Product Photo + Midjourney AI Art (part 1/3)

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So, it's time for a new tutorial and this  time we're focusing on MidJourney and we   have Oliver here, Oliver is back! Welcome back,  it's very nice to have you here because we need   to dig into the MidJourney stuff. This has been  a... you know in the office we say it's like an   illness that has taken over a lot of people and  this is like a... it's been super super exciting   over the last couple of weeks to like dive really  deeper into the world of AI essentially creating   with using simple prompts and and words you can  create these amazing amazing creative images.   And maybe you should introduce yourself, what  is your profession? So I'm a food and product   photographer, the traditional sense, if you  will. So really taking pictures you know for   clients in studios or on location. But I've  recently gotten really into using AI as a tool   in a more creative way so helping me create  new mood boards for clients putting products   into very kind of unique situations using very  very high quality cinematic lighting or kind of   locations that you wouldn't normally find on the  internet and again it just has helped me over the   past couple weeks. I mean it's been a long, it's  been a strong learning curve for sure, but at the   same time it's really kind of helped me understand  okay how to be more creative and at the end of the   day also allowed me to you know come up with a  very kind of cool mood boards very very quickly   so I'm not on Pinterest for hours searching for  images to say oh this is the mood I'm trying to   go for I couldn't find that right image more on  Google Images um so it's been a very very helpful   tool. The kind of one limitation that I found was  let's say if I'm doing product photography I can't   actually put a product of let's say of a champagne  bottle into this AI world so you can prompt it the   MidJourney bot to say okay I would like to have  a champagne bottle in this particular setting but   it's just going to be a kind of random champagne  bottle and so what I found is like a cool way to   do it is to kind of create an AI world uh using  let's say a champagne bottle or the bottle we   want to use and then in post-production take  a picture of a bottle and then post-production   put that put that bottle in into the actual AI  image. And that's what we're going to do today   we will create two images AI images and then we  will shoot the two products. We have two bottles,   we will create a blue scene the classic is  still life on a table maybe a little bit   messy with some kind of cocktail on the table  itself. Craft gin, Stockholm Bränneri and we   had a bit of a fight because I'm a whisky lover  and you're a gin lover so it's like you got 100%   so maybe you should smell this that's a good  one is it? It is still morning time here so   a bit early but so that one and that this will  put out in a forest – AI forest. Maybe I can show   people what I've done before? Yes absolutely! So  what I've done before now is again kind of played   around with the idea of having a real bottle um  but in an AI world this is so beautiful and I   find it's it's very very powerful because again if  you're putting a you know if you're prompting that   mid-journey but are ready to say okay red liquor  bottle um with back lighting you're already gonna   start to see those Shadows from the red bottle and  if you take that out in post-production and then   add you know the the bottle or shoot the bottle in  the same Lighting in real life and then kind of in   post-production push to put that in you really  do have like a powerful powerful picture first   let's create the mid-journey images the AI images  yeah so we will have a nice environment atmosphere   so how do we start I would say we jump into mid  Journey we will not go through mid-journey uh how   mid-journey works I have a video on that how you  can like jump start on me Journey under the member   sections or you can go on to YouTube there's a  lot of videos about this so we would just jump   into it and create the images yes exactly and  maybe it'd be cool to understand like more the   the process of which like we could come up with  something like an image like this so for instance   uh with this particular bottle so if we do like  the the forest world let's say for instance right   um if you go into here so this is the Imagine  prompt you can say moss on a rock in a forest   dark and Moody Sun Ray lighting from behind  because I think having light coming from   behind this kind of showing going through the  bottle itself will make it look quite nice and   maybe what AI is going to do is going to actually  cast a shadow in the front as well which kind of   looks look nice yes let's see what we will get  and again similar to I think when people start   first using mid-journey as a way to to create  these images people get frustrated because   they're like ah this is not exactly what I want  I still say it's very similar to to photography   you know when you get onto a photography set  you have to play around with it and you're   not going to show up there set up lights take a  picture and leave you take a picture change the   lighting take a picture change the lighting and  this