OTF Knife Buyers Guide 2019 | Week One Wednesday Ep.10

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how's it going guys and welcome to week 1 Wednesday or as we like to call it today we're not going to be doing OTF knife buyer's guide so whether you call them OTF knives out the front nice switch blades whichever where you call it that's what we're gonna be doing today Before we jump into our OTF knives we want to give a huge shout out to we nice for making Wow possible and let's jump into a couple new rivals let's do it while some of you guys show up and then we'll dive into these OTS all right so first up it's not really a new arrival it's almost arrival so I have got the illustrious bokor compact this is a yes per box nez design blade HQ exclusive this is a sweet little Auto you guys have seen it before you guys been asking when's it coming when's it coming when's it coming it is coming this Friday November 8th 10 a.m. mountain time Jenna yeah exciting stuff guys so I'm not going to lie we did request a couple so that we could test them and we've all really been enjoying it it's a great little knife so yeah really sweet design nice thin deep carry pocket clip really great action and they're live on the site this coming Friday 10:00 a.m. so make sure you're there we have good numbers but we're noe low see it's a small auto right yet I have a thing what's your thing yep it passes the Kurt Cass Christmas ham approved guys all right what do you got let's see I've got the CRKT Ruger collaboration this is a design by Matthew lurch I hadn't remembered lurch but Matthew is yeah because alerts right search our TV and well our TV stands for is a Ruger takedown design and if you're if you shoot guns if you own a 22 most likely it's a Ruger 10/22 and he lurched he designed the takedown version of that rifle oh cool right on and so they used this same kind of right so they use the can idea yeah Ken Onion Ruger collaboration so so it's a it's a CRKT takedown see Eric checked out basically and it is I think the least expensive way you can get a field trip a field strip how many dollars $27.99 oh I think the next illustris like 54 or something so oh yeah that's a good sale yeah and this thing's sweet deep carry pocket clip yeah it's got really good jimping up right here in the front oh yeah your lock bar on the back and down the spine so well there you go guys actually a sweet night get a get a field-strip knife for 27 bucks 28 bucks that's pretty sweet right on alright so next up we've got that new new this is a hogue ex-01 you sip so exclusive color exclusive inlays here with the carbon fiber it's a CPM 154 blade nice deep carry pocket clip just everything you expect from a Hoke and super snappy hugs are made in Nevada or California depending on what part of the line you're buying but 100% us-made really incredible warranty and this one's our special one sigh yes gorgeous yeah the bloom black yeah yeah that gets me it's a looker it's a looker they did a really good job with us and you know honestly we talked about protec and action a lot and that obviously still stands Protex action is incredible sure the man these hooks hit hard they are really really good nice so yeah anyways this is an exclusive that we have right now blade HQ you can get them on the site and they go for 220 96 alright guys up next cold steel recon one you guys know what it is you guys love it now you can have it in desert warrior call me comment love me a good desert warrior you got your OD green g10 scales you've got your copper coated blade and spine here lock bar and coated means color it's not like actual copper well it would be a horrible blade material right but is s30v n steel so you get that quality steel and it's really quite a sweet deal at the price it's a hundred twenty bucks if but that's a big load of knife you got there exactly in a sweet in a sweet color way no I've heard a couple guys say oh man why didn't you guys color the clip and for me personally I like that the clip matches the hardware right personally so I mean I would say this maybe we can do a future run where where the clip matches let us know if you guys want the clip to match the blade maybe we could do a future run like that but I personally like that the clip mention the hardware yeah I agree that's me I'll close this for you I know you struggle with trial lock whatever watch this boom alright guys we want to welcome anybody who is just joining us for week one Wednesday we are doing an OT f knife buyer's guide and we are going to you can't talk OTF knives without talking about micro tech so we're gonna just do two micro text right out the gate we know you guys know micro tech but we have to include it because if you're watching and you don't want to Micah tech now you do right guaranteed alright so first up we have a much requested OTF knife to be on knife better we just did a best of micro tech video and everybody wanted to see the Exocet and it's a it's a new knife like I can't call it best of yet but it is pretty dang incredible so awesome it's it's a it's a nice little compact build it's got this big fat wide deep carry pocket clip which is super sweet it's a two o4p blade steel and just you know the exact action you would expect from a micro tech right now Exocet was it's a it's a it's like a low-flying French missile or French designed missile so the missile actually flies under the radar for like like flies like just above the ocean and it's like for sinking ships and stuff oh so under the radar right now so any ship ya know probably wouldn't sink your ship maybe a paper ship but I think it does fly under the radar no I think and then the wide clip I actually put this in my pocket earlier today and I was like with the wide clip and then Zach was like it's to be used for a money clip yeah yeah it's like I knew that yeah so they did design it that can either be a pocket clip or you can use it as a money clip or you can just carry it in pocket right cuz if you're using as a money clip you're obviously not using it as a pocket clip right and I kind of like the design here yeah got like I know it just looks like like like maybe like bomb doors or like like the like the textured floor of like a plane or something right right I don't know it's way cool yeah it's way cool kind of reminds me of like a garage door that is not really as cool as an airplane deck or so I can I can see it like you come home from work your little disgruntle you hit the button yeah exactly see see there you go all right and I've heard I've heard rumors that this may or may not be Kelly legal I'm not a lawyer so we're not lawyers so I'm checking check your