Father's Day With Michael Jr - Message Only

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i want you to hear from me i want you to hear from our entire church to all you dads out there happy father's day you know if you've been around ccv for any amount of time you know that we are a church that is passionate about reaching men and seeing men grow into all that god wants for you to become a godly follower of jesus but we also know in our current cultural environment it can be tough to be a man it can even be tougher to be a dad so we want ccb to be a place not only that you can grow but a place that you can win with your family and this father's day we have a just really exciting treat for you michael jr is here with us he's been with us in the past he's a comedian and preacher that teaches in churches across the united states what i love about him is he's not only incredibly funny he's going to make you laugh but he opens you up so you can really hear the truth of god's word and god speaks to him really powerfully he also has a heart for you to understand your father for you to really understand who god is and what he wants for your life get ready to be impacted let's give a huge ccv welcome to michael jr all right yo thank you so very much i want to say what's up to all the campuses that are watching as well and the human beings that are in the room i'm super excited about being here i can't even tell you like i'm pumped this church is dope like for real if you've never been here before like they know how to treat people for real like really and um my favorite part about this service is um there's a white woman right there who has to say anything i tell her to say [Applause] wow he is so attractive look at his muscles your arms need to go up a little higher next time yeah thank you thank you thank you we're gonna have some fun this is going to be a blast i'm so excited people watching online too i see you i know this is there it's going to be fun we're going to have some fun we're going to laugh and learn some stuff i did this thing last time so here's what's going to happen i'm going to talk to you we're going to do some comedy and then i'm also gonna talk to you about some father stuff but i'm probably gonna do the comedy i just made this up last service i'm gonna do the jokes will probably happen here then when i go into my stories it'll probably happen here because i don't want you to i want you to understand the transition i want you to be waiting to laugh and it's a deep story you're like i don't know what to do so that's probably what we're gonna do so father's day they're always talking about i didn't this this i'll let you know when this is gonna start i'll touch it okay so father's day always talking about um honoring your father like what if like what if he not honorable like what if you don't feel like it ooh i should say that over here what if he don't feel like it would if what if you're like ah no i'm good i just thought about that like what if what if you're like no i'm not gonna do that some people didn't show up to church today because of that but some people are watching right now online and it's like two years later and you just stumbled across this and now you're supposed to you're supposed to watch don't turn it don't move don't swipe or i don't know which way is the right way to swipe i should stop so we're gonna jump into that but first let me tell you about me i got five kids uh yeah yeah and um and i travel a lot you know so i could see them all i'm just playing i don't see him i don't see him now i do have five kids whenever we have a big family we have to figure out ways to save money right we want to get our family pictures taken that stuff is expensive so we did to save money right as we all got in the front seat of the car um looked both ways and ran a red light that's what we did that's what we did two weeks later picture came in the mail but my son blink so i had to do it again well i'd do it again i was doing that joke in prison recently right i wasn't in prison like hey i'm funny get off me it went like that i have a non-profit called funny further forgotten where we go to prisons and homeless shelters abuse children's facilities and we take comedy there right so i'm doing i'm in this prison and i do the joke about the red light and 75 percent of the prisoners laugh the rest of them nothing then i realized what was going on some of them had been locked up for so long the dude next to him had to explain a joke he was like see nowadays when you run a red light they sent a picture with a ticket in the mail then he looked at the dude next to him it was like a red light is what they use for traffic when you go down the road and then he said a row is what they use i was like wow where am i right now i don't work that hard to find comedy i really believe when you're walking in or towards your purpose gotta open up doors it should be open and other doors won't even open they shouldn't so comedy just kind of follows me i took my daughter to get a toddler bed it came with a 20 year warranty i'm just gonna wait some years i'm gonna take it back they're gonna be like what's wrong be like uh her feet are hanging off the end and her husband's uncomfortable too he has an amazing 10. it's not a 10 lady you guys are so much fun all right cool so my dad used to uh someone talk about honoring your dad like it's hard like what if it's what if it's not that easy to do so like what if he wasn't that great a dad right like i'm gonna share some stories with you of uh some dads but let me start with my dad my dad used to he used to cut my hair but when my dad would cut my hair he would be very aggressive in cutting my hair what i mean is i had to sit perfectly