Midjourney Tutorial On Creating a Consistent Character

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hello my name is Abigail so in today's video I'm gonna be focusing on creating a consistent character on mid-journey that I could put in different scenes or things and still stay consistent throughout it's a simple process to follow or you need to understand is the formula to apply because you can apply this formula into any image you're creating as long as you're trying to keep the same character in different scenes that's it so let's see what we can come up with all right so I'm gonna start this very very simple and I'm going to start by putting in the prompts so I'm going to start with Slash imagine beautiful lady pink curly hair wearing a dress and I'll just compare as simple as that and just see where that takes us all right I'm gonna press enter and I'm gonna wait for me journey to generate an image me Journey has generated an image for us so just let's look so what you have to do is just choose the character you like and then you can proceed if you don't like any of these characters what you could do you could just press this button and then mid Journey will generate new images using the same same prompt you done but in this case I'm going to choose a character to work with and I'm going to work with this character I like her look I'll work with her because I can see more of her face I'm gonna choose this one so that's number two so what you need to do I need to make this image a bigger image so I can focus on this image alone so what I need to do I need to upscale this image the Top Line the use emails up skill so if you want to make image one a large image that you can you can focus on yourself to press up scale One upscale to whichever image you want to do but in this case I just want to upscale number two and then something else the v's at the bottom they stand for variation so if you want to make a variation of this or a variation of that or variation of that you just have to choose variation one two three it's kind of simple and then you get the same character but in different variations that you can focus awesome all right so just gonna wait for me Jenny to generate the image for us there you go our image and me Jenny is ready and now we can proceed to The Next Step before you do anything you need to react to this image so the image that you've chosen you need to react to it so I react to it by pressing that button so what that does it lets me Jenny knows that I like this image and I would like to make more of this image so that's first day first the next step we need to get a seed number for this character here so for us to get the seed number so you just need to press these three dots here and then you need to find the envelope if you can't see it there or if you can see just press the envelope and what happens me Journey will send you a message with the seed number so you can go back on the mid Journey where the message is here all you need is this this is the seed number it's very very important because for every image you're gonna generate from now on you need that number so I'm gonna copy and I'm gonna go back on the server where I'm editing the video the reason why the seed number is important because it's the is what's Gonna Keep Your image consistent if you generate from now on if you generate any of these images without the seed number you're gonna get a random number but as long as you use the seed number You're Gonna Keep On generating the same same image but if you change it it's run if you don't use it you get a completely random image so seed number imported from now henceforth so what we need to do we need to start a new prompt and what I'm gonna do I'm gonna imagine and then I'm gonna put in that seed number there and then just before the same amount I'm gonna put Dash Dash seed space so the next thing I need to do I need to get the link for this image in order for me to get a link for this image I just have to press click on the image and then where it says open in browser just click on it and then this image is gonna be opened in browser and then what I need to do from here I just need to copy the link go back to where I was editing the image on Discord and then I'm gonna paste it there just before the seed number The Next Step I need to add the prompt that we originally use right the beautiful lady pink curly hair wearing a dress I need to put that prompt after the link before the seed and there you go so basically all we've done here is which once we once we got the upscale for the image that we want we reacted to the image and we let me Jenny know that we like this character and hopefully from now on it knows that and then the next thing that we did we got the seed number which is this one here and then the next thing is that we got we got the link for this image like I just shown you which is this one which is this one here and then the third thing that we did we got the initial prompt that we used to get this picture and then once we've got all of that what we need to do now we just need to click on enter and then mid Journey will generate the next images for us so that we can proceed go ahead and continue to The Next Step all right there we go we've got the image ready now as you can see this character is consistent to this character here this is keeping the same consistency that's what we want to see all right so I'm going to go to the next step which is getting this character into a different scene so I'm going to click imagine if you follow what I'm trying to do you'll see we're just doing the same same thing over and over again but we're just following a certain sort of formula so the first thing that we need to do we need to get the link for this image which is that one and that's what we're gonna put here next we need to go back and