Tami Roman | Hotboxin' with Mike Tyson

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what's her name again that i'm always beefing with yeah what's her name come on you just said her no you don't know you don't know because i don't say her name so like so then there so let's just go ahead and give it no well even that thing of not being authentic is fascinating [Music] hey everybody welcome to another episode of hot boxing i'm evan britton and i'm mike tyson mike we've got like i was saying earlier we've got a strong powerful female in the house big time that's awesome and your husband and my husband is in the building he's busy tammy roman welcome thank you thank you for having me it's a pleasure thank you absolutely it's a pleasure having you here um you know we are we are big big fans of the divine feminine and the rising feminine uh consciousness in our society and the ethos of the world so it's great to have you here and bring that perspective into the hot button let's do it so let's just let's just go back to the beginning where where are you from i'm originally from white plains new york another white plains is that yes white plains up your way yeah way back when [Laughter] that's awesome yeah and you grew up in new york grew up on the east coast i grew up well i was born in mount vernon raised in white plains left new york when i was 15 years old my mom moved to california and then i ended up in long beach so went to long beach poly with some of your other friends snoop and orangey you went to school with those wow yes that's so interesting too i know i saw that well how what was that like back in the day i mean uh you know coming from new york to california is always a culture shock no matter what yeah but uh you know everybody was very receptive to me you know like long beach was a good place back then and it was a good time you know what i mean like it was the freaking late 80s 90s like i feel like those were the best years of my life yeah absolutely renaissance of hip-hop yeah best time yeah it was so good in the 90s you know and then um you know kind of finished school here in california and then uh started working at an hiv health care center you know back in the early 90s when you know we didn't know what was going on and what would make you want to work there because i have this maternal nature about myself where it was just like you know seeing so many of my friends easy e you know had passed from it at the time and i was like i want to find out more and i want to do more and i want to help more and i want to be a part of the movement i know girl i worked in the senate she said it was so depressing it well see that's why i ended up leaving was because um i was running like the drug program there at the time i was like the vice president of the drug program and um you know you're passing out meds one week and then they're supposed to show up for their appointment the next and then you hear that they pass so eventually at that age i was 23 and i was like this is too much yeah this is too much family my friend is really heavy to the press yeah it was a lot you know in that center what was the mindset like what did people think was happening dude i you know at that time here again this was 92-93 so people didn't really know what was happening you know people we didn't really have a gauge 10 years old now at that time it was probably 10 years old and still they had no idea we still had no idea you know like our greatest references particularly for the african-american culture were magic and then easy you know and uh we couldn't really figure out you know is this something that's going to take us down or are we going to be like you know magic and survive this thing and but we really had no knowledge we really had no education on the disease so it was really really new um but here again i couldn't stay i couldn't stay you know my intent was right with my heart but my emotional well-being was suffering from staying in that environment oh i believe it yeah but from you know something good came out of it because uh i got on the real world which was the very next yeah i think it's there yeah yeah um well one of my co-workers had actually auditioned for the real world i didn't know what it was and um she came in my office she was like i didn't make it on this show and you know i'm so bummed and i was like what show and she's like the real world had never heard of it i was like oh girl you'll be fine see you monday this is at the center this is at the center oh my god and so uh go home that weekend and mtv was doing a marathon of the real world and i sat there and watched it and then i told my mom about it i was like you audition for something like this [ __ ] you know i'll try that [ __ ] and so we went to the mall uh burbank mall and she filmed me like we had the [ __ ] video camera that had the tape on the side i don't know if anybody remembers them [ __ ] so i'm not even talking about the little one i'm talking about the real vhs tape so uh we walked around the burbank mall are you too young for that moment i i came in on the tail end yeah we were moving we were transitioning to the little small small ones okay well i was around for the big joint and uh we walked around the mall and she taped me and then that monday i called out from the healthcare center and went to mtv's offices to take them my tape wow and uh they were like get the hell out we're not you know that's not how it works type of thing and i'm like no you're going to look at my tape and uh i called such a ruckus in the lobby that the casting director came out was like okay fine i will look at it so she watched it for like five minutes and like are you satisfied and i was like yeah you know and then a week later they called me and said uh we'd like to offer you the slot on the show that's so so you know history proves itself that destiny is strong no it's perseverance and will you yeah you refuse to be turned down yeah refuse to tell them you would see it later you wanted them to see it i wanted them to watch my tape now i don't you know i don't know if she watched anymore after that five minutes but i feel like it was more the impression that i left on her yeah that i was like you guys gotta look at this girl you gotta you know take notice hell yeah so yeah i love that this is not how that how it works here not how it works yes it is because i think that's true with anything right yeah one day i was just looking when his audio books was on today and i was looking at um there's [ __ ] laws of power right and then you're talking about you have to distinguish yourself from everybody else and be noticed this is true that's one of the laws of power to be distinguished without offending anybody to be noticed i'll shine everyone else but the master but the master i was going to say i was going to piggyback you and say and there's also something in there that talks about master slave number one master slave that's the number one yeah don't outshine the master yeah number one yeah yeah and recognizing which role you play in the dynamic and understanding that thought process you know what i mean some because sometimes you're the master yeah you know what i mean what is this book 48 laws of power bobby green this it talks about dick takes about what happens in history and they explain what what could happen if it does if it fails if you