MidJourney AI - Best Prompt Ticks - Beginners Guide - Beginners - MJ Explained - NFT Art

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today i'm going to show you how to get the best results with mid journey ai hello my friends how are you doing my name is olivio i'm a professional artist let's get started so in this video i want to go from the most fun to the most detailed now if you want to know how to sign up to midjourney.com that is more to the end of the video i have an index below in the video description to guide you through the video also don't miss my live stream this sunday where i will use mid journey ai and affinity photo to create a beautiful new artwork show you a lot more tips and tricks and of course you can ask me questions in the chat now here is how you get really amazing results right from the start the cool thing is right now with mid journey all of the prompts are shared with the images right here so you can click on an image and you can see what the artist has written and suggested to the ai for getting this result but also you can click down here to see what the parent image was where this came from and you can go deeper and deeper through this to see the different iterations of that artwork that is already pretty helpful but there is more here that you can use you have these three little dots here when you click on them you can copy the prompt but you can also copy the commands the prompt is only the words you're seeing here but the command has a lot more details like for example the ratio the quality and other settings that we are not seeing here so if you want to play around with this you probably want to copy the command not the prompt another thing you can learn from these prompts is what kind of terms are used in here because mid journey ai is very understanding to a lot of different terms that you should play with so for example in here when we look at that you can see it says character design it says photorealistic it says octane render this is kind of a 3d rendering method it says unreal engine this is kind of a gaming engine but it's also used for 3d art it says volumetric light now volumetric light is for example if you look at clouds or if you look at smoke and you see the clouds that they are 3d and the light is shining through them that is volumetric light it's a light that shows you the volume of an object so you want to figure out a lot of these technical terms that are used in the art world because the ai actually understands them so when we look here at this artwork you can see that we do have volumetric light in here let's look at some other artworks here and the words here that are used so in this case we have game of thrones but we also have manga that is the style as you can see here but we also have cover in here it's a manga cover not just a manga the ai understands what that means and creates different styles from that if you write manga or manga cover because the cover is a different way to have the composition to create the style to present something and the ai knows that so if you want to get certain compositions certain styles you need to use these words pretty important another thing we see here is it says by akira toriyama so you can enter famous artists and it will try to create something in that style now of course that style isn't 100 like that artist but it is trying to get close to that so you can play around with these styles and see what they create for you by the way if you're thinking right now well this is stealing from artists not really first of all you're creating a variation a new artwork but in the style which you can also do if you can draw good enough nobody keeps you from creating style in the way of another artist but also i know personally a lot of artists and designers and almost all of them have been super excited about this technology and about the possibilities of that because now they can prototype really fast they can try and play with a lot of styles i talked with different artists and they said the ai comes up with things i would have never thought about so this is giving me ideas inspirations it's going in a different way than a human would think because we are limited by our life inspirations by our perspectives by the way we go about creating art but the ai is not so actually artists are really loving this let's go back here and look at some other examples you can see it says ink drawing think about what you want to create the different style the epoch the artist also the material is the imp painting on paper is it on parchment is it on leather is it on metal is it on stone what kind of background does it have so think about these terms that is pretty important to get the right results in this case you can see that we have a work that is more on paper with ink you also have these nice highlights so also the ai will fill in a lot of artistic styles for you and artistic methods which is really impressive that the ai understands how to apply these methods to the images other things you can see here in this description is intricate that is important to get more detail it says splash of ink also important for the art style and how this is put onto the paper and 8k is something you can use to get more or less detail it has nothing to do with the image resolution you can for example also write full hd or 4k or super resolution you need to think about all these different terms read about them and the best way to learn about them is to just look in the community feed and see what kind of words people are using here's another very impressive artwork this is something that the maturity i can do very well these kind of rotten surfaces corpses and skeletons and bone and these kind of things it does really really well another thing by the way you will see here and you will find often with mid journey is that the details look like they're real like you think you see roses but they are not actually roses you can see from the inside from the way that the petals of these blossoms are formed not a rose but it feels like a rose it looks like a rose this is also what artists and also myself enjoy a lot about this because at the same time it is realistic and you can play with a lot of things but also it feels like a dream it is surreal it is otherworldly it's very inspirational because if it would be exactly real and perfect as you imagine it you would lose all of the inspiration at that moment i think but let's go back here to the description there's a lot