Micheal Jr. - The Pastor Had No Perm

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[Applause] man I love a love love the rock miles is also Mays on sabbatical as you know or locked up as in taxi going on that brother is in prison right now working this stuff out he actually got I saw him he got a pager on his ankle we got a pager on his ankle and he can't leave the church um I love him you guys are in fabulous hands with miles and he's going to come back with some stuff like like he's like recharge don't even describe what he's about to do he is still like scanning I should mention that so anyway I'm at WR relaxing I'm excited to be here cuz miles normally when we do some stuff together on stage I'm just doing like little pieces now I get to piece it together because I don't got him interrupting ridiculous man so I am really really excited about being at the rock people getting here late stuff sure everybody East County North County right on time people online on time and your pajamas so we got some fun I'm gonna talk a little bit about me and what I do and we're asking fun and some scriptures will probably pop up so I know the raht always they got their Bibles like always this is how y'all roll I'm not gonna do the stuff I know I know I'm gonna wait and when miles get back y'all could blow that up I don't even want to I don't even want to mess with it cuz I don't y'all gonna go berserk when he hold up your Bible we're gonna have it as little beige hand holding everybody so it's amazing for me I perform all over I've been on all the late-night TV shows except for Letterman yeah whatever Letterman and I've been on I do to perform I perform in Vegas at the casinos and stuff and I perform at churches as you probably know but it's the same show wherever I go cuz it's the same guy wherever I am it's not like it's two different shows there's two different it's just me up on stage it's just really talking about whatever's going on so the amazing thing for me is laughing at church that stuff when I was a kid that was illegal I'd be laughing at church remember one time I was seven years old was laughing at church this lady was jumping around and her wig fell off that stuff was hysterical yo I laugh my grandmother would pinch and twist I understand a pinch you gonna twist that's the devil and it said it out loud but that's what I was thinking nobody was teaching at this church this dude is up on stage yelling nobody what miles does a lot of her they teach the Word of God so you can receive and understand that this dude was not teaching he was screaming and mad and yelling at everybody and I think he was mad at seven years old I figured out he was mad cuz they had some phlegm caught in his throat cuz at the end of every sins he would try to get it out I'd like the Lord said act like yeah I'm like grandma he needed to gargle grandma I'm seven years old that stuff was miserable Church last six hours we going to base me to eat a sandwich and come back up I'm like what was that a halftime or something I even know what halftime was I was 23 years old man cuz football was on Sunday and church was on Sunday through Monday that stuff was miserable nobody was teaching do had a Bible in his hand he played like he was gonna throw it at everybody and everybody would get scared he'd be like hey man hey man I realize now they were saying Amen I didn't know I was seven years old one time I go to church there's a dead body in the front nobody explains to a seven-year-old Michael jr. this a funeral it's not Church I'm thinking yo that's how they roll like every three weeks or so they bring a dead body in as an example or some dude on stage we yell at us like we did it yelling and screaming I remember Acts my girl I was like Grandma what happened to the man in a box what happened to the man in a box her whole explanation was he in a better place I'm like what kind of box that he lived in before stuff didn't make any sense man screaming and yelling growing up we were poor were poor we were Paul who couldn't afford the other letters man we had no money fourteen years old my grandmother did something different instead of forcing me to go to church she asked me if I wanted to go and I thought about it long and hard and two seconds later I said no I'm gonna no Church the stuff was miserable my clothes didn't fit my she was just too tight that this thing called a shoehorn my shoes were two sizes at least two sizes too small my girls brought a shoehorn if your foot don't fit the shoe warning now I'm sitting Church for six hours my toes all balled up just I'm in here crying remember one time my grandma was like hey you want the man to pray for your feet I wanted to pray for you to let me take these shoes off we need to pray for finances so we can buy some more shoes how about that grandma stuff was Misurata so cool we should do a sign language that is so cool watch this Michael jr. is so attractive it is also why Lodi was so cool he's really cute powerful some 14 years old my grandmother asked me well I'm like no I ain't going to church and the end me and a friend made a pact we made a pact that we wouldn't curse anymore I don't know nothing about God but