ideals goes like it didn't really come from one person it came from everything right you know right yeah not always who does something first but just who does it the best and gets it out to the most name right and who put their name on it yeah the winners are who writes history you know like I was watching on 300 the other night right there's one of my favorite movies I like that movie but I'm like yeah why are these Greek people got British accents that's not a thing right and then it's like why are the evil people black and Arab you know saying yeah and and I'm like why okay if you're making people look like that why are like the 300 that story is of course is a fiction but it was an actual story that the deeps love lovers right I love it like tell that part of the story you know I'm Sam but it's like okay no I'm telling the story so I tell the I want to yeah at the end of the days whoever's territory writes history it's a greater fighting teams I love it with the greatest for yeah it makes sense like death listen Francis Benedict Arnold we hit anything the traitor Benedict Arnold's the baddest [ __ ] and George Washington army George Washington was jealous a phone yeah exactly yes crazy because that name is associated with he's badass but look at this we done to him right yeah you gotta win to write history West Point all that stuff champion and everything he's done and now he's a [ __ ] traitor pretty much yeah is out there yeah yeah undisputed truthful there probably needs to be a new book Mike maybe you know we blow this up when we blow this up and we get those deals and stuff I sauces yeah and have a world changer vitamin something with Mike and Sean and this six-day art that's DSA stay hard the D Sh I like that well here's here's the mission that we're on we want people to understand that the decisions that we're making every day set us up to be able to take control of our own health Mike Mike I'm a space and so did I where we were focused on our physical performance and looking and performing good being strong like you were as an athlete but we evolved into the state of like wanting to take care of our brains and our consciousness and our relationships and build meaningful lives to us and to help everyone around us and as we did that the products we wanted to make change too and that's why we had to create ambrosia collective that's the products that we make now that's our a brand where we're producing these products that are letting people think on a higher level take care of their organs their eyes and etc not not just their muscles so like one of the things that's inscribed on our pie they you could have big muscles but we want to devote their all of them and we want to take care of the body and that's what our products do right now that's what they're designed to do that looks great stuff no it's all good then we're about to wrap it yeah so listen this is what we're doing now man our company's worth around 300 million bucks and killing the game killing I'm gonna be proud of all of us in here yeah it's real hard and stuff yeah it's been I've spent a lot of fun to be a part of it like they said it's fun to watch it's fun to watch you know I love I love I love where you was at in the 80s and 90s I love ya right now you know it's all about evolving yeah I'm willing from life 10 years now what's going to happen there I love how all your company and from there gonna be new minerals that because I have some energy yeah well I'm like I'm not happy for you thank you from I'm so happy for yeah we can redo that again man yeah tore hell yeah dude yeah and Mike so when I was watching the POC all right so when I saw you in LA a few years ago at the expo so this is how happen I'm gonna tell the story like I love Mike Tyson you know I mean I look at him like a big bro and he was one of my childhood idols right after my father you know so I'm watched somebody there was the la fit Expo and I had no interest in it this is probably 2011 2012 so I'm just hanging out at home and then somebody put on Twitter or Facebook just see Mike Tyson at the expo I'm gonna go see my big bro so I Drive up there by myself and I didn't know where you were at and I just walked in and I happened to walk right to where he was at you would like this you were signing pictures you know you weren't even looking at the people right so I just stood there I just stood there in front of you and I didn't say nothing you had your hand out like for the picture and you looked up it was like look at you this is my friend you told me to come around like look at you look good you just be so skinny in there he said how's Manny call Manny you remember that and you call it you call them that what's up Manny just shut the line down you don't say you know and so you know it's always been just that genuine love like we don't want nothing from you but you to be good that's it so then I seen the pod catalyst is dope and then I'm checking about I'm like yo our folks were at because ed loves Mike I can see it you know what I'm saying I see that as genuine like ABS a solid guy yeah so when me an app connected on Instagram was dough it was like it always happened the way it's supposed to happen when I moved to Newport or the area people's like yo Mike Tyson about here I like that's dope yeah I mean I've even seen you as some UFC fights will be like you know we're all from but it'd be like a game and I'm not gonna yell alright I'll see them we'll run into each other you know I'm saying I always I had confidence then we're gonna be brought around each other some some somehow and it happens it always happens and this all played out so dope cuz fiatter don't know like him my dad and Mike [ __ ] rocks with each other my dad loves my Mike love my dad and I wanted my dad to see Mike so bad so this all happened it wasn't some big scam like okay like we play it cool we met we run into each other then y'all call me on the plane I like Coulomb flop pops out don't tell nobody there's a podcast that's okay you know Mike do a podcast you said you ever white before I got the car watch a lot man you know and then I smelled weed I still didn't put it together and I'm saying smoking yo I seen that one William then I looked around and I seen him and I said that dude look familiar I heard that deep voice your man here said I used to be in a minute I said I'm so glad I could help get you guys together man he's so great to have you man thank you my pleasure thank you brother no bro I love it Mike of course brother my brother from another mother man thank you for having us really appreciate it man is really good right now Newport Beach that's the permanent guest real here he moved here last year to go all in for ambrosia yeah yeah office right there to buy Hulk hospital you know what that is no it's pretty close yeah it's right in there that's right a Newport Beach tell them where they can find the products guys yeah ambrosia collective calm or just out so I proceeded on it whatever yeah and we got you we're gonna have a care packs and up here cuz you need to we want you drinking the planta if you're making smoothies especially yeah Plata and then that's our Organic plant-based protein yeah yeah we don't we yeah organic brown rice best thing I ever did in my life right yeah we're idolized yeah my youth back hell yeah great room this is dope it's awesome guys well Mike great show man I think so yeah it's beautiful lot of fun a lot of fun to have you guys yeah a lot of love I'm gonna get to work on the Tyson vitamin dick stays hard yeah all right y'all well yes leave a comment which I buy that y'all want that I leave a comment we want the dick stay hard pill I'm sure I'm sure most is watching this glass from the past baby hey check out our website hot box and podcast.com be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel we love you guys until next time I'm Evan Britain I'm Mike Tyson vibra see Sean tour body Manny yeah love y'all pcs [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mike Tyson
Views: 483,778
Rating: 4.8780756 out of 5
Id: HERypddPoDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 29sec (5549 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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