do the wrong [ __ ] you know it's just an awesome book great for entertainment that's all yeah you should read that one it'll be good yeah it'll be good so what was that like the real world that's sort of the that is sort of the scene but we didn't even know what the hell it was because it wasn't a thing you know like now when you talk about reality tv is like do you really want to do that you know what i mean but then it was like [ __ ] i get to live at the beach you guys are going to pay me this is real world la this is real world delays wow yeah so i was like i'll do that because i'm trying to leave here anyway so let me move on to my next gig you know so it was one of those moments and uh moving into the house with you know the six other people was new because real world was supposed to be a soap opera it was developed by mary ellis bunnum and john murray and they didn't have the budget to hire actors so they said well let's do the same concept and just put real people in it and so history was born by way of the the first installment in new york whoa people are interesting to watch yeah very well everybody's voyeurs by nature yeah you know what i mean i'm glad you said yeah they really i never understood why do i care about these people because i do care right right why do i care about the [ __ ] kardashians but i do care about them and they do make me look at them yeah but you know why you look because it's sometimes it's a [ __ ] train wreck and you're you're like sometimes [ __ ] in your life is so [ __ ] up you're like let me see who else is [ __ ] up yeah because somebody else has to be going through something you don't care what racing yeah he's done that before oh [ __ ] yeah this [ __ ] said she said that and you can't believe they said you heard that's one of your secrets yeah yeah that's one of your big secrets and somebody said until the holy spirit it's therapeutic it it yeah in a weird way in a weird way yeah no there's nothing weird about it it's people and this is what i do right it's a reflection exactly exactly exactly um well that was sort of the the launching pad yeah and even though i think in our culture it was sort of the original social media in a way um i wouldn't say it was the original social media what i would say it is that it was the pioneer of a genre that opened up real people for for just just what we just said to be able to look into the greatest things ever made reality shows one of the greatest things in mankind the history ever made reality shows wow it's crazy though the real world because this is what we avoid that's what we do all our life avoiding the majority of 99 of us through our whole life avoiding ourselves yeah true and we see ourselves then you see yourself sometimes we accept it we don't like ourselves we're constantly trying to improve ourselves you know what i mean why why do we constantly try to improve ourselves why tell me why do we do that we look we're growing old we're going to die why don't we constantly improve ourselves because because there's something to be said about evolvement so when you say why are we constantly trying to improve ourselves i think that also is a humanistic nature of people just like not just humans animals they're constantly trying to improve and tell me why some people it's homeless and no matter how much money you give them they won't take unless it's right there this is what i want to do i don't want to be helped this is what i want to do well doesn't that speak to what you just said earlier which was your drive and your tenacity if you don't have the will to want to do something else i think it's innate i think there it's a it is one time had that tenacity you know how do they how do you how do you lose that well the universe is constantly expanding and we are a microcosm of the universe and so and like you're saying everything is constantly in motion and progressing and moving to the next thing and so it's it really is it's an innate characteristic of being human where you're constantly striving to be better in a way but to speak to your point you said why do people lose that because sometimes life knocks you down so much or to a point that you even though you have that drive you don't actually know how to recover and some people you know like even you know to speak to my personal situation i used to be married to a professional athlete kenny anderson and we got divorced and um you know there was a point in my life where it was really hard for me like a year and a half of my life it was really hard for me now i could have been the type of person of like all right well this is just kind of what it is and go back to work in a regular job and stay complacent and in that moment but there was something inside of me that was like that's you know you don't work at a health care center and end up on tv that's not how it goes so i felt like my destiny was something bigger was there was a bigger purpose so i could have said all right this is how it is you know i'm on ebt you know i'm just gonna live my life like this with my kids in this little three bedroom house or do i understand what my destiny is do i still have the drive that i had when i was 19 20 21 to want something more for myself and so i went out to get it so what do you call that do you call what do you call that energy right there what do you call it do you call it common sense or you call that your ego or do you call it determine what do you call that i would i would like to think it's determination i would like to think it's tenacity i would like to think it's perseverance um rather than defeat having a defeatist attitude you know what i mean um and it's not a common sense thing because common sense implies that we all know how to do it like we should know how to do it and sometimes that's not a person's upbringing that's not a person's character that's not that's not how they were developed from a child so they don't so it's not a common sense thing they some people don't know but for me in particular you know my mom worked three jobs so all i saw was some my role model was somebody who got up and worked and no matter what was going on in our lives she was gonna get it and so for me it would be you know diminishing the legacy for of her and honoring of her to just be complacent with a situation that was negative with a situation that was belittling with a situation that was less than what i am actually here to do so i had to go get it in a nutshell yeah yeah that's a great articulation of that i don't know that mechanism of our of our psyche because it's not you know it's you're right it's not common no you know it's not something that everybody has not everybody has that you know people get crushed by they get crushed by life like really and truly let me tell you something if i told you old [ __ ] that i have gone through i i really should have jumped off the gwb like real talk but you know i'm just not i don't look at things as um they're gonna take me down i've been homeless i've been molested i've been raped i've been you know like all of those things have been in the history of my life's journey now somebody else would not have been able to survive mentally i'm not talking about physically they're still here but i'm talking about mentally but for me it was a matter of you know i've been in an abusive relationship i've been you know like it's it's the