still in the chair and i'm like i don't know he started cutting my hair ever since i was a baby but all the way up to like i was 15 years old he would cut my hair and if i move he would yell at me to the top of his lungs and then he would and then sometimes he would press the clippers kind of hard they weren't the best clippers and his little bone whatever this thing is called is there a doctor in the house i don't know his thing is called but he would yell at me pretty loud to the point where i would cry so i couldn't stand getting my hair cut i hated getting my hair cut and even looking back at it i every time i got my hair cut my self-esteem got lower and lower and lower because my dad would yell at me he would say mean things to me as he cut my hair then uh probably when i was like 19 years old my dad's cousin technically my cousin told me a story about when he came over my dad's house and he was getting his hair cut so my grandfather used to drink a lot like a lot like i don't ever remember seeing him not drunk but when my dad was a kid he used to cut my dad's hair and if my dad moved even the slightest bit his drunk father would take the clippers and hit him upside the head with the clippers and then my cousin tells me about when he my dad's cousin tells me about one time he walked in the house and my dad was sitting there shaking in tears crying with tears and blood running down his face while his drunk father made him sit still so he could cut his hair and then he explained to me that the reason my dad was getting his hair cut at that specific time is because moments before that his little brother was getting the same treatment and my dad jumped in and said no cut my hair i am so amazingly blessed that all my dad did was yell at me because he could have allowed all of that to travel down generationally but instead he said no and he did all that he could he never put his hands on me in that way ever he raised his voice i am so blessed i get to honor my dad because all he did was raise his voice now when me and my son when i cut my son's hair we're laughing we're playing around i'm doing silly cuts because i know i'ma cut it all off anyway i get to honor my dad because i rarely do we imagine what our what our father or our mom's childhood must have been like but if you take a pause and look you might see something that you hadn't seen before i'm gonna jump back into some jokes so my dad used to tell i remember when i was a kid my dad was telling they uh he was telling some friends this uh joke well when the joke was a story that happened in our neighborhood right and we had a wino in our neighborhood named willy i don't know why wynos are always named willy i don't know why that is anyway his name was willie and he used to drink wild irish rose all the time and my dad was telling the story what happened so willie was on his way to sam's store which is on the corner right but willie would always wear like a trench coat and you guys know what a trench coat is it's not necessary around here i don't know if you know what that is anyway willie had on the trisco and he would always have his wild irish rolls attached to his belt inside of his trench coat and he was always drinking and waters rose is like a red wine one day willie on his way to sam's corner store and get hit by a car this dude drinks all done he loved drinking he was always drunk he gets hit by a car boom he laid out his whole shirt and everything is red and willie looked he's like that better be blood bro you committed to this aren't you my dad used to read uh books to us when i was a kid he'd read books but he would always change the books based off of our current living situation whatever was going on he would tweak the books as he read with stories to us right one one story one one author was uh dj seuss i don't know if you remember if you ever read some of his stuff green eggs and spam was one of the books he would read and then um nobody had green eggs and spam the cat in a rat that was another one the cabinet rat and then there's another author um uh another book it was called uh when he was poe i don't know if you guys ever yeah that was a great story this little girl like that's not it i'm also the type of person who loves to hug i'm so glad to pandemic first of all one thing as i learned during the pandemic is i am not essential found that out immediately i love hugging i can't wait to just be hugging people s'more and i hug men too cause it'd be weird if i said i just hugged women no that's creepy right i just hug ladies i love hugging men too i just love people but men we have some rules around hugging right we got some rules on how we hug ain't that right dude we got rules don't we he's like yeah but do you know what they are he's like no you know why we don't know what they are because we don't talk about them man we're not gonna be talking when was the last time a man in here had a conversation about how he want to be hugged we don't talk about it but we do have rules fellas i'm gonna share the rules with you right now here's the rules you're gonna you're gonna be like yep that is a rule even though it's not written down anywhere because we don't need to do that rule number one is the hug can only last 1.4 seconds and we know that the hug is over because of rule number two every single time what do we do we tap out tap tap release bro nobody taught you to tap out you just know you're supposed to tap out tap tap release fellas you ever tap out and they don't release you like tap tap bruh tap tap i'm doing morris code on this dude i tapped him so hard he burped i'm like dude you need to let go you need to let go man you doing too much another rule we have right fella you didn't notice i just studied it