just randomly me and a friend made a pact we made a decision not to curse anymore if he hurt me curse he can hit me in the chest hard as he wanted to and vice versa do can hit hard I stop cursing immediately now we still get regular stuff we still played around we play games like slug bug memory games slug bug you see a Volkswagen bug you get hit your friend just because you saw a verse in my neighborhood they would take it a little too far we also played uppercut firetruck you ever played our what about minivan body slam you ever played our there's always one crazy dude in our group who would make up games like hit you in the throat a tall building they don't even ride my neighbor who was it was kind of rough like it was rough like if you wanted a pizza deliver like the police had to bring it yeah I think the place was caught it was called Popo Jon's that wasn't able to play it was why you're acting like y'all don't know what the Popo is East County you know what the Popo is North County like I don't have no idea so we decided we're gonna curse no my remember as a kid coming home and we would sing songs like any kids would like Old MacDonald had a farm my dad would hear the lyrics he would change the lyrics to better suit our situation it when Old MacDonald had a farm as the McDonald family lived in the hood I still remember the song MacDonald family lived in the hood ee i ee i oh and in the hood there was a gang ew e io would a fool shut your mouth you don't know me able to back up your mom I will bust a cap here yo switched it around a little bit so when I was a kid right around 14 years old 15 years old I really started noticing I was having a problem like I couldn't like my reading was much lower than everybody else's like my reading was it's great now I can read perfect now like those signs over the door to say excite like I can read a stuff some ladies just our praying for me right now she's just our prince is like Lord he don't even know he still can't read so my reading was really really really slow and I don't want people to know that I was having a problem reading I'm like in junior high and I was like yo I got to figure this out so what I would do was my mind would scramble to figure out what a word was I couldn't just sound it out it just it just didn't work for me that way so I would look at a word seven different ways I was look at the font size the color the positioning what's in front of it what's behind it how people responded to it I was just doing whatever it took to figure out what this word work design I want people to know I was having a problem reading because I was the dude in class who would always talk about other people we would just have fun we just call it we would just be singing as we caught it all day long then people were we can't say stuff like Michael Chang you got some big feet and I'd be like oh yeah you sold our skin I'm better if you ride a motorcycle you get a ticket for tinted windows like like I had scales so I got just like I have skills this is funny to me I just thought about that joke just now so I had so I was really really good at all of that stuff but now the reading was was like really a problem so I'm sitting here and I'm working on words and I can't figure him out and then I got really fast at looking at words seven different ways like high school people don't even know I wasn't really reading I was just working that stuff out they even know now I look back at it I read just fine now like everybody else but I still have this ability to look at things seven different ways almost immediately so I look back at and I remember having a really low self-esteem as a child and even a young adult having low self-esteem because I thought something was wrong with me I thought I was dealt a bad hand that was the devil talking the truth is all along God was using that thing to prepare me for what I do now because now that's the primary place where I pull my comedy from you look at things one way maybe two I got seven different possibilities almost immediately so I have been practicing for what I do now and for what God has me doing in the future in fact nowadays I'll get teased because of that I'll get these random thoughts that will just pop up and a lot of time these random thoughts are really funny or they're thought-provoking and they're just random thoughts so I what I thought I would do with you guys is I'm gonna share with you some of my random thoughts but I'm also gonna share with you another skill that I have I think miles is familiar with this talent maybe but I'm gonna show you another talent I have to to play a keyboard didn't even know did you so these are Michael juniors random these are just random thoughts now what we're gonna do with these thoughts is if you hear a thought and you enjoy it you want to laugh go ahead and laugh enjoy the thought but if you don't get them thought move on or you'll miss the next thought so here we go I'm gonna go ahead and play now random thoughts these are Michael tunas random thoughts [Music] you didn't know you didn't know it's okay these are random thoughts just random thoughts that come to me random thoughts why are stay-at-home moms always