Midjourney V5 - How To Use Reference Images To Create UNBELIEVABLE Cartoons And Avatars - Tutorial

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Hello everybody welcome back to another mid-journey version 5 tutorial version five just launched and holy smokes you remember in the past you people were making AI avatars and cartoons and illustrations well version five has taken it to the next level and let me show you here here's some just some images here I've got a Ronaldo Messi Taylor Swift and now here are just a few of the cartoon slash avatars that I created of them and I want you to notice that some of them are extremely photorealistic you can't even barely tell that it's a that it's actually a AI generated and then some of them are highly stylistic like this messy one here and there's another messy one although that one's a little bit too far off the cigarette was out we've got Ronaldo here kind of as like a as like a Batman Joker type style Marvel cartoon type guy and you know we just got all of these different styles pin up girl I'm gonna show you how to access over 150 different Cartoon Avatar Styles in the reference sheet I'm also going to show you how to create these and how to refine them so and not just you know it's not just like you know punching a prompt and see what you get I'm going to show you how to refine it so that you can go from highly photorealistic all the way up to highly abstract with lots of latitude on the uh AI side so I'm going to show you all of that stuff let's get going starting from scratch First Step here is we're going to go to our finder if you're on a PC you'll probably you'll have a Windows Explorer grab an image that you want to work on I'm going to work with Taylor Swift because for some reason she just works really really good with this so I'm going to drag and drop her image like I did here I'm going to put it into prompt and I'm going to hit enter and now I've got her into the Discord botter I've got her in the mid Journey bot here the next step is you right click on the image and you want to copy that link this is very very important so I'm just going to go command V and I'm just going to go ahead and hit enter and just copy that in so that I have a second backup just in case so this is the image so okay now before I start showing you all the fancy uh you know image waiting and uh text prompting I want to show you the resources here first so what I've got here is I've got two really really really good resources of of different styles here of illustrators cartoonists caricatures Etc the first one here is uh see kovalev.com I'll put links to both of these in the description below so you can access them what you want to do is you want to come to this website click on home and then just go here to V4 Styles as it loads and then go under illustrators when you click on illustrators you're going to see all of these different styles for example Aaron McGruder he does amazing artwork if you're in the Avatar or the cartoon caricature for people awesome artists go down a little further here you'll see Alex Ross is fantastic I mean all of these are great but some of them are a little better for cartoons and avatars and things like that Becky cloonan is fantastic she's an amazing artist at Brian Boland etc etc you'll see all of these different options we're going to select one or two just to work with them but keep in mind there's over 100 on this page and then if you go to this one here this is the mid-journey reference sheet that I've got here this also has a it's a spreadsheet but it has a lot of different artists under under cartoons and Comics so if I just scroll through this you'll see all of these different artists Peter baggy Ralph Carl barks I mean I just John Bauer just Legends a lot of these artists and then of course there's the default style which is also quite good by the way so anyways you're gonna have access to these I just wanted to show you this because we're going to be working in specific artist style here so we're going to go back into mid journey and then Presto remember when we clicked on our face we copied the link now what you need to do is you want to go forward slash imagine and then command V or control V to copy that link in so this is we've we're basically saying this is the input this is the prompt this is the image that we want to use as our source now it's space bar and then now we're going to go ahead and write character by and then we're going to pick our artist so in this case I let's go pick let's pick a really cool artist off this guy's page I kind of like you know what I like Gilbert let's go ahead and just make sure I've got the spelling right so I'm going to go down here to Gill and Gill is right here Gil elveground so I'm going to hit this little plus sign that copies it so I'm going to go ahead and know character by space Gil ever in so let's go oh I got Buy in there twice part of me so I'm going to delete that character by Gil elvegren and then I'm gonna hit um no I'm not actually gonna put in a comma hit I'm going to go colon colon part of me I just want to make sure I've got this right I'm gonna go colon colon and then I'm gonna go one what I'm telling it to do now is I'm basically saying I'm using text weight or prompt weight of one so I'm not going to make it too strong or too weak we can change this in the next step but I'm gonna go one and then I'm gonna go space and I'm gonna go dash dash IW which means image weight so how