How to Create Consistent Characters in Midjourney! (Full Guide) ✨

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in this video I'm going to be going in depth on how to create consistent characters within mid-journey I'm going to show you the step-by-step system I've devised in order to do this effectively and also for free so if you want to start creating consistent characters you won't need a tool like Photoshop or anything like that I found a method that works pretty well and you can also do this for completely free in this video I'm not only going to show you my workflow for creating these consistent characters but I'm also going to show you my workspace for organizing these consistent characters so if this workspace that I'm using throughout the video interests you and it's something that you want to purchase you can do so using the link in the description or the top end comment now this workspace is my art studio 2.0 and this consistent characters Hub that you're about to see comes within my art studio so if you do want to purchase that you get the entire thing without further Ado let's get into creating consistent characters in mid-journey so as you can see I am in my AI Art Studio 2.0 it's basically just a nice spot where you can keep all of of your AI art the prompts you used in order to generate that art you have some engineered prompts that I designed for you so you can copy and paste these into mid-journey and get some nice results using the prompts and also within here are 625 mid Journey design components So within each of these sections let's go to subjects for example there are components that you can use for your AI art and each component has a picture you can open up these categories and you can see what different words and different styles and emotional tones do to your prompt so that's one side of the AI art studio and within this AI art studio is the consistent characters Hub which we will be using for the rest of this video now this Hub is wonderful when it comes to creating consistent characters not only does it help me organize all of my different character variations but it also helps me organize the scenes that I create from those character variations and all of my characters my projects and everything I'm dealing with when it comes to consistent characters and so I didn't forget how to do this and so you don't forget how to do this I've also left a consistent design system here on the left basically a step-by-step process of everything I'm going to be running through in this video so if you ever want to reference back to it I leave gifs you can double click to enlarge these gifts and see what I was doing and this is just a great way to ingrain the system into your head and also if you ever need help you can just come in here and take a look at one of these steps now let's get into my consistent character's workflow when it comes to creating these characters within mid-journey and notion now the notion steps are optional if you want to organize your folders and your images on your desktop or on a separate SSD or in a Google Drive you can do that as well step number one is creating a project you can think of projects like folders that all of your characters variations and scenes will fall into so first what I'm going to do is create a project for these consistent characters to go in so as you can see I already have a project here called the Enchanted Forest and when this project starts to get filled out this is sort of what it looks like I can click on one of my character variations very easily and it looks very nice and I can easily reference that in the future but let's start by creating a new project so I'm going to hit my create a project button and now what I'm going to do is I'm going to give this project a title let's say I'm creating a book about a girl who lives on a farm something very basic maybe I can just call it life on the farm I'm just going to look up a farm animal maybe I have a cow here and I'll upload that change the color to red and now what I'm going to do is just give this project a quick description so I know what it's about now I can give it a deadline let's say I want this done by August 1st that'll be great and now I can upload my own cover photo I can just hit change cover upload and now I'm going to go create a cover photo in mid-journey I have a very simple prompt here Pixar styled Barn I'm just going to send that off I want this book to be in a Pixar style so this will work out great okay so I have my Pixar styled Barn here and now I can upload it to that cover photo and now it is uploading in I can reposition it if I want and now I have my project created and the project is within not started since I haven't started on this project yet but I can change this to an in progress project and that will move it to the in progress tab which is very nice step number two is to create a character now this doesn't have to be done in notion personally I am going to do it in notion just so I can keep everything in one place but you can do this on a paper and pencil in a Google doc or wherever you can keep notes and start thinking of character designs and ideas in order to create a good character for your project so I'm going to hop back into notion and create a character file within my database so what I'm going to do is under my command center I'm going to hit create a character and again you do not have to do this step in notion if you have a paper and pencil a Google doc or whatever it may be you can do that there as well let's say her name is Jane what I can do is I can just type in the name Jane here and now I'm prompted to give a character description for Jane here in the description I want to think of some features that I can give Jane and I also want to think of her role in the book or the project that I'm dealing with so is she the main character is she a side character protagonist antagonist whatever it may be now this description is pretty weak but it will get the job done for now I have a goofy redhead girl who works on the farm for her family main character in life on the farm so now I have the main character listed and I have a little description and now below description I'm going to link Jane to a project so I'm going to do life on the farm and now she is linked to life on the farm and for now since I don't have a character design sheet I can just click off into