is very similar to to AI I find this is like   you prompt the first one apron first prompt  you say I don't really like it you refine it   that don't like it refined oh I like this and then  you kind of keep on going down that path and so   what I'll do is I'll start creating these worlds  where I say okay I have to do something with the   forest Moss then we can start adding okay bottle  of gin Brown ball Legend green ball Legend and   then you start simple you're building the world  and then you add keep adding one word at a time   and then you will see the change so you can see  here like the top right um it's a rock in a dark   and Moody forest with kind of with sun rays in  the background so again it's getting the idea of   getting the world that we like and so what I would  normally do is I would take that you copy copy it   so then we can say brown we didn't say gin bottle  on a rock moss on a rock Forest dark and Moody   raises online combine okay so now this one we  added here so we like that the actual environment   itself we're also on a moss on a rock in a forest  now we added a brown gin bottle because again this   is from so we wanted to see okay what will it come  up with obviously it's not gonna come up with this   exact bottle but we're trying to find something  similar that we can take away in post-production   and then add this one in yes so we're starting to  get again light from the back casting nice Shadows   here I mean this is already honestly it could be  something we could use but this you can see how we   can start to quickly go down a path of oh I like  this I like this more or I like this even more   so you can play around with it and again this is  unlimited I'm using you know Sun Ray lighting from   behind you can use side lighting front lighting  it's unlimited amount of ways you can go down   which again at first is very intimidating  but once you understand there's a certain   style that you like on Mario boys in the dark  and Moody style me too so this kind of already   clears out a lot of like the bright and light and  hard shadows and stuff like that so this is this   kind of always the direction I would go in and  again if I like the the images that are coming   out of it I essentially would go back in here and  I like to play around with like stylize this is a   little bit more on the advanced side but if you do  stylized it adds a little bit more detail to the   image itself so for instance on the Moss you'll  start to have more defined like textures on the   Moss or like there's more textures on the raw  rocks and stuff like that and chaos is on a scale   from zero to a hundred so if we do like chaos 50  it's just telling the AI bot okay uh use a little   bit of your creativity in the shot okay so we can  see here um again because I was starting to put   the stylized aspect into it you're starting to see  a little bit more detail in the rocks and the Moss   down here so again those are like simple tricks  that you can start to use to really enhance that   image in the end but I have to say I'm still at  100 I'm happy with it let's see if we do a brown   Bala gin on a moss covered rock in a forest dark  and Moody and now I'm going to actually specify   macro lens we're going to be using a macro yes  yeah I think so and so again again you can start   to get into so much detail in terms of saying 55  million yeah 50 ml 50 millimeter lens or aperture   so you can really start to die with the type of  camera it is as well so let's see what this comes   up with here I like this direction oh that's  nice short at the field yes this can be nice   because it's I think it's good that we don't  have stuff or rocks behind if you want to light   it from the back because then it doesn't make  sense you cannot have light if there is a rock   for example so that one top top right here very  beautiful and looks very realistic I would say   the Moss there yeah very realistic we can have  the top light and we can light it up from the   back clearly the Sun is setting back there I guess  so I think we can make it realistic for this one   but I would say I think we have a good direction  here to be very honest with you yes and this is   um I mean I spend whole day creating backgrounds  to get what I want so but for now we just want   to show inspire you to create your backgrounds  in the journey and then you you have to go on   your own me journey journey yeah unfortunately  I find there is not so many YouTube channels   where they focus exactly on this that's why we're  doing it I guess you know mixing photography and   creating environments as realistic as possible  and put in the the product yeah you're shooting   for the client. So this is the moss forest  world, where this guy goes in. Done. [Music]
Channel: botvidsson
Views: 161,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: still life photography, photography tutorials for advanced, product photography, product photography tutorial lighting, product photography tips, photography classes, lessons, photography tips, light, lighting, photographer, b&h, photography class, learning, how to, courses, studio, flash, fotograf, product, pro, learn, midjourney, ai, a.i., merge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2023
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