Your Face In Midjourney! It's Here, Easy, and It Works! (Amazing Faceswap Plugin!)

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hi everyone so I've got good news it's here you can finally take your face and put it into a mid-journey image and I'm not talking about using Photoshop or like uploading a selfie and re-rolling 3 000 times and hoping you get lucky no this is all done in mid-journey and it is super easy so check it out this is an image of Indiana Jones The Prompt here was cinematic still 1940s pulp hero Indiana Jones just called him right out jungle Adventure aspect ratio 16 9 and now me as Indiana Jones which is definitely fulfilling some sort of lifelong childhood fantasy of mine hey just noticed short rounds back there all right buckle up we're going for a ride so this is Insight face which is an open source library for 2D and 3D face analysis if you haven't worked with plugins yet don't stress it's super simple and I'm gonna walk you through everything the first thing you'll want to do is create a new server in Discord it's very easy to do I'm going to very briefly explain it you just come down and hit this add a server button that'll create a pop-up create your own server just put for me and my friends it's really just for you and then name it whatever you want in this case we're going to call it uh inside face insightface you don't need to upload a picture but you can if you want to hit create and you're pretty much done you will then want to click on the link that I left below uh which will pop up a browser window that looks like this all you have to do is add it to your server in this case uh we do go down to Insight face and hit continue after going through a human check you should be authorized and you can close this window down and head back over to Discord you'll also want to invite the mid Journey bot over to your new server otherwise your forward slash imagine commands aren't going to do anything to do that just head over to Mid Journey go into any one of the rooms where images are being created in this case I'm just in newbies 50. find the mid Journey bot who never sleeps over on the sidebar right click on them hit profile and then add to server here and now it's the same process you just add the mid Journey bot to your new server hit continue hit continue to get or authorize again and off we go the next thing we'll need to do is give the Insight bot a face to swap um so you do so by creating an ID so just come down to General and forward slash save ID which will give you a prompt to upload an image trying to be as ethical as I can about this I'm just going to use an image of myself this is the profile pic that I generally kind of always use this was just taken on an iPhone at one of those like selfie stand things um it was actually taken by my daughter you can see that the background is actually just a backdrop so but I usually crop it in it works fine so let's load that into Insight face at that point you're going to need to name your character um it can be anything that you want I'm just going to say me apparently the character limit is eight um so if you've got a much longer name just shorten it down hit enter and you can see ID name me has been created so at this point you're ready to just start generating images as a quick FYI the documentation states that that the image that you supply to Insight phase should be forward-facing you should not be wearing glasses and they don't want bangs I don't know apparently bangs kind of screw something up so they also say high quality that profile pic image that I used has been crunched down a couple of times uh via compression and it's not the greatest quality but it still seems to work but you know obviously if you can aim for the highest quality image that you can get so continuing on with childhood fantasies uh here is Cinematic still Superman flying in the air with an aspect ratio of 16 9. obviously it very much leans into Henry Cavill uh and the Zack Snyder Superman so all we have to do from here is choose one of the images and upscale it I'm going to pick that third one because that looks sort of the most realistic in terms of face and skin tone once it's upscaled we just come over to these three dots over here come down to apps and run in swapper and after a moment here you go yeah this looks really really good slightly just disturbing for me but from a technical standpoint it looks very good the skin tones are consistent the lighting stays consistent this is something that would take like a pretty significant amount of time to do in Photoshop here we did it in I think it generated in about like less than a minute like I would say 40 seconds or so okay let's take a look at a few more and then I'm going to show you a few limitations for this test I was kind of aiming for a royal tannenbaums feel so I prompted cinematic still Wes Anderson film Ben Stiller wearing a jogging suit with an aspect ratio of 16 9 and got something that relatively looks like you know Ben Stiller in the Royal tannenbaums running Insight face gets us this image which does look like me in a Wes Anderson movie super weird I also decided to hilariously run photograph male dark hair heavy weightlifter gym massive barbell big