gone [Music] if a woman gets pregnant in Vegas does the baby have to stay there waiting on the sign language on that one that's what I'm doing I'm waiting on the phone is it consider natural childbirth that the baby comes out with a afro I've noticed and no one seems to care about the outer city youth take your time it's okay it's okay take your time is the word a tofu short for tried to fool you when it comes to sharks what's so great about the white ones [Music] so Dave Ramsey's website take credit cards okay cool we haven't done that laughing I met a woman once who had one callus on her foot does that make her a unicorn what do you say when a theist sneezes yo good luck with that man do vegetarians really love animals as much as I do if God didn't want to see animals why do you make him out of meat why is abbreviation such a long word why are there no mirrors in the self-checkout [Music] I've noticed that no one seems to care about the outer city youth don't I give you another chance at that one you know they say 85% of people admit that they're not good at math I'm sure there's people here right now saying wow I'm glad I'm part of the other 22% [Music] did Old MacDonald go bankrupt why is the song in the past tense [Music] are you singing into your head right now and finally if God clapped his hands wouldn't it make a big bang just a theory thank you very much those are Michael juniors random thoughts random random thoughts [Music] [Applause] [Music] what what I do jokes man calm yourself down okay so we just laughed for the last two minutes has some random thoughts that come to me because of the way my mind works but I can't even get there the only reason I can come up with these jokes the only reason I can come up with all of this different weird things are things because I was practicing in the form of what looked like a handicap or a bad hand that was dealt to me but it wasn't God was preparing me for what he has me to do there's people in his room we've been through some stuff some hurts and some pains but I'm telling you all God is doing he's going to use that he didn't cause them but he'll use it to prepare you for what he has for you it's really odd today I'm 26 years old I moved to New York City you got a tract with me I went from 714 26 I moved in New York City and I wanted to check out my comedy career I want to get my comedy career going because in New York if they don't like your comedy the way they let you know is they'll say something like we don't like your comedy so I'm in New York City and there's a club in New York called the comic strip live which is a really hard Club to get into what they do for commune new comedians who are in town is they have an open mic on Tuesday nights at 7 p.m. comedians start lining up at 6 a.m. just so they can do like 90 seconds 2 3 minutes in front of our manager in hopes that he'll call them back the next month so it's finally my turn to perform at the comic strip live and his comedian named George Wallace walks in and I love George Wallace but here's the problem anytime someone likes that who's established walks into the club whoever next automatically gets bumped I'm next I'm about to get bumped the manager walks over to me and I already know what he's gonna say he's about to bump me this is where God shows up for the first time in my life well this is where I noticed them he walks over to me he says Michael listen George Wallace is here you won't go on before him or after him I was like let me go on before him so I go up on stage I start doing my show people start laughing I got New Yorkers laughing did George Wallace comes in he's laughing - I'm like oh snap this is so cool what'll make any sense I'm done I get offstage and there's a bunch of comedians around him talking to add some questions then they all leave I mean then he leaves them it comes over to me and he says to me says you're really funny let me ask you a question why don't you curse and I was like oh no what my grandmother walking is over my grandmother live in Michigan she coming to New York well what else was I gonna say I'm a grown man I'm so saved my friend might hit me in the chest God was setting me up to do all along before I even knew it he was setting me up cuz imagine that I started doing comedy dirty then tried to clean it up anyways so I'll go ahead and he says to me says you're really funny I'd like for you to do a show with me and my best friend in a couple nights I'm pumped I'm excited I'm like yeah I don't even know what's best for any is it'll matter I get to the show it's me George Wallace Jerry Seinfeld I walk in right I do the show I'm tripping that it's three over I'm opening up the show at the time I do two shows I get two standing ovations rip I'm the man like yeah afterwards my manager walks up to me and he's like hey Michael you wanna go to church with me on Sunday night Church why you messing this up right now I just got to stand ovations in a white church I don't know why your voice get higher when you upset with people Church cuz listen you understand at this point in my life not only do I not curse I don't smoke I'm not drinking I'm not doing any of this stuff that I hear about