gamut of everything that i've experienced in my life and a lesser person would not be here but for me i try to look at everything as a lesson because that's the way i was brought up you know what is the lesson in this what am i supposed to learn what could i be doing what could i have done differently in that situation so that would not have been the situation and just evolving from those thought processes and it wasn't something that happened overnight it's just something that innately i i was doing because of my upbringing and then now that i'm older i understand how to really put the thought into action and really take those thought processes and move them around for the benefit of me yeah so what was that like on the real world oh um you know it was a long time what do you remember from that yeah what do you like what were the sort of things that you really learned in that i remembered from that environment how to be adaptable because you take people who probably wouldn't talk to each other you know probably would not be able to co-exist or never have and you put them in this closed space and and that really taught me how to um you know just adjust and re-reassess situations that normally i would not have been privy to to be able to make some you know some good friends and some good memories and some good moments rather are you still in touch with some people i only talked to three people from the show stupid white wasn't the name spunk punks well puck came after me he was season three he was season three yeah and he came after me but um yeah i i still talk to at least three of them now it's not every day we got on the phone every day but you know we can have a conversation if we see catch up every once in a while yeah tell us about the housewives basketball wise that's the real [ __ ] you weren't gonna let me make it huh you ain't gonna let me make it would you want to know because i mean it's so much i've been doing that show for nine years brilliant [ __ ] what was after so when did that hold on no you got to think about this yeah yeah there's no [ __ ] that um what was the first year of that of basketball uh the first year for me was 2010 the first year for the show was 2009. okay yeah yeah uh so that's it's more of the same i mean like nobody's reinventing the wheel they're just adding their spokes right now i am yeah i am tired nine years and they got you as the bad [ __ ] now for nine years you gotta change your relations you gotta change your image before you get off the show i i have uh i have diligently been working on using reality tv as a mirror to see when things haven't been you know up to par or how i know they how i should act in certain moments and re adjusting they got in the shoe you being a queen a nice person you leave but loving your heart well i have i i've always had love in my heart that's how the image has to be they can't leave you off you're on screen yeah no i'm pretty i'm pretty good because you know it took me nine years to get to a point of realizing that you know an idiot is the person who gets up doing the exact same thing thinking it's going to be a different outcome and so certain relationships and dynamics on the show always no matter what we did that's not an idiot that's a crazy [ __ ] that's crazy [ __ ] real talk keep doing the same [ __ ] we're gonna you know so it took me nine years to figure out this [ __ ] is not gonna be different and so i had to implement some you know some conditions for myself to be able to yeah yeah life tools of life yes yes in order to be able to stay there this long but you know this is my my last year with that particular franchise what do you think you want to do after that you know i like reality tv so you know it's not that i'm going away from reality tv i'm entering in back into more scripted programming potentially do another reality show just not with that that set of ladies and then producing content you know to give people opportunities did some of the girls are you guys some of the guys that you were friends with are you not friends with them now because of the show are you talking about the people on the show yes i would think come on let's get some money we can make some money doing this [ __ ] not in our friends you would you would think you would think that you could make money you know what i mean because at the end of the day were co-workers and you hope to build a friendship you know you hope to have some camaraderie there but you know sometimes people don't have that mindset you know and so when people don't have the same mindset as you're not like-minded if you're not equally yoked in that sense then it's not going to work no matter talk what the the vulnerability you have to be willing to show being on reality tv that is the only way that you're going to make it in reality tv and i think now that the genre has expanded and people see so much content in the reality space they recognize when some [ __ ] is fake they recognize when you put no one for the camera i'm loving hip-hop sometimes getting [ __ ] scripted fake [ __ ] nobody can't be that man you can't be mad for that long long exactly you man for more than three minutes you faking or it's not that deep you know what i'm saying for you to be you know running across the room and throwing anything off the table right exactly the bodyguard the plants just it's not that moment and i think for me that's what has kept me in the genre since 93 to now is that level of authenticity and genuineness i never sugarcoat anything that i'm going through in my life i never put on airs i never you know like i'm an open book with that because i feel like let me tell my [ __ ] because somebody find out some [ __ ] about you then they running now with social media they run into the blogs and trying to plant stories and all [ __ ] i'm telling [ __ ] myself that way y'all can't use it against me and so that's always been my thought process all the way through from real world to now yeah it seems like you just have to be you have to be willing to just be totally open yeah yeah have you been on the show yes he has how's that for you man man really it's it's not my thing yeah you know i'm more of a low-key and a bad guy you know do my thing and stay out the way but um whatever babe needs you know i'm not ever getting a little upset that you see it going through [ __ ] on the show all the time really i would think so be one to do some [ __ ] what do you do man actually i'm a online entrepreneur i have a couple online businesses sweet e-commerce and also flip real estate back in houston awesome man you're from houston yep from how do you guys meet each other so far away oh man one day a friend of mine and now we went out to eat we was hungry so we stopped at a spot called papa dogs oh yeah so you know we pull up and uh we see her and her friend walking in right so my partner you know he's a dog he's gone he wants everything so he talking to her friend or whatever so long story show we end up coming in and we we were trying to be seated she's seeing me again like okay he's 6'5 he chocolate this is what she's this is what she's saying this is what she's saying say you guys come sit over here so you know i'm like cool so we sit down you know we just eat talk mingle hit it off hit it off man and later that night we met up talked for like three four hours just talk that's awesome been like that