muscles at an aspect ratio of 16 9 and got this monstrous piece of meat and insight phase gives us this which cracks me up I actually sent a picture of this over to my wife and she just wrote back no so I wanted to test to see if you could do more than just photographic images with this as well so I prompted highly detailed painting style by Andrew Wyeth Andrew Wyeth being the painter who did The Fairly famous Christina's World painting a farmer in a rural field with an aspect ratio of 16 9 and got this which looks very much in line with an Andrew Wyeth painting so let's run the face swap on that and we get this which works and also gives me a slight sense of existential dread um but yeah that really works I will have more hair than that when I get to that age I will that last image actually weirded me out so much that I just rolled young farmer and got this image and running face swap on that got us this which is actually equally as disturbing in my opinion um this is like this boy has seen some hard times some very hard times there are limits when you're working with an illustrative style though uh for example in this one I went with illustrative style male cyberpunk hero intense gays City street and then actually in previous roles it was giving me a lot of song glasses which I didn't want so I did no glasses sunglasses and this is the image that we got running inside face gets us this which looks good I mean it does look like me as some like 80s cyberpunk hero um but if you look uh the skin tones are definitely much more in a photo-ish tone whereas the original definitely had much more of an illustrative brush stroke style to it there's probably a fix that you can do by merging both images in Photoshop but but right out of the box it's not doing that yet that said I did look through the change logs and it looks like the Insight developers are very much working on this so maybe we'll see sliders happening at some point or another and finally if you start getting very stylized or abstract with it such as in this case where I ran comic book uh Style by Darwin Cook 60 spy James Bond casino and ran Insight on that it just pretty much returned the exact same image back to me but where I think things start to get really interesting is when you use your own images as image prom I was messing around with the idea of trying to create you know a mid-journey avatar to using thumbnails and whatnot um it never quite worked out like in this case um running the prompt just kind of makes me look like Markiplier is older less successful brother um but applying Insight phase to this gets us here which it also dropped a couple of pounds off me I thank you mid-journey for that there is the problem with the hand but again through subsequent roles I could probably get that worked out but yeah not bad on the business development side running the prompt photograph male businessman LinkedIn profile picture headshot got me this image and then face swapping it out got me this image I don't know if this guy looks like me he looks way more serious than I am but I think if I spend a little more time doing some re-rolls and getting a better base image image face could probably make a fairly convincing LinkedIn profile picture for me beards also sometimes become an issue um this was a Jedi Knight that I rolled up sort of very you and mcgregor-esque but he's got that sort of you know light beard here and then when I ran face swap on that it kind of gave me a weird sort of peach fuzz beard here it looks like it just got really confused um with what to do with that beard similarly here was another Jedi Knight with a full beard and when I ran inside face it gave me this which was kind of distorted here and there I don't know if it was because of the lightsaber light confusing the bot in terms of like where to Pace the face but yeah that's a little ugly I should also note that the inside bot doesn't re-roll anything so if you take that initial image and you run it again you will just end up with the same image it also seems to struggle with extreme expressions for going back to our weight lifter again um by the way this guy's form is completely wrong he's probably gonna end up breaking his wrists um he's clearly in a lot of pain or struggling very hard here so running Insight face on this gets us gets us this which you can see there are some problems with like it really kind of smudged out the side of the mouth here I mean granted that's a pretty extreme expression so I guess the takeaway is as long as you're not asking the inside face bot to lift this heavy you should be fine but as I mentioned earlier the Insight phase team is still actively developing this so I would only expect this to get better in the meantime please do face swap responsibly thank you for watching my name's Tim foreign
Channel: Theoretically Media
Views: 207,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney tutorial, midjourney ai, ai art, midjourney, midjourney face swap, midjourney face swap prompt, midjourney face similarity, midjourney tricks and tips, midjourney tricks you need to see, midjourney tricks, face swap
Id: PPQl6qEr5Es
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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