Mastering Midjourney v5.2 : A Deep Dive into the New Version! (Zoom, Vary, Shorten, Tips & Tricks!)

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well this is exciting May Journey has released version 5.2 and not only has the overall image Fidelity and aesthetic improved over 5.1 but we now have a number of amazing and frankly long-awaited features to add to our tool belt we're going to take a look at those plus I've got some super pro tips for you and some really early interesting experiments that I think will inspire you okay let's Dive In so first off you're actually already running version 5.2 it's actually set on by default and we do still have a raw mode much the same way that we did with version 5.1 like in version 5.1 the raw mode is I don't want to say less imaginative but maybe a little more subtle than the standard 5.2 additionally you'll note that we have two new options with high variation mode and low variation mode it is set to High by default I would recommend just leaving it there we're going to take a look at the difference between high and low in just a minute as well and apparently mid Journey's language model has been slightly improved as well which will help it understand exactly what you're after there's a really cool interesting feature coming up in just a bit that's going to Showcase that okay so let's take a look at a direct comparison between version 5.1 and version 5.2 just a few days ago in my video on prompting we did uh our guy in a blue business suit The Prompt here was a photograph long shot businessman walking down a busy City street blue color palette with an aspect ratio of 16 9 this is the same prompt in version 5.2 and I gotta say I am super impressed the overall image quality and Fidelity is really really increased I think the model of the businessman looks significantly better than it did in 5.1 which is actually saying a lot because the 5.1 one was really good as well I did call out for a blue collar palette and that still exists but it's not quite as overdone as it was in version 5.1 it's kind of toned back a little bit this was kind of a problem that I had with version 5.1 I felt that in the standard mode the colors always looked a little too oversaturated a little too uh hyper realistic whereas in version 5.1 raw I felt that the colors were just a little too drab and muted uh version 5.2 seems to have found a really nice balance between the two rolling back to a version 5.1 image from our last video this was actually one of my favorites uh this was photograph Style by cyberpunk woman with long white hair and combat armor City alley cold snowing at an aspect ratio of 16.9 yeah I thought this one was really cool the same prompt in 5.2 returns these images which if you look at them back to back the 5.2 images are definitely sharper the skin and hair textures are just a little bit better and overall the background is slightly more saturated in a very pleasing way now what's really interesting in version 5.2 is that the stylized command has a much greater impact stylized is one of those things that I've kind of been hit or miss on so let's take this prompt and crank it up to 10. actually not 10 it'd be a thousand so stylized perimeters go from 100 to a thousand so let's crank it up to a thousand even better so this is the same prompt set to a stylized of 1000 and it definitely is stylized like she definitely has had a hair stylist on this photo shoot to contrast I ran it again with a stylized of 500 so halfway and got these results which is a nice sort of blending of the two like she definitely has her hair stylist still on set but she is still wearing the combat armor from the initial prompt well with the exception of image two and she should really zip that up it's cold out there additionally once we've upskilled an image we now have the ability to vary it either strongly or subtly so if we hit the very button on strong we can swap out the prompt so let's give that a shot with our very on strong and swapping out the prompt to a fall autumn day we get these images which is interesting because it really is a hybrid between the cold winter day of our initial image and sort of these background details that are a little more warm and autumnal these snowy fall day isn't something that really happens in my neck of the woods but I'm sure if you're watching in like Northern Canada you're like oh look it's late September that said mid Journey always get a mid-journey so the variation on low uh gives us this which is just super bizarre I am 100 not sure what is happening in image number one or image number four it almost looks like a stack of lawn chairs like covered in the snow and for sure we need to call back her hair stylist from stylize 1000 all of which is to say it brings me great joy to know that AI weirdness still exists never go away wonkiness never overall I think a really good use case for very is in something like a product shot and like for example we have product shot a high-end mountain bike here and then running a very on it and just adding City atmosphere to the back is this image and then swapping that out for Force atmosphere gives us this image I also have a really interesting very technique coming up in a little bit for characters you're going to be interested in checking that out but let's get into some fun stuff with zoom out because that's really the Marquee feature of 5.2 to start with I'm just going to roll a very simple prompt of photograph Instagram model by the way in version 5.2 mid Journey has stated that they are trying to be better about diversity and I don't know if you guys knew this but if you just use the emoji of a country's flag you will get a character from that country for example here I did photograph Instagram model with the flag of Japan and sure enough we have Japanese looking characters I mean the Instagram model version of Japanese characters at least and here we have the same prompt with the Danish flag giving us four Danish looking Instagram models so upscaling image number two we now have the