local laws I know you thought I was confused and if you're wondering at home it is a dagger blade so both both edges are sure so cool little entry newer entry from Microtech and that goes for $250 on the website all right also micro tech is the staple I would call it the staple of Oh TFS it is the ultra tech mmm the ultra tech has been copied so many times and for good reason you get your aluminum scales your action that you can always rely on yeah I was teasing earlier when I was saying you could shoot it underwater and in the salt in the sand and stuff but honestly that it's kind of the reputation that you get with these knives there's such high quality such great tolerances for an OTF and you get them in different colors different blade styles shapes and that's the thing is and when we said this in the the micro tech video and we'll say it until for some reason it's not the case anymore but the ultra tech is the yardstick by which all OTS are measured right just just a sweet little knife one thing that I really love about this knife is I really love the glass breaker on it and the reason is is because a lot of glass breakers are kind of sharp and pointy I have a couple knives that have kind of sharp and pointy glass breakers and it's not a big deal but when you put your hand in your pocket sometimes it'll get you or when you go get the knife it'll get you yeah but with that ball bearing the cool thing about it is is it's so smooth there's nothing to get you coming in and out of your pocket so it just makes a really good in pocket carry yeah so yeah vulture check check and these are always changing on our website so Joe on there see which ones we have available but this one right here in particular 280 dollars on the website yeah and they do come in every color under the Sun as well as some you never thought of and can we just listen to this yeah it's good it's good that's pretty all right so OTF are the type of knife that are usually very spending right like to get a good OTF normally you need to put in a little bit of money it's an investment at the end of the day it's an investment but we do have a couple budget options here at blade HQ that are worthy of mention and personally for me there's only one that's really worthy of mentioned and that is the AKC f-16 so this is the AKC f-16 it's just you know it's uh just a nice lightweight chassis almost deep carry pocket clip not quite but it does carry in the pocket really really low great action great action and I've been carrying one of these I beat it up I don't take care of it the blades got rust on it the whole nine yards and I haven't had any problems with it man like I legitimately have beat this thing up and I'm like cool it still works yeah well you've got that lime green where you like just like cat you tagged Slurpee and yeah I'll scoop it's on it right no so it's just it's a really really great knife and here's the best part is you will be hard-pressed I actually don't think that you can find an OTF this is 50 bucks I don't think you can find a 50 dollar OTF that could beat the s16 on on it on a day-to-day basis I mean that sounds kind of like a prove his own if you guys yeah I mean prove me wrong on this one if you guys know of a better OTF that is in that is fifty dollars to carry let me know and I will carry it like I'll do a comparison test for sure but it's gonna be real hard because I far as budget OTF I really love at f/16 they're sweet and the thing is is like with the no TF there's a couple reasons to carry one one reason I know a lot of guys carry miss digit factor so 50 bucks there's your Fisher factor I agree so good I bought one a long time ago yeah I first started here I was like I'm I want one of those yes we had a couple we got a couple comments from the from the fans out there watching live Donny Gonzalez is Microtech best production company in the game high praise from Ikea they do a great job they're all made in the USA really good guys over there Yolo mob roll oh yeah the Exocet the clip is the only thing that throws me off with it I get it I mean you were kind of the same until you found out it was a money clip right right so you count yeah like yeah and I'm with you I think if I were to carry it not as a money clip I would still probably carry in pocket you know just cuz that's a lot of clothes and it's super slim yeah exactly so it's a good in pocket knife God have new telus and this is his first time live hey buddy thanks for joining us man yeah Xander Xander welcome likes your shirt a good design there yes and then take Peterson ask which OTF has the least amount of blade play so we're actually going to touch on that a little bit later so we our date we will we will answer that question it's a hard question to answer but we will there isn't actually it's kind of an answer I feel like there's an answer all right okay let's see what I got Benchmade infidel now this one in particular is a limited edition this is the burnt bronze colorway there's only 3000 of these that were made and so though there's a lot of them there's not really a lot of them right exactly you know 3,000 of a knife sounds like a lot and then when it's gone and you're buying it for more money on eBay you'll be like men realize exactly and honestly the benchmade infidel is one of those knives that it's just going to keep ticking like I don't see in like a unforeseeable future of benchmade getting rid of the infidel yeah I mean I think the only reason that they would and this is what you see sometimes with bench maids lineup is the only time that they'll replace it something is when they really feel like they have like the successor when they have something that likes the next thing and right I actually talked to the guys at Benchmade we were doing some stuff on tactical knives with Neil over at ready gunner oh yeah yeah and I call the bench man I was like hey man what's I know a handful the bench made knives get deployed with troops and I was like what's the night that gets deployed the most and he's like probably the the infidel the infidel is probably the most deployed knife that our is like going to sandbox and stuff well and it makes sense we've got the podium jimping at all that's what we've good old podían Japanese Poli and with the podium jumping and actuator on the side it's a really easy knife to either pull out of your jacket pull out of a pocket with gloves you can easily easily afford exact your gloves are gonna catch that podium jumping and it just exactly shoots every time and I would say another thing with this this actually brings up a good point about OTS you know we get a lot of questions ROTF strong do they hold