Creating Consistent Characters with Midjourney V5 - FACE SWAPPING Technique - Step-by-Step Guide

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Hello everybody welcome back to another mid Journey tutorial in this one I'm going to show you how to create consistent characters and I'm going to show you how to make it even if you want it to look like a celebrity or if you have an image of yourself you can not only create consistent characters you can create them based on certain people yourself included I know you've probably heard this before but this is absolutely crazy I'm going to show you examples to start and then I'm going to show you how to do it so here's some First Step here I'm just going to see you see I've got Elon Musk on the left Taylor Swift on the right and we're going to go with Taylor Swift first thing I did is I created some steampunk females looking at the camera click on it and I like this bottom left one so that's the style I'm going to go with and then I ran a couple so here's just a few examples I just ran them and then I picked ones that were good out of each of them so this was a good one this was a good one this was a good one and this was a good one now I realized the faces are not quite consistent yet don't worry I'm gonna show you some magic so I'm going to show you how to do it I'm going to show you quick and then I'm going to show you step by step so watch this I'm just going to right click on this image this is how good this is I'm going to go to the app and I'm going to in swap that image and while that one processes I'm going to right click on her face and I'm going to in swap her and then I'm gonna go to the third one here I'm going to right click on her face and I'm going to in swap her and then I'm going to click on the final one I'm going to right click on her face and I'm going to in swap her now watch this remember the original images this is just a standard stock steampunky image look at this tell me and and be honest with me if this isn't the what you want to see so here we go here's the first one that looks a lot like Taylor Swift but again we're going for consistency does look like her though that does look like Taylor Swift as well running away holy smokes these are pretty consistent let's click on this one wow that looks like that looks like her too and for final effect that looks like her too so this is the best and best way to make consistent swaps and consistent faces in mid-journey now I'm going to show you how to do this step by step all right welcome back so if these didn't con if these didn't convince you I don't know what's going through but anyways let's create some consistent characters and in this one we're going to use Elon Musk but before we get started we have some housekeeping to do so let's go through it step by step on the left side in Discord you need to go to the bottom for your first step and you got to click on this plus sign to add a server we're going to create our own server that are going to have both bots in it so I've clicked on the plus sign I click on create my own it's for me and my friends I don't have friends but if I did they would be invited and in this one I'm just going to call this one consistent Elon so we're going to use Elon Musk as a Warrior let's go I'm going to click on Create and Presto now let's go to the top and you're going to see that I've got a new consistent Elon server there I am as the only person in it the next step is you want to go to the left side here and we're going to look for the mid-journey Bots or the mid Journey server so you'll see this little uh sailboat that's what we want click on the sailboat and then when you do that you're going to get a whole bunch of stuff that's going to be a little overwhelming don't worry all you got to do is go to the right side here and you'll see mid-journey bot left click on that and then you can see add to server we're going to add this bot to the server so just go ahead and accept that and then select a server this is where it gets fun you just click on the drop down and then find the server that you just created so the one I just made is called consistent Elon and I'm going to go ahead and add to consistent Elon and I'm going to let it do its thing because I trust it okay good all right captcha I am human there we go so here we go now let's go back in into that server see where we're at okay consistent Elon okay job done mid-journey bot is in there but we've got one more step to go all right the next step is a good one all you need to do is click on this link below now I can't really you can't really click on my video obviously but I'm going to put the link in the description in the YouTube description so you can just go into my description copy and paste it so I'm just going to click on it and Presto it's now going to ask me to install Insight face this is open source free software please keep that in mind this is no charge on any of this so here we go I'm going to go ahead and accept that and I'm going to select my server I'm also going to add it to consistent oh that's not the right one I'm going to add it to consistent Elon pardon me and then I'm going to click continue I'm going to go ahead and let it do its thing and then I'm going to authorize it again capturing me I am a human I swear to God and bang authorized let's take a look at this up