Master Portrait Prompting with These Techniques – Midjourney Tutorial

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hey everyone I'm gonna tell you about all the things you can add to your prompt to get the best portraits in mid-journey mid Journey V5 is actually really good at making ultra realistic images so if you ask for a person you're more than likely going to get something that resembles a portrait but it's a good habit to include portrait in your prompt especially at the beginning of your prompt first let's go over some of the aspect ratios you can use and which ones I recommend here is the prompt a portrait of an Instagram model synthwave style aspect ratio one by one so these are your Square images the square image is mid-journey's default and I think it's okay to use I don't think these are bad at all but there are plenty more ratios we can use and if you're curious where I got the idea of synthwave from you can download my free pdf in the description it's a visual dictionary of 200 Aesthetics I put together granted they were all made in version 4 so they might look different for you however it's not the pictures themselves it's the style used to make the picture hopefully they'll give you some ideas some inspiration on which words you can include in your prompts back to the aspect ratios instead of one by one two by three is a pretty good option honestly as long as it's more vertical you're going to get the most out of the portrait prompt and I don't know if I need to explain this but how prompting Works in mid-journey is that it's going to relate any word you use to its database so if you include the word portrait it's going to look up every image it has that is tagged with the word portrait a lot of those are going to be vertical and we want to synergize our prompts as much as we can with the database however it's possible to go a little too vertical here is the aspect ratio one by two and perhaps you like the look of these pictures but I don't I think it's a little too squished and even though my journey can fit some of it in frame like number one I think most of the time it's going to have difficulty giving you everything you're looking for on the other side of things here's 16x9 again mid-journey is always going to create something beautiful but the strength of the composition is going to be determined by which aspect ratio you choose I can't recommend 16x9 for portraits it's usually going to cut off something you're looking for however maybe that's what you want just keep it in mind and that brings us to my personal favorite aspect ratio to use for portraits and that's four by five this might be a little unconventional but I think it gives you the perfect shape almost like a DVD case not quite square but enough verticality to show off what we want four by five my favorite and in case anyone is wondering why are there two aspect ratios in my prop I've gotten only one comment about this in all of my videos the reason for the different aspect ratios is because one of them is added as a suffix to all of my prompts that being 16 by nine and also V5 is a suffix for all of my prompts so I don't have to type in V5 every time you can change your suffix by hitting forward slash and then prefer suffix you can click on new value and then add anything you want that will be added to the ends of all your prompts and this is good for when you want to experiment with something and you don't want to have to write it every time so I personally like 16x9 and I want it there for most of my prompts however if you then include a different aspect ratio in your prompt it will override your suffix so I do portrait of an Instagram model synthwave style and then I write in AR 4x5 and that will become more important than the 16 by nine likewise I could also add in V4 to my prompts and that will become more important than the V5 when it comes to parameters whatever comes first is what gets taken as the prompt that's just a little side lesson let's get back to portraits so you've seen the most basic type of prompt you can use which is just including the word portrait and then maybe a style but from here on out our prompts are going to get more and more complicated as we introduce new words I'll show you everything you can do the first thing I think you should try is adding different stylized values this can be written as dash dash s and then a number between zero and a thousand and what the stylized value does is expands or constricts the creativity of mid-journey I stylized value lots of creativity a lower stylized value and mid-journey will generate more strictly to your prompt maybe that's something you're looking for but my recommendation for portraits four realistic images is to bump up the stylized value here is s 300 here's s 500 the images are becoming slightly different than they used to be here's 750 and here's s1000 honestly I think you're going to become a fan of s1000 a high stylized value can do great things for photorealistic images so that's the stylized parameter but what about chaos don't be afraid of chaos when it comes to your portraits it's written as C and then a number between zero and a hundred and what this number is going to do is determine how much variety is in your initial grid of images the highest chaos value will make sure each of the pictures barely looks like each other like you'll actually get nonsense but a low chaos value will be enough to give you four distinct images and perhaps really show you something you didn't even know you were looking for here is just the chaos value of three and despite the sunglasses each of the pictures are quite distinct portraits I like number one a lot I do not recommend a high chaos value to keep it low but here's an extra tip for you I suggest a combination of a small chaos value and some stylize my personal favorite right now is c14 s 300 that is subject to change and you can include any combination that you like but look what it does to the images of these are so beautiful the chaos makes each of them different from each other and the stylized value you