Microtech Socom Elite Extreme torture test

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hey everyone and welcome back to the X ring first thing I want you to do is hit that subscribe button down there make sure you subscribe to the channel guys you know I'm a gun channel and YouTube being unfriendly with gun based videos so what we're going to do is some knife reviews you guys know that I've been doing a lot of reviews of the micro technology but it's just my favorite I think it is the most durable one of the best knives ever made and I mean ever made by any company for a good hard use work knife now this is going to be a micro tech SOCOM Elite this is the tanto version it does have the liner lock why don't you guys to see this and the way this works is basically when it gets to that lock position that bar actually goes in behind on a stop and that's what locks it out now we're gonna put this thing through the test today this is not going to be nice to this knife and I hate to do it because guys this is brand spanking new big thanks to Jason McCoy Corey Campbell all the guys and gals at micro technology for providing these for the testing yes I do have to give them back at the end of the test and they don't look anything like this so this is the so commonly TE it is the tactical standard the SKU number is a 160 1-1 T if you're ever looking at ordering one of these now guys for a quick comparison you guys that watch my channel have been following my channel you guys know that I've been carrying one of these for 19 years going on almost 20 years this is an original I've weighed before I even knew any of the folks at micro tech they are the same size the only thing they've really changed on it is they've changed the patterning of the material that they used on the inside they don't want to make this any longer this is also an auto version it's also partial serrated this is not gonna be a comparison with this knife but I'm just showing you what a knife will look like after about 19 years of hard use and what I mean by hard use knife I don't consider this as a gentleman's knife it has a little bit of weight to it to do is I'm gonna be realistic about the testing okay I'm going to do things like try to pry something or pry into a 2x4 now keep in mind a knife is not a pride tool but a lot of times we use it for that I can't tell how many times fired around or something and it lodged into a tree and I wanted to dig that bullet out and Here I am digging or prying into that tree also let's talk about blade Steel's guys you're gonna sacrifice something so you have your super Steel's guys this uses the 204 P CTS the carpenter steel 204 is very similar to m39 - there's a lot of guys that say oh I like m390 better gauzy m390 and 204 P are almost identical in all properties but when you're talking about knives and blade steel what you're gonna get what you pay for okay this is not a US aid or anything like that those might be easier to sharpen but they won't hold edge long okay they're they're much easier to sharpen this will take a little while to sharpen but will hold the edge a lot longer you also have hardness you also have durability all of these things play in and you give and take a little bit do you have a knife very similar to this one this is a SOG or SOG okay now this one's called the Trident tanto this is not gonna be a comparison between these two knives but I'm going to run something that has aus-8 it's an $80 knife as opposed to 270 dollar knife but I just want to put it through the paces just so you guys can see the differences maybe this one will come out on top I don't know I'm not going to favor any one particular knife I'm gonna put them through the same tests but it is not a versus versus okay there are other knobs to compare it to but I had one that was similar in almost every way shape and form except in price blade steel things like that okay so Microtech SOCOM elites I just pulled this out of the house so it hasn't had a chance to get to damp yet this is from the factory I've not touched it and we have no issues just slicing and micro Tech's always known for sharp knives these every knife that they make is hand sharpened by an individual not a machine but they are literally going in there with belts and they test all of these before they ever leave and you can bet you that they're going to have a scalpel sharp edge on them when they leave the factory okay SOG from the factory one of the things I can tell you is when you look at it you can tell it just has straight grinds on it this might be a machine sharpened very doubtful it was done by hand yeah I can kind of roll it and tear it but yeah that's not happy so okay that's okay it's still a sharp edge this will still cut you it's just not that razor sharp when it cut some webbing now here's webbing that you would find off of like a cinch strap or anything like that that this is single flat webbing this is not what we're going to cut well we're gonna cut and I just brought it for comparison is tubular webbing okay this is for rock climbing this has about a 5,000 pound strength to it you're not going to break this too easily it is tubular meaning that it is a tube okay it's not just a flat piece so if you were to cut this and open it up you'll actually see and I will use oh just trying to cut this with aus-8 sog didn't do too well but what I'm trying to do is is show you how wide that piece actually is okay so the first test what we're gonna do is I'm gonna hold it here at about one inch I'm