some empty space I can create as many characters as I want I'm just going to stick to one right now so we can focus in and learn the techniques involved in creating a consistent character sheet for one individual so the next step in creating consistent characters with mid-journey is making your consistent character design sheet now this step is a little subject active not one result is the right result it just depends on your wants and needs within your character now this will take some testing so you do have to be patient as well but the design Sheet's purpose is to get many different consistent character designs and elements that you can use in order to start generating good variations to be used in scenes now that may sound like a lot and a mouthful and you may be a little confused but we're basically just trying to get a nice character design sheet that we can use in order to reference for future images so this is going to be the base model of our character that we are creating as you can see I have this nice template prompt here in step 3 character design sheets and this is the prompt that has worked well for me when designing a character design sheet a lot of people have these huge prompts that they use but I like to just keep it simple and do a couple of words just so mid Journey can really Target in what I'm looking for so I'm going to copy this prompt I will also leave this prompt in the description below so if you do want to use it feel free to it's worked well for me you you can change some things about it make it your own but this will give you a nice Foundation to start creating your character design sheet now that I'm in mid-journey I'm going to type in slash imagine I'm going to paste in that template prompt and now I'm going to list out some character features so right off the bat we know that this girl is going to be a redhead and we know that we want this to be a girl so first I'm going to type in red haired girl maybe I want her to be around six to seven years of age maybe I'm making a children's book so I want this girl to appear to be young so maybe I'll put six years old I can keep on adding to those character features by putting something like short just so mid-journey understands I want this to be a younger character within my book now that we have some of those character features in there we don't want to overwhelm mid-journey maybe I can put something like blue eyes but the more and more features you start to put in the less and less mid-journey will actually use those features so stick to a solid three features and just try to go off that if you get too complex and too descriptive mid-journey will start leaving things out and it's not going to be the exact way you want it to be and now here we can list a style for this character so one of my favorite styles that I always find myself using is the Pixar styled characters I think these turn out very very nicely and just like that we have in our character style now I'm sure there are many other different character styles you can come up with or do but for now I just want to keep it at this Pixar style because I think it looks very nice to the eye and then this is something I always leave in here this helps generate the character sheet right here multiple expressions and poses character sheet and now I can get into the character clothing and just like the character features you want to keep this very minimal you don't want any exotic or eccentric clothing but what you want is something simple like black T-shirt brown pants and you want to keep this as little as possible so you can actually get those consistent characters if you start throwing in things like red and blue striped backpack with green and black shoelaces it's like mid Journey cannot handle all of that in one prompt unfortunately that's just the way it is so keep your characters as plain and as simple as possible and mid Journey should be able to get the job done and now the initial character design sheet is ready to send off now this may need tweaking and this is the part that takes a lot of testing upscaling creating variation and all of that but this is a good base prompt in order to generate a consistent character design sheet for your notion and mid-journey in order to start creating these character variations so let's send this off so this is a prime example of what I mean when mid-journey is touchy about clothing articles and other things as you can see I asked for a black T-shirt and green pants and it gave me a green t-shirt with black pants so this is where the testing kind of comes in or maybe you actually see this and you like the idea of what mid-journey generated you and to be honest I'm kind of liking the green on top I think it accents the red hair a little bit better than the black T-shirt with green pants it just makes more sense to have black pants with a green t-shirt so I guess mid-journey is actually kind of saving me on this one now I'm going to tweak The Prompt a little bit in order to get this a little bit more the way I want it I don't really see any of these that I love so I'm just going to try to change a few little things I've changed up the prompt a little bit I got rid of six years old and I added cartoon character in here and I separated out Pixar style I also told it to give me full body shots just so I can get the full character in action and then I have green t-shirt black pants I decided to change it around I like the idea that mid Journey gave me so I'm going to run with it now I'm going to send this one off and while that one's sending off if you do see something that you do like up here what you can do is you can upscale it and then generate some variations while your new prompt is generating as well so you can do multiple jobs at once I didn't mind this design sheet it's just some of the features are interesting like it looks like this one she's eating her hand which is kind of interesting and her eye looks very different in this pose so maybe we can just make some strong variations and see if it can generate us anything good now after doing the variations on the initial image that I kind of liked I actually got some better results and I think I like this top left one a lot here it looks like there are a lot of different poses and expressions so this will be great for my journey to pull for from Once We upscale this image Zoom it out a little in order