ever since bro i love it so i don't know man it's just a great story that's perfect yeah so if you want to give your version i mean that was that was good enough i thought you yeah that was good that was solid yeah it was it was a solid you know rendition guy explanation yeah yeah it's the guy explanation i was talking to my wife today this morning we got up this morning probably four months a day why do you think um people are meant to be together like why me together you know what i mean what is it why why are we still together we you know we don't we're just together we just don't leave each other we call the [ __ ] we don't say we don't do nothing yes together we're together we finish each other's sentences we're just together why do you think it's like that you know what i mean then we get older we die together and what did she say uh what'd she say i had no idea you know but she said this meant to be she said she said that we lived many lives together that's why yeah she believed that we lived many lives together i said what happened to my otherwise my other girlfriends do you think they think the same thing you know what what happened what happened to them what happened to one night standing and all those good what do they mean in my life what was that all about what are your people you've been what did they mean in your life why did we have to go do that to be here well well i think you go through that because all a lot of us don't recognize when you get that that right moment when the universe has aligned all of the forces for you to be with the person that you're supposed to be with now if you're some people somebody the first person they met there with them for the rest of their life but but it's not like they but it's not like they haven't had experiences no i'm talking about some people know they just met the first time these guys we met each other and we died together yeah i'm like teenagers yeah there's there's things like that there there are things like that but here again they still had experiences before they before they got together i'm not particularly talking about experiences in other relationships i'm talking about life experiences where once they got together they were able to recognize this is this is the fit some of us aren't you know we don't have that moment so you go through the one-night stands i had to go through the kenny anderson i had to go through the other people so that now i have testimony when i meet the person that is really supposed to be my fit my person i'm able to recognize that because if you have challenges if you have arguments if you have disagreements if you have all of that [ __ ] not saying that that's not in relationships but i'm talking about the minute you meet somebody and you see like this [ __ ] is tumultuous that's not your fit but you needed to experience that so that once you got with your fit you knew how to recognize it that's what i think i i don't think anything is not without purpose absolutely i had this dream whoa lord that started when i was seven years old and the dream was i was chasing this girl through an arcade in a tent okay and she would i was never quite able to catch her and she would run out of the tent into this green meadow and by the time i got out there she was already in a carriage like gone i don't know i was just in love with her and i had this recurring dream and when i was 17 and i got to the university of arizona i saw my future wife there at this student orientation this athlete orientation and the same energy of that girl from my dream dream was in and she wouldn't date me i was in love with her i was like this is the girl from my dream there was that and she didn't want anything to do with the football parts yeah so it took years before she actually went on a date with me and then we were inseparable from then on and um you know i don't know if it's like that for everybody and but it's just you know it's like like you were saying right like we were meant to be together our spirits were entangled and the more i go through life i think about how we were together in past lives and you know our life now is about rectifying things that happened in past lives and unwinding trauma and pain and coming into love and light yes and you know i mean our relationships are cosmic man they're spiritual yeah when it works when it's good and it can be hell yeah you know it can be i mean relationships can just be hell you know true true so no it's a fascinating thing you know we could talk foreign yeah yeah absolutely but you're on a new show tails uh tails i was a guest star on tv guest star uh my latest show is called saints and sinners okay and that's on bounce that is with vanessa bell callaway keith robinson clifton powell and uh another show called are you sleeping with octavia spencer and michael beach uh executive produced by reese witherspoon so sweet yeah that's awesome yep i'm excited what's saints and sinners about saints and sinners is about the black church wow and all the shenanigans that really happened behind the scenes of the of the black church interesting yeah what's so interesting about the black church what do you do how do you what do you do i'm i'm a reverend right i got all this power i'm preaching and people come and talk to me the beautiful ladies they're talking man about that problem what do i do i'm just a [ __ ] creature of life what do i do i'm a [ __ ] human being how do i handle that what kind of discipline did i that i developed from [ __ ] preaching to handle that i don't know it depends yeah well you know yeah because i think they think they are um you know supposed to be leaders and guiders of a flock that's really what the church really represents it's like you know i'm supposed to take the word and then deliver it to you and so when you have issues you come to me and i refer back to the word to try to help you or guide you through that what saints and sinners does is um speaks to your point of like well [ __ ] i'm just human too so how the [ __ ] you know i'm trying to help you and now i'm i'm [ __ ] up over here that's really what it is about the show is about it's like they're actually going through things too they're suffering too their life is in shambles too because we're all just human right and so we kind of touch on those things i love that yeah humanizing it yes yeah yeah well you know a lot of spiritual leaders are like crazy you know sex addicts and all of that stuff oh yeah you guys you do you remember when kirk franklin came out and said he was addicted to are you porn addicted to the point when you have people worshipping you all right and then something goes on you since you see it touching you think wow i'm married though but what am i doing how did i put myself in this situation why did you do this to me god um yeah well you know why did you do this or maybe it's like thank you guys okay or thank you yeah i could be either way but listen it's probably more of what you said like i think when there's an addiction or something like that that's pain so i think he's saying why me why did you make me dance so good why do you make me so talented now so now is the problem with him liking himself you know because he knows what he's doing is wrong and he's supposed to be representing god but what is representing god god can represent himself what created god god created himself god has