Microtech Combat Troodon Review - John Wick's Knife!

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[Music] [Music] hello friends tonight we're gonna take a look at the micro tech combat troodon one of the most well known knives that micro tech makes the combat troodon is very very popular very large very expensive and very well made folks love this knife and they sell as fast as micro tech and make them he could probably blame that on John wick too but I do think there's more to it than that this is an incredible knife regardless of who wields it in a movie I've had this one for a while and just now got around to reviewing it because about a month in this knife fell into my pocket and hasn't left sense how could I review it when I was too busy buffing it down my pants as that you may know if you're one of the five people who watch this awful Channel I'm a big micro tech fan that's putting it mildly so no going into this review that this will be a lot of biased Show and Tell we're taking a look at my personal carry knife made by my favorite brand it's hard for me to be objective here and I probably won't be all the same we'll talk about the good and the bad though this knife is overwhelmingly good and that's why the sells so goddamn fast the combat troodon is one of micro Tech's largest knives and it's also one of their most treasured models by fans it's ridiculously big and that's exactly why we like it and you all have asked me about this model more than any other by a wide margin often overlooked is this knife smaller brother the Troodon it looks exactly the same it's just scaled down and now that I've carried it for a few months I entirely understand your enthusiasm for it this might be my favorite defensive knife to carry at one of if not the favorite though I still carry my halo 6 and ciphers often and this is one of the ones that gets into my pants most often in the morning these days as for the knife's funny name it's Greek for wounding tooth but Troodon toads are small two-legged by deep dinosaurs probably covered in feathers the first fossils found in the mid 19th century were just serrated teeth hence the name we now know that lots of dinosaurs had serrated teeth but yeah hey folks believe all kinds of dumb [ __ ] in 1856 like you know that slavery should continue but none of that really matters all you need to know is that this knife is named for a small bitey dinosaur with mean little teeth the combat Troodon like most Microtech designs is kind of part knife part art object as much attention has been paid to the aesthetics as to function and I love about the brand so if the cypher kind of has brutalist lines the combat troodon looks like a sort of futuristic art deco piece maybe filtered through the lens of a blade runner or a Clockwork Orange and that's why we buy micro tax because they kind of fulfill our desire to have things that are both the height of the art form and the height of art itself micro texts are the best of the modern automated production knives the opposite of something handmade each is precisely machined for insane tolerances and these crazy geometric patterns I just [ __ ] love it features the combat troodon is a very large double action OTF or out the front knife meaning that when you push the switch forward the blade deploys when you pull it to the rear the blade retracts back into the handle this knife is big in fact the blade is 3.81 inches long and it's about 4/5 of an inch wide it's it's chunky look at the thickness of the blade to the handle is five point seven inches long and a little over an inch wide not accounting for the button I have oil all over my hands I apologize the overall length of the knife with the blade deployed is 9.5 inches despite its size the knife only weighs five point three ounces very light for a knife this size but heavy for a micro tech the handle is made of 6061-t6 aluminum and the blades are either carpenter 204 P x HP bohler m390 or l max my particular example is 204 p which you can see printed on the blade there and I prefer 204 P along with m390 over l max and x HP whichever steel you get it's kind of luck of the draw so make sure you order from a retailer like southern edges who will check the steel for you though you should also order from southern edges because mike is a great guy with great customer service 204 P is the domestic equivalent of M 390 and both Steel's hold an edge forever l max and x HP aren't too far behind so up which steel do you want well it depends on what you intend to do with the knife for a self-defense knife where you're not using the blade for tool tasks throughout the day edge retention matters a little bit less with the knives that I use daily in a workshop setting edge retention matters a bit more to me whenever I mentioned steals a few of you absolutely lose your [ __ ] over it it'll be okay I promise I'm just presenting my own experiences here and I'd recommend trying all of these steels to decide for yourself as I did I found that l max and x HP don't hold an edge as long as m390 and 204 p in a workshop setting m390 and 204 p will hold a shaving edge far longer than you would expect sometimes I'll check the edge on such a blade and I'll just be baffled that it'll still shave will it shave it's like you're watching the world's [ __ ] creepiest gameshow Lmax holds an edge for a remarkably long time as well but it's just not gonna hold it as long as 204 P and M 390 so for a working knife I like em 390 and 204 P a little bit more I don't have much interest in the other two steals in a micro tech especially in a working knife and just I don't I don't want them but L max does have some advantages folks say it can be less chippy but more importantly it's easier to sharpen so from that perspective you might prefer L max for a working knife but I don't with the exception of one micro tech that I use as a camping knife I really enjoy that one because it can be a bit more easily cared for by me the user m390 and 204 p for me are very hard to sharpen I've heard from folks who aren't bothered by it but I certainly am