Create Your Own AI Animated Character (step by step)

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hey everyone welcome back to the channel my name is Nicole and I was generated by artificial intelligence in this video I'm going to show you how to make unique talking avatars Like Me by using a few different tools that are really easy to use for some reason most of my friends wear the same thing and go to the same places every day there's no reason for that with a little bit of practice on what we're about to go over you'll be generating consistent characters with natural voices really soon the possibilities are Limitless you just need to use your imagination sure avatars can be used for boring things like customer service and onboarding employees but I'm hoping one day I might even be a news anchor or an actress I mean couldn't you see me in a Red Bull commercial right now you just need to use your imagination hopefully you're ready to go create some really cool stuff with artificial intelligence now I'm going to show you how to generate your very own avatar and if few variations that way your avatar isn't boring we're also going to generate a script a natural sounding voice and even a unique background setting and if you want to continue learning how to use artificial intelligence now would be the perfect time for you to subscribe to this channel let's get started the first thing we're going to do is generate the initial image of our character and I'm personally going to use mid-journey but you can use whichever text image generator you prefer so you just want to start by doing a forward slash then typing in Imagine and then following that with your prompt and for this prompt it says full body portrait of a brunette woman with blonde streaks wearing a black sweatshirt semi-realistic confident shallow depth of field ar23 and just press enter all right let's check out the photos that my journey came up with so from here you can just select whichever photo that you would like to use for your character if you would like to try a different prompt you could do that as well that's really the key to getting the best character is just trying different props until you really come up with the one that you want to use but for the sake of this tutorial we're just going to go ahead and select that second photo and whenever you do find a character that you would like to use you just want to go ahead and upscale that so to upscale the second photo here I'm just going to click U2 this is the upscaled image of our character and you can just click on it and open it in browser and that's going to pull up the high definition version of it and from here you simply just right click and save image as that's going to download it to your computer and if you'd like to just go ahead and use that image for your character you can do that and use that photo to generate your video however we're going to go ahead and generate a few variations of this character that way our character can be in several different settings in our video to start generating variations of our character what we're going to do now is going to open up the image again and right click and we're going to copy the image address of this photo and we're going to come right back down here to the prompt bar to our forward slash imagine then you want to paste the image address just like that and what we're actually going to do now is copy our initial prompt the one that we use to generate the initial image and we're going to paste that in our prompt bar just after the address there and from here you can just slightly change up this prompt a little bit for example we're going to get rid of the wearing a black sweatshirt and replace that with something else for example I'm going to type in ski jacket and let's see what mid-journey comes up with all right let's go and check out these new images and I'm just going to open it up in the browser and I'm going to go ahead and split the screen actually that way we can compare it to the original image and those are pretty similar they aren't identical obviously um but they are pretty close so I think this fourth one over here is the most similar to our initial image and again you may have to go through this process several times but for the time being we're just going to go ahead and move forward with the image in the bottom right hand corner the fourth variation and we're going to go ahead and upscale this photo as well this is the upscaled variation of our initial photo so let's just go and open it up in a new tab and compare it to the original so that looks pretty similar again obviously they're not identical but it is pretty close and if you were to go through this process several times eventually you'll kind of get the process figured out and you'll learn how to create fairly consistent characters but for the sake of this video I'm just going to go ahead and stick with this one right here and just like we did with the initial photo you want to go ahead and right click and save image as that way we can use it later the next step is to remove the backgrounds from the Avatar photos that we just generated that way after we generate the video we can add in our own background and create our own settings and there's a ton of free background removal software out there one I've been using lately is they have one that you can use for free I know there's also another site called they allow you to remove the background for free there as well so after you remove the background what you want to do next is actually add in a green background to your avatar photos that way it'll make it a lot easier to remove the background again after we actually generate the video I would also recommend enhancing the photo before generating video with it you can adjust the contrast the brightness everything like that that definitely will help the final product and once you've enhanced your photo again you just want to add in a green background and I would recommend adding in a darker green with the video generating software we're about to use sometimes the brighter greens do actually bleed through the image of the Avatar so I've just found it more useful to use a darker green background and then once you have that dark green background you just want to go ahead and download this image and you're going to do this with all the avatars that you're going to be generating video with now that we have the images of our characters we're going to move on and generate this script for our Avatar and I'm going to use chat GPT to generate the script I didn't even use Chachi PT to generate a script for the avatars in this video I came up with all that on my own you know if you know what you want your avatars to say there's no reason to generate a script but it can definitely make things easier if you have writer's block so this prompt right here says you are an AI generated Avatar who is starting a YouTube channel your name is Nicole write a funny script for your first video where you will be teaching people how to use AI tools to generate their own avatar and just press enter I'm not going to read through all this