ability to zoom out two times zoom out 1.5 times or do a custom Zoom hitting custom Zoom brings up a prompt in which we can change the aspect ratio so in this case I'm gonna go 16 by nine and we can choose the amount of Zoom so uh you can actually Zoom to zero you would have to zoom to one one is the default and that returns these images to us so yes this is out painting finally obviously we could just leave the aspect ratio exactly as it is and do a 2X Zoom as well or we can take our out painted 16x9 image and zoom that out and what's even crazier is that we can upscale one of these images and continue to zoom out meaning that if you want to have some fun with this you could do something like the Reddit user Zappa did and create a nearly infinite Zoom this was done by zooming out on the same image six times and then combining it in After Effects and popping it together or you can do something completely insane like at Le Moon synth lay Moon synth yes I mean look at this this is completely and totally nuts just fantastic um yeah so go nuts with zoom because it is awesome another interesting thing that we can do by combining zoom and very is kind of create consistent character scenes for example here we have Studio photograph portrait handsome man beard glasses white background flat lighting and an aspect ratio of two three so basically what I'm aiming here for is a portrait of a character with a very neutral background I'm just going to completely keep that prompt the same but change the aspect ratio to 16 9. I zoomed It Out by 1.5 to give us sort of a larger frame to work with as well and then using a strong very I change the prompt to cinematic still handsome man beard glasses in a CIA briefing room an aspect ratio of 16 9 and we have this scene from I don't know some Netflix drama I'm sure and then going back to our base character image and changing that out to as a judge on a cooking show gives us this image it's not perfect but I think it's the closest that we've come to to being able to get a consistent character across multiple scenes Big Journey has said that this is something that they're working on so I guess that's maybe something we can look forward to in version six also that looks like a really scary cooking show like it looks like cooking with Hannibal Lecter the last new feature is shorten which I actually think despite the fact that Zoom is really cool shorten is actually the one that really excites me the most because it really gives us an insight into how mid-journey thinks I've mentioned many times and even in that last prompting video that I did that long prompts are not your friend in mid-journey I think those Ultra long prompts are a holdover from the early days of stable diffusion before image generators were connected to language models and you really had to spell everything out for them on the stable diffusion side it is still used a lot so I headed over to Leonardo AI to grab a longer stable diffusion type prompt by the way if you guys are sleeping on you should really go check them out they've got a lot of really great tools and I do you plan on doing a deep dive into them soon I found an image that I kind of liked it's a little on the cheesecakey side but I don't know I like the image um apparently I did not know this uh it's it's the prompt is Danielle van denk and I was like who is that she is apparently a soccer football player from the Netherlands and now here she is as a fantasy pirate so I'm gonna grab this prompt and take it over to Mid Journey's short so running shorten is just forward slash shorten type in your prompt and then hit enter it will give you five shortened prompts it operates a little bit like described as but here's the really interesting part it'll actually give you a fully weighted token summary that's really really cool so as we can see despite the fact that photograph is way down here in the prompt mid journey is actually ranking it extremely high whereas of course as I've mentioned before things like octane render and you know 8K and all of that are weighted completely at zero meaning that mid journey is completely ignoring all of those now one thing I will say is that you will want to make sure to put an aspect ratio show in because it does not do so at default and actually it returns to us with a dramatically different image a lot of that was probably due to the fact that in the original prompt photorealistic is right there at the top on the Leonardo side they were probably using a kind of anime-ish model and that's why the image came out the way it did there so in that case Leonardo was actually just ignoring the photorealistic prompt out of curiosity I did grab that Leonardo image brought it over and ran it as an image prompt and then used one of the prompts from our shortened command and got these images which I actually think are really really cool it's a really nice blend between the two and in case you were wondering indeed Insight face swapper does still work with mid-journey version 5.2 uh here is me as Superman and then here is Samuel L Jackson as Superman as well I accidentally ran him because he was loaded in for another project that I'm working on that's coming up next week you're not going to want to miss it do hit the Subscribe button if you haven't already to me this is the most impressive update since version 3 to version 4. not in terms of image quality but sort of more overall wow factor so let me know what you think of version 5.2 and if you've come across any tips and tricks that you'd like to share with us as well I thank you for watching my name is Tim
Channel: Theoretically Media
Views: 34,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney, Midjourney tutorial, midjourney v5.2, how to use midjourney, midjourney tips, midjourney new update, midjourney zoom out, midjourney zoom background, midjourney zoom out prompt, midjourney settings, midjourney ai, ai art, midjourney prompts
Id: 1tIXOwNQuT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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