to get the full body shot of the subject and then cut them out so what I'm going to actually do is I'm going to upscale this top left image here and now that the image has been scaled what I'm going to do is I'm going to zoom out 1.5 x now you can check what the zoom out did on all four of these and you can make a decision at your discretion on which ones you like the best personally I like the top right the best the goal was to have 7 to 10 good character designs that you can cut out in the future so now I'm going to upscale this character design sheet the final character design sheet that I like and that would be upscaling number two and now this is upscaled I can save it to my computer and put it within my character file or if you don't have a character file you can put it within a folder on your desktop or a Google Drive so now that I have that character design sheet saved what I can do is I can go back to my characters on my project and now I can hit add an image now that I have that character design sheet ready to go and I can upload it so now we have this nice character design sheet in here and we can always reference it and come back to it if we ever need it again and it's all right here with a nice display on our character section so when I open up the Enchanted Forest as you can see when you start getting a ton of characters in here this looks very cool the next step in creating consistent characters in mid-journey is isolating the characters from your consistent design sheet and we can do that using two free tools first we need a free tool that can crop your images then we need a free tool that can cut out the backgrounds of those images as well so let me dive in and I'll show you the two free options that you can use in order to get this done so the first tool is I love image and you can use this I love image tool in order to crop all of your images this is a free tool so you can just select images and then crop them in so if I hit select images and then hit my character design sheet within my folder what will happen is this will pop up and this will allow you to actually move this box around and adjust it to cut out certain characters so now I can go over here and I can isolate this character so that this character is in one photo and we're isolating all of these characters right now so we can later upload them to Mid Journey so mid Journey has a good idea when we reference those images on the type of character that we want when we are creating our character variations for our scenes so this is a crucial step in doing this because you need these isolated characters in order for my journey to reference them and to know what you want to design so now that I have my character in this little box here what I can do is I can hit crop image and now I can hit download cropped image and it will save right there now I don't upload these cropped images to my notion I just save these cropped images on a place somewhere within my desktop or my Google Drive folder after you crop out one you can hit the back arrow on your computer and you can select your images again and continue to do that until all of your characters are crop doubt that are worthy of being cropped out and referenced within your photos so I'm going to go through here and I'm going to repeat this process for all the images that I need cropped out okay and now I have one two three four five six seven images cropped out that will be great for referencing and creating character variations in different poses with so this is great but the problem is is some pictures that you generate within your character design sheets have a background to them and you want to remove that background so mid-journey does not reference those colors when you're creating your character variation now this is a personal step that I like to add in just because it makes mid-journey only look at the character and no colors at all in the background so if you take a look Jane's image is probably fine and you probably don't need to remove the background because it's just a white background but when I generated this Drake character for my Enchanted Forest book as you can see the background had this brownish tone and I didn't want mid-journey referencing that brown color when creating character variations so I remove all friction and just remove the background a free tool you can use in order to remove the background is backgroundcut dot Co I'll leave links to all of these tools in the description but this provides a nice easy drag and drop upload to remove the background so I'm going to drag and drop all of these images in here and it will remove the background of them like shown I'm going to hit download and then it will create another image down below so now would be a good time to actually start moving these into folders now I'm going to repeat that process for all seven of my images so the background is completely removed so now I have PNG cutouts of all of those characters that I've generated within that design sheet and I took out the bad characters I cropped in the good ones that I liked and now I have seven pngs using those free tools that I showed you I first cropped the images out that I wanted and then I removed the background from them and saved them to my desktop the next step is actually uploading those images that you saved somewhere on your computer or on your desktop to Mid Journey so those PNG cutouts you just created you want to upload them to mid-journey and I'm going to show you how to do that uploading your characters to mid-journey is very simple all you need to do is hit this plus button where you type in your prompt and then hit upload a file and then you can just click and drag and then hit open on all of your images or you can select your first image and then on your last image hold shift and then select it and it will select all of your images for you then you can hit open now all of your images have been imported into mid Journey but before you leave this page make sure you hit enter to send them into the chat and it's okay if some are bigger than others that's just the way it will format it but you can scroll through here and see all of your different character designs that you have currently the next step when it comes to creating consistent characters is to use those images that you've uploaded into mid-journey as references for creating character variations so what