here on the top right we've got Insight face swap and we've got mid Journey bot now let let's get to the next step alright so let's go to the next step now there are two ways to do this there's a quick and easy way and that's if you only want to do it with one face or with one person so if you want a consistent character of you or of a celebrity or of someone I found on the internet this is the first way is the easiest way and then I'm going to show you a second way which has a little bit more to it but they're both quite easy so what you want to do is go forward slash save ID this is a new command that's enabled by adding Insight face swap and then I'm going to hit enter when I do that you'll see two things we can drag and drop an image so this is going to be the consistent face that we're going for so this is what we're going for and then we're gonna you see it says ID name so we can name it I'm going to go to my finder and in this case we're going with Elon Musk and I've got a good picture of him just staring at the camera and I'm going to drag and drop it and Presto I'm now going to call this Elon Elon one just so that in case I have any other ones so there we go I've ID named it Elon one I hit enter now watch this ID name Elon one created now let's go ahead and generate some Warriors and then I'm going to show you how to face swap on so here we go I'm gonna go forward slash imagine and I'm gonna go Nordic male warrior looking mean I don't know portrait because I want it to be a pretty close shot portrait shot um looking at camera and then hit enter I'm gonna run this and when it's done I'm going to come back and show you what we got all right welcome back so it ran it and here are four candidate images these are all fantastic images as mid-journey does but I'm gonna go with the second one because the head and the face is the largest in it and I just want to show you the technique I don't need to show you how to you know do dialing it in uh with with you know exact colors and all that stuff so let me go ahead and I'm going to up sample or upscale the second one here click on that Presto it should be done in a few seconds and now we've got ourselves an image I'm going to right click on the image and I'm going to save it to the desktop and I'm going to call this one well I'm just going to call this all right there we go I'm going to call it Nordic oops Nordic one okay good so I just have an extra copy just in case I mess it up and something goes wrong now watch this I'm going to right click on the image I'm going to go to apps I'm going to go to in swapper and watch what happens that is Elon Musk as a Nordic Warrior now we want to create consistent images right that's kind of what we're doing but I showed you how to do the face swap now we want to have this this warrior with elon's face doing things uh you know different things like reading a book and holding a sword and sitting on a rock and all that stuff so let me show you the next step all right so the next step is I'm going to go back to my finder or my Explorer and I'm going to grab this Nordic one image and I'm just going to drag and drop it in and hit enter when I do that I'm now going to right click on his face and I'm just going to go ahead and copy that link this is a very important part because now I'm going to start making uh examples using that image as its base so here we go I'm going to go forward slash imagine and then watch this I'm going to command V or control V and copy that link in then I'm going to hit space bar and I'm going to say uh holding a sword and then well watch this I'll come back when it's done and then we'll go through a whole bunch of examples quickly all right everybody so now let's see what we got here's the original image keep that in mind this is what it looks like to start now based on that technique I showed you let's see the four candidate images this top left one looks really really good the bottom right one looks really really good but his sword appears to be broken in half so that's kind of weird and then this bottom left one's good but a lot of his face is not showing keep in mind that that doesn't matter too much because we're going to go ahead and swap in elon's face but for this one I'm going to use the top left one I'm going to upscale it now it's going to go very quickly and again remember we're creating consistent characters so here's the face here's the original a little closer this one's the camera is a little further back oh maybe I did maybe his swords broken in that one too well whatever you can't win them all I'm going to right click on this face here I'm gonna go to apps and then I'm gonna go to in swapper and this is going to make Elon Musk the E with the lip okay all right he's got sword Envy okay that's not really a sword that's more like a little dagger or something like that but that is how you create consistent characters now let's go ahead and do another one so I'm going to show you another technique forward slash imagine I'm going to copy and paste in that image or that image link like we did last time but this time we're going to go ahead and take the whole thing here Nordic mail looking mean uh let's just go with Nordic mail looking mean portrait shot looking at camera so we're going to take the original the entire original prompt I'm going to copy that in and then I'm