Face Swap Midjourney Images With Two Clicks (Free)

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there's a tool that can really easily face swap right within Discord like two clicks and a couple seconds easy and it's free it works for any images you might have mid-journey or otherwise it will match Expressions angles lighting and styles I've been blown away by this I really tried to push this to see how much it can do so I'll cover the limitations and the best ways to fix most of them with some Advanced tips at the end to use it you need to have your own Discord server which I would recommend anyone using mid-journey have feel free to skip this section if you already do to create one click the plus button at the bottom create my own for me and my friends then name your server and upload an image if you want to then click create easy as that you'll have your shiny new server up here you can add channels and categories by right-clicking or the plus button that can help you stay organized if you'd like now we need to invite the mid Journey bot to our server so open up the mid Journey server find the bot over on the right and click on it click add to server then select your server from the drop down menu click continue then click authorize then verify you're a human if you are now back in the new server you'll see the mid-journey bot has been added next we need to add the Insight face swap bot to our server to do that just click the invite link that's down in the description I'll send the link as a message in my new server and click on that but you can just click it right from the description then select your server from the drop down click continue click authorize verify you're a human now in your server you'll see both the mid journey and the Insight face swap Bots you can click this button if you can't see them or to hide them now we need to upload faces that we're going to use for our face swaps to do that use the command forward slash save ID hit enter or click on it here drag and drop the face you want to save ideally use a high quality forward-facing image with no glasses or hair covering the face for the best results then type a name up to 10 characters then hit enter and it will say your ID name has been created so I'm starting with my face which facial hair does make things more difficult but you can still get it to work really well tool start with an easy one photo of a man portrait then I'll upscale the one that's most similar to my face to make a swap all you do is right click on the image hover over apps then click in swapper and in just a few seconds there it is it's pretty much perfect it matched the lighting and style it's all Blended really well so we might as well try these other three out and these all look great even with the different facial hairs you will notice it does run into some minor problems with receding hairlines sometimes that's a quick fix in Photoshop here's some more tests starting with different angles thank you so it handles all these pretty well let's do emotions [Music] more extreme Expressions run into some issues but it gets most of them really well now different styles foreign [Music] most of them look amazing and I'll go over how to fix any of the problems that popped up a little later but let's move on to some other features first by the way for those Styles I mainly use the artists from the portrait section of mid Library dot Io if you've never heard of it it's an amazing and completely free resource it's one of my favorite places to get style ideas let's upload a couple more faces using that save ID command for some variation let's try with a woman and a different skin color and you can store up to 20 Faces at a time in your primary face the one when you right click to swap that will be the last face you uploaded that was Obama in this case to switch that use the command forward slash set ID and enter a different name I'll switch back to Emma Stone now let's see what Emma would look like as a steampunk woman this is really helpful because with a lot of celebrities Min Journey will get pretty close but it's not all the way there so if you add Insight on top it makes it a really solid match so again just right click in swapper on occasion there will be a cue that doesn't happen to me that often and it still works pretty fast when it does and there it is now how about cyberpunk solar Punk Deco Punk atom Punk necro Punk or anime if you want to swap with a photo that wasn't generated in mid-journey use the command forward slash swap ID type the ID I'll use Obama for this one then drag your photo in I've got this iconic Hendrix photo and that looks incredible it did an amazing job on the expression it did struggle a little with the bandana but that's an easy fixing Photoshop [Applause] and if you forget what you've uploaded or what name you used the command forward slash list ID gives you a list of all the current faces you have saved also which is currently your primary to remove one face use the command forward slash d-e-l-i-d now you can see Obama has been removed from the list and to remove them all use forward slash d-e-l-o and our list is empty now so that is all the commands but there is additional functionality within them for multiple faces if you have the paid subscription there's an easy work around with the free version but I subscribed just so I could test it out and show you so I've uploaded Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk now I'll use swap ID and then type the names I want separated by commas it replaces left to right in the image so now we've got Elon and garzocco I tried to come up with something that had better word play but these were just too funny to not use [Music] and if you wanted to do that for free you could just split it up into two photos and just swap each of the faces and recombine them all the other features are available within the free plan you also get 50 swaps per day for free and just one caveat is images generated within mid-journey count as one swap but if you're using images that aren't from mid-journey it counts as three so now I want to cover some of the limitations and the best ways to fix them the problems we already ran into were facial hair face tattoos and extreme Expressions the other is some of the Styles don't have the full texture in the face another one is this tool only works for humans it does not work with animals sorry no way around that one maybe they'll add it in the future but the ideal solution for most of the others is to touch it up in Photoshop you could also use any free photo editor and then generative fill is accessible for free within Adobe Firefly so for facial hair starting out with similar facial hair solves it almost completely but it is hit and miss otherwise same goes for minor face tattoos but you can mask those in from the original in many cases it would be much more difficult with large ones so you more just hope it looks good and only needs minor fixes for Expressions most common Expressions work surprisingly well it's actually pretty crazy what it's able to do there but something with a really open mouth doesn't work the best solution is just merge the two photos keep the old mouth then if you need do some blending with generative fill but now here's an example where the style doesn't match up the face looks way too smooth and the textures don't blend well at all it's a more advanced use of generative fill to fix it and it won't work in every case I have a full generative fill video and there's a section of that where I teach how to turn a photo into an oil painting or a watercolor painting the fix is using that technique then add a mask around the face with some feather that's beyond the scope of this video but if you learn that technique it's pretty straightforward from there you just adjust the settings to make it work for your particular image overall this tool has been a ton of fun so I hope this helps you create something awesome [Music] foreign
Channel: Futurepedia
Views: 48,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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