get the prompt again including the seed number and pasting down here so the next thing we're just gonna add the different scenes and see how that works with our character so we could start with something simple as walking walking in the put what we've done we've got the link and then we've got the original prompt that we use to get this image again the only thing that's there that was not there in the original image is the seed number which is here so the seed number is very important and the only thing I've added right now is walking in the park so the new prompt is beautiful lady pink curly hair wearing a dress walking in the park alright so there you go as you can see the image is ready and it's still staying consistent with the same same character but this time is in a different scene it's a little bit blurry at the back but if you compare this image where it had a pink background or pink gray background to this image which is she's supposed to be working in a pack so if you look here you can see the trees but the focus is on her all right so I'm gonna try and put her in a different situation and see what we come up with again remember the formula so we're gonna go back and get the link which is here I'm gonna copy that link and then we're gonna go back on Discord thing where we create generating the image and then so slash imagine and then we're gonna add the link there and the next step don't forget this we need the link that we use to generate the image before including the seed number there and then this time what we need to do we need to remove walking in the park and then we're gonna put it with some we're gonna add something else that would like to see how it is so we could probably say sitting on a bench and another thing I would like to do as well I want to see a little bit more of us so I'm gonna add um full body shot and just see if we can see a bit more of her full body shot so I just want to see what's going to happen all right then so I'm gonna press enter and see the next image so the new prompt is beautiful lady pink curly hair wearing a dress sitting on a bench full body shot with a bit of a wrong spelling there but I'm hoping me Jen will be able to interpret them alright so the image is ready I wanted to see a bit more of her mid Jenny didn't give us that I don't know if it's because I missed belt full but other than n at the end so I don't know if that's the case but I'm going to try and correct that and see what we get as you can see the character she's still the same same character that we had from before but then now she's sitting on was supposed to be a bench and she's not in the park anymore so now I'm gonna try and get her in another different situation and then I'm gonna let get the link again I'm gonna paste it there and then don't forget we need to get this entire um we need to get this prompt including the seed number never forget the seed number and I'm gonna paste it there we're gonna do a few changes all right so I'm gonna correct the spelling mistake for uh full body shot and leave that bit as that the only bit that I'm Gonna Change now is the one that she's sitting on a bench so what I'm gonna do sitting sitting on a motorbike so the new prompt is beautiful lady pink curly hair wearing a dress sitting on a motorbike full body show and it includes the seat number and remember with got the link as well so I'm going to press enter and then we're going to see if median is going to generate the same same character but this time she should be sitting on a bike all right on to the next image we still don't have that full body shot but then that's fine as you can see she's still the same same character that we heard from before she's still staying consistent we wanted her to sit on the bike but she's not sitting on the bike but you can see she's right next to the bike which is something the main thing is that we're still keeping her consistent and having her in different situations alright so right now let's do something a bit more fun so what we're gonna do we're gonna try and see if we make an animation theme out of this character if it's still gonna stay consistent so what I'm gonna do I'm just gonna do the same thing that we've been doing so I'm gonna press imagine and then we're gonna get the link and then I'm gonna paste it there and then don't forget we always have to get this prompt including the stick number never forget the stick number and then we're gonna have it down here and then we're just gonna have a few changes of what we want her to be doing so what I'm gonna change from here I'm gonna take off sitting on a motorbike and then I'm gonna I'm gonna put cartoon style I'm just gonna add the word cartoon style and just see how that what happens so now the new prompt is beautiful lady pink curly hair wearing a dress cartoon style full body shop and then we've got the seed number there and let's see what happens all right that's nice I'm very impressed so as you can see our character is still keeping that look but this time it's in a cartoon form she's still the same same original character that we've been having same same character but then this time we can have her in different version and still stay consistent to her look so that's that so let's try something else so we could do the same thing but this time so we're gonna start with getting the link so it's always the link paste and then you get this prompt including the seed number and then we'll paste it there and then we're gonna do the changes that we don't want to see on the next image so what we could do since we're taking the cartel style off so we've said the lady wearing a dress so I could add here red no green dress and hopefully we'll have our original character again but then this time she's gonna be wearing a green dress and she's not gonna be in a cartoon version because