on the testimonies on TV cuz I flipped through the channel some time some I like almost died then I found Jesus and I well he was gonna be the other dude if you didn't click click click click click play where somebody's like I was on drugs and I found Jesus I've never done drugs I don't cuz I none of that stuff applies to me so I'm cool I'm not trying to hear this Jesus stuff good lookin out though then his fiancee 20 minutes later actually if I want to go to church and she was fine I mean she was beautiful she had some sort of accent - she was like Michael jr. would you like to go to church with us you know it's just looking for a church the other day man - well I was just saying to myself I was like Manny define church so I go to his church for the wrong reason I can't even find these people I just show up at his church Christian cultures in her Brooklyn New York I'm sitting way in the back somewhere it's Church got 5,000 people in it and this dude is up on stage talking about Jesus he's screaming and yelling he don't got no perm he just talking about Jesus just like miles no just talking with my house he's here he's a little smooth I don't know about the firm part it might be a little but he's just talking he's just explaining Jesus in a way that I can understand it then he did this thing he did an author call I said if you want Jesus your life all you have to do is believe in your heart confess with your mouth come on downs used to be yours and I wanted to go I gotta be rude so I wanted to go I was like but I might be a catch read the pamphlet first and some I don't know cuz there's some creepy Christians out there I wanna be one of them this isn't creepy if you don't know any creepy chrises you are a creepy Christian I gotta let you know but yo no no sorry East County this one sitting next to you probably so I had to read the pamphlet for now you don't have to read the Bible to get say I just wanted to read it cuz I know so I don't even have a Bible I didn't know it was that big first of all let me say that I'm at O'Hare Airport and some lady who I don't even know goes like this and hands me your Bible I was like okay so I start reading the Bible and I'm digging into the Bible to like I'm digging in just read and reading every day listen literally for real I was putting in like 14 hours a day reading the Bible cuz I wanted to go to the author but I told myself I read the Bible first so I'm putting in like all I'm doing is reading the Bible doing comedy in New York and eating there's all I'm doing so I'm digging it to work in 14 hours a day that's like eight pages a day like I was digging in it and I was like study anyway so I'm reading a Bible I get some part of Matthew where I said Jesus died for me I'm 27 years old I had a birthday in January I don't even know - Jesus died for me - I was 27 years old I saw a pastor screaming and yelling nobody was teaching I don't understand nobody was teaching in a way that I could receive it and understand it right there in Matthew he died from uneven now turn to mark and he died again I was like what is going on hey Luke and John I'm like why do you keep killing on what they doing I keep reading apply while get to the part of Matthew I consider I mean I get to the part of Revelations I get all scared start reading fast because I don't understand that and stuff reading the Bible is like paying bills right you're supposed to pay attention to everything when you see some red ink you better do something right before you lights get cut off or something oh no it's going to so I finish reading the Bible when I go up to the altar at church like during the announcements I wasn't waiting to the end I'm like yo is Jesus here right now you said he everywhere now understand some stuff I used to just think I was funny you know I'm just funny no no I'm funny for a reason God has reasonable it's funny and he was preparing it all along even though I didn't know it he was setting me he was getting this thing right all along God is like a navigation device in your car I get celebrities all the time to explain God to me I can't if I can explain God he would be God but this is why I say it got a similar way greater to a navigation device in your car you ever been in a car with a navigation device before you're gonna car how about that we were in a car before if you punch into quarters as to where you want to go and it says go ten blocks and turn left and you go ten blocks and turn right it doesn't abandon what you're supposed to do it recalculates what you need to do to get to where you're supposed to be based upon where you are the only problem is if we keep making the wrong terms the role conditions are gonna be different there may be rougher and you run out of time so have to be sensitive to listen to that voice to make the right choice about where you're supposed to be and that voice has a name the voice is clearly God clearly Jesus it's the Holy Spirit trying to talk to you another name that God has I shared what a lot of people want people didn't know they had to God shared this with me I get to share it with the rest of the world another name that God has is something s om a thi ng something let me