but just the beginning to kind of give you an idea of what it says says Hi everyone my name is Nicole and I'm here to teach you all how to generate your own AI powered Avatar now I know what you're thinking Nicole I already have a perfectly good human Avatar why would I want a digital one well let me tell you having an AI Avatar is like having a superpower you can make them say and do anything you want plus you'll never have a bad hair day again how cool is that all right so you can definitely tell that Chad GPD tried to make that funny uh personally I wouldn't have wanted to use that in this video but that can definitely give you an idea of how you can generate a script now from here you just want to copy this script and we're going to go ahead and generate the audio now the video generator that we'll be using does also generate audio however I don't think it's the highest quality and depending on what you're generating your video for you may want some higher quality audio so that's why I would recommend using that's what I use to generate the voices for the avatars in this video and I'll put a link in the description I think you get 300 words for free whenever you first sign up so if you're wanting higher quality audio I would definitely recommend checking it out once you get logged in to you can just click create audio and I would recommend selecting use ultra realistic voices and from here you can simply just paste in the script that you copied previously from chatgpt and to change up the voice you can click on the little pink box on the left hand side and from here you can try out the different voices and find which one works best for you so let's go ahead and see what all is in here so here's what a few of the voices sound like Alfonso has been one of my favorites so far thank you so much for watching this video don't forget to subscribe and make sure to press the Bell icon to get notifications when I upload a new at the 90 day marker it's a good idea to check in and review the employee extreme success by Def like many other philosophers who have great merging Neuroscience psychology and mindfulness with practical takeaways for being more focused in our work and why all right I'm gonna go with Alfonso and after you find one that you want to use just select it click confirm and from here you can simply just click generate all previews I'm not going to generate all these because I don't want to use up my words right now on my account so I'm just going to generate that one line right here that way we can get an idea and here in a second we're going to generate some audio with the video generator and that way you can compare the two so let's go and see what this audio sounds like right now hi everyone my name is Nicole and I'm here to teach you all how to generate your own AI powered Avatar all right that's really nice so I'm just going to go ahead and download that and now we're going to move on to the next step now is the fun part now is when we actually generate the video and we're going to be using a website called and there's another video generator out there that I've used I believe it's called I'll put a link to it in the description in case you want to check that one out as well but so far I've liked the most once you get logged in you just want to go ahead and click on create a video this is where you'll upload a photo of your avatar you just click add and then if you used a different website to generate the audio you can go ahead and upload the audio right here that's what I'm going to do right now and just to show you the difference between the audio quality of and play HT I'm going to go ahead and put in the script into did and we'll go and listen to what the audio from did sounds like hi everyone my name is Nicole and I'm here to teach you all how to generate your own AI powered Avatar now I know what you're thinking Nicole I already have a perfectly good human Avatar so that was did's audio now let's go and listen to play.htaudio my name is Nicole and I'm here to teach you all how to generate your own AI powered Avatar definitely a really big difference there now again it may not be that big of a deal to you depending on whatever you're generating this video for but I definitely did notice a difference so after you get your audio uploaded or generated um really just click generate video [Music] foreign just like that our video is generated and to preview it just click on it everyone my name is Nicole and I'm here to teach you all how to generate your own AI powered Avatar there we go that's our new AI generated Avatar now let's go ahead and remove the green background and add in our own background we're going to be using a video editing software called descript to remove the green background and add in our own background now personally I've been using Adobe Premiere lately but I know not everybody has Adobe Premiere and you do have to pay for it and dscript does have a free tier that you can use without pain so that's why I'll be using descript in this video and if you've never used these script before you can sign up for a free account by using the link in the description of this video descript is extremely easy to use once you get logged in you just want to click on new project and then you can select whichever template you would like I'm just going to click the first one right here and from here all you have to do is drag and drop the video that we just generated and downloaded and drag that on to the timeline make sure you have the clip selected and then over on the right hand side of the screen you want to click the little tab that says effects and you'll see an option that says green screen go ahead and select that and right now it's applying the green screen to this video clip so it's removing the green background and as soon as that is finished what we can do is add in our own custom background so it just removed the green background and I'm actually going to go ahead and delete that title right there and now I'm going to just drag and drop in a photo of a cafe for the background it's going to rearrange these clips right here and make the background longer in the timeline make sure they're overlapping and just like that we have successfully generated our talking Avatar we'll remove the green background and also add in our own custom background your own AI powered Avatar if you have any questions about any of this just let me know down in the comments if you've got any value out of the video go ahead and like it and I'll see y'all next time
Channel: Sharp Startup
Views: 970,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt explained, chatGPT, openai chatgpt, ai chatbot, openai chatbot, openai, playground openai, chat openai, Midjourney, D-ID, how to make ai avatar, ai avatar generator free, ai avatar, generate ai avatar, ai animated avatar, ai video generator, descript, ai, ai video, ai video editing, ai art, ai voice, ai voice generator, ai avatar free, consistent characters midjourney, ai character generator
Id: n3wvlIJLXTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2023
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