Michael Todd: Trust in God's Timing | FULL EPISODE | Praise on TBN

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that's where everybody um allows satan to work the most in where we are ignorant there you go we do not know what god says about something even if we know what culture says about it or our family says about it we are still ignorant because the ultimate truth is the word of god and once we know what god says about marriage what god says about how to raise a family what god says about how to deal with finances how to be generous all that other stuff that's when we get liked knowledge and the problem is the area that we are the most ignorant is the area that the devil has the most control [Music] praise comes to you today from transformation church in tulsa i normally don't kind of get uh this much information at the very beginning but this isn't the church no it's not the church this is the lobby this is the lobby of the church right now i love it so michael todd in case somebody has been living in a foreign country uh or off-grid in alaska and they don't know what has happened here in the tulsa area of oklahoma give us a g what happened here i mean it's going to be a long time all of a sudden you know this um this story has emerged i want to say to our audience we've been after this guy for a long time i'm going to say it a couple of times and michael tell us a little bit of your story get us get us caught up it's really an amazing thing that god's doing here well um thank you for this interview i believe this is gonna be fun um and for everybody that does not know my name is michael todd um i'm six one and a half i'm black i have uh three and a half children married to the most amazing woman in the world her name is natalie when's the fourth coming fourth is coming in june and it's four and no more we're done okay um the shop shut down but um i am a product of listening to god obeying and using what god has placed in my hand at the moment and doing the next thing i feel like god has called me to do um i am a pastor today but if you would have told me a decade ago that i would be a pastor i would have told you to your face you're a liar and you need to get away from me because i had no idea what god's plan was for my life i knew i was gifted in music and that's what i did i was a music producer and i had worked on major things and done stuff with famous people and was building this thing and it was almost like god was like yeah that was where i was starting you to give you some of the tools that i needed you but now i need you to bring all of that and i need you to bring it here and um i started out as the sound man in this church i was the sound man um in what at that time was called greenwood christian center and um i was just serving faithfully i was getting paid i believe 35 a week to uh help run sound and i went from being the sound man at this church to the lead pastor in four and a half years walking alongside of our founding pastor um pastor gary mcintosh and his beautiful wife that have been um in tulsa um for over three decades and and that's why i always say that what god is doing in your life is a continuation of what he was doing in somebody else's life there you go he's never just doing it in you he was doing um this this moment that i'm living out right now it was with my parents who moved here 30 years ago along with the founding pastor of greenwood 30 years ago to help another ministry that was prominent in our city um be formed and i was born into that and i just think about all of the conferences i was at and all of the meetings and prayer meetings and all these things when i wasn't paying attention but i was in the atmosphere that was going to produce my future and um i began to look at all of the moments where i was the um junior and senior class president in the first black mr edison and i was leading in a multi-ethnic school and i was raised in a multi-ethnic church and all of these different things and i would stand up in front of um my entire student body and make them laugh and be the guy who did all the pet rallies and stuff and i was like i don't have any formal training god said i've been training you this whole time yeah and i don't know who needs to hear this right now but at the moment you're in like the moment you're in it doesn't look like god's doing anything but what seems mundane and what seems normal and what seems like you do just because you're there that may be the very thing that god is using to shape you to train you and and to make you into who he's called you to be and matt laurie i am a product of moments where god used where i was to shape me and then he put me in a foreign environment i knew church from playing drums and being a part of plays and stuff like that but leadership oh no and i was on the fast track in leadership in this church where within a four four-year period not because i wanted the platform not because i wanted to be anything i was just serving where i was at and um i went from the sound man i started working with the youth and i went from working with the youth and doing a youth ministry called soulfly sold out free life youth and our mascot was a fly um i don't know where we fully got that from but it worked and we had thousands of young people coming from all over the city on sunday nights and i would do what i do on sunday mornings i would do to them in a season where god was allowing me to develop and that's why i always tell people like the dark the the not being seen the the nobody knowing who you are is on purpose because the dark room is for development you just think about it you guys know that that um right now all of us have cell phones and if we want to take a high quality picture we can pull out our cell phone right now and take it and have it but just a few years ago to get a high quality picture you would have to take the picture and then you would have to on the instant cameras roll it back and then after you took all your pictures you had to take the film out and take it to a place that had this one specific area a dark room because the dark room was for it to actually be developed and in um my life people think that i'm somebody that just came out of nowhere but i've been