prove it right now before Pharisees leave the room we're always get a choice in life we could choose a which is the right thing to do or we could choose B which looks like fun sometimes we choose B you got to deal with the consequences from choosing B and one of the first things that come out your mouth while you Dillo the consequences its man some told me not to do this that's something he's clearly God try to talk to you so I'm doing a show there's a club in Los Angeles it's another club to get into it's called the Connie magic Club George Wallace I was in Los Angeles he takes me to the County magic club in the green room I'm brand new in town I just moved to Los Angeles in the green room is Garry Shandling George Wallace now it's Jay Leno these are some soldiers in comedy they're working on a joke for Jay Leno's monologue for the following week I ain't saying nothing I'm just happy to be in the room but your gift will make room for you so I'm sitting there and they're a football player I got hit in the eye with a flag this is the joke they're working on it anybody member doubt you got hit in the eye with a flag and he was sooner league for four hundred million dollars because he lost his vision in one eye now Lindo shanlee they're all working on a joke to help jail in a while get her already put it next week I saying nothing didn't got quiet and he looked at me and I was like oh snap this is an opportunity so it's like all right let me see if I got this right he got hitting the eye with a flag he lost his vision in one eye and he's suing a league for 400 million dollars he's not gonna see half of it [Music] for real how do I get that that quick under that kind of pressure I was practicing I've been practicing since I was a child in the form of somebody who couldn't read feeling like I was dealt a bad hand while a devil is constantly saying you can't do this you can't do that you can I was practicing and I was ready for that moment so now I'm in the club on a regular basis I'm headlining there it's cool little saw me put me on The Tonight Show we've done it a few times and Jimmy Kimmel and so now I'm headlining at that Club and right before I got on stage one night God gave me a change in mindset what is a mindset a mindset is a fixed mental attitude that pre determines a person's response or interpretation to a situation let me say it again cuz it's not on the screen a mindset is a fixed mental attitude that predetermines a person's response or interpretation to a situation you're cut off in traffic we already know you gonna bust them out you see a sign it says there's an accident head you mad a change in mindset you see that sign it says there's an accident here you start to pray because there's an accident ahead so God gave me a change in mindset Romans 12:2 be not conformed to the ways of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind God said to me instead of going up there to get last from people I want you to go up there and give them an opportunity to laugh it changed the whole game because now I'm not looking to take I'm looking for an opportunity to give my gift is no different than anyone's gift in this room your talent your skill what you have to do is not be concerned about what you what's on the bottom of the invoice but what are you're hearing from the invoice anyway so my mindset has changed I get up on stage I do my show we have a great time I leave the club there's people outside you're buying my merchandise they're all happy and we'll autographs they're telling me their favorite jokes it's the same situation whenever I leave this club but this time while I'm talking to the people I look across the street and I saw a homeless guy I had never seen a homeless guy outside the club before ever but that doesn't mean he wasn't near before that just means before my mindset was to get last from people God changed my mindset romans 12:2 and now about giving people an opportunity to laugh yesterday we did a show at the San Diego rescue mission and one of the guys is like thanks for caring about us it wasn't my idea the Bible says laughter is good like a medicine I read that people say it to me all the time good stuff man laughter good luck of Medicine God said to me well you should take it to the sick oh snap he'll do that here check you some time while you all yeah I'm doing stuff he's like well what about this I like okay so I walk outside I see this homeless guy and I'm thinking about him what about him how could I give him an opportunity to laugh then I got and God was like you really want to know and I was like nope cuz you know is gonna be an assignment or something then I said yes and we did this comedy tour I mentioned it last time we did a comedy tour made a movie it's called comedy the road less traveled the first place he went to was Fort Worth Texas there's a place here called the Samaritan house everyone there was homeless and have HIV I didn't think these people will be able to laugh there was one dude named John he doesn't talk to anybody they told me in advance he don't talk to nobody we did the show people laugh John walks up to me afterwards I'm like oh my goodness this is that dude and he