are the poses you actually want your character to be doing do you want your character to be running do you want them to have a worried expression on their face what do you want your character to look like what do you want your character to be doing what kind of poses do you want this is the section where you create all of that we've uploaded these images to mid-journey for a reason and that's because we are going to reference all of them within our prompt so first we are going to type in slash imagine and then we are going to right click all of these images and hit copy link on each one and paste it within our prompt after you paste it in make sure you hit space so that you aren't right up against your last link otherwise this won't work if you paste them all in one big row so make sure that they have adequate space between by hitting the space bar once and then you rinse and repeat you copy paste and you do the same for all of these images make sure that there's a space in between once again if you don't make sure there's a space in between then it will all run together like that and that's not what you want you want there to be a nice space in between each of your images so I'm going to copy the rest of these links and upload them into the chat now you have all the links of your images copy and pasted within mid-journey so now what you need to do is you need to scroll up and find the prompt you used in order to generate your character design sheet in this case I used this prompt in order to generate all of these characters that I uploaded so what I'm going to do is I'm going to copy that prompt and after the last image I uploaded I'm going to hit space and I'm going to paste in that prompt so this looks like a long weird looking prompt but what my journey is doing is when you upload all of these images it's actually referencing those images and it's going to try to create a character that looks like these images so now you are going to leave your prompt exactly the same except where it says multiple expressions and poses character sheet you want to delete that section and then actually type in the pose or the expression you want and just like when creating the character design sheets this step is going to take a lot of tweaking and fixing in order to get right and in order to get exactly what you want so it's very important to be patient keep testing new things try variations upscaling it zoom out all of that stuff so let's say I want a running pose of this character maybe I could type in something like Dynamic running pose then I can put a comma I can put something like full Sprint maybe I want her to be laughing and running so I could also put laughing face and another comma so now we have kind of the pose we want for this character Dynamic running pose full Sprint laughing face and this is a good starting spot we can just throw this off send it off to mid-journey and see how it does when generating these images so I'm going to hit enter and send that off and as you can see the beautiful thing about uploading all of these images to reference in mid-journey is it generates a character that looks exactly like the character within our character design sheet that we generated so anytime you need a new pose or variation to put within a different scene you can just copy all of these images in the prompt you used and then change the pose here and I really like this top right image and I want to utilize this within the work but the full body is not in here so once again I'm going to upscale that image and I'm going to zoom out 1.5 x so now I'm going to hit zoom out 1.5 x so we have that nice running pose so let's say while this image is generating on the zoom out I want to get started on a new pose or a new expression what I can do is I can just copy this entire prompt with all of those image links I can hit Ctrl C or I can right click it and hit copy and then I can go down to my new slash imagine and paste it in that way you don't have to keep grabbing all seven of those links or however many reference pictures you upload and every single time just copy and paste your prompt and now all of these links are already here then you can go back to where you typed in your pose or your expression and you can delete that and now you can start typing in another pose or expression so now maybe for this next prompt I want a word expression for this character I want it to be a front view so it's not on that side angle and then I also want this image to be closer up to the subject that way we can really get a zoomed in dramatic shot on her face looking worried maybe there's a section in the book where something happens and this character needs to look worried well what we can do is we can generate a variation for that and then we can later generate a scene to put that variation into now while that one is generating it looks like our full Sprint laughing pose has zoomed out very nicely now we can kind of choose that pose we want so it looks like this top left one is the best I like how it includes her entire footing and everything within the image looks great so what I'm going to do is I'm going to UPS scale this image right here and now we have a rough draft of this character running pose and it turned out very nicely what I'm going to do is I'm going to upscale this first image because I think the character and the clothing matches very well but the facial expression isn't as worried as I would have liked so I'm going to upscale this image and now that it's upscaled I'm going to do a very strong and hopefully it leaves the eye color the string color and the sweatshirt color there's a lot of components here that I'm starting to realize that need to be the same so the goal of this is to get a more worried expression in this kind of view I like the exact angle I like how close up it is so we need to get a word expression within this view I'm also just going to do a very subtle just so we can get some subtle changes and just to see if that helps with this prompt a little bit as well and this very subtle actually turned out very good no pun intended what we can do is we can actually upscale this fourth image it has those white strings which look very nice very similar to the running pose the expression is worried and also kept that same angle I could even do a zoom out 1.5 x if I wanted to in order to get the top of her head so we have some room