in the dark room for a decade come on now i've been i've been in a place with no exposure that god was developing me see if you if you get too much exposure too soon it ruins that image and i think the thing that in our generation where people are popping up it seems like some people are popping up but anybody who's an overnight success i always try to figure out how long have they been in the dark room yeah because the dark room is where god develops your character the dark room is where god keeps working those things out of you that that you still can be used on a platform but you know are nasty behind the scenes the dark room are the places that god begins to say change that stop hanging with those people and i was in that season and and then god decided for some reason to elevate me to being the executive pastor of our church and i said i i literally looked at our our um pastor and i said what does that mean he said i don't know but we'll figure it out together and he started inviting me into business meetings and to make day-to-day decisions and to help plan sermon series and to do all of this these different things in our our church that was planted in the hood of tulsa because our pastor had a vision to come there um tulsa though it's known for a lot of amazing things it has a very dark um history and um right now it's 2000 i mean 2021 this is the 100th year of um the race massacre that happened in tulsa if you look it up the tulsa race massacre race riots you can look that up and um there was a huge division racially in our city and if you don't know this um our our pastor um that founded this church is a white gentleman and he felt that god told him and his wife pastor debbie in 1999 to go to north tulsa and reverse the curse and that whole thing started on greenwood street so they named the church greenwood christian center and 16 years they poured their life into this and then they felt at some point i was supposed to be the one to help them with this journey and it's just funny how god works that they begin this process i become the executive pastor of the church and i'm about to leave to go to new york la to follow my passion in music because i felt like okay i've done the church thing i've helped my parents in ministry i've helped them in ministry now let's do something else and i came into that meeting and they said um we don't believe we have the vision for where this church is supposed to go next i say wow that that seems like something you really need to pray for and uh and and they say we think you do and i said oh oh no no i said i'm no no i'm sorry if i misled y'all this whole time i've been serving like i know i'm not supposed to be a pastor my words verbatim was i don't even like people that much that's what i said to them and he said but don't worry it's a five-year plan this is 2014. don't worry it's a five-year plan i was like okay good i i might have time to go back to seminary or just or try to figure out some things this is september 2014. i became the lead pastor february 1st 2015. lord have mercy six months later i become the lead pastor and all i know matt and lori is that there was a divine grace that came over my life on february 1st 2015 when me and my wife stepped into that role and we stepped in knowing that we didn't know anything except god was with us and when we doubled down that god was with us we said whatever comes whoever goes whoever leads we're going to do what god's called us to do and um at that point we were a church of about 300 people planted in the hood of tulsa in a converted grocery store and we decided to be faithful and in that moment of being faithful um we were met with all kinds of challenges anything that a regular church planner would go through we believe you're the man for the job but the wrong man for our family yeah people leaving people going people voting with their dollars and i had heard god say one thing to me so clearly she said you need to buy new cameras now i know that must be the most unspiritual thing that most people would would say and people left the church over my goodness but i stood up in front of our church and i said i with my knees shaking and i was like i know i heard god that we're supposed to buy new cameras i know we're supposed to raise eighty thousand dollars to be able to believe god and this was my faith at the time and there are people that sit in the audience right now that were there when we did this and by faith we raised that 80 000 and we got new cameras and i was like now what god and he said i just want you to put them on youtube and so from the time i became the pastor we just put my messages on youtube and only about you know 100 people would watch it most of them were my mom who's sitting in the front row right now mom thank you for you and your prayer group watching but i mean there was no traction there was no plan there was no marketing it was just obedience and i pastored our church and in 2017 something miraculous happened it was it was a moment where god challenged me to be obedient and do less i can remember it like it was yesterday 2015 and 16 we saw a little bit of growth but it was nowhere near um what we we planned on and what we thought god was going to do in 2017 after having our best year ever at the time god said you need to do less you need to find the pace of grace i was like what in the world are you talking about a huge message yeah yeah i love this i was like i'm i'm only doing a little bit compared to them and them and them and god said no for what i've called you to do you see so many times we compare our seed to somebody else's harvest yep and we start trying to compare where we are in this moment to what god is trying to do in our lifetime and god said you're doing too much you need to slow down and i'm sitting there on december 5th um 2017 and i'm with some of our staff members in what we call the stratop at the time and um tim ross um our oversight pastor stands up and says you know what god has been so good to you guys in the past two years most churches have never seen this amount of growth and i'm sitting there thinking like we ain't done nothing this is nothing and he said but it's unsustainable you need to slow down and the word god gave me