of style terms too for example you have here giger as the artist you have baroque you have art nouve you have james sheen also 3ds max plus v ray so you have different kind of technologies for rendering says extremely detailed and intricate center composition also very interesting elegant also a nice term in here extremely sharp lines extremely contrast so you can see from that you can stack up all these terms and the ai will figure out for you what to do now here is something that i want to suggest to you write these keywords write these terms from the most important from the biggest part of the artistic thought to the smaller details so start big and then go smaller and smaller and smaller with the description so it's really good that here at the beginning it says skull made of roses and then you come to other details another thing you can see in here right away is that the ai can create all kinds of interesting styles for you a lot of that is inspired by how concept our drawings look if you go to deviantart if you go to art station you will see a lot of that and you can actually use that as a term so you can say style of art station style of deviantart and it will give you an approximation of that kind of style you find often there but also you have these kind of 3d rendering looking images which is amazing again and you also can have these kind of ink sketches for example in this case the process leonardo da vinci's technical sketch of a robotic dinosaur highly detailed so this not only will take the style of the artist leonardo da vinci but also the technical style of these edges with the ink with the paper in the way it has been created in the past here we have another very impressive work and when you look down at the description it says multi-color crystal octopus statue it's important to think about what we actually want to have because if this would be multicolored crystal octopus without the statue the ai would create something different for you because it would think well you want to have an a live octopus that is maybe made out of crystal or holding crystal or is in between crystals also you need to think about these kind of words to describe it as well as possible for the ai now at this point i also want to say that less is sometimes more with the mid journey ai so don't write a full page description what you want to have keep it short but bring in the most important details you want to have and often you have to enter it multiple times to get a lot of variations until you get what you want to see because this and this is also very important to understand mid journey ai is experimental and it will give you kind of random results it will try to figure out what you mean with your prompt but still it will create variations and afterwards you cannot add to these variations another thing that mid journey is really good at are these schematics or notebook pages or blueprints and they will also have fake text in them there is no text you can't read it but it looks like text it gives you these kind of legends on the side these kind of icons and descriptions and little sample stuff like that you can create this for any kind of technology for any kind of epoch so you can say middle ages or sci-fi or leonardo da vinci or any kind of other style and it will create stuff like that also from different cultures stephanie japanese style american style all these kind of things on how these sketches blueprints would look so that's really really amazing so the community feed has a lot of inspirations in here and i want to invite you to play with these commands here with these prompts here take notes on what is used here as terms and learn from that what kind of style you want to create and what kind of words work best for you a last thing before we go more technical is the ratio of the image because that has a tremendous impact on what you're getting as a result so for example you can see here we have a vertical design of a room and of course this will show you a different composition than when we have a horizontal design of a room so the layout the composition the way the scene is built up and the way the scene is filled with objects and all kinds of scenery maybe people also is very dependent on what kind of ratio you are looking for so when you don't get the result you want and it doesn't look as you imagine it should be try a different ratio and you can maybe get other results this also is especially interesting with portraits for example if you have a square portrait off that is zoomed in rather close but if you have something like 9 by 16 which is horizontal and rather long you might get the upper body or you might get a full body portrait you also of course can write that into the text also when you describe different scenes so for example here i have described i wanted to have a scene of berlin after world war ii as a photograph and this actually not just made the scene it also made it in the style of the photography it made it in black and white it tried to figure out the style of the building back there you also see bombed and broken buildings here on the side and soldiers on the road here so all of that is pretty amazing and it again has to do a lot with the ratio but also with the style you describe the epoch the kind of scene you want to have all these kind of things here's another example of a schematic for a cyborg robot made with ink on paper so this again is really impressive and the good thing is with these artistic styles where you don't really have a real reference to anything they look basically perfect because you couldn't say well this detail is right or wrong and what also is very enjoyable and this is again really inspirational and amazing for artists is the way the ai finds solutions to how it is drawing it uses classic methods you find in art like for example down here where you have a bright edge next to a dark edge so there's a shadow down here just to highlight the bright edge also down here the same kind of trick but also how it is using highlights and white and other kind of artistic tricks to make this look a lot more amazing so you can learn a lot from that and then just bring this over into your own art program and paint over it create your own style with it or just stay with this this is a really amazing tool here is another thing you can do with that and this is prototype actual products in the real world for example here we have a fox design made out of paper so you can get inspired by this it