ever lived everlasting there's no beginning there's no end [Music] yeah and i'm just talking about god as we know god's existence is energy yeah right you know it's inconceivable what that truly is yep yep true but everybody's got something everybody's got something i was addicted to beautiful right babe i was it makes people beautiful you know we all hide in fear we're afraid of what people think about it we're afraid about our reputation our whole existence is fear in this world the baddest [ __ ] on this planet is afraid of he may not be the baddest [ __ ] on the planet you may find out something about him saying you're not the baddest [ __ ] on the planet our secrets that we hide yeah and then you realize that everybody's afraid everybody's afraid of something yeah we're afraid of us we're afraid of ourselves we don't know who we are we might be portray ourselves we don't know well that's that speaks to that poem like the mask right we all wear a mask at some you know every day we wake up we we put on the mask that's the illusion of ourselves yeah you know who do we think we are really who do we say i don't know who the [ __ ] i am but i really think that i'm somebody but why do i think i'm somebody special because i come from nothing special my mother my father my neighborhood there's nothing special it's really it's the crippling i should be embarrassed to say i'm from there but why what what makes me think i have people the world should see me the world shouldn't know my name where she even acknowledged me what the [ __ ] made me think those are the [ __ ] mind why do i think those that way i hate the way i think that way but i love the way i love the fact that i think that way does that make sense yes it does yeah but what is special ma'am like what is what is unique it's it's all your experience you know these are sort of human created ideas you know that saying brownsville isn't a special place it's pretty [ __ ] special and unique man no to me it is but to the masters of the place you're born in that field but that's that's a culturally that's all i know all of that thought is a whole culturally created idea how oh how could you grow up in brownsville you know but who are those people right oh because what you grew up in beverly hills you're special [ __ ] that but you know i look at my life and i look at my mother and father and say how could they really think they can raise children the lifestyle that we lived i couldn't even dream we could raise some kids and we could have a good life everything was by accident they didn't love each other well i don't think many people who have kids yeah i think they know how to do that that's a whole separate conversation because you know what i would think what made them think that they could raise children because you're supposed to procreate live together because you're supposed to they didn't love each other they didn't live together what made them think they could raise kids they had three kids together what made they live what made them think they could have kids because you're supposed to yeah it's ours yeah it's it's it's it's our it's what we do it's what we're here one of the things we're here to do so we're vessels pretty much yes yeah and that's why some people aren't prepared some people are or feel they're prepared some people kill their kids true tea true tea some people get what the [ __ ] is this and they just can't handle this i don't want that it's giving away i don't want that yeah you know yeah yeah yeah so those are weird scenarios i have in life what the hell these people were thinking i mean i think it's good stuff it's good stuff you know that you're processing you know how did i come from like being strong and drugs how i get here how i get this company and everything start working out how are they getting married to my wife i'm [ __ ] marriage workout for 10 years how did that how did this how did it start how did it end up in like this love 10 years i can't live without you [ __ ] because i think certain things are destiny you guys don't believe in that like certain things are supposed to be and that's destiny that's what destiny is is that you're eventually going to find your way to your purpose or your calling or the people that are supposed to be in your life that is what destiny is you know what i mean so yeah nobody is steering the ship but the the footsteps are ordered and so you're eventually going to be where you're supposed to be i think that tying that back to you know the people who get crushed by life you know you have to be willing to just take another step take another step exactly to just be in the flow and to allow the universe's destiny for you to unfold exactly yeah exactly because nothing i've ever done over the course of my life was what i thought it didn't go the way i thought it was going to go it didn't happen you know i put my plan of action you know a plan of attack into action and try to do and every time i try to do what the hell i wanted to do was [ __ ] up and then the minute i just released you know and just said hey okay i'm not gonna i'm gonna have my thought process of my goals and what i wanna achieve but i'm not gonna try too hard to steer how those things work yes get out your own way get out of your own way my wife said this what we're gonna do we're gonna do this reality we're gonna do um we're gonna write some shows we'll do this okay okay we're gonna do that we're gonna do that and this is where we at we got here there yes you know yes i don't know how that should work but we're here now we gotta go on [ __ ] we got our own [ __ ] ache we got a [ __ ] tyson ranch we got a whole music festival [ __ ] pool you see it's just blowing up brother you see what's happening you don't have any expectations that's that's that's it when you don't expect anything you can't be disappointed yeah all you're doing is just working and moving within the within the energy in the space and if it happens it happens if it doesn't it doesn't and that's when people too much press put too much pressure on their lives to ha like if i left here and said [ __ ] babe i want a tyson ranch and i want to have be able to have room with [ __ ] and temperatures and [ __ ] you know the tammy ranch i want that [ __ ] and then i start trying to work towards that if that's not what the [ __ ] i'm supposed to be doing it's never going to be this yeah you understand what i'm saying no matter how hard i try oh i can't find the camera man all the people lay i can't find a building you know it's never gonna work out you know so i gotta everybody's gotta stay in their lane and stay their course because what's meant for you is not necessarily meant for me and what's meant for me is not necessarily meant for him and so on and so forth but the problem with society is people come here and they look at you and go [ __ ] if mike got that [ __ ] i can have it too that [ __ ] must be easy to get listen it's true but with a price yes but that's what people don't know because they're looking at just surface yeah and they don't know the blood sweat and tears and the cost and everything it takes to make this work and how the people have to be really [ __ ] with you and rock with you to make sure that they show up every day to make this [ __ ] work they don't know that they're just looking at what's happening on the out the gloss and glitz of it