going to be like uh fighting a dragon okay it this may or may not work as good as the other version but I want to show you both I'm going to hit enter I'm going to come back when it's done alrighty welcome back so here we go uh so you know what great images but again I think the camera is a little too close for this type of image when you're fighting a dragon so again I'm gonna go ahead and upscale one of these I think that the I think the bottom top right one actually looks the closest I'll upscale it I'm going to apply the same technique to it and then I'm gonna show you another one we're gonna have him reading a book so let's go to apps in swapper and Presto we're going to have Elon Musk as another Nordic Warrior okay let's go ahead and run another one so I'm gonna go forward slash imagine and then this one maybe we're gonna go with um I'm going to copy and paste in the link so let's go ahead and grab that original image link so I'm going to right click on it I'm going to copy that link and then we're going to have this one uh we're gonna have well it's not a close-up shot let's go with long shot fighting a bear and hit enter come back see what this one comes up with all right everybody welcome back so here's what it came up with uh you know what not too bad the top left one's pretty good the bottom left one's pretty good but his face looks a little too narrow in that one so again the face isn't the most important part but if it doesn't look structurally the same not so good so I'm gonna upscale or up I have an upscale the first one so I'm going to click on up upscale here the U1 and also note for those of you that have really Keen eyes I had to switch it from portrait shot to wide shot because portrait shot was too up close and personal so here we go let's click on this so here's another image now what do we do if we want that to be Elon Musk look at that dragon in the background like some sort of dog Dragon whatever let's go ahead right click on it apps in swapper here we go this is going to Elon musket and again consistent characters although he does look a little cross-eyed in this one oh well what are you gonna do so now let me show you the final technique to do consistent character okay so the final technique is you can go forward slash save ID and we've already got an Elon Musk version right so let's say we wanted a Taylor Swift one as well so we want to be able to swap in multiple characters so we want consistent faces but we also want to be able to you know mix in some different people so I'm going to drag and drop Taylor Swift in there and I'm going to call her Taylor just like that so what's happening now is we're creating an ID named Taylor so if we go forward slash list ID you're going to see here I'm going to hit enter and you're going to see that we have a Taylor and an Elon one so let's go ahead and keep going all right awesome so we're going to go ahead now and I'm going to show you how to do Taylor Swift versions but instead of creating the images in mid-journey and using in fight Insight face swap inside the app here I'm going to show you another technique I'm going to go to my finder I'm going to drag and drop in images that I've already created I'm going to now hit enter so I'll just show you the image okay so that's the image now I want a consistent character out of her watch this I'm going to go forward slash swap ID and that's why we created the second ID Taylor now I hit enter and here we go we can drop in an image and then we can and then we'll watch this I'm going to drop in this image right here and then I can select the ID name that I want to use so I want to use Taylor watch this I'm going to hit enter this is crazy this is Taylor Swift pretty much perfectly but how do we create consistent character well let's drag in another image that I liked here's the same kind of style of image I'm going to drag and drop this one in I'm going to hit enter so you can see it okay we've got another style maybe this girl is doing diesel Punk but you know we want to have this one set up as Taylor Swift well what do we do forward slash swap ID hit enter now I'm going to grab that same image drag and drop it in there type in Taylor and Presto you'll see do we have the same style come on that's Taylor Swift guys I'm sorry to say it but that's pretty bloody incredible now let's do one more just for effect I'm going to go ahead and type in forward slash swap ID and then you know the drill I'm going to drag in this last one here put that here I'm going to use the word Taylor and hit enter and then I don't think that's the oh it's the same one I used at the beginning ah never mind anyways let's do actually let's do one more forward slash swap ID final one I think it's this one that I haven't used I'm gonna put that in there and then I'm going to type in Taylor and then bang we have a consistent character if there ever was one this is the way guys thanks for watching
Channel: AI In A Minute
Views: 26,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney consistent characters, consistent characters midjourney v5, midjourney v5 consistent characters, make consistent characters in midjourney, create consistent character midjourney v5, character consistent midjourney
Id: 7JnYZiwxTyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2023
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