to mess around with when we are uploading it to a scene now I think this bottom left one does a better job with her hair it makes it a little bit more curly the top one makes it a little too straight and the other images are appearing as more curly hair so the bottom left is the one I'm going to go with now for the sake of time and moving on in this tutorial I'm going to leave it at two variations you can generate as many variations as you want for as many characters as you want as well but for now I'm just going to use the word expression and the running pose right here and just like the isolating character step where we cut out the backgrounds we are going to need to do the same with these images so save these two images to your computer go to backgroundcut dot Co that one tool that I showed you and you can upload them there and cut out the background so you have that image with no background let's go back to the free background cutting tool and let's first upload our running post so we can get that image and then we can hit download here and we can also upload our word expression pose and we can hit download on that as well so now we have both of these images cropped out with no background now we've been kind of all over the place so now it's time to bring it back into notion and organize our database with these character variations so what we're going to do is we are going to upload these character variations to our notion database and if you do not want this notion database or don't have this notion database then organize them within a Google drive folder or somewhere on your desktop where you can continue proper Organization for your project what I'm going to do is I'm going to hit create a character variation and here I'm going to give this a name so first I'm going to upload the running posts so what I'm going to do is I'm going to name this Jane and then I'm going to put a hyphen and put running pose just so I have that proper organization in there and I'm not getting confused with anything and now where it says related character I'm going to to select where it says empty and I'm going to map this to Jane so we have that character related to Jane now and now we have to relate this to a project so we're going to relate it to life on the farm and now you can upload an image variation below so since we are uploading this running pose what we can do is we can add an image upload file and we can upload the cutout version of the running pose so when I hit open it will appear as a nice cutout running pose of Jane so when I select in some empty space as you can see when we go into the variations tab under your characters we will have Jane's running pose in here and then if you look at my other project we have all of these different character variations in here as well so I can close that and now we can add a new character variation for Jane so we can start to get this database a little bit more developed and organized I'm going to create another character variation I'm going to type in Jane worried expression I'm going to relate this character obviously to Jane related Project Life on the farm upload my character variation upload file worried expression and now we have this worried expression in here so if we ever lose it we can always come back here and hit download when we do need to use it so now when I select in some empty space we have all of Jane's variations in here and if you were doing a big project having loads and loads of variations is going to be very useful in order to create good scenes so we basically have the consistent character designs down we now have a ton of images that we can reference in mid-journey in order to create those consistent character variations but what I'm going to do is I'm going to go the extra mile and show you how to create good scenes and upload those characters to scenes if you are struggling with this then this section should help as you can do it for completely free so Step One is we need to actually add a background for our character so let's say we want to use a running pose maybe we want a path some trees and we want this scene to really come together with the running pose well this may also take some testing just like everything else does when creating consistent care characters but it can be done with a few simple tricks so what I'm going to do is I'm going to start off this prompt with Slash imagine and now that I have my slash imagine prompt in here what I want to make sure I do is pull in certain elements that are going to match the background with the character so I don't want a hyper realistic image of a farm I want a Pixar styled Farm since that is the style of my character you want to match those two so you want to include elements of those words within your background prompt as well so I'm just going to start off by saying Pixar styled path then I'm going to put first person view so it looks like that somebody is watching her run on this path and I've also changed this to say horizontal path so that it looks like your character is actually running alongside this path because as you can see her character has a little bit of angle to the way she's running so we don't want it to look like she's running on a straight on path otherwise it will look like she's very running into nothing so we're going to make sure we say horizontal path I also added a wooded area and behind first person view I put Barn in background so I'm really trying to develop the scene bright and sunny day flowers and I just put some other elements that I want present within this image I'm going to make this AR 16 to 9 so we have that nice wide background shot for the subject to go into now this prompt will take some tweaking I'm very sure but this is a good base Foundation we've added some of the character style so that it matches the background and I think we are ready to send this off so that's exactly what I'm going to do as you can see these images didn't turn out as bad as I thought they would we have some nice paths here we have this nice Pixar style but now we just have to find the one that matches the character the best and we can also modify the prompt a little bit if we aren't liking what we see so after a little bit of tweaking and just making the prompt more simple this is what I got now this really comes down to personal preference depending on what kind of style of image you want but this