all and that's where people [ __ ] up because that's what they do they look at the gloss and the glitz or the aesthetic of something to go out just like the [ __ ] who's getting their asses done you look at a [ __ ] you're going [ __ ] i want that that [ __ ] this [ __ ] has got a 2 million followers on instagram and she getting she posting ads and [ __ ] and getting pam give me some ass and then the [ __ ] ended up looking like a potato you know that wasn't your [ __ ] to do a hundred percent you know what i believe in stuff since i've been in the entertainment business i consider boxing yeah for sure yes that's the only reality only the people that um the people that laughing on the top are the toughest in the the cold as hard as one that's used to self-defeation and everything they just determined to get their goal and accomplish their goals those are the ones that make it mm-hmm that's what life is about you know i mean sacrificing self to accomplish your goals yep yeah whatever your goals are good yeah but you got to sacrifice yourself yeah you gotta get out of your own head i mean focus on that goal mike i know this was true for me playing football because so many times long i hated it you can speak to that baby i [ __ ] hated it you know the [ __ ] grind and the violence and man i gotta go out here five days a week and practice and beat the [ __ ] out of these guys and knock heads with these guys so i can play in a game on sunday when i love it and in my head i'm aspiring to be this gladiator in this warrior but i [ __ ] i was just like so many times it was just a deep love-hate relationship i mean but it was the universe carrying me along definitely big time universe saying this is what you need to do right now you know this is who you are right now and i'm sure you felt like that along the way there's a time for that first chance i have to go to my ego i have to go deep and talk into my ego and say they'll watch me forever people talk to me talk about me forever they named their children after me right they get into my ego yeah i'm a god yeah how dare them even challenge me yeah i know that feeling reggie you played football yeah awesome how uh where hurricanes yeah i see him right and had a little cup of coffee with the saints nice man and uh around that time you know my mother had passed and whatnot so it was kind of like just took my drive you know i mean to continue with it but um you don't want to do that with no drive yeah man football football my first love bro you know yeah that was that prepared me for life absolutely definitely did yeah i mean few other sports where you get your ass kicked knocked down and you have to get up every play you know and do it again i love that dude the you who are you there with man i was there from 2005. my last year was oh so greg olsen oh my god beast mayweather is in the pros now right oh yeah a lot of these guys all these guys are in the league were you there dj was dj williams a little early i played with dj in chicago i love tj arizona i was at arizona from i was there from 05 to 08. oh okay so clarence's yeah he was before me yeah oh awesome yeah he was a beast i met him at a golf tournament yeah that's awesome man well yeah i mean you know you just got to let the universe take you where you need to go yeah what do you want to do when this is all over and it's done what do you want to say boom this is what i did what do you want to accomplish i think i'm meant to be in the entertainment space i think um i want to be able to put out like now i'm forging into producing and executive producing so for me content-wise to be able to leave something that you know a little emmy hell yeah girl little emmy you know emmy when you know things like that i think when anybody produces content they want it to be recognized you know because they put their hard work into it you know what i mean so i where my my projects made people think gave someone a voice that's that's what i'm into right now yeah that's what i'm into i love that i love that what do you what kind of stuff you think about producing i like scripted yeah um so i want to like tell the stories of of my neighborhood you know like where i grew up you know um because i grew up in some hard [ __ ] yeah drugs and you know family issues and things of that nature putting you know stuff out there like that yeah yeah that's not that's not hollywood hollywood eyes yeah which is not a word but you know just just made up i think i think the the the projects like um you know from days of old uh uh color purple you know like where the real story was told and it wasn't glamorized you know for for public consumption it was like the real story like i would like tv to return back to that you know absolutely that's a there's a great opportunity for that yeah yeah i think it is yeah but i'll probably do another reality show where it's six [ __ ] fighting that's the people want to see but basketball wise who's the main troublemaker uh at one point it was me spanish girl the girl is with um ochocho ochocinco yes she has her moments you know i think over the course of the show we've all done some [ __ ] and been in some shenanigans you know what i'm saying so uh we've all taken a turn there really is no one person we've all taken a turn describe the basketball wives like when you look up when you see them on television when you're objective when you look at how do you describe them what do you like if i wasn't on it no just being i'm taking a look outside looking in yeah um i don't it's it's mindless entertainment i don't really get anything from watching our show because the way our show is designed it's it's not formatted for that you know what i mean i think you get a lot of you get a really interesting perspective of humanity i don't know i don't not at all i see jealousy i do yeah i see a lot of it's like a psychological experiment however i don't know shame there if if if that were true then i would have to say everyone has would have to have been authentic and genuine in the moment and i can't necessarily say that i believe some of these women are telling their real story do i hear that beef one of those what's the name again that i'm always beefing with yeah what's her name come on you just said her no that's suspect you don't know you don't know cause i don't say her name so like so then there even that thing of not being authentic i think is fascinating that we've created this vehicle in our society where people feel inclined to go and be something i think that's really fascinating when you can tell when people are [ __ ] just putting on a show trying to you know i don't know trying to be something you know i think that's really interesting that there's this whole thing going on and it's about you know your presence in the digital world in many ways what are we hiding though everything yeah i think i think people are people are hiding everywhere i think people are hiding stuff because they're ashamed of themselves they'll think oh somebody's gonna find out i was a [ __ ] nerd in high school or you know i was abused or i'm not good enough you know because we have this like thing that we're not worthy and that's why i tell it exactly you gotta just be but that's the brilliance of being human you know and that's when you're real and honest that's when people's lives get touched man you know we had this we had chris cyborg