Microtech Combat Troodon

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[Music] [Music] hey guys welcome back to the X ring on today's episode we're gonna review another knife by Microtech knobs big shout out to those guys providing the knife for testing I am going to be mean to this combat Troodon so guys the combat Troodon has been around for a while I've very familiar with this knife I've actually been carrying one for quite a while now I actually have one back from 2013 but this is a rather large knife but for some guys they want a knife that's a little larger than the Ultratech comparing it to an ultra tec you can see it is not only taller but it's also wider here in the body and it's also a little fatter correct pronunciation is a combat Troodon Troodon means wounding tooth or it's kind of like a dinosaur tooth but this is nine and a half inches long so it is not a small knife weighs in at five point three ounces still uses the 6061-t6 aluminum handle still comes with a full lifetime warranty and this is the double edge the de plane edge there are no serrations on this and so guys pay attention to the serial number because this is the one we're starting with this is the one we'll finish with I hate what we're gonna do to this knife but it's all in the art of testing right on the back side you do have the tungsten glass break and before we start the test straight out of the box here we're gonna do is go ahead and test to make sure that the blade is actually sharp there's one side there's the other side so we just tested both now guys this is an older knife this was provided this used to be used for their photo sessions and this does have the L max steel that everything now is made with the carpenter cts 204 P steel they're very similar in properties good edge retention so let's go ahead and put this thing to the test just like my other tests we're going to use the tubular webbing this is not strap material off of a cinch strap this is rated for about 5,000 pounds so let's go ahead and check it on both sides here okay that's clean through and through we're gonna do the other side here I believe it was this way now no problem and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to double this up so now that I've got it doubled up we are going to just pull straight through this way alright so here we go alright so this thing is crazy crazy sharp alright guys so on these de's the only thing I can recommend is if you're ever pressing don't put your thumb on the backside I know it sounds very basic but a lot of guys will do that with these D East I do have a water bottle here I want to go ahead and see if I can cut through it and see how that works so here we go and there you go clean through and through on the bottle itself just like that and guys if this thing breaks during the testing you guys can see the water on the blade then so be it it will be an unbiased review of this and alright let's do some more to it same knife I'll go ahead and show you this - 1 8 - 9 next thing we're going to do is the nail test so we do the cut test on paper did the cut test on the tubular webbing will cut through the bottle with the water bottle let's go ahead and drive this in like a nail broke my hammer that's how cold it is out here alright guys so that's all the way in just like a nail and you guys can see that I try to do this one continuous run maybe I can do this with it actually that's actually not even coming out so let's work it out like this all right so straight out of there what I'm doing is I'm getting that wood fiber off of there you guys can see this all right here we go get you're ready to try it no hole problem whatsoever so we're gonna continue the test so we're kind of making this up as we go along but this is a piece of siding it is metal it's aluminum and what I'm going to do is I'm going to clamp it to this we're going to take the combat to one eight to nine and we're just going to poke it through and what I'm gonna do is just pull on this alright that's one side there's the second side alright so you guys can see this had a sarah coated blade I want you to gotta see it on the blade I'm not gonna actuate it yet same serial number there we go so yeah good tests the seracote did kind of peel off but that's a pretty tough test for it let's figure out what else we can do with this knife for the next test what I've got is some genuine retired fire hose and what I want to do is see if we can cut see if we can cut the head part of this off on the coupler to the actual fire hose itself now if you guys aren't familiar with these these have a liner in here it's a heavy heavy duty material we'll see if we can cut this don't ever want to cut towards myself I've got it and here we go no problem and these are cut resistant gloves they are Kevlar so we'll just keep doing some cutting and I am trying to protect my legs that's where I've got the funky stance this is the other side of the blade and you guys can see that we're just cutting right through this let's go ahead and see if we can rip it this way and there it is guys and there's that close up of that material almost looks like a Kevlar I think it's just a cotton blend with glue in it so so far still holding up to one eight to nine good to go say well how do they handle the heat or maybe you need to perform surgery or something and we need to sterilize it so what we're gonna do is I can't believe I'm doing this but why not we've got some regular gasoline here there it is you get that out of the way and here we go but we know this is gonna burn off any oil or anything like that but you know what you need to roast the other side as well man it's such a beautiful knife it's got gas all over it still 2 1 8 to 9 I don't see how the anodizing holds up you know a lot of people question the anodizing the seracote let's see how it does let's go ahead and put the blade in here on the name of discovery folks all right so that's about it with the fire and I don't know if you guys can see this it's still 2 1 8 to 9 didn't put it in there long enough to where it's going to mess up the tempering of the blade but we are still good