just add some creativity that is hard to put into words number one is great love the look at number three I I like them all the next lesson I have for you has to do with the subject of your portrait as well as the color palette you use portrait of an Instagram model but instead of just saying style we're going to include the word fashion in this case Rococo fashion style we're also going to add a camera type here I added Nikon photography you can completely decide what kind of clothes your subject is wearing however the type of camera you mentioned not exactly that important probably a good habit to get into but I have to stress that whether it's Nikon or Canon or Sony or just the word DSLR all of those do the same thing there is a slight caveat I'll go through later but for now I really just want to focus on the fashion style and then the idea of a color tone like here portrait of an Instagram model Rococo fashion style Nikon photography sepia tone this is how we'll get a sort of vintage look to our generation but let's say I wasn't quite happy with the framing of these compositions I can then include the words full body at the start of the prompt and as you can see the camera is zoomed out a little it's still the idea of a portrait but full body will bring your full subject into frame and that might be important to you and this is of course with the sepia tone but here's an extra tip on the idea of color if we take that full prompt and turn it into a multi-prompt while adding a weight to the sepia tone you're going to get something a little different so here's the same thing only we put two colons after the first part of the prompt then we have the word sepia tone followed by two colons and then on the number two you can include any number but for this example the number two means that sepia tone is twice as important as the rest of the prompt now I just want to point out how different these pictures are from the previous one just adding a double weight to sepia tone can change it so much keep that in mind when you're playing around with colors in different words consider multi-prompting them and adjusting the weight to really fine tune your prompt this is gonna be a long video and let's say you wanted black and white photos what can we do this example is really simple portrait of an Instagram model Rococo fashion Nikon photography black and white at the end and it works out great you can understand why some people are concerned about where they put certain words in the prompt because for sure at the end of a long prompt mid-journey is going to have a hard time incorporating every word you use however in this case black and white mid-journey seems to understand find what we were asking for alternatively you could put black and white at the front of your prompt black and white portrait of an Instagram model etc etc these turned out great perhaps they look a little different than including it at the end of The Prompt although I think that's just a variation in the seeds I don't think it matters much but I want you to remember the different colors you can include and the idea of multi-prompting them and adjusting the weights how having fun learning so far the next lesson in portrait prompting is something you can add to your subject and something you could include in the background I know this is 16x9 but bear with me because full body shot actually works pretty well in a 16x9 however the thing I want to focus on here is the pose I included contemplating pose in my prompt this is going to determine how your subject sits in the photo I think there are a bunch of different words you can use in terms of the pose and I think this is something worth experimenting on the second thing I added to the prompt was a Victorian set background here's the same thing in 4x5 and look how beautiful these are the pose really brings a mood to the photo and specifying the background can present a really interesting atmosphere this next lesson has to do with the last part of the prompt the camera that we mentioned here I got rid of the sepia tone and we have Nikon photography these look pretty good here's the same prompt with Canon photography remember how I said it didn't really make a difference I personally think that the only difference between these pictures and the previous ones is the seed number changing the name of the camera not that big of a deal however including the word unsplash rather than a camera type can make a pretty big difference and I personally am a huge fan of unsplash I think the contrast and the lighting is very specific to unsplash which is actually just a stock photography website that all contain a certain style of image and mid-journey represents that style really really well as you can see mid journey is not perfect yet number one is kinda cursed she has three arms we're just gonna ignore that but I like number three a lot I think that's so beautiful and number four that's a gorgeous gorgeous portrait I know I'm throwing a lot of information at you I hope you're writing some of it down there's still more to know about and let me know if you have any questions in the comments and if you've learned something new so far please consider hitting the like button on this video so we can share it with more people thanks now that you know the basic portrait formula let me show you some of the changes you can make and how you can spice it up a little full body shot of an Instagram model triumphant pose science fiction set background Rococo fashion style unsplash look how cool these images are these are these are sick it's hard to determine which words affect these images the most but I think unsplash really gives these catwalk looking Vibes and of course Rococo fashion brings the passion full body shot of an Instagram model triumphant pose science fiction set background intricate pastel fashion and then instead of unsplash or a specific camera you could just include the words cinematic scene dramatic lighting when you're working with this Pro mode of version 5. the more specific you can get is never a bad thing so unsplash is