looks pretty photorealistic and you can afterwards just build this if you want to in real life but you can get 100 variations from mid journey just by entering different prompts trying different ideas that this is super inspirational for artists now let's go to the more technical part about how to get started because this seems to confuse a lot of people first of all what you need is a discord account discord is free is a page where you can chat with other people originally it was planned for gaming but now it is used for a lot of other things you can use discord in your browser you can download it as a software to your computer you can also use it on your smartphone which is brilliant because this means you can interact with the ai even when you're out on the road if you have an idea on a party or on a walk you can just enter it to the ai and it will create it for you on the fly it's really really amazing now i have an invite link for you under this video for the mid journey discord server you need to join that to use the service i would suggest you to sign up to this rather quickly because the server is filling up to its maximum capacity yesterday there was a conference with the founder of mid journey and he said we are reaching the limits of what this server can take not the ai but the server so after you have joined this for the first time on the left side here you see different rooms in that chat server one is called trial support go in there and ask all kinds of questions you have about the ai about the service and when you want to try this at first you get 25 images you can try you have to go into one of these newbie rooms here and there you can try this out now the way this works is down here on the bottom you have your text bar where you enter your chat messages to write anything to the ai what you need to do is to first write a slash and then choose imagine here or write imagine and hit enter and this will create this prompt here which has a blue circle around it in a little box you need to write inside of that box whatever you want to have from the ai then hit enter and this is sent off to the ai now because you are in a room with a lot of other people this is going to be rather confusing because these messages are running very fast and you have to search for your message by scrolling through that chat your message will be having a little bit of an orange background so you can find it a bit easier but still it's a bit messy now when you sign up to the subscription you get a private room with the ai where you can chat with mid journey on your own no other input in there so this will become very organized and very easy to use and here is another thing i want to suggest to you there's two different forms of subscription one is ten dollars per month and gives you 200 minutes and i can guarantee you you will use up these 200 minutes probably in your first night or in the first weekend and then it's gone and you have to wait for another month so personally i want to suggest to you to use the 30 per month subscription i know that is a lot of money and this doesn't even yet include the taxes and fees for the payment but with the 30 subscription you can use relax mode and this gives you unlimited images you can create as much as you want and i have created well over 1 500 images so far i've used this for a couple of days this i have to tell you is super addictive i spent whole days whole nights hours upon hours just trying and playing with the ai also sitting here with friends who have also been amazed and try out all kinds of things now the first thing i want you to do when you enter this chat here is to go down here right slash help enter and then you get this message here this has a lot of very useful links in here the most useful here is this link to the user manual which will describe to you how the prompts work what they do and how to use the mid-journey ai on discord now of course in this video i'm also going to explain to you how stuff like that works so you have a better understanding because the manual is not bad but is kind of cryptic sometimes so let's go over the most important things because i have another link for you in the video description that goes right to this page here someone has taken the time to experiment a lot with mid journey and show the results of the experimentation here and that is absolutely amazing so let's go here for the summary first because this has some of the key commands you will be using with maternity ai first of all we have quality now quality defines how much time the ai spends on your image and you have these fixed values here you can go from 0.25 to point five one two and five is turned off right now because it's just too many people using mid journey at the moment now personally i think that 0.5 gives you a completely different art style than one so it is not a quick and cheap preview for your artwork so i would only use this if you want to have this kind of reduced style not to save on time because when you compare these two they look completely different this is one this is 0.25 so this is about the quality now let's go over to stylize this is a little bit confusing what does stylize do a lot of people think that this is about the artistic style that is used in the work but actually well kind of but it does a lot more than that so we have here again fixed values you can use these are not floating numbers you cannot just write 1500 it's not working like that but you can make this shorter you don't have to write minus minus stylize you can just write minus minus s so 625 is the ai being hands off so it will stick as close as possible to the prompt to the text that you have entered also if you have provided an image link to a source image that you like you can use any kind of image link from the internet you can also upload an image to the chat room and then link this in the text this will try to stick very close to that image of course this is not like you upload an image and then you get four variations exactly of this image the ai will still loosely base the creation on that image but still look very different they do this for copyright reasons so don't expect that you can just create variations of an artwork you like now when we look at 625 5060 000 for the sample images you can see that artistically the 625 is a little bit reduced it sticks very close to what's you suggested in the prompt and it sticks very close to the images that you have linked when we go to 5000 you can also