gonna hold it right here on the edge and I'm not gonna pull it towards myself and we'll see how much pressure the stakes okay so that actually took quite a bit of force using the SOG we already know it's not quite as sharp just because we tested it let's try it again let's see if we get one pull alright so there we go you guys have seen that I was using a lot of force to be able to cut that let's try it with the micro tech so commonly alright guys so I picked up the so common leech I folded it over just like I did on the other one I'm gonna hold it right here I'm just gonna pull it easy almost all the way that was all the way through so right off the bat I got to give it the sharpness and using a good quality blade steel you're gonna see that let's try it again we'll do it the same way that we did the other one be careful because it cuts so easily it's not a problem you see that now let's try just to be fair because we tried to cut that sheath a minute ago when I was showing you guys like this let's just insert the point into here we had the touch I think I could I think I could just unzip it basically just like that no force or pressure necessary let's get a little more extreme let's start cutting some if you guys grow up on a farm you'll you'll you'll know what this next up is whenever I'm carrying a knife and I need to cut something I need to cut it I'm not really worried about what it is I just know I need to cut it we're gonna try to do some of this rope right here but this isn't it regular rope this is actually meant to conduct electricity and so if we look at it right here you guys are gonna see this stainless wire that's inside of here and it's braided inside of this rope so we're gonna be cutting nylon we'll be cutting the sheath because it does have a cotton like a cotton core there and we want to see how long it takes to cut it with the Microtech and we'll compare it to let's say the song would either way this is not an easy test because I'm cutting metal be cutting metal wire so what I'm going to do is I'm going to attach it to the trailer here there way and get some tension on it I'm just gonna pull it across okay tying it brought blood because that wire inside of here like I said if it gets a little bit afraid it will actually poke you in the finger but anyway here we go alright so I've got it tied to this trailer let me make sure I'm not grabbing any wire we can see if we had a good solid place here we're gonna try the SOG first and we'll see one two so I've got two cuts using pretty good strength let me do the exact same thing with the Microtech alright Microtech SOCOM Elite ready one two three took three cuts with that like I said I'm gonna be fair and transparent with all of these tests man that won't hurt the only thing that I could say might have helped that is because the edge is not as sharp and when it hits that stainless steel I don't believe it's grabbing it to cut it but either way this one actually won in cutting that metal so you guys are seeing some differences here already let's go ahead and do some let's do some prying or digging into a 2x4 and see what happens alright guys so remember a knife is not designed to be as a pry tool but there will be times where you'll probably use it to pry against something this is where your higher quality steels can chip or break because they are harder they're more durable but because of that brittleness to be able to hold that edge sometimes the tips will snap so I don't know what's going to happen here this is a treated 2x4 pressure-treated it has been stained and I've got it on a vise here on the back of the Polaris and what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna dig into it until I can just keep digging and we'll see what happens so just keep digging until I can't dig any more so this is the SOG first thing I'm gonna do on the test is I'm gonna jam it in here good force and I'm gonna pry straight down okay let me get you a little closer so you guys can see what I'm doing but that's exactly what I want to do is I'm just keep digging prying okay this right here is where something might break I do have safety glasses on and I do have cut boot gloves these are kevlar on the inside okay done now guys we just started this test a few minutes ago this is the exact order that we've been going in but you see what happened that aus-8 the same thing could happen to the micro tech because I told you you're not supposed to dig but I really did not get far with this so I'm interested to see what this micro tech does if it does the same thing this is gonna be a short quick test never know so I'm gonna use the same block of wood I'm just going to flip it around just like this alright Microtech so comely Tonto the same one we started with same test here we go oh I do have a broken tip you guys see that so prying is not something you should do with these knives I'm gonna move the camera so you guys can see how much this is going in like I said it just broke the tip of it still a usable functioning knife though you guys can see how deep I'm getting in there on the camera yeah it's all the way through now so you guys can see that I'm actually through the you know what there we go so we do have a broken tip however this can be reshaped okay it's not like it broke in here where we have a completely useless unusable knife now I did not have it in that deep you guys saw that test and I wouldn't be worried about it too much because this Knights that have been carrying for 19 years you'll actually