was stride s-t-r-i-d-e which means to walk in long decisive steps in an intentional direction wow and i began to search all of the scriptures about jesus walking everywhere and you don't i mean if i was the son of god and i i could stand outside of time and i knew there would be teslas and i knew there would be horses and i knew there would be segways i would at least had some technology to help me get from city to city but where you find jesus is he always walked everywhere he walked everywhere and as i begin to search i mean at least the only time we find him on a horse is at um the the the end of his of of his um ministry in the idea but the only animal we find him on is a donkey yeah which is a walking animal and i begin to think about why did jesus do that it's because if you had three years to do everything you were called to do to turn the world upside down our culture would tell us hustle grind make it double it ten exit all of these different concepts but jesus walked he found the pace of grace he was graced for a specific pace it allowed him to walk with others that if he would have ran everywhere they would have missed moments that miracles happened they would have they would have not been able it all sums up in the moment where the man comes to jesus and says my daughter is dying will you come and jesus says i'm coming but he walks how do we know he walks because a woman who had been suffering with the issue of blood for 12 years was able to reach out and touch him she was in pain and he was going in a pace that he that he was slow enough that she could touch him and i know the man was like yo hurry up like culture is telling us hurry up my dream is dying my my my my ambition is dying and it's trying to hurry us but god went at a pace that he knew he was grace for because he was going to heal the girl who was 12 years old and the woman who had been suffering for 12 years in the same day coming and found the pace of grace beautiful i'm getting excited already on this thing right now what culture is telling us to do is strive s-t-r-i-v-e use all your effort and energy use all your networking smooth your way to the top and god says hey promotion comes from me and when we made that decision to cut back in 2017 it wasn't with some promise on the line it wasn't with like if you do this then i'm going to do this god was challenging my heart it was almost like he was saying i just want to know that you trust me and that you'll obey me no matter what i tell you to do in 2017 august i preached a sermon series called relationship goals and relationship goals did the same thing as every other sermon that i did the 50 to 100 people with my mom and her group watched it and that was it december god said for me to do less stride and i'm sitting there twiddling my thumbs december 22nd 23rd a young lady on twitter and i didn't even have a twitter at the time um she posted a two-minute clip of relationship goals that we had done a few months earlier and two million people watched it in 48 hours and in that moment i still didn't know what was happening me and my wife i remember we're at p.f chang's like eating and i'm getting 10 000 instagram followers a day and i'm like what is going on and black panther had just came out and so i thought they thought i was michael b jordan or somebody like that but i mean it's just all of these different things it's because we didn't even have all of the technical things you needed to be a professional ministry we didn't have a working website and all we had when these people were like i want to see this whole message i want to know what happened all we had when they searched in google michael todd relationship goals all that came up was youtube and all the videos for two and a half years that we had put on youtube and those cameras those cameras that god told me to buy at those people that the people walked away from us and at that moment wow at that moment god took my obedience step almost three years earlier and used it as the catalyst for getting this message to the world and people begin to watch relationship goals and binge watch it like netflix there's eight parts to it and we went from 1800 youtube subscribers to like 200 000 in 60 days and things started happening and people started calling and when i was in my 21 days of prayer and fasting um because that just happened um at that moment i was praying and god said take two engagements a month this year and i said two engagements a month i said last year i only had four people ask me to come speak anywhere god knew the pace that i needed to go at to be graced for what he called me to and within about six months 1800 um speaking engagements requests came in from all over the world and we ended that year doing less than 12 engagements because i had learned from this moment the value of the pace of grace okay i love it that segment was a world record by the way because you gave a testimony and preached two different sermons inside of it and by the way if you just tuned in michael todd is giving us the storyline the behind the scenes version of what god does to someone that is faithful in the little so that he can make you steward over much and and we're we're here you know at this amazing transformation church we're not actually in the church we're in the lobby of the church okay so this would be an impressive church okay wow the the church we're gonna show you by all sorts of you know we got some b-roll and we've got all that kind of stuff and this entire program we're going to be kind of featuring really an amazing story michael and by the way we've been after you for a while okay so i'm gonna say i'm glad to be here this is okay a god moment hey everyone i gotta tell you about something really cool that just happened i was just preaching for pastor michael todd and during worship i got this strong strong word from the lord god gave me a word for you during worship [Music] god is calling you to be on television i know it with all of my heart it's simply another vehicle [Music] he doesn't call many people to this but a lot of people do it and today i want to put a mantle on you that god put on me that your face will be in every living room and that you are be to be a prophet to the nations