up are they cetera etc etc and the fact is is like most OTS require a little more maintenance that's just a fact like if you're going to just use and abuse your OTF and just forget about it a little f-16s actually kicked but it's got like beach sand and stuff in it but I don't care uh-huh I know that we aesthetic I know that would drive a lot of people ya know you literally can shake it here's an I know how to draw a lot of people crazy but that's the point that knife it's just like a whatever fun knife right but for something like this that's a tool right like it's an actual I think that that's something have to consider when you're purchasing in OTF is if you are going to be in adverse terrain that you're gonna have to pay a little more attention to it alright yeah I agree one thing though that I need everybody to really focus and pay attention to looks like a lizard it has a rigid back it has two eyes and a smile and then when it's hungry goes you catch flies yeah anyway the infidel is sweet this one is a limited edition and you can get it on the site for four hundred and forty six dollars for forty six and with that with that Kurtz actually taking pictures that like are the right perspective to make that look exactly like a little lizard we might have to post one of those some day I had to see it and now I hope all of you can't unsee it that's amazing alright so talking about Benchmade benchmade has a couple really good OTS but they have a new entry that's actually really awesome so this is the benchmade autocrat just a nice side firing OTF the really interesting thing and unique thing about this is that it's got a Mill g10 body so the whole body's g10 these really cool blue accents a nice deep carry pocket clip and the thing that I love about this pocket clip is that it's really incognito even comparing it to the infidel which is still incognito right right it still says infidel on it it's it's a little reflective this clip here you put in your pocket this thing just disappears like unless you're looking for the knife you'd never see it yeah so I think that's really cool about the old autocrat yeah and it's a s35 I know s30 so it's an s30v blade and screw smooth high school entry I actually have a thing about Oh TFS and pocket clips that I'm gonna talk about later okay so I'm excited this is this is an excellent clip yeah and this is and this is a 2-way reversible pocket clip and then you know on some of these I think any one of them just pick the AKC so on some OTS the the firing area is off centered for some reason that bothers people it never bothers me like I know it's not a thing that I considered but it does bother people so on the autocrat perfectly centered so Center if you're real OCD you need that to be centered the autocrats your man okay and then the other cool thing about it if you guys want an even more in-depth review in kind of a use review our good buddy talents I just put up a video on his channel featuring the autocrat so you can jump over there and get a and get a full review from him he did a good job with that and that goes for 425 on the website for the coated blade I think the non coated blade goes for like 405 or something I like that coated blade action alright up next oh this looks familiar mmm that's a weird-looking what's that one that's a Guardian tactical recon 0-3 buy of the Guardian tactical 0-3 five guys I if you guys have watched any of the videos in the past where I've talked about the Recon 35 I cannot say enough good things about it it is an amazing knife the and honestly I'll tell you right now this is exactly what sets it apart right here on the actuator you might even be able to maybe not but there's some lines right there that's where the ball bearings slide so you don't get any I'm not gonna pick one up but you don't get any of that chatter when you're trying to push an OTF out it just glides forward em back ceramic ball bearings it is it is seat well yeah these things are insane they're they're great they fit in your hand great aluminum chassis different blade Steel's I know they're starting to do some in Omak yes yeah I actually have an element to look at you in just a second and and you can get them in different colors yep different blade shapes different blade styles you can get serrated and on serrated you can get two-tone or coated or stone wash like yeah guarding attacked it was literally an awesome job but you do have taste something you do love it but you do have one cookie critique of it right yes yeah and this is my pocket clip thing out of any knife I have that regularly hits my pocket I have pulled this clip up more times than any yep and I that is my one thing if I were to critique is the pocket clip catches easily I don't know what it is it's just like well I mean it's got a pretty good ramp there they write it let us know guys if you guys are carrying recon O 3 5 let us know if you've been catching the pocket clip as well I'd be interested to know yeah I was either stop my career don't like right first time in right and I totally I want to I want to hear everybody else chime in because it's been a problem for me and that's like I love this OTF obviously I have purchased a note guardian tactical but that is my one little like ya wish that one thing let's move that right yeah yeah but Guardian technicals get on the site you can check them out this one in particular goes for two hundred and eighty dollars great alright we got a couple more questions here Timothy Benzinger says I feel like poker should make a note EF mermaid for men and call it the poker plus the bokor plus mermen OTF I think if bokor made a merman and it has to be a fixed blade like just like a big gaudy ugly fixed blade Trident yeah butter we need to try it we got it we got a new collaboration idea thank you so much for that I want a folding trident um famous Hydra said can bhq make a main man Trevor t-shirt yes so what are you guys watching live Trevor's the guy that's always in the comments like going back and forth you guys and feeding us your guys's comments I think we should make a Manman drebber t-shirt he's my favorite dude Trevor's awesome he's awesome shoutout to Trevor and then uh real life said give a shout-out to my son Colby from you guys he's watching in Colorado and he's in Nevada hey Colby Colby yes Colby glad you're watching buddy ha ha but glad everybody's tuned in yeah yeah cool alright uh so Guardian tactical guarding TAC speaking regarding tactical ok Guardian kept cool hasn't has a new toy this is the recon Oh 400 and this thing is sweet so like you mentioned they have been working with Lmax lately so this is an L max blade you've