How To Make Consistent Characters In Midjourney 6 (How to keep a Character Consistent)

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hey guys in this tutorial I'm going to show  you one technique that you can use to create   consistent characters in mid-journey I'm  going to start a new midi Journey prompt   imagine command and then I'm going to type  a little gray wolf character now the most   important part of this entire prompt is multiple  poses and expressions then also it's important   to say 100 percent white background children's  book illustration style then just some generic   style descriptions like simple cute full  color now you might want to use a 3D model   with light and Shadow followed by a very detailed  description of your character no shoes gray hat gray hooded dress great clothes flat color  dash dash no outline when you use dash dash   no in mid Journey it's going to remove the  following keyword so this will avoid outlines   in our image now press enter and let's wait  for the image to be generated now you might   want to generate the same image multiple times  until you get the characters you actually like   so after running this prompt two times I ended  up with this image which I thought was acceptable   now every time mid Journey generates an image  it also generates a seed number to get the   seed number go to upper right corner click on the  three dots go to add reaction and choose envelope   or type it if it's not there now minute journey  is going to create an alert in the upper left   corner and give us the seed number for that image  select that number right click and click copy   now I'm going to memorize this seed  number so I'm going to open notepad   and just copy that number into my notepad  okay so now let's go back to our Channel   open the image by clicking on it right click and  click on copy image at this point you can minimize   mid-journing now I'm going to open Photoshop  and go to file new and I'm going to create a new   file from the clipboard so I'm going to paste my  character here now I'm going to select the first   character and press Ctrl X minimize Photoshop go  back to MIDI Journey and paste that image directly   into the chat box repeat that process for as many  images as you need for this example I'll only use   three images you might want to use more now if  you're someone who's still watching this video   join our mid-journey makers community at ghost all you have to do is sign up by   email and start posting images ask questions or  find other meter Journey makers of things this   is just a demonstration of the technique now go  to the first image right click copy image address start a new prompt with imagine command and paste  that URL here go to the second image right click   copy image address press space and paste another  URL go to third image copy image address and   paste it with all these URLs separated by  space now go back to our original prompt   and select all of the prompt right click copy and  paste it back into this prompt now where it says   multiple poses and expressions you want to replace  that with a single action like in this case I'm   going to say run and running now remember that  seed number we copied earlier type dash dash seed   and paste that seed number that I copied early  into the notepad so just go ahead and add it   to this prompt and press enter now wait for our  consistent character to be made with this prompt   it's going to take a while so I'm going  to speed this up okay and here you have   our character with the running action applied  you'll notice that it doesn't really look a lot   like running so I'm gonna go to Google and type  Running Animation frames we're looking for some   generic idea for the writing frames so here's the  image that I chose right click copy image address   go back to Mid journey start a new consistent  character prompt paste that URL of the running   image scroll up and select this original  prompt right click and copy or press Ctrl C   so I'm going to try and copy this correctly right  click copy and paste it after that running URL   and so just press enter and so there's our  image guys it's a little wolf character   and because we applied an  extra Running Animation frames   midjourney extracted that running information and  further applied it to our consistent character and   this is why it's important for that running  reference to be as generic as possible every   time I applied this technique I always had much  better results for specifically my actions from   my characters and so there's one more thing I  want to tell you guys and I want to ask you for   a small favor if this tutorial helped you making  your illustration Book characters I'd like to   invite you to join our midjourney community where  you can post your own images for The Illustrated   books you're trying to create Ask MidJourney  questions meet other midJourney creators it's   called ghost together it's an online community  of midjourney makers to sign up completely for   free there's a link I left in the description  of this video so I hope to see you guys there   with other midJourney creators and of course  I'll see you in my next midjourney tutorial
Channel: Ghost Together
Views: 75,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney, consistent, character, characters, make, how to, prompt, prompts, step by step, instructions, help, children's, book, illustration, illustrated, same, unique, actions, run, sleep, walk, do different things, keep same face, keep same character style, style, keep character consistency, keep consistency, how to make characters consistent, v5, how to make consistent characters, make consistent characters, reddit
Id: 7rgRYHKj85I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 8sec (428 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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