maybe it's me I don't know these are just my experiences and preferences but to me L max is substantially easier to deal with much easier to sharpen for a defensive knife that's gonna be stowed in your pocket and never used except in a defensive emergency and you should only use your defensive knives for that you shouldn't be you know cutting male open and [ __ ] with them throughout the day for a defensive knife the qualities of the steel are less important all four steals that Microtech uses will be very very sharp obviously but this is just some information to consider hopefully you survived the steel discussion I'm just very very picky and I only want a knife if it's in one of my preferred Steel's you may be less picky and that's totally okay all these are excellent Steel's and no one can really consider any of these bad options we're talking about subtle differences here but back to the combat Troodon this knife is available in three blade shapes the double edge which is sort of Microtech signature thing a very useful single edge and an equal you well Tonto all these Boyd shapes are available with or without serrations and several blade finishes my blade is a beautiful satin finish one of my favorite Microtech finishes but you can also find it in stone wash a black finish sometimes a black dlc even and the apocalyptic finish my hardware is the standard silver but you can find that in black as well and a few other unique limited-edition options and even blue titanium which looks great the handle comes in any color you can think of that's one of my favorite things about Microtech these aesthetic options aren't always available though they make them when they make them and if you miss them you miss them you have to be checking with dealers regularly to get what you're looking for speaking of the handle it's a bit more contoured than most OT f's and the machining is really what accounts for the higher price of the standard Troodon and the combat model over something this kind of similarly-sized you know like the Dirac Delta is substantially less even though it's a similar size the same thing goes for the ultra tech compared to the standard Troodon that machining that adds quite a bit of price flipping the knife over we find a very large spring steel pocket clip at the bottom of the knife is the standard micro tech glass breaker all this is held together with micro Tech's proprietary tri wing hardware they either love or you hate these knives are not intended to be user serviceable and if you've ever looked inside a micro tech OTF you know you know the goddamn why just leave it to the company to take care of maintenance so why should you choose a micro tech on several occasions I've mentioned why I feel that micro tech OTS are superior to their competition the combat Troodon might illustrate these advantages best of all the micro Tech's most notable competitors are the benchmade phaeton autocrat and infidel though there are others like the Guardians let's mention the Guardians first they tend to be a bit smaller and are made of great Steel's like L max the ones that I've seen lately in fact are all l max L max might not be my personal favorite steel for a micro tech but it is still a very premium steel one of the best for a knife and the guardians are cheaper than the micro tags however to my personal taste the guardians are so profoundly [ __ ] ugly that I would never buy one or even consider it I find them repulsive they look like the knives he would have designed when you were 12 dueling out of boredom in social studies in between dining I don't know [ __ ] flame decals for the Batmobile and Optimus Prime or something the guardians are OTS for people who think that the Fast and Furious movies are good the guardians are sort of the knife equivalent of a short-sleeve button-down with dragons on it or a knife for people who buy Mandalorian and Punisher themed shoes look they're battle worn man for when I go into battle against [ __ ] with what the guy from Time Warner coming - turn off your high-speed Internet and your mom's the basement because you spent all your money on battle-worn [ __ ] no thank you that's that's not for me but other than my own intense personal likes and dislikes the guardians are actually really great knives and are an excellent value yeah god I'm such a [ __ ] dick sometimes I apologize I hope you all know that all this roasting is in fun the bench mates on the other hand though they hear a terrible value I'm not joking about those before you flip your [ __ ] again you know grab that [ __ ] hold it down don't let it flip don't flip that [ __ ] just hear me out for a minute benchmade makes outstanding knives some of the best but they make lousy OT F's for the money the benchmade OTF feel janky like they oughta cost 100 150 bucks at the most not in 400 the machining on the handles is so basic you feel like you're wielding a club not an expensive tactical knife and you're paying about the same as you would for a micro tech but in the case of the infidel at least you're getting a d2 steel and a knife with a very premium price tag I'd expect a fancy your steel for the money d2 is not a bad steel but it's not a 400 our OTF steel the Phaeton and autocrat are at least made of s30v in which is an awesome steel but it's still not L maximum 390 or 204 P is it yet the bench maids are priced as though they have the same premium steels tight tolerances and premium machining as the micro Tech's just get out of here that's some [ __ ] and don't take my word for it pick up an infidel next time you're at the knife store I'm serious you'll feel the difference and yes we do need to talk about the name infidel obviously chosen to appeal to 3% us with spartan stickers all over their [ __ ] these folks are still riding the [ __ ] piston ar-15 bandwagon from a decade ago and believe the FN SCAR is the finest rifle ever produced oh yes you're an infidel you guess you don't like Islam I guess it's just it's a [ __ ] stupid name it feels like a relic of I don't know 2003 or 2004 when Islamophobia was at its absolute [ __ ] height surely in 2020 we're past the point where we need to name a [ __ ] knife the infidel like if some company made a knife called the Christ killer you all would flip your [ __ ] yet we're okay with a knife called the [ __ ] infidel the benchmade OTF just aren't good enough to warrant spending $400 or even $300 $200 is pushing it and 150 feels about right for one made of s30v or d2 I'd be totally happy with that one hundred and fifty dollars I wouldn't be complaining at all they're great knives at that price but the use of cheaper Steel's isn't really Wyatt the bench maids feel cheap after all xhp isn't the most premium steel ever it's really the lack of imagination in the designs the basic machining the looser tolerances if you really don't want a micro tech look at the Bryant I twist hi I love those knives they're super stylish the action feels great and they come in several great blade shapes from a double edge to something more practical like a tanto or a single edge the handle design on the twist tie is so [ __ ] cool and remarkably grippy I like those a lot the ties tend to be s30v and are priced at about 350 maybe a little bit more for the large one they beat the pants off the infidel and I'm crazy in love with the weight I grind the blades they look so cool and cut great also I realized that I was complaining about s30v in the infidel but you're getting all of this extra machining work with the Bryant eye it is truly a work of art it is 100 percent worth 350 so spend your money a bit more wisely and get a micro tech or a guardian I guess if you prefer ugly but very high quality stuff or if you can't see if you're looking for something beautiful that isn't a micro tech I would say get a Bryant eye so why should you choose this particular micro tech this is tough choosing a micro tech is really about picking which size you need they all have great actions they're all remarkably durable in my experience micro Tech's other double-action OTS range from very small the UTX 70 and iraq to very large like the combat Troodon and the cipher because you're watching this video we can assume that you're looking for a larger OTF but know that you can't go wrong with any micro tech that you choose right now the two large double action Oh TFS and micro tech strange are the combat Troodon and the Dirac Delta you've heard me mention the cypher but that one is out of production right now much to my disappointment I can make the choice between the Dirac Delta and the combat throw it on pretty simple for you they're comparable in size though the combat Troodon is thicker and a hair heavier the Delta only comes with the double-edged blade the big difference is button placement the Delta has a button on the side while the combat is on top whichever is most comfortable to you oh yeah and the styling is a bit different either way you're getting a big and awesome knife what's compared to standard die rack just that you can look at the the button yeah it's on the side instead of on top you can see that's a tiny little knife isn't it but it's it's still really cool and remarkably useful now if you manage to find a cipher the choice is a little bit tougher the cipher is long and grass Isle while the combat is chunky both have the top button the cipher though is noticeably lighter and it still has a longer blade but getting a combat Troodon is a lot easier the cipher is out of production if you were made in the long run I still personally prefer the cipher I think but I wanted something slightly less rare to carry around in my pockets you can see that my green cipher is is well used and it's also like my red one a single digit serial number so the the combat is a safer choice to carry around outside even if it is heavier let's take a look at some other micro tech sizes that just four laps here is an ultra Tec a single edge of ultra tech just cos hey you know what why the hell not let's throw up a halo in there which is probably not gonna fit at all frame what about a SOCOM won't stick one O's in there - so I'll include some pictures I can't see what you're seeing hopefully I got all this [ __ ] in there we'll throw some photos in though how is the combat Troodon performed well like every other micro tech that I've had it's been excellent the action is very sturdy and reliable the steel is awesome and the aesthetics are outstanding holding this knife in your hand you notice that relative to other ot FS the handle is very contoured and very comfortable kind of locks your grip in there it's it's naturally in the hand the texture machining in the handle is very deep very grippy more so than other microtext which I've certainly never found to be slick but I really like the way this area here is relieved to allow one or two fingers to rest there I feel like I have a very good grip on the knife you can see that the knife body isn't straight the sides have some belly and the edges are rounded and contoured in places instead of making the knife feel fat it fills out your hand and kind of further enhances that feeling that you firmly have control in the knife this knife is heavy of the micro text-only the halo six weighs more and it feels lighter because the weight is distributed over a larger area for comparison the comment Troodon is a heavy compressed mass of steel and aluminium having the glass breaker down there you could really do some damage with just just a handle of the knife I mean it's it's chunky it's reassuringly hefty the action is really smooth with the exception of a proof run knife that I had every micro tech I've owned was very very super smooth all of the way the actions feel and the combat Troodon is just as nice the button requires just the right amount of force to deploy the blade and just the right amount to retract it the blade deploys very smoothly with a bit of satisfying recoil from the big blade when it moves into position excellent a few of you have said that you don't like that the micro tech buttons require a bit of force consider for a moment that you're planning to carry this knife maybe you aren't but