much emphasis are we going to give the image and for this one this ranges between 0.5 and 2.0 so for this first brand for the first run I'm gonna go 2.0 so it's dash dash IW space 2.0 I'm going to hit enter and I'll tell you what this basically means it basically means is we've done it forward slash imagine and then we copied in that the link of the of the image that we're going to use then we hit space character by and then we select the artist that we're gonna use so it was Gil elgren in display in this situation then we did colon colon one which means we're giving it a weight of one so we're not making it strong or weak we're just giving it a regular one and then we did space and then it was dash dash IW which means Image Weight and then space 2.0 now 2.0 is currently the strongest weight you can give an image so we want it to look as close as possible to the original image in the next version once this is done I'm going to show you how to give the AI you know a little more latitudes a mid Journey could make some more artistic decisions but we're going to go with photorealistic style based on this artist the first when this is done I'm going to come back and then I'm going to show you the remixing options okay welcome back so it has done it and let's take a click on what we got here so a quick eyeballing of this the second one is quite good the third one is fantastic and the fourth one is also very good but it could use a variation so in this case just to keep this moving let's select a third one so what am I going to do you can technically you could just click upscale on the third one and use it as is so you can just right click now and just save that image and save it to wherever you want to or we can do variations of these and that's what I want to show you now so I'm going to click on V3 and when you click on this you'll see that the remix prompt comes up and this is why this technique is so useful because look at this we have character by Gill elgren and we've got an image we've got a prompt weight of one but what happens if we set that prompt weight to 1.5 now we're going to say we want it to be more stylized like that artist and if we took the image weight and we took it from 2 to 1.0 do you see what's happening here now I'm going to click submit and what we're saying is like look we want the artist to be more prominent and we're going to give you a little bit more leeway so it doesn't have to look quite like Taylor Swift click submit and we're gonna I'm gonna come back when this is done and just keep in mind that this can be infinitely iterated upon so you can change them to 1.5 1.25 2.0 until you get the image and the style you want you can also swap both the various character characters so this right now is by Gil elvgren but if you get a look that you like swap in a different artist name hit the button and Presto off you go again so I'm going to come back when it's done I'm going to show you one last thing alright welcome back so now we've gone ahead and we swapped around some of the uh settings here if we click on it we've got a different a little bit of a different look this is more stylized you can see that it's more cartoony and it doesn't look quite as much like Taylor Swift so again if you want like for example I kind of like the the well the second one looks more like her than the other one so if I didn't like that I would just go and click on V2 I would up you know I'd upscale it to keep it if I like it but then if I want to change it up click on V2 again and adjust it so instead of 1.5 maybe we would make it 0.5 I mean you can go ahead and go nuts right and then we want the image weight to be two and then oh 2.0 and then Presto I would click on submit again oh I hit the wrong button but that's the gist of it I'm going to show you one more thing here if I click on this one here and I click on make variations watch this it says here character by Gil elgren but what if I just go over here and I say you know I don't really like kill style I like uh this guy Glenn Keane I'm just going to click on that little plus there I'm going to go back into mid journey and I'm just going to go ahead and then instead of I'm going to delete instead of by Gill elf grin I'm just going to copy and paste on this one by Glenn Keane that's it now I've swapped out the artist click submit and we're going to get another version I'll come back when this is done and then that should wrap it up all right welcome back so this is what it looks like for Glenn Keane we click on this completely different look it's still got some of the pink and some of the look but again we've got another style here it was that simple that's all you need to know to create amazing AI avatars cartoons illustrations using mid Journey version 5. it it's incredible thanks for watching
Channel: AI In A Minute
Views: 99,721
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Keywords: midjourney reference image, midjourney cartoon, midjourney create a cartoon, midjourney version 5 cartoon, midjourney version 5 caricature, midjourney version 5 tutorial, midjourney version 5 create a cartoon character, midjourney v5 create cartoon, midjourney image to cartoon, midjourney v5 image to avatar, create avatar midjourney version 5, avatar midjourney v5, midjourney v5 make an avatar, midjourney v5 cartoon, create cartoon with midjourney
Id: Ej1E_zuiykk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2023
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