started moving his lips and he said to me said I just want you to know that up until tonight I hadn't laughed in over 20 years when he said I almost start crimes like man gonna be crying but Rebecca [Music] we leave there we go to Montrose Colorado there's a place in Montrose called the dolphin house they take care of the Terra care of children who are being abused by their parents who are on drugs and his grandmother tells him about her grandson who's so afraid of his mom one of the things mom's been doing to him he she's been pulling out his toenails this little boy is so afraid of his mom everywhere he goes he wears a spider-man costume to protect himself his grandmother explains to me he doesn't take it off he just he don't take it off anything I hear his story I hear all these other kids stories then they bring them all in and I got to do jokes for him if my mindset was to get last from people I'm cool there's no way I would it did to show God changed my mindset to giving people an opportunity laughs so understand now it's my assignment to do this show I get up on stage that started to a comedy sitting right in front spider-man full costume he has his back to me he's cleansing his grandmother sitting on her lap I started doing comedy people started laughing 20 minutes into it a lot of people are laughing and their hair voice come from right here and the voice says my name is Ronan this little boy pulls off his mask introduces himself to me and he starts talking to me for like nine minutes like I'm not doing a comedy show we talked about spider-man talking about Batman he said Batman has a belt and I was like you know I got a belt to move you know sit down somewhere that's exactly what happened you're the whole room laughs it was probably the biggest laugh of the night listen Rach I can guarantee you it was not in my notes to do a joke about whooping kids and in a room full of abused kids that's just that that's just not good math that's not good math but God knew what comedy needed to be done the gorilla the elephant so to speak had to leave the room we had an amazing time we leave there we go to skid row do setup in homelessness seven years I've owned crack cocaine for five years I was beaten stabbed and left for dead you gonna make me laugh Michael jr. thanks for the pressure do same dude uses his left hand to keep himself from falling out of his chair and laughter it's cool because you see the transformation to takes place all I did was show off my gift my gift isn't any greater than any gift us in this room God's not showing me favoritism you have a gift you have a talent you're not funny great there's something else you can do that somebody else really really needs so we leave there so we have to we go to the dolphin office we go to all those places then we go to a youth prison the youth prison was it was a little hard I just want you to banter with him back and forth I was like that cool I could I could do that I was like you know go go with that muscle shirt some muscles wait what is that a white threatener the toughest lairs so we had fun we had a great time we leave there we go to an adult prison is completely different these are grown men doing real time I'm going there to do jokes and leave hopefully soon as I walk in the warden takes my belt from he's like you can't have a belt somebody might try to hang you um I can't they just boo me or something why they got a hanger I got another show to do it alone hey me so I'm scared for real I'm scared I'm in prison my pants loose it's a bad idea man man I'm just saying I got I got seven different ways to look at this man so I'm scared man I'm walking in I got no joke I don't know what i'ma say I had a joke before I got into prison I was like yeah I'm gonna do this one no I didn't feel right when I got in there I was gonna be like you know you guys are a captive audience I just want to say that oh but I didn't feel a piece in my spirit when I got in there though I was like maybe I shouldn't do that joke it's not safe so I have no joke I don't know what I'm gonna say I walk in the prison the bars are opened in front of me close behind you I'm walking in all the prisoners got on pink jumpsuits so what are you saying about them jumpsuit I got nothing to say I don't know what I'm gonna say I walk in there's no stage there's no glass we're not doing comedy on the phone these cats are right here and I got nothing I don't know what I'm gonna say I got two steps left I put this foot down I still have no joke this is my last step when this foot comes down I got to bring the funny where I don't know what's going on I lift this foot up I set it down and I look at for real sitting right up front as a white dude with a white beer named Moses I was like thanks Lord when I said these words of Moses the place exploded in laughter we had an amazing time I said Moses this is what I want you to do when you see the prison war and I want you to look him in his eye you look him right in his eye and I want you to say let my people go for real it's two things you gotta catch first of all I didn't know what I was gonna say or what I was gonna do until I got my feet where they needed to be also how