got the aluminum chassis the pocket clip which may or may not be an issue for some interested to know but here's the thing this thing's big man like this might be one of the biggest blades on the table I think any only no that's close to it is there right which is an intense but man this thing's still fires so smooth dude like it feels exactly like that smaller recon it is so good and let's actually the size comparison these really quick to give you guys an idea it's funny because before this one came out I thought the O 3 5 was big and I said alright wish they'd make one just a little smaller now that they've handled this one I'm like nah I like the O 3 right all right it's a really good size I've got to say this like I'm I am NOT a Guardian tactical sponsored dude or anything like that I literally am NOT but this big fat OTF it the actuator slides smoother than a couple other of these knives on the table and I'm telling you you guys really need to try to get your hands on one to to feel it it is it's a game changer totally different it really is game changer that's the way I would I would say the action of the Guardian tactical game changer and that one is a it's a beast it's so big guys I mean look at that medium-sized tan and it's just like giant you're gonna love this one Kurt I cook this up just for you guys there's a little face he's just like oh yes oh my gosh so anyways if your weren't enough amazing reasons to buy the Recon o4o guys for reals there's a face okay I now know a new collection I'm gonna start it face my face that's cool all right what do we got next okay oh I have another budget-friendly OTF yep this one's from M&P this one guys this is like a top seller like you guys buy this one over and over against which I do include in the buyer's guide because so many of you buy it we figure other people might be interested in as well right and so this MMP OTF is a single-action meaning it goes out and then you have to do some other things to retract instead of just pull back on the actuator so I will show you this is a safety this is unsafe and then it goes I loved it in there on purpose if you guys buy one of these you'll get a special secret confetti surprise every time you look or the first time you open it so it's just a it's a blade guard that they put so if the blade would move around wherever the tip is still but every time you open it you can't really see it most the time and so when you open I'm usually they end up flying so I left it on [ __ ] yeah anyway so this one it has do a couple different things this button right here releases the blade and then this right here is how you drag the blade back and that's what recharges the spring so again to show you guys left-handed but yeah honestly guys this is pretty cool knife yeah I mean how many dollars is it it's 37.3 seven dollars so 37 dollars is pretty cool it's not some good features you guys obviously like it but here I'm here to make an argument okay guys for thirteen more dollars thirty more dollars sure two trips to Taco Bell great I mean I could sacrifice I could say I mean even if it was like one every other week or something right I could sacrifice two trips to Taco Bell you can get a double-action HKC f-16 and here's the thing let's compare right so the MMP a little bit heavier not necessarily drawn but thicker yeah it's a little bit a little bit heavier the AKC is a little bit thinner a little more a little more pocket-friendly single action versus double action with the M&P you do get the glass breaker you don't get that with the with the AKC right you do get the safety with the MMP you don't get that with the AKC and then with the AKC you do get this awesome pocket clip that says caution blade ejects you don't just sounds bad you don't get that with the with the f16 so it doesn't eject yes it doesn't it goes goes off like a note EF should write so anyways I'm here to make an argument nothing against M and P but I'm just saying if you're gonna spend 37 you might as well spend 50 and get yourself an AKC f-16 these things are awesome and I'm not gonna say I agree I haven't any problems with mine for a $50 OTF I'm not gonna say you're not gonna have any problems guaranteed what I'm gonna say like they're really good knives like really really good night i 100% agree with you the MMP has its place for certain people and it's a great Oh TF but I personally would drop the X right there come to trip suture I'm gonna get a f-16 but these are on the site for $37 and you can get them they're sweet we just had a comment Chris Jess Kolski said $13 is one trip to Taco Bell big boy yes actually closer yeah no chiz real talk like I think I'm like $11 when I go to Taco Bell but I is cuz I get the Crunchwrap supreme with chicken and I guess Semler burrito and no I usually get like that Mountain Dew slushie thing or what uh yeah the Baja blast haha blast freeze I'm just sayin Taco Bell you should see on sponsor Wow shout out to my boy he is like obsessed with those Mountain Dew Baja blast the fries they're so good like half and I'm done yeah it's like a non delicious Slurpee it's still good let's be honest okay anyway anyway back tonight whatever curse you got a Sano you gotta sign a tangent Chris alright so going from kind of a budget single action OTF we go to a more expensive single action OTF this is the protex dark angel and it goes for 289 on the website the thing that there's a lot of things about this that are great and obviously it's pro text so they did it right right right I can't see Pro Tech making a no TF like and not thinking about it and so as a result like you have your safety and everything here and to be honest I can't remember what's safe and what's not I think down is safe up is buy it live let's find out boom got it right so you have your safety here for locked or unlocked and then like most OTF so you pressed the firing button and then you have a little recharge handle so just go there and then recharge to reset it and then like I said you can set that safety and it won't fire so honestly it's it's a great little OTF from pro tect a lot of people ask if there are double action OTS why would you even have a single action OTF and the reason is the Sun some places it's illegal to have a double action OTF you can have a single action OTF makes literally no sense to me but honestly a lot of knife laws don't make any sense to me so you know check your local laws that maybe maybe the MMP in the protec are the way to go for your area so sweet little knife you get the aluminum chassis you get the deep carry pocket clip with the recess screws which we really love and then all these nice rose gold accents