basically synonymous with Cinema Matic seeing dramatic lighting do you know what I mean they're kind of interchangeable and I think these turned out great and perhaps pastel fashion is more in line with science fiction whereas before the Rococo fashion maybe clashed with the science fiction and mid-journey didn't really know what to do uh like that's a cool picture here's another example of how you can mix up that formula contemplating pose Neolithic set background maximalism fashion style this is where we're kind of mixing the ancient world with some newer fashion a pretty cool dichotomy okay this next lesson is pretty Advanced but pretty important especially if this is what you're looking for let's say you want a portrait of something but you don't want it to be photorealistic how do you do that because the word portrait is so closely associated with a lot of real life portraits well let me tell you the solution is negative prompting now I've talked about negative prompting in previous videos and it basically involves using the parameter Dash Dash no and then any words you don't want included in the generation however that's not the only way to do negative prompting you can also divide your prompt into multi-prompts using two colons and instead of adding a normal weight to increase the importance of a part of the prompt we can add a negative weight to decrease the importance so here I tried portrait of an Instagram model maximalism style and maximalism is quite the extravagant aesthetic I loved it in version four and I wanted it to be represented here but something about these were a little too realistic I wanted the style to be part of the generation rather than just what's inside the portrait if that makes any sense here's portrait of an Instagram model maximalism style colon colon and then we're just going to use the word photography add two colons and then as the weight we're going to choose negative 0.75 and look at these results this is basically exactly what I want it so now we know how to take the realism out of our portraits what else can we do if you're at this stage what I recommend is changing the stylized value here's the same prompt as before only we're going stylize zero which means it's going to follow our prompt very strictly maybe making it less beautiful just so you know I've said before I like higher stylized values and this might be an okay example of why they're just not always that beautiful I got some better examples later here's s 500 and like these are these are so sick I think that's so awesome 750 I've heard a lot of people like 750 and I can see why and then look at stylized 1000 I am a big fan Can't Get Enough remember to negative prompt out the realism so those were good examples of what the stylized value can do when you don't want it to be photorealistic but the effect of stylized on your base prompts cannot be understated portrait of an Instagram model maximalism Style just look how good these are maximalism style s750 I think the crazier Styles you try to invoke the higher the stylized value should be here's s1000 and I think these are honestly my favorites I have to blur number four out even though it's tasteful mid Journey still dabbles in nudity for some reason and I don't really know why and apparently the developers don't really know why either it's just like a Kind of a Funny Quirk here's a good example of why I prefer the high stylized values I don't think s0 looks very good at all but you might like what it brings to the table that's up to you in this next quick lesson has to do with the type of portrait we're trying to invoke here I went with digital Illustrated portrait of an Instagram model maximalism style the negative prompted photography and I'm a pretty big fan I think you can do a lot with this type of prompt here's cell shaded portrait same idea I love number three think that's so good number one is pretty cool too graphic novel portrait same idea if you didn't negative problem photography these would look wildly different here's some examples of staying with a certain style but changing the tone portrait of an Instagram model maximalism style sepia tone love how these came out s1000 by the way same prompt split into multi-prompt sepia tone with a weight of two look how different these look can't stress this enough if you're going for a certain color tone to the photos consider multi-prompting and changing the weights here's black and white and another tip using the word monochrome works the same way beautiful photos also monochrome at the start of your prompt same thing works just fine I mentioned earlier how the camera type doesn't really matter although I want you to look at these and tell me what you think these next examples I've adjusted the size of the lens mentioned in the prompt do you think there's a difference here's Nikon 85mm meter here's 10 millimeters is there a difference I know it's hard to tell just based on one random seed but is there a noticeable difference I don't know however I do know that specifying the type of lens makes a big difference here's Nikon fisheye lens look at these these are very distinct I upscaled all of them because I like them so much oof number one I thought was going to be the thumbnail but I kind of like number two I don't know what do you guys think what would you click on I got a couple more things to show you I hope this isn't too much information but consider this like a master class portrait of an Instagram model maximalism style DSLR what do you notice about these pictures they all have a camera in them one way to get around this if you like using the word DSLR or any type of camera that happens to show up in your pictures you're just gonna negative prompt camera simple as that you can write dash dash no camera or just separate camera from the rest of your prompt with two colons add two colons after the camera and put a negative weight of like 0.75 something like that maybe I didn't mention this before but when you negative prompt with no I think everything gets a weight of one however when you use the negative weight on