did I get that at that moment at that time with that kind of pressure I was practicing even when I didn't know I was practicing I was practicing God knows the plans he has for you he has plans to prosper you he know even if you don't see it in fact if you do see it those are your plans if you can't see it all that's God's plans because it's gonna take some faith to get there you're gonna have to be able to hear his voice so you know which choice to make on which way to go i'ma tell you the story this is a story about what it's like to have a relationship with Jesus Christ you can better hear that voice you can better make the choice about where you're supposed to go and understand what you've been practicing for because there's people in his room right now there's people watching right now in two other locations and online you're in the gym right now you're working out you're practicing but what are you practicing for you won't even know what you practicing for until you can hear the voice and so you can hear the coach's voice oh I just made a little coach part up right now it's pretty cool you're practicing you're getting in shape so you can lift up the trophy to God has for you this is the best way the best way to hear that voice is by inviting Jesus in this is a story I was up I was up one morning writing jokes at five o'clock in the morning I got five kids you gotta get up early you got my kids and I was writing a joke about the good room and God showed me something in the middle of writing this joke the good room is that room in the house everybody's seen this room before if you have one or your grandmother got one your aunt got one it's the room in the house that's better than the rest of the house okay nobody gonna go in there is plastic on the furniture some gonna happen if you go in a good room it's really for show look at that yep we could afford at least that room to look good come on this way it was a good room so I was writing a joke about it and God stopped me and said I want you to tell this story to my people and that's what I'm about to do this morning I actually got what he wanted me to tell you I forgot let me go back real quick he wanted me to tell you that he loves you now let me tell you what the good room imagine that everyone in this room everyone watching right now imagine that you are a house and outside of the house is Jesus Christ and he wants to come in but he'll never force his way in he wants you to invite them in and the reason some people won't invite Jesus into the house is because you're cool with the way things are right now when you need something you walk up to the door crack it open say what you want to say close the door and go back in the house but that's not a relationship at all and the reason some people won't invite Jesus into the house is because your house is a mess you think you got to clean it up first how's that working out you've probably brought other things into the house drugs pornography in hopes that it would at least distract you from the mess but it's made to house even Messier you've probably invited other people into the house hoping that they could help you clean it up but they can't the only person who could clean it up is standing outside the door wearing an apron with a bucket in his hand waiting on you to open the door and then there's other people right now listen to my voice watching my face right now who used to have Jesus in the entire house but for some reason or another you've tried to a victim you've moved them to just one room in the house the good room have you ever noticed how the good room always seems to be the room right up front with the big window so when people walk by they can look into the house will be like wow that house is clean but the rest of the house is a mess Wow that person really has Jesus they go to church every Sunday but Jesus doesn't really have you he just got that one room so what I'm about to do right now is I'm gonna give you an opportunity to open the door and let him into the entire house I gotta warn you though when you open this door he may show up with a contractor named the Holy Spirit and remodeled a whole house which is really good so check it so what I'm gonna do is I want everyone in here who can hear my voice everybody watching online East County North County I want you to listen to my voice I want you to close your eyes and bow your head I used to think this was weird when they did this in church like yo they bout to go for my wallet but something reason this is done and so you can have a private moment which is you and God with nobody else looking around so just go ahead and close your eyes bow your head listen to my voice if you know that you need to make that decision to invite Jesus into your house into your entire house I want you to do something really simple on the count of three I'm just gonna want you to put your hand in the air I don't want you thinking about it I just want you to shoot your hand in the air on the count of three hands already going up I wanted to do it on the count of three but okay do it your way so the count of three I just want you to put your hand right right in the air if you're saying