let's say that you are I think that you'd prefer that it not open in your pocket in much the same way I think you'd prefer that the blade not retract during use you want the knife to offer some resistance this knife has the usual micro tech safety mechanism where if it hits an object that offers resistance the blade will stop but you still don't want it opening in your pants speaking of pants this thing is much easier to carry than you would this size I had no issue with the size and weight and I don't really notice it most of the time but it's there if I need it the pocket clip helps it's very deep and you can get the knife so far down in your pocket that only the glass breakers really sticking up if you have reservations about the size really don't worry about it it's it's not a big deal you can manage to carry it for me this knife is only for defense I don't really see any other use for the double-edged it's not great for tool tasks you obviously can't get your finger up on there though you can still obviously cut [ __ ] with it if you need to it's just not intended to be sort of a workshop knife but they make this single edge in the tanto for tool stuff I really really like this blade shape for defense though it is my absolute favorite however if you buy the single edge or tanto this knife will stand up to some remarkably hard use I have a few single edged micro-tyco TFC I've practically beaten to death in fact that single edge Ultratech that we took a look at it's been through some hard times and it still looks so relatively unused you'd be surprised what you can do though with a knife like this is it gonna be as sturdy as a folder no but I'm gonna cook it closer than you think it's it's never gonna be as sturdy as something like you know the SOCOM for instance but the SOCOM is damn you're indestructible however these really aren't too far behind you should look at some of the torture tests online it'll shock it I also want to say that if you're worried about the maintenance associated with an OTF don't worry about it if you're buying a micro tech and my experience they have some of the best customer service in the knife world OTF so our mechanical devices they can't work indefinitely without maintenance at a minimum the springs break and micro tech is excellent about getting that [ __ ] fixed also this knife came from southern edges and I love that store Mike's got the best micro tech selection his shop is local to me and I have a great time and stopping by there just to see what he has and I know you want me to talk about the John wick connection so I will the combat throw it on is the knife featured in the second John wick film and John uses it in his subway fight with common the film is awesome and the knife is awesome and to settle it now is that will inevitably come up in the comments the first movie features an ultra tech the second the combat Troodon and the knife and the third film is a cipher what I change about this knife the knife is great the only thing that irks me is the steel swapping I don't really like that you know that when you order one of these you run the risk of getting one of four steals that though excellent are not necessarily equal most retailers will tell you what steel you're getting but certainly not all you can ask them to check but some simply say you'll get one of the four or one of the two that they might have on hand that's the reason I like southern edges might list the Steel's accurately and I've dealt with lots of retailers who do not when you're paying this much for a knife we expect the most premium steel whether the performance differences between them are real or perceived are these steels better than the ones that you find and let's say one of the bench maids yeah absolutely but there's no denying that xhp is a bit less premium than something like m390 I can certainly tell a difference in a workshop setting when I'm cutting stuff all the time for a defensive knife there's no real difference in performance but you're paying the same whether you get m390 or xhp and I just don't like that I understand that micro Tech has production concerns and their steel availability issues but I'd rather see no compromise however small that compromise might be final thoughts the comment Troodon is big it's big well-made stylish slick and classic micro tag for a defensive knife I love this size I had no idea that this would become my primary carry knife but every morning back in my pocket it goes the action is perfect the handle feels great but maybe more important than all that this knife is just [ __ ] cool I love it and I love carrying it it feels like I have something special in my pocket not just another OTF maybe it's because I had to wait so long to get it maybe it's because it was in a movie that I like I don't really know but there's something to be said for carrying something that you just enjoy months later I still take it out of my pocket just to admire the damn thing though I have many many microtext at this point I think this might be the coolest it's not necessarily my favorite that's probably still decipher but this one is the most enjoyable to simply possess and enjoy as almost an art object if you have a chance to try one of these do it better yet buy one if you can thanks for watching I hope you all have a wonderful evening and I'll talk to you soon good night [Music] [Music]
Channel: thegunpenguin
Views: 9,598
Rating: 4.7159762 out of 5
Keywords: microtech, troodon, combat troodon, microtech troodon, microtech combat troodon, john wick knife, john wick, john wick microtech, john wick switchblade, john wick 2, john wick gun, microtech knife, ultratech, microtech ultratech, microtech cypher, microtech halo, microtech socom, microtech dirac, microtech otf, otf, otf knife, best knife, best otf, otf review, knife review, switchblade, switch blade, microtech double edge, microtech dagger
Id: e3D2AdzhKis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 53sec (1433 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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