and so lord i speak this over him today and i declare on him this mantle and the ability to bear this mantle as a i i call him through the holy spirit to be a prophet to the nations from this day forward in jesus name amen [Applause] god actually called me to be on television when i was 20 in tbu back in about 1981 you made your first appearance in this studio yes and what happened sitting in a chair right about where you are now god spoke to me and said uh i'm calling you to to be on television and i felt this anointing i i felt the power of god strongly and at that time after that program uh your father told me they'd had more salvations in that program than they'd ever had on the program and that was when the holy spirit said to me i've called you to do this because you can reach a lot of people through this media my goodness so wow afterward he told me he said just two days ago matt and laurie were here filming our debut for tbn we've signed the contract we're going on tbn we start this month what a god even i had no clue about him going on television i had no clue about matt and lori being there and god impressed me so strongly i said today god is putting a mantle on you to be on television he has now landed on tbn we're so proud monday through friday 7 00 pm eastern and we've done a couple little clips that'll introduce you to michael todd give you a little taste of what he's all about watching hey i don't know if you heard but your boy is on tv in every single day and i want you to join me i wanted to let go but it didn't let go of me one of the things that i found is when god gives vision many of us are treating it as cheap suggestions i want you and everybody you know to join me for transformation with mike todd only on tv [Music] i don't know why it's not much bigger on the front but it this is a new york times number one bestseller book all to the glory okay so i'm not sure i'm not sure we're talking about anything that's ever been done before michael and it feels like you're halfway through the story because now you got to kind of tell us about what we're here you know and what's happening here because all of a sudden we started hearing about a young man who had blown up the internet and and then all of a sudden ended up buying the convention center in town and okay that's a that we're here to get this story because we want more michael todd's to come out and buy their convention centers we want we want this to happen globally we want what's happening to you and you're almost telling us how to do it so the way to do it is to not want it like like that's the difference between what we have and what we were going for i was going for god and i got this and and i think that's what people they go for the this and and hope god comes yeah hope god bless hopefully this was you god but i'm going for this i'm going for the social media fame i'm going for the big church i'm going to break all of the records for a church planner i'm going for the business records and i never went you will not find anywhere written down that i want to be uh a pastor that does this and that does this i never wrote that down god i just want to be in your will i want i want to i want to know your purpose for my life like i need to know what god has called me to do and this is the thing that i tell people all the time don't fulfill your potential fulfill your purpose yeah all throughout our childhood we're told to fulfill our potential but that's actually not a smart thing to do when when your focus is jesus because jesus had all the potential in the world he could have been the caesar he could have been a roman soldier he could have been whatever he wanted but when he climbed up on that cross and gave up his life what was his word it is finished not his potential his purpose and i don't know who needs to hear this but you're in the middle of something right now and you've been trying to fulfill all of these things that you're good at and god said it may be good but is it me is it a good thing or a god thing and many times that means we're gonna have to divorce what our degree says what our family has told us what we've spent all this time doing it's because my purpose may be raising those kids my purpose may be writing a book that only 300 people are able to read but those 300 people then go on to turn the whole world upside down my purpose may be serving in that local church in an area that doesn't get the platform but is able to instill into people the true love of god it's not about the thing that provides the greatest platform it's the thing that god looks at and says that's what i purposed you for and for me my story i'm still discovering who i am as i walk in purpose i don't know where i'm going to be five years from now 10 years from now 15 years from now because i never saw any of this i never wanted any of this but when it's given to me now it is my responsibility to steward over it you're following a uh a pathway here yeah and and god gave you you know something to write down so explain what this is and how you were kind of showing it to us a little earlier so i don't feel like i'm doing something that's great i feel like i'm a part of something that god's doing that is great and um when i became the pastor with my beautiful wife natalie on uh february 1st 2015 37 days later i'm in my quiet time probably crying asking god what am i doing help me and and all i hear is write this down and i pull out my computer and this document is what i wrote down and the first thing i said is the spirit bank event center will be transformation church my goodness and i i i tell people all the time god um tells us to write the vision and make it plain and he'll take it even with mistakes i smelled transformation wrong if you can see it i i had poor of editing skills but i just tried to get an image of what god said and i leave it like this to let people know all you have is all you need yeah god's not looking for perfection he's looking for progression there you go and i wrote down these things that the spirit bank event center will be transformation church and all these other things and it was march 9th 2015 at the bottom you guys can see it it says 7 29 a.m in bella's room and i wrote this down 30 