a multi-prompt you can adjust how much negative value you want a word to receive okay another example of why a low stylized value kind of sucks for photorealistic portraits full body shot of an Instagram model bolivism style contemplating pose both of them have these crazy colors as you can see here here is s0 these are all right but they no no they're not that great however here is s1000 these are amazing you see a pretty big difference right then that's just the stylized value otherwise it's the same prompt same thing here saying real core style S zero awful awful images s750 pretty sick I like these a lot except she's got a floating fist here you know don't look too closely s1000 I'm a fan and I should mention here if anything is slightly wrong in one of your pictures just hit variations this doesn't work like version 4. it's not going to give you the exact same photo with the smallest detail change it's going to reimagine the photo pretty distinctly like here number one is way better than what it was before some of the others don't work that well but the point is if something is slightly wrong hit variations you'll probably get something you like here's a little side note on generating vintage portraits let's say you were using the sepia tone but the pictures were looking too crisp and clean and you wanted them to look like they were made in the olden days you can use multi-prompts and use the words damaged photo torn abrasive marks and then include a weight that's under one you want it to just be a little accent and I think honestly 0.8 is probably even a little too much here's the same prompt with 0.5 and I think these are starting to look a lot better tweak the weights on a multi-prompt here's the same thing for a portrait so it's more zoomed in not the full body and I include sepia tone here but look at this here's the same prompt without including sepia tone and I think these look a lot more realistic to what we know as old photos now on to the final lesson of portrait prompting can you specify the attributes of your subject the answer is surprisingly yes kind of portrait of an Instagram model blonde hair blue eyes psychedelica style Nikon 10 millimeters s1000 psychedelica not so much but the point is you can say blonde hair blue eyes and you'll get someone with blonde hair and blue eyes that's pretty powerful curly brown hair and emerald green eyes these are exactly what I was looking for curly brown hair green eyes now I think there is a big difference between exaggerating the color and just plainly stating it emerald green sort of ads maybe a Fantastical post-process element whereas just saying green eyes can get you these pretty normal looking photos like look how good number two is like that's she's so beautiful portrait of a humanoid Instagram model spiky black hair City Pop Style I'll be honest this didn't work out that well I was going for like a robot and a super colorful City pop aesthetic I didn't get that but it got the spiky black hair I added in the word robot and these are again pretty cool I like number two added in the word unsplash and it changes up the composition a little bit so keep in mind maybe some parts of your prompt will have to be tweaked with multi-promancing if at first mid-journey doesn't blend all of it together the way you want it like here I tried negative prompting photography and then adding in anime and I think these look pretty good I'm a big fan I think one is hilarious number two is actually quite beautiful if I could get every single generation to look like that I would make the coolest comic book in the world man going back to the curly brown hair and green eyes I added a little bit of chaos with C3 and again remember that's a really important lesson anytime you're generating a mid-journey a little bit of chaos will spread the variety around your grid and maybe you'll find what you're looking for platinum blonde hair purple eyes didn't quite get this and perhaps I would need to include multi-prompting and bump up the weight on purple eyes platinum blonde hair purple eyes Victorian background on Splash these turned out great as you can see I'm just adding in other parts of the formula at different stages to see what it brings love these here's a similar example as before cell shaded portrait and I didn't really do that well however cell shaded portrait and then photography negative prompted you get the opposite of realistic cell shaded portrait negative prompted photography animate with a weight of 0.8 and I'm starting to get a little more of what I thought I I wanted but look how cool these look like if you want that style you're going to have to get it through multi-prompts like for this next one I took out unsplash and the camera I think number three looks great cell shaded portrait of an Instagram model platinum blonde hair glowing purple eyes cyberpunk background look at number three man look at number one these are oh they're all so good bringing in different stages of the portrait formula can give you vastly different results now let me go over the formula you want the word portrait then you mention your subject followed by anything you would use to describe them maybe some attributes or maybe their fashion how you want them to look then you can include the background followed by a camera not that important and then maybe a color tone and using all or just some of that formula is going to get you some pretty cool pictures in mid-journey I hope you learned something new I hope you're doing well take care and I'll see you next time peace
Channel: Future Tech Pilot
Views: 21,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney, ai art, midjourney ai, midjourney portrait tips, midjourney portrait tutorial, midjourney portrait prompts, midjourney prompt tutorial, midjourney tips and tricks, midjourney tutorial, midjourney help, midjourney prompt help, ai art portrait tutorial
Id: HnuMM8U-vEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 59sec (1439 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 03 2023
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