we've changed that already as well so let's just see all right there you go so our image is ready as you can see she's still looking the same she's got a green dress she's got pink and green dress here but she's got the green dress which is what we want to see we just want to see her in different situation but still keeping her look so now what we're gonna do we're gonna try and just put her in a few different places so that you can just see it's just literally we're doing the same same thing over and over again anyway so let's just say so I'm going to say imagine don't forget the formula so we're just getting the link from the image that we initially liked that time we're gonna paste it there and then we just need to get this prompt including the seed number I'm gonna paste it there and all we have to do is just to make the changes that we don't want so here we can have her in a situation where she's saying let's say City thing on the hood of the car let's just see what happens all right so our image is ready and as you can see our character she's not sitting on the hood of the car but she's sitting next to the car I guess sometimes with me Journey it's hard to get um the character to do exactly what you want but then we've got her next to a car so I'm gonna do I'm just gonna generate the same another image again and just see if I'm gonna get the same sort of outcome again so we could do slash imagine then we'll get we could get the link again copy go back onto where we're editing the prompt enter it and then we're gonna get this prompt that we've been using including the seed number we're gonna paste it here and then now we're gonna just make a few changes that would like to see so maybe from we don't want us on a hold of the car anymore so it could have blue dress dancing so our new prompt is beautiful lady pink curly hair wearing a dress blue dress dancing full body shop let's just see what that comes to approved all right so there she goes so she's still the same character she's wearing a pink and blue dress and she's in a situation where you can see her dress is flying so and her hair is flying so I guess she's dancing so that's something so this time let's do something different so we're gonna do imagine and then we're gonna get the link never forget the link so we've got the link we're gonna add our link there I'm gonna do space and then we're gonna copy The Prompt including the seed number and then now we're gonna do the changes that we don't want on this scene we're gonna remove dancing we can leave blue dress but then this time I'm gonna add um I don't know Powerpuff Girls power Power Puff Girls same and just see if that changes anything let's see so that's the character in a Powerpuff girl theme I don't know how good that looks but you can see how you can have the character in different situations looking so different but still keeping that same look so what we're gonna do we're gonna try and put our character in another situation imagine paste and then this time we're gonna take this prompt including the seed I'm gonna add it there and then we just need to delete the stuff that we don't want so we don't want the Powerpuff girl theme then we don't want the blue dress so this time we can have a in a yellow dress and we could have a playing piano or there is a character she's ready she's still keeping that look she's still looking similar but this time she's not playing a Player No but she's right next to a piano she's wearing a red a yellow dress in this pink that will not go away she's got the yellow dress so she's still consistent keeping that look so now we're gonna try something a bit more drastic we're gonna try and have her in um so imagine all right there we go we've got our character in a anime theme as you can see just works out the same change a few stuff and the character is still still the same but she's in different situations as you can see the dress a new image is out and you can see she's in a different dress all right there you go so I'm gonna pray a bit more just to see just to show you the difference so this is one all right the character is ready she's not in a very colorful dress like I was expecting but again she's in a different outfit but there you go beautiful lady pink curly hair wearing a dress black dress for body shop all right there we go we've got our character Azo again and this time she's in a beautiful lady pink curly hair wearing a dress black and yellow dress animation style and we also have her hair again in a different situation which is beautiful lady pink curly hair wearing a dress black dress cartoon style full body shower as you can see very very simple to do this it's just a little formula that you have to follow but if you follow where you can create your own personalized image according to what you want you can put this in different situation it doesn't have to be a picture of a lady you can put this in a picture of a car you can do whatever so basically the possibilities are endless thank you everybody thank you for watching I hope you find this video helpful and above all I hope you learned something and until next time have yourself a beautiful beautiful day bye
Channel: Simplifying AI
Views: 46,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney tutorial, midjourney ai, midjourney ai tutorial, Midjourney, AI art, character design, character creation, tutorial, consistency, art software, digital art, creative process, design tips, art tips, digital drawing, drawing software, software tutorial, illustration tutorial, consistency character, Generative art, Digital Art, Ai Midjourney, Ai, midjourney, Generative art design, ai art tutorial, midjourney prompts, Prompts, midjourney v4, midjourney tips
Id: neS6hHmvVlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 08 2023
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