Michael's Misconceptions - The Office US

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i declare bankruptcy i'm not superstitious but i'm i am a little stitches well well well how the turntables we had to pay for it it cost us 3 500 5 300 for a dummy wow dwight betrayed me once before so this is his strike two you know what they say fool me once strike one but fool me twice strike three hey you know what this is disgusting this is like a witch hunt this is like the blair witch hunt project question may i be in charge of the party planning festivities not necessary the party planning committee is all over it they've been working 24 7 all day yesterday excellent michael you go to parties all the time why is tonight so special well tonight is so special because my boss's boss's boss the cfo not his initials common mistake is having a little shin dig for all the managers in the company frame it yeah it's illegal but everything they do on the shield is illegal i've never framed a man before have you oh i've framed animals before i framed a raccoon for opening a christmas present and i framed a bear for eating out of the garbage just seems awfully mean but sometimes the ends justify the mean tonight the scranton business park is having casino night and we are converting our warehouse into a full-blown gambling hall and i know it's illegal in pennsylvania but uh it's for charity and i consider myself a great philanderer what's the very very worst thing about prison don't encourage him dwight the worst thing about prison was that was the dementors they were flying all over the place and they were scary and then they come down and they suck the soul out of your body and it height i can't even say it h i oh my god r p e e you're calling to tell me that you have herpes no come here ah the product you're practical but my son returns where'd you get that wikipedia wikipedia is the best thing ever anyone in the world can write anything they want about any subject so you know you are getting the best possible information all right now oscar's feeling discriminated against by his co-workers primarily angela and um that's your fault i think angela might be gay could oscar and angela be having a gay affair no maybe is that what this is about no okay you know what i will not donate my winnings to comic relief since apparently it doesn't exist i am going to donate to afghanistanis with aids nope i think you mean the aid to afghanistan webster's dictionary defines wedding as the fusing of two medals with a hot torch michael scott calling for david we'll just tell him to call me asap as possible thanks i can already feel people's stress starting to melt i think they're very excited about paying their respects this way i've got to make sure that youtube comes down to tape this oh ho ho ho contraption she's contrapting okay you know what i think that i should drive you guys to the hospital and here is why i am a licensed class-c driver in the state of pennsylvania michael i gass up the car actually i put diesel in this time try to save some money michael shouldn't have done that happy to do it all right ready come on guys early worm gets the worm another worm like are they friend and i i just think all those people really uh helped the world in so many ways that it's um it's really beyond words it's really incalculable i suppose summer had to end sometime it's sad though because i had a great summer i got west nile virus lost a ton of weight then i went back to the lake hey stepped on a piece of glass in the parking lot which hurt that got infected even though i peed on it we had a ford and exchange student live with us when i was young and we called him my brother and that's what i thought he was um and then he went home to what is now formerly yugoslavia here it is heart of new york city times square named for the good times you have when you're in it today i'm headed over to the job fair at valley view high school to find some new interns want to get some fresh blood um euthanize this place you cheated on me when i specifically asked you not to no i did not i did not cheat on you january 3 2011 a day which will live in famously there were these huge bins of clothes and everybody was rifling through them like crazy and i grabbed one and it fit so i don't think that this is totally just a woman's suit at the very least it's bisexual i don't come up with this stuff i just forward it along you wouldn't arrest a guy who's just delivering drugs from one guy to another how about a toast to salad here's to good friends cheers cheers cheers hmm that was sort of an oaky after birth what was that they always say that it is a mistake to hire your friends and they are right so i hired my best friends and this is what i get am i going to tell them no i'm not going to tell them i don't see the point of that as a doctor you would not tell a patient if they had cancer but you're the one who picked it i am a victim of a hate crime stanley knows what i'm talking about that's not what a hate crime is well i hated it reverse psychology is an awesome tool i don't know if you guys know about it but basically you make someone think the opposite of what you believe and that tricks them into doing something stupid works like a charm stupid corporate wet blankets like booze ever killed anybody oh my god what according to the internet the tallest man in the world is chinese so much for keeping our secrets up high what's america gonna do i know what we're gonna do we're gonna put our best minds on it we have peanut butter in the kitchen i don't feel like peanut butter give me an ice cream sandwich nope not for you it's for your hair and it is 9am no dwight not the good peanut butter people are gonna get mad hey hey hey this is my hair we're talking about smells good tastes good too oh dawg that's disgusting wow a lot of calories well just don't leave it on too long keep massaging please oh yeah that's nice [Music]
Channel: The Office
Views: 1,459,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the office, the office full episodes, rainn wilson, john krasinski, steve carell, michael scott, the office fire drill, jim and dwight pranks, dwight schrute, jim halpert, jenna fischer, the office thug life, the office funniest moments, the office bloopers season 1, the office cpr, the office parkour, Best The Office Moments, michaels misconceptions, michaelceptions, michael scott botched sayings, how the turntables, im not superstitious, i declare bankruptcy
Id: rQwZ6z68gdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 09 2022
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