and i watched people right another rule we have is left hand under right hand over tap out release left hand under right hand over tap out release some of y'all look confused let me prove to you that this is a rule right now you ever have a dude try to go under under he can't go under under he go under under you i go over over now y'all slow dancing that's what you're doing you slow dancing right now turn on the luther vandross that's what you should do right now or for this audience barry manilow i don't know which one it is but you gotta another rule i didn't share this with the last service i'm gonna share with y'all i'm 6-2 if you 5-2 i'm sorry you out the hug zone bro i don't know what to do with your head in my chest what i'm supposed to say they are there how's my heart beat how's my heart beat i don't know what to do you're out the hug zone sorry so i wrote this book called funny how's life works and uh i can't share obviously all the stories with you but there is there's this this is one story this so in the middle of my show one time i felt like god told me to bring this lady up on stage so she could really bless the audience i don't even know the details behind it i bring her up on stage she's deaf what took place was amazing i don't got time to tell you about it you should get the book the story i want to share with you though is i have a friend named uh in high school i had this friend and we were almost people thought we were twins they thought we were brothers and his name was dwayne for this story i'm not going to share his real name with you because anyway his name was duane we grew up in michigan and everybody thought we were twins literally we would go to school everybody thought we were twins we would compete at everything everything we would compete there was really two main differences looking back at it between me and dwayne one i had my dad in my life dwayne didn't he had never met his dad before and then number two i play sports and he didn't do only sports he's played was run from the police that's the only sport he ever played before so but we would compete on everything i'm talking about all the time we would always compete like arm wrestle we'd arm wrestle sometime and nobody could budge the other person for like 30 minutes straight and as soon as all the girls was gone we're like this is stupid let go so we would compete at everything in high school though as i started playing sports i realized that i was really fast and i could probably at this point smoke him in a foot race so i came up with this plan right because i know what i'm like listen i played high school football i played receiver and i played safety right so i was crazy fast um i was third string someone about you have to hold on to the ball when you catch it whatever but i was fast so here's my plan at our school in michigan was ottawa hills high school they had this thing called a catwalk now a catwalk is like a covered bridge that connects two buildings and this thing was like 110 120 yards long and at the end of the catwalk where those were the doors just like they have here with the bar across the bottom you push the door it opens up and then the hydraulics slowly closed the door so here's my plan i'm gonna get dwayne to race me the foot race but but what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna run fast probably 60 maybe 70 until halfway through then i'm gonna turn on the gears and just blast this dude out to water so once and for all he know who's the fastest who's the best period right because he is pretty awesome thank you lady anyway so now we get to the catwalk right and we're running we're like on your march get set go and i take off and i'm running fast but i'm only at almost like 60 50 right now somewhere around there and i'm moving out dwayne's right next to me that's okay i pump up to 70 we're not quite halfway there yet and this dude is right next to me i'm like cool then i kick it in all gears 100 i'm moving out i'm talking about moving now on this side of my face my peripherals i see a bunch of colors going by because there's artwork on the wall so the colors are going by over here it's just mocha brown that's the wayne everybody so i'm like wait this don't make sense i'm at a hundred percent why is this dude still next to me so i kick it into 110 i don't think i ever ran this fast before one time my neighbor's dog got loose other than that i'm at 110 i'm moving fast as i can i close my eyes i open them up mocha brown i'm at 110 i ain't got nothing left so i look over at him a little bit and this dude says to me in a calm still voice are you ready and blows me out the water this dude was i thought i pulled two hamstrings and somebody put some sand on the ground this dude was moving out i had no idea he had gotten this fast no idea so i came up with this idea i'm gonna get dwayne to raise donzell jenkins you don't know who denzel jenkins is but everybody in in my school knew who he was if you ever watched a high school movie he's that dude with the girls and he had a football under but his his sport was track dude was fast fastest person in school second fastest high schooler in the state of michigan crazy fast so i'm like i'm gonna get them to race but they didn't really like each other so i had to put a little salt in the game i was like yo dwayne you know denzel said he'd he'd dust you off he's like what i was like here i'm just telling you then i went to denzel i was like dude he tripping he said he was smoke boom back to the catwalk the sequel so we're at the catwalk i'm at one end both of these dudes at the other end now i can see that the catwalk has a little bow in it cause i could really only see half of their body in fact i could only see a quarter