all over the knife ooh and on the blade let's see oh yeah oh yeah one more time let's see unlock sweet rose gold blade and and like I said they really did think about it where you do have a safety word a single action everything happens right here Yeah right like you're not really close you're not fumbling around on the knife trying to find things it's not a it's a two-handed knife but it it doesn't feel like it - yeah it doesn't feel like to wear the MMP I felt like I was going every which way yeah it definitely is a two-handed knife so you can pick these up on the website for 289 this is the protec dark angel suite alright last over on my list is this bokor OTF now this is bokor but it's made by Hogue and Allah I like this they've got the tech kind of like a tech design than what you'd see unlike a whatever circuit board or something yeah but it's a really cool knife this one is like what is the color I think it's like a champagne please champagne young Campania not champagne chopped onions from Chania and yeah it's got a deep carry pocket clip it's a good little OTF yeah it's a good little entry it's pokers first OTF right and like I said made by Hoch so it's American made so hope just facilitates the making of it for poker yeah one thing I'm not too crazy about is how big the hump is okay for the firing right yeah I just you know it's a little over the top yeah but it works and that's a great OTF from poker $246 on the website you have to take one issue with this and it's actually not this knife in particular it's a trend I've seen recently okay with with knife so so you got a handle right yeah like a like a knife right and then you fire it or you open it what's with the blade right like the handle it's a handle to blade ratio like I just and so this is the thing this is literally not a comment on poker or hug like this really is a it's a sweet little OTF but for me personally visually like there I've seen a couple folders doing the same exact thing and I'm just like man you got it it's gotta be proportion it's like labeling onto a broomstick where it's a toothpick yeah exactly like you gotta like I I gotta have things balance like I'm not so OCD that I need to have it Center in like you know fire through the center but man I really prefer a knife that has an equal blade to handle ratio yeah see there's a great example so a little more equal great example yeah and I've noticed in a couple folders and stuff so yeah nah not my bag yeah not my bag with that that uneven blade the handle race you don't have an interesting trend it is alright guys so last one the table before we jump into pocket check and then we'll do some more OTF knives just after that we have got the Hogue compound so yeah you got this really cool g10 honeycomb pattern this some sort of cam some sort of camo pattern in there I'm not up on all the different camel patterns but camel it doesn't look bad so that's good I can't even see it yeah I mean it's hard to see the handle honestly after night four mark I just thought you're holding the blade over here magically um it's a Alysha what's design s30v blade nice deep carry pocket clip just a cool little entry from hope one thing that i really like about this is that it's got this kind of like groove here for ya so you you really feel secure on the knife advising it I think that's a really like that about knife too for sure it's good stuff it's a good one yeah so anyways so that's the hope knives compound comes in about three twenty-two on the website alright so we're gonna do pocket check so guys sound off in the comments what's in your pocket right now we'll give you a shout out I've got a couple shout outs here that we would definitely do we're gonna see what's in mine and Kurt's pockets but first we're gonna take a look at a little promo project we have going that we're really stoked on so Jamie's gonna make some video magic happen and we'll watch that video real quick [Music] got room for one more if you still want to go to blade HQ where did you find that some kid back in town traded my whole knife collection for it straight up I get seventy miles per gallon on this hog you know Zack just when I think you can't get any Dumber you go and do something like this and totally redeem yourself you still want to go to blades kill oh yeah sweet let's go [Music] whoa West back Boulware all right [Music] [Music] [Music] alright guys we're back you know that looked fun we had a lot of fun we had a lot of fun and we even brought the bike in to show you guys so this is the bike you can win on the website you spend $35 or more so not this one not this one we've got to because we knew we were gonna be gnarly on this we did a lot of Brody's and Donuts and there's some chunks of the tire missing some of the back tires this is a bit of burnout yes here and there yes fine it's fine so we have a fresh one for you guys so all you have to do is spend $35 on the website that's one entry to win so almost any one of these OTF on the table is going to be four five six seven entries right to win so every everything you spend goes to winter enter this but you have to add it at your checkout so make sure to add it yeah so anyways can't miss it we will send out your bike with the tassels in the belt because how could we not all right guys and let us know if you guys are stoked on this type of giveaway it's something we'd love to do more of I mean maybe next time it's a benchmade helicopter or a golf cart yeah we're golf golf car would be sick if it could talk or something so let us know if you guys just don't on the mini bike or not cuz we sure are we've had a lot of pegs yeah alright so it is time for pocket check we're going to have a couple knifes come on from Logan he's gonna bring some knives on and then we'll see what's in our pocket see what's in your pockets and give you guys some call-outs how's going buddy hello alright so we got okay so there's pockets and then some OTS okay alright and since you're on what's in your pocket today I couldn't do it nice did you did you bring this just because you knew we were doing out yesterday yeah yeah why not yeah so when we say that the ultra tech comes in all sorts of flavours need to see the proof they need to see it's so good its glory it's so good no I wasn't gonna cut myself comment about that yeah it's easiest with the Bounty Hunter they are hard to get but Logan was able to snag one on the last drop yeah that's awesome great night thank ya alright before we jump into this what's in your pocket I have a Frankenstein build of course you do oh it's that thing still it's what I mean what did you do to it now it's evolving guys the thing guys