on okay the last strong female we had in here and i'm telling it was it was one of our heaviest episodes and mike was going through a lot and i [ __ ] burst into tears wow and i haven't received more positive messages from guys being like dude that episode changed my life seeing you guys open up to each other and that what you guys were saying i was in tears yeah yeah and it's just like yeah because that's people feel the real emotion you know like you're saying i mean you're gonna have a shift in your consciousness through those emotions when you're seeing real and authentic and authentic yeah it's entertaining when you see someone putting on a show right and it's an interesting thing that people feel the need to do that i think so that's what i'm saying i think that you know that's important i just think that's interesting i yeah [ __ ] man i'm not gonna tell you what shows i watch because that's embarrassing what do you watch i want to know now i want to know what bothers you some of the real housewives okay that that's a great show my wife says and atlanta yeah the no they're all good um that's the so i can't i can't do i make him watch them all you know i make him watch atlanta how's it interesting who we are as people it's yeah who we are i know all those people not by name it's the buddies know all that spirits i just know people like you yeah yeah for my life mm-hmm yeah yeah yeah absolutely well i don't know tammy is there anything else you want to shout out before we get out of here uh no movies coming up no what's your daughter doing i have two daughters and so one is uh these daughters yeah they're both kenny's yeah yes i am but i was not laying it low and threatening wide and [ __ ] everything moving sorry i didn't mean that but come on the one i've seen on the show with you both of them have been on the show with me one's a rapper one's arrested this one no the oldest one uh is my academic she's my she's my person tell me about the rapper yeah the rapper's the youngest one but the tallest one which is why you thought she was the oldest but uh she uh she's doing her music thing you know she's trying to make it pop and all that um you watched the deal she has a distribution deal with empire yeah but she's still independent she's an empire that's the a huge distribution arm that puts out content yeah they got fat joe and remy ma okay cool yeah yeah so yeah yeah so she's working on it grinding on it you know you know you feel good you're shopping enough you love life how's everything going everything is going good i mean i've really been married uh one year one year yeah our anniversary is coming up august 17th that's beautiful yeah but we were together for five four years and now our wedding our marriage makes five years totally nice yeah yeah but everything is good you know i can't complain and nobody would care anyway that's the thing people don't realize it's like well sure i got my own [ __ ] going on so i want to hear your [ __ ] too but everything's good people care people care like oh interesting i don't know because i i typically you know honestly don't want to hear it sometimes like i really do be having my own [ __ ] and so when you call me with your [ __ ] then i feel like oh god now i got the weight of your [ __ ] and my [ __ ] well i think that's healthy but you know in our mind our world is really big but really you we could probably count on i've told us how many people we really know and to act to it but we think our world is big it's big yeah yeah yeah i have a small circle i keep it small for a purpose yeah yeah you guys gonna be voting right let's just go ahead and get that out of the way okay just making sure it's just always sure one vote for what president president [Laughter] you better be there you're going to be there we're not listening it's like definitely definitely mike is this is going to be good because that's a serious huh are you a democrat no i'm a micah i'm a minecraft a monkey a micah okay i got it independent i don't like love i don't like um [ __ ] labels and stuff yeah you know [ __ ] the labels man well we do understand i just want to make sure that we do understand did you vote for trump [ __ ] no okay cause the way you paused i was like oh lord y'all no okay so we getting him out no [ __ ] man i mean i i don't know yeah i mean it's i'm a little nervous but i'm excited any thoughts on the abortion bill that was just tell me about that what happened well certain states uh have taken away a woman's right to choose yeah that's horrendous wrong it's awful it's absurd that in 2019 we're even we're even having this conversation prehistoric yeah that we're having this conversation which speaks to like how you said earlier in the conversation there are women who are having children and they don't know what to do with them and some of them are you know god forbid killing them because they're not ready so now you're going to force them to have it yeah you know what i mean so i just feel like you're someone else i haven't been to atlanta because they're one of the states georgia is one of the states that uh is uh you know entertaining it's just fascinating yeah it's fascinating that we feel a need to these people feel and need to control that exactly and they're men it's demented that it's men who are passing this you know when they don't really even understand what it's like to carry a child to have that responsibility because you know what most of y'all true not you not true but most of y'all gets in the [ __ ] wind and then we are the ones who you know are are there for the rest of that child's life still in darkness true tea life is still in darkness yeah and i didn't really sometimes you don't know you're in darkness until you're in the light so you're in the light [Music] yeah and that's basically what they're saying it's insane [ __ ] [ __ ] i feel like if if the woman has to keep the child then the man who raped her or if we're talking rape you need to be castrated if i have to keep this child then the father there needs to be child support laws put into place as well that are standard primary focused so that i'm now going to have this kid then you also have to contribute and pay for it if you're not going to be here you know what i mean i don't believe in that i believe um this is a government problem the government should take care of that kid and the people should be taxed to take care of that kid if they want to have that type of law well wait a minute wait a minute now you said the people should be taxed this kid is born if this kid is born the father when we take care of it and something she's just left out there and she can't take care that we have to take care of that kid who's we might a society our society the government we have to be taxed i don't want to be taxed for people's other people's children i think you should have the you should have the freedom to have an abortion if you don't want to have a child exactly she said she had the child though you usually get one like like now yeah like if they passed the law hypothetically so we're all i don't want to be taxed anymore because we're already being taxed and a lot everything that comes out of people's checks it's like these are the [ __ ] complaining about people on welfare it's like what are you talking about it's gonna be more people on welfare exactly exactly why like so what is that