of donzelle's body because he's down like this dwayne is standing up like this because he don't know how to run he just happened to be crazy fast so i'm at one end i'm like on your march because i called it march back then i didn't know it was mark i'm just being real choked i was like on your march i really thought it was march so i was a grown man i thought it was march until i wrote the book it was like it's not march i was like it's not march it was march when i was growing up chapter two it's still say i put march in the book too by the way anyway so i'm like on your march get set go and these two dudes take off they are moving and i'm and i just i said you know what i'm not the official no more i'm cheering for dwayne i'm like go dwayne go go dwayne go and he actually keeping up with the second fastest high schooler in the state of michigan and then halfway through i'm like go to anko go to anco and they're moving i'm talking about moving out and into wayne turns to denzel jenkins in a calm still voice that says are you ready and smoke that fool i'm talking about smoked him you don't understand he blew through his door and it came to a complete close before denzel jenkins reached his door amazing speed crazy speed that nobody ever knew about except for me denzel he ain't telling nobody when i asked him when i said dude why why didn't you do anything with this and what he always says is man my dad wasn't there for me if my dad was there to push me i probably would have been somebody even to this day with the things that he's doing currently he's blaming the fact that he never met his dad that his dad wasn't there for him and i tried to explain to him dude that's 100 untrue like it's just not the case at all just because your horizontal father was not there your vertical father always is if you're watching right now if you're in this room and you and that's your story you're not lacking anything you can do exactly what you're called to do with everything that you have right now regardless to what your horizontal father did i'm gonna say this probably a couple of times cause i can't i wrote this line in the back the reason your father is not perfect because you already got a perfect father he can't be perfect if your dad on this earth was perfect why would you need him i'll go over here so i got a friend who uh every time i see him i buy him a smart water and then the next time i see him i'm always disappointed i have a friend who recently came to jesus but he used to be on drugs a lot and he always called me with stuff you find in the bible but he called me pumped he was excited he's like dude did you know they got stoned in the bible it's like yeah but it's different it's different though then i hit him with a rock i went into this uh business and it was clear um it was pretty clear to me that they did not want to serve me because of the color of my skin um i'm not going back to that tanning salon this is the last time i'm going in there i was on this side of the bike people listen the only reason i went into the tanning salon is because i wanted to come out of botany salon yo i timed it perfect too i turned it perfect i'm walking out these two little white ladies walking in it's like yo they didn't calibrate they didn't they didn't calibrate tripple hey so this next joke let me tell you what's gonna happen i didn't do this whole thing i'll tell you what's gonna happen so i'm gonna do this joke and i'm gonna do the first part i really should i really should take a step when i do this joke first let me tell you the emotions you're gonna go through it's a two-part joke got two punch lines to it the first time you hear the first part you're gonna laugh really hard it's gonna be awesome first points line second punch line it's gonna confuse you you're not gonna know what to do you're gonna be like what should i do and technically i should be over here when i deliver it but i'm just gonna stay over here because this is funny so that's what you're gonna go through with this joke so here it is um so i think jesus was black hear me out um he walked on water but he didn't get in and they was only supposed to arrest him i'm gonna let you deal with that one for a little while so one of the things that blessed me a lot when as i read the bible is the um abraham the obedience of abraham i don't know if you abraham was dope like first of all like the father father is like he's the father not the but he's uh and he was everybody's father right so i mean adam but he messed up he did it the thing the blessing about abraham was the obedience of his household his name used to be abram and one day god changed his name to abraham and told him to go home and circumcise his entire household then the bible says he went on that very same day and did it even the servants that is obedience i'm just saying i don't know if i could have been a servant i had a couple questions first i'm like whoa whoa wait wait what happened what happened you said you changed your name well i don't think i know you didn't do it do i know you hold on man can we just talk for a second i'll just can we just talk first i just want to have a conversation hey can you stop sharpening the rocks while we talking man and stuff is distracting it's distracting me okay what exactly did god say his words please okay okay circumcise and the flesh of the foreskin you sure he didn't say your skin just go back up there and check man go back and check so this this game that i want to introduce you to and for for some of you guys this game will be it'll be easy to play and some of you it'll be a little complex it'll be hard but i really encourage you to play the game you're not going to play it now but i want you to play it when you go