see that this is more playful with the image you provided with what you write in the prompt and also the variations between these images are bigger this is also what stylize is doing the variation distance is much further now we go to 60 000 this is already pretty chaotic so this will be very loose with what you have suggested in the prompt very loose with what you have linked as images it also very experimental with the different variations here so you can see these are completely different artworks while these are rather close together from the style and the idea so this is what stylize is about you can of course also combine both of them so here we have quality and stylize option together in one prompt so the way you would use this is that you write minus minus q space then two another space minus minus s and then for example 625 so this is how you add this and you always have these kind of inputs at the end of your prompt so you would write everything else before that doc with a hat and when you want to have ratio in there you would also write minus minus ar and then let's say 16 by nine another space and then this comes behind that so these kind of commands always come at the end of your prompt so you can see here in combination with these two that again we have a lot more detail on the higher quality and we have a lot more variation on the higher style numbers so when you compare for example quality 2 with style 625 to quality 2 with style 60 000 you can see that 60 000 takes a lot of artistic freedom again the quality is high but now when we go to quality 0.25 with 60 000 lots of variation very little detail another element that is very important in your prompts is the weight of the prompts you can leave it to the ai to figure out which is more or less important and do random results but you can also influence the results of the ai by weighting your keywords now here's how that works for example you would say doc and then colon colon and write a number like let's say three and then make a space and write garden and colon colon and afterwards one now what the ai does is it makes a sum of the numbers and then weights the ratio of them so these are not absolute numbers they are relative numbers what i mean by that is i have garden at one right now and dock at three so the dock is three times more important than the garden but now if i have the dog at six and i have the garden at three you can see that the dog now is only twice as important as the garden so we also see this down here in these examples where one of the words is sphere the other one is cube and you see the different weights and how they influence the image so you can see here when we have zero cube and two sphere it is mostly spherical of course but when we have zero sphere and two cube it is mostly cubic now the interesting thing you can also do with weights is you can put them into a negative value you can write minus 0.5 minus 1 -2 and this will reduce the impact of that element in your image here i have an example that i have created here we see that the skyscraper has a high weight and the park has a low weight so we see a little bit of park down here but we see the skyscrapers very much now here the park has a high weight and the skyscrapers have a low weight so you can see a lot of park with a lot of detail and then some skyscrapers in the distance of the image so this has a lot of impact here are some other things you should experiment with for example you can write male portrait by gigger and it will create that kind of style you can see here we have van gogh picasso andy warhol and giga you can try out all kinds of other artists you know and you can also combine them in different kinds of styles or even write multiple names and see what the ai is doing with that here we have different artistic techniques for a landscape so you can see that the oil paint of course looks very different than the watercolor or the liner cut or the etching artwork so this will have a lot of impact on what kind of results you get and by experimenting with that you can get truly amazing art styles another thing that is interesting for the ai is the different kind of render modes you want to have for example octane render is a method for 3d rendering that is rather realistic but also has a certain style to it so you can see this here in the image with the light with the colors with the reflection on how the image looks in the middle you have a 2d design and that works pretty good and you get different kind of 2d of course again you can write the style you can write the culture you can write the artist or the time for example 80s style 60s style all these kind of things to get different kind of 2d art different kind of like manga anime comic book all these kind of styles on the right we have isometric i didn't really have too much luck with that it sometimes works sometimes not you have to play around with different words isometric 2.5 d stuff like that to see if you can get results like that too but potentially this is also possible another thing you should try is to describe the face you want to see or give the name of a person for example here i made a version of the actress zendaya as the goddess of love in a roman style with the artistic style of alma tadema i still had to do a lot of experimentation to get this image but i feel like the result is pretty awesome it doesn't look exactly like her and also what you can see here is that the mind journey ai is really bad with hands or feet so ideally try to not have them in your composition but also the ai will improve over time now especially for the faces if you don't describe them at all you often get a very similar looking face that has been called mid journey girl this is kind of a medium of beauty standard of what we have expect of what people rate high when they get these kind of results and this is kind of the face you most often get so to get away from these kind of standard mid journey faces describe the face in certain kind of ways what kind of culture what kind of age what kind of characteristics does the face have is it an older or a younger person how does the haircut look like does the person have glasses does the face have freckles is the skin tense is it a person from asia or africa or the americas or europe what is the background of the person write a little bit about that so you get a variation of faces or write a famous person and then create variations on top of that another thing that gives you amazing