is kind of what I was imagining now I wanted more of a Red Barn in the background but for the sake of example in the sake of time in this tutorial I think this will do and I want to get into showing you how you can upload your character variations to scenes so you actually have a nice image for your project so what I'm going to do is I'm going to save this image by hitting open link save images and after I have this image saved what I can do is I can head over to canva now what we can do in canvas hit create design and hit import file now you can upload your background and it will pop up like this you can hit use in a new design custom size create new design that will take you to a new page where you can upload your characters as you can see I've already uploaded my character running in here but if you want to you can hit upload files and find it on your desktop so what you can do is you can drag in your character here and now you have to mess with it in order to make it look like the character fits the scene now this is the downside of not using a paid tool like Photoshop is it's much harder to make your character look like they are fitting into the scene but if you move them to the right angle you can tilt them a little bit you can make them good in size in relation to different objects on the picture then you can actually come up with something pretty good and the scene can turn out very nice so you don't want your subject looking that big because then she's half the size of the tree and it doesn't make sense so this is a part where you kind of have to mess around with it and look at items around the scene and take the character in relation to those items you can again you can rotate your character to make it look like they're more running rather than standing straight up and now this actually looks like it turned out pretty good you can make this character look much further away by making them smaller as well and maybe they're running from over here in the grass you could have them right there so now they are running from further away or you can make them bigger and have them appear much closer up as well when you're happy with your scene and you're ready to save it in the upper right hand corner you can hit the share button and then there will be a download option right here and you can download it as a JPG and these file sizes should work good for now if you want to upgrade to Pro you can but I do not have the pro version and it works out just fine for me then you can hit download once your scene has been created now that you have your scene created you can either stop there and upload it to Google Drive or if you are using this notion template what you can do is organize your scenes by creating a scene and this is the final step in organizing all of the data within your database So within the consistent character sub you can hit create a scene and then you can name your scene and I recommend naming this to be specific to your project so if I am doing a book I could name it something like chapter one page one and then I can name what the scene is maybe Jane running in woods okay so now we have very descriptive language onto where the scene is taking place chapter one page one then we have Jane running in woods now we can upload our scene below by hitting embed anything upload choose a file and then uploading our design here it's also important before we click off that we give it a related character related to project and a related variation so what went into creating the scene well we had a related character of Jane Jane is in the project of life on the farm and the related variation was the Jane running pose now if you get a ton of variations in here you can always just look these up by typing it in so we use the Jane running pose for this and this is looking good if you have multiple characters and multiple expressions and poses within your images here what you can do is you can actually add multiple variations so if my Drake character is in here from a laughing side view I could also add that in there then they would be both related to this scene I'm going to unlink that variation for now now I'm going to head back to the home page and as you can see if we go to the scenes tab under your characters we now have Jane running in the woods so we can click on this we can view our scene and we can also go to our other scenes within our other project objects such as this running scene from the Enchanted Forest so this has been how to create and organize consistent characters within mid-journey and notion now if you do want this consistent character Hub what you can do is purchase the AI Art Studio 2.0 using the link in the description or the top hit comment with that art studio you are going to get all of those benefits you're also going to get that character Hub now this has been a pretty base level consistent character creation tutorial if you want to you can go super in depth in this you can use Photoshop to create much better designs but this is a good free alternative for those who do not want to pay for Photoshop and other tools like that just a reminder within this consistent character Hub you have all of the nine steps what I just taught you in this video listed right here so if you don't want to keep coming back to YouTube I provide some nice gifts that you can look at and follow along with in creating your consistent characters and organizing all of your data with that being said I hope that this tutorial was helpful for you in creating consistent characters within mid-journey if it was please subscribe and drop a like and a comment letting me know your thoughts I'll see you in the next video
Channel: AI Foundations
Views: 47,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney consistent characters, consistent characters midjourney, how to create consistent characters in midjourney, midjourney consistent characters tutorial, midjourney, midjourney guide, midjourney tutorial, how to make consistent characters in midjourney, consistent characters, ai consistent characters, midjourney consistent photos, consistent designs, consistent ai art, midjourney character creation, characters midjourney, consistent characters in midjourney
Id: Z7_ta3RHijQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 15sec (2115 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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