home or maybe even before you go home maybe you'll just sit in your chair at the end and just play this game until you come up with the answers necessary to win the game so i was uh i was sitting with some friends well not right friend i mean there's a group of guys like these business leader dudes and i'm the type of person i want to be around like whenever i have a group that i hang around on a regular i want to be like the second least smartest and the brokest here's the thing if you're the smartest person in your group you need another group so these dudes are doing big stuff business-wise christian like just some great people right and uh we just we're just kicking it at this we're eating food and kicking it and then somehow we got on the subjects of fathers and they started talking about their dads and guy number one talked about how his dad was always on drugs and when he was like nine years old his dad actually uh seven to nine years old his dad actually gave him some drugs and then his dad would take him out and show him how to buy drugs at nine years old and you can feel the tension in the room building then the next guy calling guy number two he speaks he said man my dad he always always cheated on my mom he said he said i'd have to be there with my mom while she's crying time after time she's in tears crying there's nothing i could do because she takes him back and he does it again and the third dude goes and i'm late so the third guy goes and he's like man my dad uh he said his dad remarried a woman who had a special needs child and instead of them taking care of the child they put it on him to take care of child and he just had disdain for his dad because he didn't get to have a childhood and i'm sitting here and i'm listening to him and i'm like man snap okay um and i come up with this idea in the moment i said hey you guys are blaming your dad for a lot of stuff and i got some stuff i could blame my dad too but let's do it a little different let's reblame let's just call this the reblam game because we're really good at blaming our dads for stuff that they did wrong but what if we did the reblam game and blade and blame them for stuff that they did that actually helped us whether they're aware of it or not i'll go first i said i blame my dad because now i look forward to cutting my son's hair because we laugh every time i couldn't have that experience with my son if not for the experience i had with my dad and i explained that to him and then the guy who's the guy in the middle who whose dad kept cheating on his mom he it was quiet for a good three minutes then he spoke up he said i never thought about this before he said but i blame my dad for the fact that under no circumstance would i ever he's been married for 32 years or so he said i've never ever even remotely considered cheating on my wife ever because i saw how much it hurt my mom and i can't put my wife through that i blame my dad that i'm that type of husband and i'm getting chills at this point so then the guy who had to raise the specialties sibling spoke up and he couldn't figure it out at first and then i had to tell him i said to him hey so he said i don't know what i could what what what my dad has done good for me i don't got anything i said so tell me about your business again he was like what do you mean because he owns a bunch of nursing homes and he trains people how to take care of special needs i'm like so what do and you could just see the light bulb go off like bling he said oh he had it never dawned on him the reason he is so good at what he does is because his dad put him in a position where he could love people in that way and now he does it on a on a mass scale and this dude starts to tear up i'm tearing up we all tearing up at the table i wanted to start talking about football but i ain't going to lose the moment then the guy whose dad gave him drugs when he was nine years old and would sell drugs with him and then his dad had died like two years earlier and he was hot livid couldn't stand he couldn't stand his dad at all i was like yo the other one of the billionaires because there was all of them's like billionaires well two of them he said to him he said so what about you man how do you reblame your dad he said i got nothing man my dad gave me drugs you want me to come up with something good that he did and he was he was getting a little upset he pulled away from the table i said dude it's just a it's a game you can't play it or whatever and i know this dude is super competitive i was like that's okay man if you just lost the game it's okay and then he's mad you can see the little jaw muscles flexing he didn't handle jaw muscles before i'm like where did stuff come from so so i asked him i said have you ever done drugs he said well you know my dad gave me drugs and said other than that as an adult have you ever done drugs he said i smoked weed one time i said so let me get this right how many businesses have you had he said he said nine i said so how many of them have gone bankrupt none of them he built a business he dug in and then he would sell the business and make a profit nine businesses so far and all of them sold for multiple millions of dollars i said i notice about you because when you start something you go all in he's like that's right i said but you started weed you started drugs and you could see you could see his shoulders just drop and he said i blame my dad the drugs are not a part of my life and it never will be see god will use anyone god has used your father to get you to where you are your earthly father you you can't have a perfect dad your dad here on earth cannot be perfect because you already got a perfect father you already have one so listen i want you guys