Counterfeit Microtech torture test!

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hey everyone and welcome back to the x-raying on today's episode what I'm going to do is compare two knives here one of these is a real genuine authentic Microtech and the other one is a knockoff that you would buy on Mike Ali Baba or DHgate can you guys tell just by looking well unfortunately neither can a lot of other people and if you're supporting that counterfeit industry and ordering something from a Chinese company or coming from overseas that is a huge issue in the United States you know with your premium brands you know such as Rolex and you know even Oakley any of those like that and unfortunately there's a lot of unsuspecting buyers who think they're getting a good deal because maybe they're not familiar with the brand or something like that but we want to do is do some of the tests that I normally do in my reviews you know like pounding it through a 2x4 and we'll see how the fake holds up I don't know which one it is maybe you guys can tell can we tell let's get started alright guys so the one that we're using today is supposed to be a knockoff or a counterfeit x85 so you guys might recognize this this is from the tests that I do we're through it in the parking lot and I ran over it with the lawn mower this is an ultra tech so this is like the number one knife for micro TAC it's been in production for forever okay and then what they did was they introduced the X 85 u t-- x 85 which is supposed to be 85% of the size of the ultra tech now if you didn't know any better and you went to a gun show when there was not an authentic micro tech you would actually see it is smaller than an ultra tec so one would be led to believe that this would be a u TX 85 however comparing it to a real one you'll also see that it is the wrong size that is too tall it is too large but without a real one to compare it to you would think that it was in Ex 85 let's hold them side by side so you guys can kind of see how close they got to replicating this the screws are right the logo was even been copied even on the pocket clip now one of the tell-tale signs on a clone is this shiny hardware okay you will not find chromed or shiny hardware on a micro Tech unless it is a custom and you'll probably have a high polished blade for that you also notice that this is the wrong glass break this was a glass break that they used a long time ago but it was never that shiny the new ones have been replaced with this they even go so far as to clone the logo one of the other things you can notice is you can feel the laser engravings on it whereas you're typically not going to be able to feel it on an authentic or genuine Microtech as far as the blade they'll even go so far as to mark it with Lmax or to o4p or m390 and that's not what you're getting I've played around with these enough to know that it is some cheap steel that they're just laser markings to make you believe that it is an authentic Microtech they even copy the X button and here's the X button on an authentic one so let's go ahead and get started I'm not going to mess up this x85 actually just borrowed it to show for comparison I've done enough and if you haven't seen an x 85 or a UT x 85 torture test you can go over to is your six covered he has quite a few as well so go check his channel out if you haven't seen it so the first thing we're gonna do is I have a target here a piece of paper and this is this is like brand new it is a counterfeit but it's oh it can cut yeah there it goes it's just not it's not as sharp as a true Microtech would be from the factory sharp enough to cut you sharp enough for you not none of the difference you alright guys we're getting close now takes a long time to hack through that using a little pocket knife I'm it's no different than using the micro tech like I said it's just a blade that we're trying to cut down the wood and guys that's it because now I can just just do that with it so that's pretty much the cut test for that still working alright next what we'll do is the baton test just straight through we did this with the old protect I think this is what killed my hammer last time yes it actually worked pretty well still working okay so just doing a nail test done we are done and I did not get any wood in here you guys saw where I knocked it all off and what we'll do is we'll actually see what failed on it the blade is still straight where it lockout yep so it did all the other tests pretty well did not pass the nail test now remember this is a clone okay so what I'll do is I'm going to do the exact same nail test I do have an ultra Tec that I don't mind doing it with which was alright guys so I do have this ultra tech from my other videos I'll let's compare the blade lengths so that we can kind of show you this is an authentic micro tech so we will be going through the exact same length or further and this is the hole from the one that I just tried on the clone what I'm going to do is I'm going to go I guess right here so nothing changes same piece of wood you know what I'll go right beside of it before I enough to where it's not going to say okay well that's an issue okay so that is all the way through all right I tapped it just like that that's a real micro tech that's the difference so you know my question everyone is is yeah this looks good it looks like a micro tech but let's say this cost you $60 okay this is a disposable item this is something that will last you a lifetime with the true warrantee you guys have seen me do these nail tests over and over just to prove a point I'm gonna do it again if I have enough energy left and we'll go right here let me get this out of the way the blades sticking out so I'm trying to be careful not to poke myself on that one there it is all the way through the reason I do that is it gets any woodchips out of this blood groove here no comparison guys okay so all we had to do was a nail test on this the cutting test and all that doesn't really show much because it's just a blade cutting through wood but it's this actuation the mechanism on the inside that makes all the difference what I'm going to do is I'm going to open this up and figure out what failed maybe we'll have a better idea of what's going on inside so here's another flaw this is a good clone of a halo 5 you guys that it is functioning it is not a micro tech this is a clone a fake okay so the first thing that you notice is when you fire it watch this ready what it's like one of them trick knives okay so now it locks out let me show you that again so when you fire it that button doesn't come up all the time listen to this how much slop is in there so let's see if I can get this into here there it goes you see that guys we did a nail test on this on the halo and we used a hellhound blade and so I figured it would do this someone did get taken they thought it was a real one and let's try it again here we go all right button is locked out we even pull on the button or pull on the blade and here we go ready see that guys so this is what you're getting when you buy a clone it looks like the real thing and it might make you look cool for just a little bit if you buy one too think it's pretend as a halo but this is not micro tech this is not micro tech quality it's just like one of those trick knives you know I mean watch it lockout it says it's an L max blade do you really think that's a max I think not all right so this is not an authentic micro tech so I don't know if my tool bits going to work to get this apart oh I think it will you okay so now what we're going to do let me go ahead and zoom in a little bit now what we're going to do is we're going to open this up like a would any other knife so it had oil on it there's the button there's the slider I think I'm seeing what's going on I think there's an issue right here let me see if this will come out okay so there's the back of their blade yeah so we have a deformation or something going on right here it has seized up completely just from those tests so from this point right here it's actually locked in place it's it's really not wanting to slide so this is junk this would be destroyed as far as internally it is very similar to the Ultratech or the x85 I will tell you these parts right here in pieces for the real lock which is extremely important because those need to be hardened those look like stamped steel so this is the clone up top you see those stamped sheet metal locks they're not even radiused or rounded look at the size of the genuine micro Tech's see that I think this one got bent and the test you can kind of see how that works in that pocket here's the front one so there it is that's what you get cheap junk alright guys I hope you enjoyed that test this was one of the best clones I've ever come across and that's why I wanted to test it but once again it falls short of a true micro tech that's what you're paying for is that blade steel that quality that made in the USA and you guys saw just with the nail test it did not pass it failed miserably could not hold a candle to the micro tech themselves so guys hope you liked these reviews of these micro tech these are the combat Troodon I know it's a different knife but man these things just work and work and work you'll recognize this one from the burn test this is the same one that was on fire nothing's been changed on it the only thing I did was spray some oil on it she was good to go so guys hope you liked these knife reviews like share and subscribe we'll talk to you soon I'm getting ready to start a patreon account so for all my subscribers that would like to see extra content come on over and check it out guys have a good one talk to you soon
Channel: X-RING
Views: 99,897
Rating: 4.7639813 out of 5
Keywords: Counterfeit Microtech, Microtech, Fake Microtech, Clone Microtech
Id: OrKniY85tto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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