twisted [ __ ] it's power trying to have power trying to have control it's a it's an ego trip and i think welfare is good till you get your job yes you should have one welfare support till you get your job you get your job but there needs to be something that says you got to get you got to go get a job right in a certain amount of time six months [ __ ] you cut off and then you gotta deal with some prison time probably you got six months to find some work anything yeah just pay the bills i agree with you and who am but you got to do something you got to put a fire into somebody to give them that [ __ ] enthusiasm with enthusiasm everything comes in play you just have to have enthusiasm yeah yeah you know people goes the word one with me i gotta go back to the [ __ ] white man job you know not serious though really but then that you know that's another deprogramming because you should be going to get going to work at something you love yeah but that's not always the case i know i know but how do people get to that they sacrifice so you have to work that shitty job until you can get to a place where you can do the stuff you want to do live on the street until you get the right job if you don't want to do the shitty job you live on the streets until you get the right job yeah i don't know either man i don't know we had that guy remember that guy andres pira oh he was awesome the homeless guy became the billionaire yeah he was homeless on the beach in thailand and he just he now he's a billionaire real estate mogul wow and he um he said that he got his hands on this book called the secret you know the book and he was like this is [ __ ] this isn't real and so but he was like as an experiment to prove i'm gonna try yeah i'm gonna do what it said he said i started with envisioning a cup of coffee because i hadn't had coffee and god knows how long he said i just imagined this cup of coffee i felt it in my hand i imagined what it smelled like and tasted like imagine the feeling of it and he was like two days later some dude walking on the beach came up to him and gave him a cup of coffee he was like what and then he just kept going he was like okay well and then he was like i'm gonna go get a job and he [ __ ] envisioned a job and then he got a job and then that's what happened to me here same thing happened to me here i was in here talking to him and i said um [ __ ] i say this [ __ ] i don't know i said you know what i want to get into the tobacco business put some cbd in a tobacco and get some synthetic synthesize some tobacco or something next thing you know we get a call from british tobacco wow wow oh yeah i met those guys ain't that crazy it's crazy we thought them up it's thought them up that's right i didn't know about bridges to do cbd cigarettes yeah oh well [ __ ] where is that y'all we'll get you some timmy no no no no no we're not going to do that because they don't want to be in the tobacco business no they want to be in the um no yeah that too but uh edible what's that [ __ ] that you smoke vape is right they don't want no more combustibles so the cigarettes are getting ready to become history and the vapes are going to become i don't i don't think so i don't think that either but i don't think so that's what that was the smoking is kind of an it's an ancient thing i think mostly i don't think smoking is everything it's never going to go away most of the main addiction is it's a habit yeah it's a ritual yeah it's not going anywhere so just going to put that cbd on up in there because it's not going anywhere it's coming listen we have no idea what's going to happen in the future we have no idea sure no i [ __ ] ain't doing it yeah but i know somebody there's a new plant there's going to be there's new minerals that's going to be in the future you know so i used to know the future is really crazy yeah that's for sure it is man look at all these new look at the business look at all these new billionaires look at all these people coming look at us coming up this is crazy how does that happen so fast because it's supposed to yeah it's supposed to have yeah it's divine yeah you know it's all in alignment so it just [ __ ] goes five minutes now y'all got five minutes ah well i'm good awesome well why don't you tell everybody where they can find you uh instagram twitter all tammy roman t-a-m-y roman we do not you're going to have anything um how do i answer that we've tried we had three miscarriages yes and so i just felt like i wasn't going to put my body through that anymore uh so we may get a surrogate okay don't do it because he doesn't have any kids my wife had more kids i wanted to have more you want to have more yeah yeah i have more with her yeah i would love to have his you know baby i mean it's like we gave it our best shot and so now we got the eggs on ice and we're gonna you know have someone else yeah but you know you're gonna be ready you gotta be ready yeah yeah that's beautiful too man that we're in that age yes yeah it's like oh here girl carry this for me i won't be able to make it the planet one day our grandkids may be on another planet yeah so much is possible yeah everything so much as possible well thank you so much thank you so much thank you so much you're the man dude thank you so much immensely absolute pleasure mike great convo i think this is an awesome show hey what happened to your cousin i used to go out with well i was going to act like i didn't know nothing about that because i felt like you was acting like you didn't know nothing about that so i was just gonna mind my business uh i on the show with y'all one time yes very very long time ago she didn't like that [ __ ] she said this ain't my [ __ ] yeah she's a very long time ago but um yeah i haven't talked to should i can i say her name yes no i haven't talked to shauna maybe in five years five years five six years yeah you just lose contact ten years and then you don't talk to him yeah we lost contact and i haven't seen her but i was i was telling kiki i was like i've given mike a lot of money i've i've given mike a lot of money over the years like i was at all the [ __ ] fights like i paid top dollar for my front row feet i was balling back how was that like back then when you were born we had a lot of friends back then of course that's how it is you know that's how it everybody's with you when you when you ball in yeah that's for sure famous husband and she yeah yeah yeah that's true he said he was bowling yeah balling yeah i was bullied these were crazy it was it was such a good time late 80s 90s like it's my favorite you know my favorite era it was just good for other reasons than because i was balling but just like it was just a good time you know but yeah totally gonna make you believe like when you lived in the 80s and 90s so much time you didn't think you were gonna die you're gonna live forever yep incredible yeah that's true that's true yeah world domination [ __ ] boom dead i love it that's it the final word hey everybody thanks for watching this episode of hot boxing i'm evan britt mike tyson tammy roman peace that was awesome it was really good [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mike Tyson
Views: 205,981
Rating: 4.8316684 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 55sec (3895 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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