Midjourney Face Swap Prompt?

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one of my most popular videos has been about how to create an AI portrait of your face with me Journey for free unfortunately the image United doesn't always look exactly like the uploaded image and me Johnny has since canceled this video well today I'm going to show you how to solve both of those issues by using the inside face library and Discord bot with a few other image generation engines as well let's get started so many of you have tried to create an AI Avatar with mid Journey or other image generation models and the results while might be pretty cool look absolutely nothing like you what is even more annoying is that YouTubers like me show you this perfectly generated image but you just cannot get it to work well today I've got a solution for you it's called inside face and it allows you to easily place any face in an image with the face from another photo and it works really well on AI generated images as you know my channel has its own Discord server and now we have three different image generation models me joinable Willow and me 6. so let's start generating some images and replacing the faces with my face now we go to the hakimon live Discord and we set the image that we're going to be using to swap the face save ID give it a name in your David because I already have one I didn't call David and attach the image the idea can be anything you want just so it's going to be easier for you to use it the image has been created if you're using only one image you don't have to remember the name because it's going to be the default now we upload the image again because we're going to be using it in generating AI generated images if you don't know how to upload your images to this code or how to use them with me joining check out my previous two videos on the subject the link in the description below so let's use a New Journey with the image has a cyborg maybe 5.1 it will guide you step by step on how to use me join let me see me joining generating the image and once it's done you can see that it's kind of close to to my face but not really so let's take this one for example upscale it right click or long click long pass if you're on mobile apps and in swapper and here you get an image much much closer to me with my build and my kind of face features on top of the mid Johnny generated AI image the closer it is to the original image the battery the swap will be so let's add Ginger Queen glasses as a player this time I love making Parts it's fun and I'd say that this one came out the most kind of closest to me and now again apps in swapper and it swaps the face with a default one and this one is much much closer to my face the cool part it kept the build and the health and the glasses I do think that me John is value for money for ten dollars a month is huge because basically it's by far the best engine and it costs less than buying one stock stock image somewhere else but I understand it's not for everybody and that's why it does three options as well let's try this with blue willow Blue Willow isn't as good as mid-jointed image pumps but it's really good at cartoonish or animated characters an inside face is pretty good at style transfer so let's see how it transfers Style by the way please when using the hacking Modern Life Discord tied to use the purple channel for each engine for example me Johnny for Mid Johnny Blue Willow for Blue Willow me 6 AI for the HML 6 Spot otherwise it's a mess those images everywhere please try to keep it organized here we have blue willow and let's use Blue Willow with that image blue yellow has a free teal and you can generate at least 10 images I think a day for free and you can also use it inside the hacking one live Discord the same way you use mid Joint inside okay but Blue Willow generates the image is a lot more cartoonish so let's take that one for example and do the same way apps in swap inside facial says it will take a bit of time but we can see here it's the cartoonish image with my face a lot a lot closer though one more let's try the third engine the HML 6 Spot which is uh based on stable diffusion actually but this one does not support image pumps what we're gonna do is I as a pilot Ginger with build and glasses and html6 also has 10 images a day that you can generate so it has a pretty nice free deal and this is not a bad image not I wouldn't say valueistic but a pretty cute image as well let's upscale that one and again apps in swapple and let's see what we get you can see that because the image is a bit more cartoonish parts of the face here look a little bit kind of like realistic face swapped unfortunately that's a side effect of the algorithm it's not too bad but you can see where the swapping happened exactly okay let's do another one with me Johnny this time we'll do a comic book hero change your mind with a building glasses and a spaceship fan Milo Style thank Milo is a very famous graphic artist graphic novel artist he uh created Watchman and a number of other very famous graphic novels he has a very distinct style I personally think it's very very beautiful style and let's see if uh inside face can swap it as well and here you can see that if the image is a little bit too cartoonish let's see if inside face even will detect the face inhale you did and we can see again it kind of made it a little bit more realistic would replace interface but it still kept the style so it's close and it works not perfect another thing is that it doesn't actually have to be an AI generated image let's upload an image of a photo of Napoleon for example and see what happens and then same thing I click apps in swapple and we'll see how in swapple basically it replaces Napoleon's face with mine and there it is notice how it added the build but changed the color to Napoleon's color and then added the glasses and all my facial features that's pretty fun and as always a bonus tip if the source image is old and maybe black and white here's a quick model that can add color to all photos like an old black and white images the link to the model is in the description below and you need to log in with a GitHub account but it's free to create one and the first few runs of the model are free as well and then it's a few cents for each uh you upload the image here let's upload this black and white image of Charlie Chaplin and submit and here's the result we got you can save that image upload to this code and in swapper and there I am as Charlie Chaplin an old photo I love how it added the build added the glasses and kind of ruined them yeah if you have a photo without glasses I guess that would be better or you know swap an image with glasses as well alright I hope that you learned something from this video you can use all of those models on our Discord server as well as learn about other models and share it with others or just come in and ask questions while me join the required subscription the other two have three keys and so you can use them immediately and as always see you soon with a fresh new Digital Life Hack speaking of the algorithm don't forget to like the video to tell the YouTube algorithm that more people should see it and subscribe to this channel so you won't miss any of the future digital life hacks until next time see ya
Channel: Hacking Modern Life
Views: 11,141
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney ai, face swap, midjourney, midjourney version 5 tutorial, midjourney tricks, blue willow, instightface, ai avatar, midjourney ai tutorial, how to use midjourney ai, midjourney tutorial photo, midjourney face swap, ai art generator free, face swap ai, stable diffusion, midjourney v5, face swap midjourney, midjourney face swap prompt, midjourney tutorial, insight face, swap face midjourney, how to face swap, insight face bot, midjourney tricks you need to see
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 29sec (509 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2023
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