Midjourney V5 - How To Swap Faces - Create UNBELIEVABLE Face Swaps - Step By Step Tutorial

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Hello everybody welcome back to another mid Journey tutorial on this one I'm going to show you how to do face swapping with no Photoshop No Nonsense this is now available inside mid-journey and it is amazing I'm going to show you step by step how to do it you'll notice here up at the top right I'm in my own Discord server and I've got two bots in my server I've got the mid Journey bot which is standard and I've got the Insight face swap which is the new one which is also free it's open source and I'm going to show you how to add those but before I do that let me show you a few examples here so I've got some pictures here I've got Elon I've got Lionel Messi I've got Ronaldo I've got Taylor Swift Etc look at this here's the original shot here it is with Elon musk's face in it again this is done inside mid-journey that's a good one this one's even better look at these these two images of these steampunk and cyberpunky type diesel Punk Girls and then look at this Taylor Swift that's that's as good as it gets this is Practically Perfect these are all done again inside and then the last ones I'll show you is I've got some messy style ones where Messi kind of gets his diesel Punk steampunk on and then Ronaldo that's not quite as good as these other two this one's very good it looks pretty dapper in that one and then bang he looks some sort of like diesel Punk car dealer okay with that out of the way let's get in alright so the first step is you need to create your own server and have the mid Journey bot join it you need to have both bots in it there's a very good chance that you've already done this but I'm going to show you how to do it in just a few quick seconds and then we'll quickly move into this face swap start so here we go all you need to do go to the left side of Discord click on add a server and then I'm going to click on create my own server it's for me and my friends I'm going to call it face I'm going to call it face swapper face swapper Ronaldo Messi Elon something like that just some big huge name so I don't mess them up then I'm going to click on create when I do that you're going to see here on the left side here that my latest one is here this is my Discord server I'm going to click on it there's nothing in it at the moment the next step is we have to invite the mid Journey bot the mid Journey bot is easy to do go to your left side here and then you'll see the sailboat this is the mid Journey one just click on this click on the sailboat and then you're gonna see here on the left side or pardon me on the right side it says mid Journey bot all you got to do is right click on that or part of me left click on that I got to be clear you left click on it and then add to server click on add to server and then you get to select a server I'm going to select the one I just made which was that big huge long name face swapper Ronaldo Messi Elon click continue click authorize click on I am human and it might even give you a captcha but it did not so we are clear now let's go back to the face swapper the new one that we made you'll see here up at the top right mid-journey bot has been added all right a wild mid-journey bot has been added good stuff now the other one is you need this link here I'm just going to copy it and I'm going to put this in the description because when you click on it it goes directly there so I'm going to copy and paste that in here and hit enter and what it is is just the authorization for the Insight face swapper bot so I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to left click on this link again this link is in the description below so you can just copy and paste it and off you go I'm going to select a server I'm going to use that big long name I made face swapper Ronaldo Messi Elon click enter click authorize click I am human beep boop beep boop and off we go now we're gonna have this authorized we now have both Bots inside the Discord server now let's get to business all right rock and roll let's go so the first step here is I'm going to go forward slash save ID this is a new command you get when you add the Insight face swap bought to your Discord server I'm going to hit enter and then you'll see it gives us two things it gives us the ability to drag and drop an image in and we can also give it an ID name so let's go with the image part first I'm going to go to my finder and then for this one let's work with Taylor Swift why not I'm going to drag and drop Taylor Swift's into the image box here and then I'm going to name this so I'm going to call this one Taylor Swift oh let's do it all I'm going to do it with the first letter capitalized every other letter is lowercase capitalization seems to matter in this case so I'm going to hit enter and watch this invalid name oops must be alphabet okay let's try that again save ID hit enter and then I'm going to go drag and drop this in and I apologize for that Taylor S you can only go up to uh I guess seven characters so I'm going to hit enter and Presto Taylor's ID name Taylor S Creator Taylor's is created beautiful now I'm going to show you two different ways to swap in faces one is the fast and easy way and then the other one is where you can have multiple faces and you can have a whole lot of fun so please I'd recommend watching them both let's go with the easy one first first step I'm going to go imagine and then I'm gonna get I'm going to create four Images I'm just going to create a regular one so I'm going to go steampunk female close-up shot portrait um looking at camera the reason why I did that is because I like you generally want the subject to be looking forward it's easier to do a face swap than when they're on an angle or if they're on a side profile for example so I'm gonna run this when it's done I'm going to come back and then I'm going to show you the first way to swap in an image all