he is he's changes knife like four times I love it I love it okay what have you done so you remember the white one yes no the way there's no place snowflakes gone okay I gave that one away this one was originally black and black then I had the green handle and like the NIA like the neon green yeah with the silver blade swapped those so it was black and green well and I was like oh really I don't have one in my car died yeah so I had to get one in micarta to put the micarta scales on here but I while I was doing this the silver hardware was killing me and honestly I just was too lazy to call up James brand and say hey do you have any black hardware you can semi okay so I just took a took a lighter to it for quite a while and I burned these they kind of give it that bronze like amber yeah that's kind of cool and then oh and I eliminated the back spaces well cuz I'm sitting there and it's like it's got barrel spacers and I'm like what we're saying James brand you need to hire Curt as your next night I'm saying no this is a design guys in the comments let me know what you guys think about the James Rahon Frankenstein it's crazy the Curt Frankenstein that's amazing guys we have a lot of OTS okay I think we can burn through these really quick though do it let's burn through these really quick let's just give them let's just give them mentions what we got there this is a spider code Balio I love the belly oh let's see watch this boom boom then what happens you got floppy rabbit ears twist out pen there you go writes great now this is Kurt's because he's meek in it yeah guys these are fun these are novelty item and they're super fun they are it they actually flip not bad yeah they're like fun when we talk about fidget factor these have a factor oh look maybe that's how you're supposed that's how you're supposed to do it more refined Kurt well I see your face I see your face oh there's a little face you see it's a little insect face get in on that face look at that face next next nice banner guys is going to be that all the knives with faces at blade age care all right let's play three sticks to seven dollars seven dollars bakker plus is the strike this is in d2 so guys obviously the strike is rad it's kind of like the beefier clash and it costs older brother goes for about 50 bucks on the website and we have an upgraded blade steel of d2 so really sweet knife for 50 bucks d2 solid auto just great so yeah there you go cool and then finally we have the giant mouse box on so this is the Sonoma so this is really beautiful blade from giant mouse obviously you get that m390 you get that titanium you get all of these little beautiful accent pieces of the pocket clip just everything orange everything absolutely gorgeous Gord it's a beaut so anyways the giant mouse Sonoma is a really incredible knife goes for 265 on the website get one while you can because usually these giant Mouse's man they're like moving rare we're moving through them all the time so sonomas are hot they are hot all right those of you who are curious yes you need it let's do let's do a couple shoutouts here and then I'll show you guys what's in my pocket vampire vampire asked hey Zach you've been carrying the fixed blades I have actually if you guys don't know we did a fixed blade knife banner with one of our guys Mitchell he has an incredible fixed blade collection and we you guys wanted to see us carry fixed blades for 30 days and then do kind of an EDC fixed blade update so I've had a fixed blade on me for the last two and a half weeks that's been the only well besides my Victorinox compact that's been the only knife I've been carrying so yes I have let's see somebody said they were stoked on the forum Forge Farage Lackey funny story I carry Lackey and they're rad I really like him not I wasn't a huge fan of the sheath but uh the knife's really good brett harden said i'm deployed right now in sporting the CRKT provoke i love it Brett thank you for your service is Brett's super super rad knife Cory wanted to know can the micro micro tech pocket clips each switched for left hand carry and they can be switched for left hand carry let's see Derek's carrying a Spyderco shamans it one two three three is carrying aut x85 he came prepared he came he came prepared to the party lavender pants eighty six is not as nothing they're not wearing pants lavender pants don't lie to us you're wearing lavender pants it's in your name I know they're I can't believe I can't believe you tried to tell us that he wasn't wearing my pants and then Joseph little is carrying a boost blade smoke and a Kaiser mini sheepdog with tie scales whoo baller yeah all our roam into that he's strutting alright so onto my we are we don't wanna run out of time guys so I'm just gonna be real quick I am carrying the giant mouse I just forgot the name GF n GF n the girlfriend cool no can't remember the name of this one guys I literally just started carrying it today the giant mouse fixed blade it just dropped on the website really nice jumping across the top here there and in the toil so kind of all the places that you have contact for the knife so really liking 1g it dnf1 GM GM f1 shout out to Jamie I knew that risk I was right about GM f I just forgot the one part right and then of course I got my compact I got my light and then just for WoW carrying something a little teaser something little special got a bokor Lancer a panchenko design and in some sweet new finishes we've got coming soon yeah so there should they should be on the website you should be able to go find them I don't know maybe sign up for the wish list I see there got done but yeah you can just regular flip it or you can nope nope yeah you guys saw me do it the first time it counts I think I need it I think I need a shot I think I need a shot it's real actually really easy to front flip it's really easy to front flip so those should be hitting the website pretty soon I don't know pricing yet but should be in the website also Trevor let me know it's the GM f 1 GM f1 thank you Oh guys can we get some can we get Epson chats for Jamie because that that ended on the mini bike is incredible amazing amazing and I said it wrong on purpose because I knew it would bother Jamie knees over there whispering use two F's in chat but really guys Jamie does such a great job with the edits so give me a shout out there in the comments all right let's take a look at a couple more OTS that we either admit that you guys want to see specifically I think you're gonna like that one you should take that one all right well I'm loading go ahead and just just start all right this is a murphy own custom so let's check no look at