to play this game i want you to do the math because for years some of you watching online to other campuses for years you've been blaming your dad for stuff he can't do this he never did this he wasn't there for me listen why is it that you are at all of your kids games why are you such an amazing dad is it because your dad wasn't there at all i think you should blame him for that because that's gonna be some freedom for you in a significant way and the bible calls us to honor our parents i'm gonna drop one more joke before we bounce so in my comedy people will always ask me they'll approach me sometimes be like michael jr what makes you laugh and what really makes me laugh really is uh awkwardness did you feel it just now it is the best like i'll look for awkwardness like i'll get on the elevator when there's like six or seven people in there i'll let the door close behind me and i won't turn around and they're like what floor i'm like it doesn't matter and then i'll say something random like it's tuesday but it's really friday and everyone gets off on the next floor then i just giggle my way to the top and then i go to the stairwell and i'm seeing people from the elevator and when i see them i'm like it's thursday and they go right back down the stairs it's the best man what about this you ever going to job interview and part way through you realize huh i don't want to work here at that point you should enjoy the process you don't want the job anyway just have fun they're actually weird questions tell me a little bit about yourself you're like you know what why don't you go first in fact how about this tell me where do you see me in five years because they always ask you those questions like tell me by the time you had a disagreement with a co-worker and tell me how you worked it out this is what you say oh yeah so i did some work it was really it was a hard project i did all the work and my colleague took credit for it they didn't do anything they took all the credit never even mentioned me so here's what i did i walked over to the cubicle uh fast forward here i am this is fun too this is fun too i use a phrase just for awkwardness i'll use the phrase the right way that most people use the wrong way it creates awkwardness and it's fun you gotta try this i'm telling you gotta try it here's what i do i walk up to i'll be out in public somewhere and i'll see a stranger somebody i don't know we never met before right there maybe 20 15 feet away from me and i'll say to him hey there a stranger i haven't seen you in forever which is true then i just walk off it is the best it'll be awkward while you're doing it when you get home you will be cracking up laughing and then 30 days later you'll be cracking up in your kitchen all over again seemingly for no reason but it's not for no reason because you know at that moment that person is thinking about you right now who was that at walmart that day by the way there's there's four words you can say at the end of any amazing story and people will believe it it can be a crazy story you say these four words people are going to believe it i got a story for you completely unbelievable check it out um i met a lady who had a tail for real actual lady she had a tail i was at walmart did you see what just happened you see what happened she was like no no i was at walmart oh yeah yeah yeah i know her i know her yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah why did you say that why don't you say that you should say walmart here's my theory i don't think the people at walmart are crazy i think what happens is when we go to walmart as soon as we cross the threshold we become those people i just i think that's what happens i think as soon as you cross a threshold three teeth fall out and you got on some bunny rabbit house shoes all of a sudden you're like what is this why do i got pajamas on i don't know what just happened try it go today try it just tell some crazy story and then ended with i was at walmart they're like oh you should have said that you should have said that all right so i'm gonna keep you all confused so meanwhile here's the reason i want you to play the no blame game is because you will be able when you get your horizontal relationship right and it doesn't have anything to do with the other person and have nothing to do maybe it's not a good idea for you to contact your dad great but it doesn't have anything that you don't have to contact this person in order to have your relationship right it doesn't have anything to do i mean that's great that's bonus and some of you should reach out to your dad there's probably some people watching you ain't talking to him in a long time and you're thinking i don't need him i don't need him well maybe it's not about what you need maybe it's about what he needs also i know there's some awesome fathers in here right now the fact you got your family in church with you is doggone dope like big ups to you that is awesome like for real so the reason i really want you to do this i want you to play the reblam game i want you to get free from whatever little the reason is is because you can hear god's voice so much clearer you can receive him so much better so much better i'm telling you the bible actually says don't come to the altar with some burdens with some with some unforgiveness and if you're a christian and you're unforgiving my friend said this once i got repeated it is beast and it's gonna hurt a little bit i'm gonna get way over here if you're a christian and you're holding some unforgiveness here's what you're saying god it's okay if you forgive them but my standards are just a little higher so me and my wife are looking at some old home videos recently and uh we came across this video