right welcome back so it's done a very good job here are the four images of the candidates that it's given us and I like all of them although I'm going to use the second third and fourth one because the first one has some hair in front of the face so whatever I'm going to go ahead and upscale two I'm gonna upscale three and I'm gonna upscale four now upscaling works pretty quickly and here we go there's our first one our second and our third one so how do we go ahead and turn this lady into Taylor Swift here is the first of two ways the first way is you want to right click on the image go to apps so you right click go to apps go across and you'll see something called in swapper in swapper does it automatically bang we've got Taylor Swift it was that fast and that easy and it did a an incredible job that is a fantastic image let's go ahead and click on this one so I'm going to right click on her face and then I'm gonna go to apps and I'm going to in swap her and that sounded rough but I guess I can get away with that and then I'm going to right click on her face I'm gonna go to apps and then I'm gonna in swap her now look at these images Taylor Swift that looks exactly like the image we dropped in there look at like this is incredible guys like I'm I don't get you know I don't know mid-journey and AI in general absolutely blows me away every day I turn on and turn it on and use this stuff amazing so that is the first way now I'm going to show you a more complicated way but you can swap in multiple different characters let's get going all right welcome back now I'm going to show you the save ID so that you can create IDs that you can use interchangeably watch this so now I'm going to go forward slash save ID and you'll see here that I can now drag and drop an image in so we've done Taylor Swift now let's go ahead with let's go with Lionel Messi I've got a great picture of Lionel Messi looking right at the camera I'm going to drag and drop that in there now it says ID name I'm going to say m-e-s-s-i all capitalized why not then I'm going to hit enter watch this ID name Messi created beautiful let's go ahead and do the same thing save ID and I'm going to do one for Ronaldo while I got you so let's go ahead and grab this one here drag and drop that in and then this one's going to be Ronaldo hit enter ID name Ronaldo updated so now we've got multiple ID names so let's go ahead now and let's run let's run some male images if we run any mail ones yet no so I'm going to go forward slash imagine and then I'm gonna go male steam I'm gonna let's go diesel Punk why not right let's do something different diesel Punk looking at camera portrait up close shot enter something like that let's do that we're going to get four images and then I'm going to show you how to do the final step all right everybody so I ran that prompt twice and I got some pretty good looking images I'm going to show you now how to do using swap ID so let's look at the first couple candidates okay so I like the second one I like yeah they're all quite good the top the top one and the top and the second one we'll use from that batch and then if I click on this batch they're all quite good as well uh let's go with the second third and maybe even the fourth they're all very good so we're gonna go ahead and just up sample them and then it up samples very quickly so what you need to do now is you need to right click on the image or part of me you need to click on the image and then I'm going to save the image and I'm just going to call this one one and I'm going to put it on my desktop so it's easy to find so I'm just going to go ahead and use one I'm going to save this image so let's see if I can click on it and right click save image and I'm gonna call that one too put it on my desktop and I'm just gonna do a couple of them so I don't waste your time and you'll also notice here that you can right click and save image as well and even saves you a click so either way is good so we've got those three now here we go I'm going to go to my desktop go to my finder and then here we go I'm going to go and you gotta actually drag and drop them back in because this is a little different and then actually no you don't have to do that watch this go forward slash I don't want to I don't want to make this any more complicated than it needs to be forward slash swap ID now we drop it in so it says here ID name and drag and drop image so I'm going to go ahead drag and drop the first image in and then ID name Ronaldo but it was all capital so I'm gonna go Ronaldo and then watch this while it does that look at that I mean look holy smokes that is amazing wow okay Ronaldo they crushed it with Ronaldo let's do it again forward slash swap ID enter and then we're going to use the same image drag and drop it here and then this one is messy hit enter let's see what we get another amazing image this is how you do it now if you have your own images you don't have to use mid Journey images if you have some of your own images for example if I went to my pictures and I went to something like this I could bring in an image of Angelina Jolie I could just uh actually oh hold off I'm gonna go forward slash swap ID and then let's go ahead and drag in Angelina as an example and then I can type in Ronaldo and let's see what Angelina Jolie as Ronaldo looks like uh let's see oh it's 2023 that's not bad that's not bad at all this is how you use swapping ID Insight face making amazing IDs swap ID images using mid Journey thanks for watching
Channel: AI In A Minute
Views: 95,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: insight face, face swap midjourney, midjourney face swap, swap face midjourney, how to swap face in midjourney, midjourney add bot, midjourney add bot to server, insight face bot, how to swap face with midjourney v5, midjourney v5 swap, saveid, swapid
Id: Tka2aY6swNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Fri May 12 2023
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