that blade oh my love it okay this is the combat Troodon this is the BRZ edition with you just reading it hard edge hard edge hard edge so that's the that's the blade guys let's just be honest it's bohler m390 it's a Marchione custom you don't even need to know all that weird stuff about it because to be honest you when you see this thing in person you're gonna want to pick it up that's weird it's a it's not weird but it's a chisel grind I do dagger sheepsfoot modified modified it's modified something this saves a modified cheap split not honestly that that's a really interesting blade shape it's really cool yeah but my custom it's brushed aluminum it's amazing it's a beautiful knife and I I don't know how serviceable I don't know how useful this design would be I really don't I mean with the custom sometimes they're really useful sometimes they're not but it is beautiful and I love the way that they've put these lines and it kind of follow up from the knife on the handle like everything about it's just classy flip it over I'll just yeah it's like it's just so it's like some courts sort of like polar or something but it's it's just such a cool knife so anyways whoever picked this ten points this is a really really cool knife so blade style we have it as dagger let me get that fixed I don't know what that is we're gonna put a modified dagger in there guys I don't know if you know but the rule is if you don't know the blade shape just put modified in front of it yeah good you're saying you don't you just you sound like you know you're talking exactly this one is on the site for fourteen hundred and thirty dollars it is a custom and it is marque oh so that doesn't make sense all right we're not gonna be able to get to all of these but I'm gonna jump into this one actually we just did micro tech I'll do these ones in a second that would we give some other people some spotlights because when you talk ODS it's really hard to not just talk about micro tech right because micro tech does such an incredible job and they have so many knives that you can choose from fit styles everything you know so we have got the Piranha this is the excalibur piranha also makes a note EF called the rated X I believe is what it's called or the rated R can't remember yeah I think I think it's rated R actually if you're not 17 or older now is the time to so this though is the Excalibur OTF and just a nice little simple OTF from piranhas you know I hear guys talk about piranhas so these guys these are made in the USA they're actually made in idaho they're just like up not up the street but up the highway from us and you know some people don't like the piranhas like logo and stylings I like it like it feels like I think these guys are influenced by hot rods if I had to guess I've never met them but I think they're influenced by hot rods I could see everything they do kind of has a candy color to it pinstripe it's got some pinstripe being going to it I mean everything about it is just cool so yeah this is the the piranhas Excalibur goes for 409 95 on the website and this gives you an idea guys when we talk oh D F so it doesn't have to just be one brand or the other there are a lot of really unique kind of fun brands out there doing stuff so cool one all right I've got the AKC double-oh-seven Concord now this is another OTF that's right around 50 it's $60 this one's $60 but this one right here it's got an interesting blade shape it's more of like a rounded to a dagger it's kind of a it's very soft yeah and the double-oh-seven this one is it's got kind of a fatter pommel on it yeah the other than the regular Conchords so it's it's a little bit a bit a little bit bigger but here's the thing I'm gonna go back to it man Oh watch Kurt watch Kurt fight fire that okay and then dude really for 50 bucks why wouldn't you just go with the AKC f/16 100% that's what I would do is it good knife yeah if you're into it go for it but I'm saying my preference on the table boom f-16 I would also go sixteen ten dollars less right ten bucks less and octal it's a little more solid just feels plastic it does feel a little plastic plastic it really does just the yeah all right we've got time for two more and then we've got an epic knife giveaway don't you have to get to so let's get these two going yeah let's turn her tick oh man wait oh we got three more okay sorry guys we might go a little over an hour today but man there are so many good OTS we just got show Mom okay so I'll do this one really fast the big thing about this so this is Microtech ultratech this is actually a set that you can buy so 650 bucks it's obviously it's to ultratex but it's called the dead man's hand so if you can see there it's aces and eights and spades in clubs and you know what the dead man hand is from teach me it's it's rumored that Wild Bill hitch hitch hock Hitchcock Hickok Hickok there it is thank you it's rumored that this was the hand that he had when he was gunned down this is the hand he had in poker when I knew he was killed yeah while he was playing poker and that's they say I mean it's it's really rumor I don't think there's any like I don't let me know maybes back maybe it is fact somebody find that fact but that's where the name comes from and actually the one of the unit's in Vegas come from Vegas one of the unit's the Vegas police I can't remember which one but they use this as their logo this is like their insignia that's cool so yeah it's kind of cool and I know a couple of military units use it as well so anyways that's the most Microtech ultratech dead man's hand set it's like this Kalashnikov but a little bit more money Sam say I'm very diff same same very different all right guys I have a heretic knife this one is the manticore X it's really actually quite cool you guys I don't know if you guys can see the alternative roll it and give it in the light but that uh it's it's like a stone washed scale I I must explain that right don't like a chump like you don't have old stone wash for sure yeah and look aged yeah right this one's good it's got serrations all the way up its s35vn steel these are actually really great nice geez carry pocket clip nice subtle again nice little ball bearing glass breaker on the end and that's the thing is I don't think that heretic knives gets get enough they don't get enough spotlight sometimes so I'm really glad that somebody grabbed that so that we could show it off alright and it is cool we were talking earlier about blade proportions you know and I think that heretic is yes doing well yeah the blade yeah I agree completely alright and then finally we have got some D rocket designs these are the Zulu Spears