yes I want to invite Jesus into my house one two three nice too high where I can see it nice and high there's a grip of hands in the air a grip means a lot I'm a translator praise God praise God wow there's just a slew of hands all over here that is so cool I see your hands I see your hands uh I'm just gonna go like this cuz there's a grip of hands cool I'm gonna do something else okay put your hand down put so the Bible says this Jesus says this he says if you will take a stand for me before men I will stand for you before my father in heaven so what this looks like is on the count of three everyone who raised their hand or should have raised their hand or wish they would have raised their hand I'm going to want you to do one more thing on the count of three I'm gonna want you to stand to your feet and make your way down here so I can shake your hand so we could pray together and listen when you do this some of you guys are gonna not feel like doing it but rebuked the devil right there stand to your feet make your way down when I count to three because if you can't do it in here you won't be able to do it out there and to help with that when you stand to your feet everyone in this room er they're going to applaud like crazy but it will not compare to the applauds the angels in heaven will be doing when you stand to your feet one two three stand up come down come on down come on down come on down come on don't forward come forward come forward come forward you come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on where now come down come down god bless you man god bless you man god bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you god bless you bro god bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you god bless you keep clapping keep clapping keep clapping keep clapping yo god bless you man god bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you god bless you come on make room make room squeeze it squeeze it squeeze squeeze it squeeze it god bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you god bless you temple it wow this is so awesome god bless you god bless you God bless you god bless you you're so pretty god bless you I bless you god bless you then bring your big hand over here god bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you oh snap there's a slew people Wow Oh [Applause] [Music] god bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless oh this is so awesome god bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you I'm gonna have to go in the back and shake hands - god bless you stay here stay here stay here stay here come on come on come on I see you I see you it is so cool it's not me it ceases please know that god bless you bro bro man bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you all right I got move on they gonna get mad god bless you god bless you really you're videotaping cool hey I bless you all right so look okay listen I gotta bounce so we're gonna pray this is very important it's very very very important we're gonna pray Tommy's gonna come out here he's gonna lead you guys to a room it's not creepy though it's not creepy have you ever seen a small tree when it was planted and it got those little bars next to it and a little wire you guys left a small tree those bars represent other Christians great information and a great church that can help you grow because you're gonna grow the question is which way you're gonna grow you're gonna angry gonna go bitter you're gonna grow up towards God you will grow because of this decision you made and God wants to lead you and there's a fabulous church in this area that you might want to check out if you're not a member this is a really cool church anyway um so let's pray and then he's gonna give some more instructions then we got wow it's just Slough I'm gonna jump down and shake hands and he gonna talk so thank you for letting me be a part of this us pray just repeat after me dear God you just repeat after me though you might want to actually say it dear God thank you for sending your son Jesus Christ to this earth to die for me I believe it and I receive it coming to my house Lord come into my heart in Jesus name Amen amen amen I want to encourage you everybody here wait till they go back before you leave I want to encourage you upfront this is a big deal the gospel of Jesus Christ that he paid the price for your sin wait here don't leave don't leave everyone stay right here we got something for you we're gonna give you something but the gospel of Jesus Christ the price that he paid that you can have peace with him what you've done here is nothing short of eternal life changing so I appreciate the courage it takes for you guys to come up there the rest of you I have a couple announcements but let's clap as we take them raise your hand that right over there right up here follow them follow them let's give a hand Rock Church amen amen right that way
Channel: EBC
Views: 289,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YbfKHWU1g6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 37sec (2797 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2017
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