notice that the blades a little shorter because it was reworked by Microtech about ten years ago because I also broke the tip of it like this a long time ago but they can still reshape it a little harder with the tanto point or a clip point or a drop point is a little easier but let's tell have a functioning knife so we still have a test going on hate it for SOG hate it for that knife but that's what you're paying for and you might say well that was only $70 by the time you buy three of those you're into one of these this might look ugly but I guarantee you that's still a functioning knife you guys I just wanted you to see how deep that was and prying in it wasn't real wide on that all the way down alright guys so really hate that that SOG broke because now I really don't have anything to evaluate valuated or compare it against well we'll just take another direction with it so I've got some heavy heavy duty nylon rope here and what I'm going to do is I'm going to clamp it in the vise and then we're going to try to cut it this is gonna be very difficult to cut this is not easy for a knife to cut I know that from using this I've got spools and spools of the stuff that I use around here so we're gonna take the SOCOM elite and we're you see it's got the broken tip nothing's changed by the way this is serial number four or five to three so you guys can see that so what I'm going to do is I'm going to hold this and I'm going to start cutting okay so not bad 15 16 sweeps with it but what I can do you guys see that that's a plain edged knife for 19 years I've carried that bad boy right there and it's got a serrated blade and I know a lot of people hate it cuz they're like man I don't like a serrated blade because it's hard to sharpen you don't sharpen the serrated part okay if you do send it in for service then what they'll do is they'll touch up the edge on a wheel but that's it this is a nineteen year old knife now I'm not gonna subject it to the torture test cuz I'm kind of at one with this but I do want to show you something so working where you're always having to cut heavy-duty stuff I'm just gonna use the other end so that it's fair this is my daily carry but with that serrated edge you guys ready one that's why I like a serrated edge okay this is not a video about is serrated better than plain edge I don't care about looks like care about functionality and I never have to sharpen this part yes I do get that touched up to get it sharpened but this is 19 years old if this were an a serrated version it would have done the same thing I'm just telling you my partiality towards those next thing I'm gonna do is I want to test that liner lock I'm going to go ahead and pound it up against some wood make sure it doesn't close on us stay tuned alright guys the first thing with that liner lock and you guys can see the thumb screw there and even with gloves on I have no problem flicking that open but we're in the lock position it's gonna lock whenever you open it basically so basically I'm gonna hit this on this and you guys can see we're still good there we hit it a couple times with the knife for that so there's physically no way for this knife to close on me because of that liner-lock now the more I hit it the Morse jamming in that closed position so let's see if I can take my thumb and just slide this over oh look at that easy easy easy I'll let you guys see this and slo-mo just like that and it's locked in place you know what we still have a piece of that that SOG knife let's see if it holds up oh look at that so had I been trying to do something now I didn't do anything funky you guys saw that that could have potentially closed on me okay so you got to see how this lock mechanism works this still spring-assisted see if this thing still works cut myself yep it still works let's try that again and I was not tapping that that hard on it okay so here we go yeah that actually gave way you see that guys that's the difference because if I'm pushing or digging on something I can cut my finger pretty deeply on something that doesn't have a good lock now this is I'm not gonna call it that but this is similar to another major manufacturers lock where it works off of an axis basically to open and close not a big fan of these so $70 trip to the ER yeah you're probably about $200 now maybe 300 but that's why I'm doing some of these tests is to show you you're getting what you pay for let's do some more tests all right guys so with a couple of the other tests I had some people say why did you run over a truck why'd you run over with a mower there's Tom's pocket and I just come out of your pocket they fall on the ground you don't realize it and if you're around heavy equipment or things like that things happen they get run over so what I'm going to do is I'm going to take a tractor we'll take a Kubota and we'll just pretend we dropped it out of my pocket and then we're going to run over a few times maybe getting in the mud and we'll check it so right now I want you to look at the knife it is pristine other than a broken tip let's look at the center here how everything centered up there's nothing off on it just like that and what we'll do is we'll take that Kubota and we'll run over to a couple times I've actually lost my knife a few times like that carrying something like lumber or sheet metal or anything like that if you have a pocket clip and it is here and you're carrying it sometimes when you go to lift it you'll lift that knife straight out I'm not worried about my knife because