these are just hit the website this one's an aluminum chassis and I forgot the blade m390 this one is actually breasts like actual breasts it's like heavier and also with an m390 blade the cool thing about these you guys have seen the Zulus before a lot of you guys like them they traditionally been an in pocket OTF just kind of a small nice one they now come with a do carry pocket clip so yeah I know you're stoked on that but I know a lot of guys were really stoked on the in pocket thing so anyways so that's the Zulu spear from D rocket designs I do the deep carry pocket clip edition is a win yeah that's a win all right hold a lot of nice now many some of you some of you guys wanted to know what OTF knife has the least blade play and the fact is almost every knife that's like kind of like the boss ball or knife so like your micro Tech's your guardian's your heretics your protex your home's bench bench maids they're all about the same and the reason is is that you can't you well you can it has not yet become broadly affordable to make an OTF knife that doesn't have a little play because of the mechanism in it and what we're talking about in a little play is yeah this just a little bit there's just a little bit of bling can you guys hear that yeah there's a little bit that now there is an OT f called the deadlock and it was designed by Grant and Gavin Hawke G&G Hawk they are mad scientists of knife design and it likes a Tesla yeah they are literally the thethat's perfect they're the Tesla of knife design and that thing locks up like a brick we tried to get our hands on one we don't have any here we actually called we actually called GG and like we're like hey Rose can you guys send us some so we might be getting some but we there was a guy Nick who was a Utah knives in gear check him out on Instagram a lot of you guys in the community actually helped Nick out he recently went through some cancer treatment and we did a fundraiser for him and you guys crushed it and so yeah so Nick we reached out to him because he had one turns out I think was grant Hawk reached out to him was like hey can I buy their from you so he bought it back from him so we tried to get one for the show we couldn't add is what it is but check out Utah knives and gear he was 100% willing to loan it who just he didn't have it anymore all right so uh it's the end of Wow so that means it's a knife giveaway right always always and the knife we're giving away is thanks to we so we knives sponsors Wow if you guys haven't checked out we knives you should really check them out so they have their budget line this is a V V line we all love this V V line I have word that the elementals are just so close just so so close don't worry guys I will shout it from the mountaintops when we finally get those elements so good so good and then they also make a higher and knives obviously under the we knife company emblem as well you guys haven't checked them out check them out they make incredible knives and they are awesome to partner with on things like this I mean they don't even make a note EF knife right and they still sponsored this week one Wednesday they are really really great people over there and they give us nice to give away to you although I would love to see a we ot yeah it would be it would be fire and you talk about game changers with that Guardian tactical I'm sure we would come up with a game changer I'd love to see it alright so what they've given us to give away to you guys is a beautiful we miscreant so titanium frame and believe it's a Brad's anchor design just tons of beautiful accents finishes all the way around nice pocket clip I believe it's s 35 we're doing a live guys so don't quote me but I believe it says 35 and then just a really nice it is frame lock but it's a really nice thin one so this knife is just really light really great action it's extremely smooth yes curtain saw me pull this out we've been sold out on these on the website for a while hurt me saw me pull it up where'd you get that and as I gots for a while and he's like dang it I really won't like honestly like for the size of the knife and then how light it is and how smooth the action is yeah I honestly I don't know if there's I mean there's some but at this point this one's top mark yeah there definitely are but this is a top shelf for fit and finish so are you guys a chance to win go down in the description I'm sure Trevor will throw a link into the chat as well if you're watching live in about 30-40 minutes it's something that we like to do for you guys watching live for tuning in and support in the show if you're not watching live thanks for tuning in also you guys also Rock let us know down in the comments what OTF see you carry Widow test - what oh tf's you like and which one you would want off the table what would you choose on the table which one would you choose really I feel like you're playing a joke right now I'm kind of playing a joke a UTX 70 is just the right Bonnie size of just I wonder how many times I could fire that in a minute right right right but I would probably go with the avocado crap the autocrat is super sweet it is very smooth I love that the blade is centered now it's the thing I brought it up that's gonna drive me not it's a P but I know I really do I like this one it's lightweight it's a great blade and it is super smooth and it's got that deep carry pocket clip pocket clip that I I love ya bench me it's know they do a great job I think I'd go with the the O 35 and actually funny story guys I was waiting for Guardian tactical to make a smaller one because I love them and I was like that's a little smaller but again after handling that oh for oh I'm gonna probably buy one of these this week I can't carry it because I'm only carrying fixed blades but I'll look at it and drool at it I'll leave it I'll leave it by my bedside he's in timeout for me I'm in timeout for many other dies I've actually been enjoying it though it's big now yeah ah cool it's cool so anyways let us know in the comments which one you guys would want thank you so much for following along please consider hitting subscribe and hitting the notification bill and we'll catch you on the next one you
Channel: Blade HQ
Views: 172,444
Rating: 4.8147058 out of 5
Keywords: Blade HQ, BladeHQ, Week One Wednesday, Knife Show, Sharp, Steel, Knives, Knife, Pocket Knife, Automatic Knife, WE Knives, OTF Knive, OTF, Out The Front, Microtech, Guardian Tactical, Benchmade, AKC, WOW
Id: vNtbEGjjL-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 49sec (3409 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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