of our youngest daughter being born it's not her being born because i'm not going to show you that video my wife would be like what in the world anyway my wife don't even talk like that she would have been like hmm help me understand my wife is amazing she wrote a book called before he finds you which is about women before oh she's just awesome amazing i'm pretty awesome too no no i was just talking to her so we're looking at this video it's a book of our it's a video of our youngest daughter being born let me set it up for you she's two and a half minutes old now i took this video but i never understood the power of it until i sat back and watched the video she's two and a half minutes old and it got her under a little uh chicken warmer little same one from the restaurant i don't know what kind of insurance we had but it was so they got under a little chicken warmer and about to and she's two and a half minutes old and the nurse is about to clean her up and she starts to cry i want you to notice what happens when she hears my voice okay look i'm right here it's okay it's okay i'm right here right here we're doing just fine it's okay it's okay i'm right here right here yeah it's okay it's okay baby that was pretty awesome so now it's probably i'm guessing maybe seven seven and a half minutes or so later the nurse is done cleaning her up she starts to cry i speak up and she stops crying again but i want you to notice what happens when i tell her i love her [Music] portland it's okay it's good it's good it's good i'm right here i'm right here i am right here i love you i love you i love you yeah i'm right here i'm right here it's okay it's okay so here's the thing there's going to be times in life where things seem extremely hard extremely hard maybe it's on the tail end of this pandemic or whatever you may be going through in life the key thing to do in those moments is to be still and listen for the father's voice because he is talking to you and what he wants you to know is he's right here he loves you all you have to do is open your eyes and when i say open your eyes [Music] if if you notice when my daughter when she opened her eyes she looked up literally looked up towards me it will cause you to cry often if you're only looking horizontally if you only look horizontally there's a lot of reasons to cry we got pandemics we got elections we got people mad we got racist we got all sorts of stuff as we look horizontally and if you want to continue to cry and be hurt just continue to look that way just continue to look horizontally at a father who wasn't there or a father who didn't live up to what you felt like he should a father who simply wasn't perfect but if you make the decision to go vertically with your look vertically with your answers you're going to find something pretty amazing you're going to find a good good father and you'll also find out that your father here on earth actually did and this is gonna be hard for some people to swallow but i know in this moment i'm supposed to say this and you need to work on receiving this your dad did the absolute best that he could somebody just thought right now you don't know what my dad did your father knows what your dad did your dad did the absolute best he could you don't even know what he had to go through to get where he got to [Music] so there's some people in this room who need to release their earthly father from your expectations this is where freedom is this is what it looks like when you open your eyes there's some people watching online or some people at the other campuses you need to release your earthly father from your expectations so that's what we're going to pray about i don't even pray at the end of my things no more like but we're going to pray so if everybody could bow their head close your eyes for a moment and if you feel i'm i'ma pray when you hear these words i want you to repeat them if you mean them if you can't if you don't mean them don't say them but work on it because you're not hearing the father's voice as clear as you need to as a result of this right here when you release someone from all expectations there's so much joy on the other side of that i know it sounds impossible to some people right now how do you release somebody from expectations god has no expectations on you the father has no expectations on you so repeat after me dear god right now i release my earthly father from the expectations i put on him i forgive him father i love you i want to hear your voice i know that you have made up for every area that he lacked i know that i'm stronger and i can do all things through christ who strengthens me i believe it and i receive it you are a good good father have your way in my life in jesus name amen [Music] listen there is some dog on freedom on the other side of that prayer we just did i don't know if y'all feeling it or not but there's some significant freedom on the other side of that prayer you just prayed and i want you to play the reblam game too like play it today don't bring your friends over you're gonna confuse them let's just remember when your dad slapped you no no no you're supposed to now you remember now you're a fight no don't mess it up just play the game for yourself and if you feel called share with somebody else if you feel called i love you guys i appreciate you thank you so much
Channel: CCV (Christ's Church of the Valley)
Views: 20,988
Rating: 4.8681316 out of 5
Keywords: christianity, faith, spirituality, church online, purpose, meaning of life, Jesus, Christ, God, church
Id: aKpdQ0Cfq90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 58sec (2698 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 21 2021
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