INCREDIBLE AI Portraits Using Reference Images - Midjourney v5

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in today's video I'm going to show you how to create some incredible portrait photos using reference images in mid-journey version 5. [Music] so let's jump right into it mid Journey version 5 is even better with creating portraits especially uh portraits with more complex prompts from reference images so I'll show you guys how to do it the first thing you want to do is go down to this little plus button here and you're going to click upload a file so then I have a reference image here you may have seen I actually use this same reference image in a previous video I got it from unsplash which is a great resource for all type of free images and stuff so you're just going to go ahead and select it and then hit enter so once it's in here now it has uploaded to Discord you just click on it and click open in browser all right and then from there you just copy the link go back to Discord and for our first prompt what we're going to do is type in forward slash imagine and then we're going to paste in that link that we just copied and then add your prompt so in this case I'm going to say walking down a desert road and a deserted town [Music] and let's see what we get Okay so we've got our results for our first prompt and I think this is definitely where you can see some of the most dramatic improvement with mid Journey version five so this is our reference photo here and this is our result um and so our prompt was we used the reference photo walking down a desert Road in a deserted town and that is truly exactly what it gave us and you can see it really did place the model I mean the people in these photos look a little bit different than the model but in the exact scene that we asked for and it looks seamless these actually look like legit photos so uh we will go ahead and upscale two of these just show you guys how they look I mean that looks really really quite accurate and once again same thing here really really accurate photos so um that's a great start for us and uh let's go ahead and move on to a couple more examples so we are going to just I'm just going to use that same reference image for a few of these and for the rest of this video it's mostly just going to be prompt ideas so uh one that I've seen that works out really well is Pixar art and then let's change the aspect ratio of this so we'll get a landscape photo instead of a square so once again some pretty cool results here these look really good um have some really interesting details you can see even in some of these like little pixar-ish looking characters the mid Journey created um so these are some really good results and that's a great prompt idea so here's another one once again we're going to paste in our reference photo and then um this one worked pretty well in version four but it's even better in version five so I like the uh landscape photo a little bit better than the portrait or rather than the square so we're going to use that again and another thing to note I mean so you know you see our reference image here this is a portrait style photo and it did a really good job of filling in the space on the side of these this one I kept as a square but on three of these it created that space on the side so that's another huge Improvement of version five okay so four more really good looking results and I mean all four of these are very very usable um results that we got here and these are great if you want you know portrait photos uh or sorry profile photos for social media or phone backgrounds uh I have another video on that that I just released recently and um really anything that you can imagine but even just something to print out and put on your wall but these are uh some some really cool results so I had a couple more ideas for you guys in this video that I'm going to put out there so uh one more is a synth wave and I mean you guys can see these are really really simple prompts but we're still getting some really good results and while we wait on that new prompt to load I just wanted to show you the upscaled version um and I mean just look at the detail here is really really quite impressive [Music] yeah these these look awesome I mean even the details on the asphalt the the awning up here the writing on the wall this really you know these look really good in version five so here's our results for the synth wave you can see it has definitely a different style if we add a little bit more details we probably could have got some slightly different outputs um but you know depending on the style you're looking for this this is also a really nice result and so let's go ahead and do one last one where we're gonna do the the changing the setting again which I think is really just so cool so I'm just going to say on a beach and see if it'll place our reference image model out of each okay so you can see some of these results um are a little bit of a different style these almost look like paintings um so maybe not quite as good of output as some of our other prompts but you can see with each edition of mid journey is only getting better and better so these are just a few prompt ideas that are super simple but I also encourage you guys add a little bit more detail if you have something specific in mind that you want to see on the output and majority version 5 is much better at taking into account the full uh prompt rather than just the first couple words so I encourage you guys to try that out and thank you so much for watching this video If you enjoyed it please make sure to like And subscribe to the channel and I would really really appreciate your support in doing those things so I will see you guys in the next video and please let me know if you have any ideas for future videos thanks for watching
Channel: AI Artistry
Views: 5,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney, midjourney ai, midjourney version 5, version 5, v5, ai art, artificial intelligence, portrait photos, reference images
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 48sec (408 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 13 2023
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