results and i really love to play with is to just combine any kinds of words any kind of things that could sound interesting for example here i wrote hyper realistic insanity and it created this picture here which i find amazing from the art style but it also created this image here which again is really beautiful and this is the exact same prompt i simply wrote hyper realistic insanity and you get these high variations in there let's go even deeper into the rabbit hole and hear things become really really amazing so for the page that i've linked for you you also have the style pages you click on them and there is a list in here of all kinds of things for the cameras colors computer displays this dimensionality geometry lightning materials all kinds of things and you can click on them and then find subcategories for that for example camera and scene and here you have photography filmic cinematic dramatic glamour shot golden hour these are words you can use in your prompts and this shows in the comparison of the spheres the difference between these different styles you can also go with different kinds of cameras here for example you can have a camcorder dslr night vision gopro video drone photography and all these kind of other variations in here now when we go over here you can also experiment of course with colors like white black brown dark gray stuff like that and get beautiful variations of that but you can also play with extended colors like beige scarlett olive green aqua stuff like that so be creative with the words but also have a good artistic understanding of the artistic lingo and of the words that are used in the industry when we go over here you can also work with different palettes a warm color palette cool color palette rainbow colorful spectral color of course monochromatic colors are also in here high contrast low contrast next we have types of light this is amazing and brings a lot of really high quality to your renders things like spotlight floodlight backlight rim light marquee strobe light and all these kind of different artistic words crepuscular rays for example this is the kind of sun rays you see when the sun breaks through water or through clouds and you get these nice rays in the sky or in the water things that i have a lot of success with are these kind of words like cinematic moody studio accent lighting hard lighting soft lighting these kind of different words also volumetric light global illuminations there is a lot of amazing words that you can use another thing that has a lot of really nice impact on the works is the different luminous sense types like like for example glowing or cherenkov radiation bu luminous sense stuff like that you can see the different results here go through the page look at all that stuff it is very very amazing another thing that has amazing impact on the results and gives you really cool artworks is to name different films or shows or directors or artists that you know for example here you can see akira attack on titan cowboy bebop death note all these kind of things play around with them and see what you can create with them you can also combine them in one prompt and this will give you a very interesting combination of that another very important thing you need to know about is working with seeds now what are they and how do you use them to create a seed or find the seed of an image what you want to do is to go to one of your upscales and right click on that then go to add reaction and then you want to go to other reactions and write here end and find the envelope this envelope not the other ones click on that and then you will get a message from mid-journey down here and you can see this shows you the seat number and the shop id number now the important thing for us is the seat number what we can do with this is we can basically use the creative inspiration from this image here and apply it to other images so the way this works is after you have found that seat you write a normal prompt with all the information in there and then at the end of the prompt you write minus minus seed space and then the seat number or the second version is to write minus minus same seat and then the number now what is the difference between these two versions when you only write seed it will take a chunk of that seed for each of the four variations while when you write same seed it will use the same full seed for all of the variations by the way recently you have this error where the preview looks very blurry this is when you have a lot of depth of field in your image but you can see in the upscale render there is a lot of detail that is sharp in here but there's also a lot of bokeh in the foreground and in the background last but not least here is something you can do that is a bit more expert but it's a lot of fun to play with and this is combining multiple prompts into one prompt so the way you do this is you're using these square brackets here so start with a square bracket open it and then write your prompt as you would for example here i have goddess of the lost comma full body comma silk comma gold coma ivory then i have a closing square bracket a space and then a plus another space and then you open the next square bracket and write for example lost city background comma soft bokeh comma eerie light close the square brackets then you have a space in there and then i write minus minus ar space then you have the ratio 9 by 16 another space minus minus q i have to write in here quality let's write two and then another space in here minus minus s another space and this time i want to have a stylize of 5000. so in this case we have this prompt combined with this problem you can even use weights on them with your colon colon and then write for example five here and then you have here calling colon two so we now we have weighted this with these values with these ratios of the weights personally of course i'm absolutely hooked by mid journey ai because as a photographer it gives me endless possibilities to create amazing scenes combine them with real photos and create photo shoots that i could never have imagined otherwise thank you very much for watching leave a like if you enjoyed this video and see you soon bye
Channel: Olivio Sarikas
Views: 200,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lFI8JQvPfu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 13sec (2293 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 11 2022
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