it's done it a million times but just be cognizant of that that's something got to watch out for you lose your favorite knife alright guys so we got a Kubota Hill series tractor here and what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna place it right here on the ground it's kind of like hard clay and there's that same knife still number or 45:23 and we're gonna say we dropped it out of a pocket I'm gonna put it right now just for reference this with the loader and everything else is about 3,300 pounds or so I'll back over it I'll flip it over it and then drive over it again and dust it off to see what happens we'll pick it up in a loader and scoop it and see if we can find it again I don't know let's see what happens all right [Music] just figured I'd get a little crazy with the bucket and the teeth looks good to me pocket clip still in good shape oh yeah still got a good functioning knife I'm not even a knock all the extra dirt off a nice thing about a manual we're not having any rubbing everything's still straight looks good let's keep testing it alright guys so I'm out in the woods and found an old barrel here even though I've got a broken tip I never checked to see what was in this barrel oh man that's tough that's really tough you guys can see that but we're still good maybe I can find some glass or something out here and maybe we can test this tungsten classflow alright guys I'm out here in the woods and I found an old window frame now this has got some thick thick plate glass in it you guys can see that this isn't your normal thin plate glass so this has a tungsten glass break on the end I do always recommend we're wearing some type of glasses and make sure that when your hand goes through it doesn't get your wrist out at the bottom so what I'm going to do is I'm going to actually turn my head and I'm just gonna pop this just like this in the center with this tungsten glass break you guys ready here we go nothing pretty easily you guys can see how that did that I really had to push that hard I just don't my hand going through yeah that actually chipped a big section off just like that so yeah this would work very very well for automobile glass cuz that is thick thick old-school plate glass let me see if I can get a piece of this just for reference you can see how thick that is okay like I said this is a steel frame that happened to find out in the woods tungsten glass break definitely effective alright guys so we have the small tree here let's say we need to make some shelter or something now this is two and a half inches almost three inches in diameter let's see if we can baton it down I'll just use a 2x4 on the back of the blade and it still has the broken tip so you guys can see right there and we'll see if we can chop this down so here we go so calm there leaf I don't the camera little closer so you guys can get a go calls up with this and how we're doing this wash out or not Oh timber alright guys so you can see all the way to run through a knife still in good shape no chip Dages so yeah good solid pocket knife I don't know how you can be too so commonly like a really good knife in your pocket good tool and they're solid guys I'll try to throw it into a tree and we'll see what happens alright guys so you never want to throw your knife right don't throw your weapon and get rid of it but if you ever do practice throwing any knives or anything like that so comma late 8 to 10 feet just a slight flick holding it towards the back alright everyone I hope you enjoyed that review of the micro tech SOCOM elite te it fared well at the end of the day everything still looks nice other than the broken tip does have some dirt on it have not washed it off now in full disclosure I don't carry a manual opener I know some of you guys don't have that option and some of the states you're living in but after all the testing today there's something that I noticed and that is the detent is a whole lot easier to open it will still stay in place but I can take it and just move it really quickly like that you see how it popped open now you guys might say that's a good thing I don't know if that's a good thing I also have a little bit of play left and right between the chassis and the blade you guys see that just a little bit and I know what's happened the lock bar here on that the plate is a little loose on it so it's not getting a full engagement but other than that still full functioning knife other than that detent that detent bugs me a little bit because I don't like a knife to be able to open on the autos like the one that I carry even if your Springs broke on the inside you can still press the button and manually open it but it's not gonna open on its own on this I don't like to be able to just flick one down like that and have it open guys I hope you enjoyed that review tried to make it as fair and as comprehensive as possible make it a real-world test like share and subscribe and I'm not just saying it hit that subscribe button you need to get more viewers more subscribers you guys have a great weekend we'll talk to you soon
Channel: X-RING
Views: 37,639
Rating: 4.8844361 out of 5
Keywords: Microtech, Socom Elite, Microtech Socom Elite, Microtech tanto, microtech torture test, best knife, best pocket knife, best folder, knife torture test, microtech, microtech knives
Id: F8sEkb_CXDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 41sec (1601 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2019
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