Midjourney V5 - How To Upload A Reference Image Or Art And Use As A Prompt - Detailed Tutorial

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Hello everybody welcome back to another mid-journey version 5 tutorial in this one I'm going to show you how to take an image like this one this is a picture of a lady I found on pixels I believe and then I turned it into art I used her image as a prompt a reusable prompt in the generation process so you can create characters out of pictures and out of art all right how did I do it and here's some just some examples they're absolutely crazy how good this is like look at this like I mean you saw the original image look at this this is unbelievable anyways let me show you how to do it first step go to your finder or your Explorer and grab the image in this case I've got it right here so I'm going to go right down to the bottom here and I'm just going to go ahead and drag and drop it into Discord click right on there and bang hit enter up it goes now it's been uploaded to the Discord server I'm just going to right click on the image and I'm going to copy that link and that's important I'm going to need that later now the next step is it's just standard prompt engineering prompting as usual forward slash imagine then you want to describe what you want it to look like so for this one I'm going to go I'm going to just go lady reading a book oops I'll go quickly through this you don't need to waste too much time on this dof with means depth of field 35 millimeter lens natural lighting I don't know let's go up light natural features and then I'm gonna go photo realistic and then there we go that's my prompt okay now before I hit enter the next step is I'm going to hit the space bar and then I'm going to go command V or control V so we're copying in that link from earlier so you'll see here that we've got the description so we've got the prompt and then we've hit spacebar we've got the image now I'm going to hit spacebar again and I'm going to go dash dash IW and this means basically image weight so how much weight do I want to give the original image that I uploaded the standard I believe is one although in the alpha it might be 0.5 but the the the range goes from 0.5 which is the lowest weight to 2.0 which is the highest weight in this case I wanted to I want the arc to look as much like the picture as possible so it's dash dash IW space 2.0 then when you hit enter it's going to go ahead and go okay we're going to have a lady reading a book with all this stuff here based off of this image here image weight 2.0 version 5 and I assume that your settings are at version five if they're not just go to settings like this hit enter and then when you open it up it'll say version 5 version 4. you'll see here that I'm on version five anyways I'm going to come back when this is done and I'll show you what we got all right welcome back so here are the four that it came up with let's again look at the original image this is the original shot now we'll click on this one here and then I mean look at number three especially number three and one like one and three I would of course click Zoo upscale one and then I would upscale three and then I mean just look at that this is the generated image and then look at the original image this is unbelievable mid Journey version five is incredible thanks for watching
Channel: AI In A Minute
Views: 72,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney version 5, midjourney v5, midjourney version5, Midjourney tutorial, midjourney version 5 tutorial, midjourney v5 upload image, how to use an image as an input midjourney, midjourney version 5 input, midjourney version 5 prompt, midjourney v5 image to art, midjourney version 5 reference image, midjourney v5 reference image
Id: hcdK-PTcVMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 9sec (189 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2023
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