even with no lubrication or anything like that like I said this was really more to show that that anodizing can actually take some heat you might see some discoloration there but it's wiping right off look at that good as new because this is a double edged but nothing's partial serrated and it's not an S see it's going to be tough to baton through wood so instead of baton through wood I have a 1 by 2 here and what I'm going to do is I'm just going to put it on Tom lap so I'm just gonna Whittle through this using both sides of the blade that way I'm fair to both sides and we will check it for sharpness here at the end so using that time lapse you guys can see there I used both sides of the blade it was no problem and that is still that 2 1 8 to 9 after the fire test and cutting everything else well see what else we can throw at it so continuing with the test I found a tire it's a good sidewall and what we'll do is we'll just cut through this and see how long it takes and then maybe we can split the carcass across the top what I'll do is I'll cut halfway one side and then halfway the other okay so that's good enough that side now we'll use the top side and just rip up through here and unzip it that's it all the way through through and through let's see if we can cut across it this way across the belts I don't know if this is going to be possible but we'll try alright guys so it's doing it but it's whoopin my butt wall is doing it you remember these are Kevlar gloves before anybody calls me out on it so I think what we're gonna do is put it on time-lapse pickup right here no way I don't bore you guys with the details all right so this is whooped my butt but what we're gonna do there it is it's still working I want you guys to come in and see how thick this tire is cutting through all those belts they are fiberglass belts you guys can see the relationship of that that's cutting all the way through it alright let's do some more damn that was tough alright guys to this tungsten glass break anytime you hit a vehicle window you want to do it in the corner unfortunately this is all I have this is the thick pane glass it's the only thing that I can find just so you guys can see relationship with the blade this is not like a thick or a thin thin pane glass so what I'm going to do is just pop it right here I'm going to turn my head no problems there and some of you guys might say well you know you can do that with anything it's metal what I'm gonna use is I'll use the front of the anodizing not working same thing with the tungsten there it is so it shows you the difference of what that tungsten glass break can do having that ball in there on breaking glass and here's where I impacted on the front my fingers getting tired from cutting that tire alright let's do something else out the Front's have been known that when you start getting sediment or sand or anything like that inside of these it can gum up the action and I do realize that it might fail doing this test however if it does just flush it out with water then spray it with some rim oil flood it and then start actually waiting it dry it out with compressed air and you should be good to go so let's go ahead and see guys this is some really soppy mode we've had a lot of rain here I'm going to go ahead and just drop it in that mud like that and then I am going to step on it so we can see it's completely submerged and then what I'm gonna do is I will pick it up try to get any loose sediment out we are still good to go and this is still the serial number to one 8 to 9 so any out the front that you're carrying in your pocket a lot is going to collect Pocket lint residue maybe sand in your pocket something like that so what Microtech recommends is rim oil you can use the aerosol or the liquid and literally I just took this out of that mud hole that you guys saw I've done nothing to it I've not Adolphe but what you're gonna do is take it and you're just gonna flood the inside of the knife just like this I'm now flood it to the point where it starts coming out of the bottom you also want to flood the switch mechanism here this will not hurt the finish or anything else and then what you want to do is flip it upside down let it drain out and then you want to actuate the knife a few times just like this once you do that you can flood it out again make sure you get the button area and then I literally just take a microfiber cloth I'll wipe this down I'll hold it upside down I'll work it a couple times and guys this is just like new again you want to go ahead and get off any residual and you guys can see that that seracote didn't do too badly I think the aluminum made it look really poorly but you guys can see right there it's missing a little bit of Sirica you can see some off of the tip but you also have to look at what we did with this knife today so what we're gonna do now is we're gonna take it straight to a paper test let me go ahead and clean this up somewhat so it was cold out we're gonna go ahead come inside and try to do this paper test this is that two one eight to nine has not been sharper than anyway if I had to guess I'd say it's probably not gonna do too well especially on that main cutting edge it'll kind of rip through it it's not crazy good but now we'll try the top side I've tried to be fair I went back and forth so yeah it'll definitely cut but I can tell you that it feels a little dull right here and I think that was probably from the aluminum test but all in all it held up really really well so if you're looking for a larger knife to carry this now at the front then look no further than the combat Troodon my micro tech novice they do come with their full lifetime warranty and guys it is a knife that will last you a lifetime like share and subscribe hope you enjoyed the review have a good week you
Channel: X-RING
Views: 23,354
Rating: 4.9189873 out of 5
Keywords: microtech, microtech combat troodon, microtech torture test, troodon, Microtech, otf, out the front, automatic knife, switchblade
Id: UiQ4SwzLY4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 09 2019
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