something days after i became the lead pastor we had less than 300 people coming to the church we had no more than 15 000 in the bank account we had no this was crazy this was not a oh we can see this happening down the road we were in a converted grocery store that we had just paid off and we're just trying to hire people and god gave me a vision of the future and um i honestly forgot about it because the only instruction he gave me is when you get to a thousand people begin to pursue this well with them 300 people that kept coming and leaving i thought we were going to be there forever and and and literally i begin to go through this process of just pastoring and holding on to what god said i told my mom i told my wife to one other person and it's very important who you tell when god gives you a faith dream when he gives you a fake because some people would have killed it they all looked at me a little crazy but they didn't they didn't shoot my uh my faith down and when this relationship goes thing started moving people started finding out about the church people started driving from neighboring cities to come to our church we went from in 2018 we went from one service to five services in that location it about killed me um um i mean we were preaching and people were coming in it was lined up back on the highway we had cops people parking in the grass parking down neighborhoods it was just crazy and i'm like what is going on i said god i need another building god show me what we need to do he said i already gave you the plan oh my gosh that's you already could you tell me again send the email again cause i i don't i don't and i totally forgot about it in one day in prayer so strongly the holy spirit said i gave you the plan in bella's room and i had i had forgot about it and i was like hold on i remember i did a document and i had to search a different hard drive and this thing came up and as soon as i saw it i mean the spirit of god welled up on the inside of me in faith i called my mom i said i know what we're supposed to do i need you to agree in prayer with me we were looking at different buildings and old kmarts and old sears building and said i'm done with the polls i don't want no more polls because this has to be a place where we can film and and be i just saw all this because god gave it to me when we had nothing yeah i come to the building i said give me a meeting with the people and they said it's not for sale god um i thought she just told me that i'm supposed to uh and he said believe my word i want you to walk in crazy faith i want you to believe me even if it doesn't look like it and when i tell you we begin a process of what i thought at the moment was a setback it was a setup in this moment where we couldn't get in the building more people were coming more people were donating more people were being a part and it was giving us the resources to when god did open up the building we would be able to step right into it i can't um tell you how excited i was the day they told me they were closing on the building and 10 minutes after they started the closing the funding fell through with the company that they were closing on and because we had been persistent in asking them every week is it available today i mean we were just like just persistent in prayer and persistent in our pursuit and they called us and that was on a monday me and the team came over here we walked the building and said everything looked okay huh does everything look okay and and more than did it look okay i already knew what god said yeah it wasn't even if i knew that everything was right and everything i knew what god had said and he had opened the door we put the earnest money down on a tuesday the people who had um um been in negotiations came back with full funding on friday but they couldn't get it because we already had it tied up come on now and they and this is the crazy thing about it it even gets crazier the man that wanted to buy the building came to me and said i'll give you a million dollars to walk away from it and i said no man i got a word from god he said i'll give you a million dollars and free usage of the auditorium for five years if you walk away from it i said man i really think that we're supposed to have it he said 2 million i said well um let me think about that you know but then i told them i said no i said if if you want it that bad and god gave me a word i know we're supposed to own it for the kingdom of god and at that moment um we begin that process we told our church and uh i did this whole thing i got the keys the keys the keys and we begin to shout in victory we put six million dollars down on this building that was built for 54 million dollars 975 car garage that's mike why are you saying the numbers because i want you to know how impossible this was yeah like i want you to know how unlikely this was for us we bought the building for 10.5 million dollars they put a brand new roof on the whole thing come on they gave it to us they fixed stuff they gave us two million dollars of furniture tvs and everything that came with the building and we were able to move into this building in september 2019 paid it off in december 2019 so in five months we paid the whole building off and we're able to burn the mortgage at our church anniversary to the glory of god come on now yeah i can i can t you know interesting thing i i i love the idea that your due diligence on buying this monstrous facility was basically walking in and walking back out and putting the money down the next day love that um crazy faith all i know is you have a really great lobby this is the lobby of transformation church we are in tulsa and our guest all one hour michael todd who is appearing on tbn daily 7 pm eastern and i can report that your numbers are climbing wow glory to god yeah and so basically when we put your television signal into what we call our play out facility and hit play it hits a whole bunch of satellites it goes over the two big oceans by fiber by all sorts of stuff and people in africa are watching people in europe are watching people in asia are watching people in india are watching south central america and we just know that this kind of thing is speaking to people literally all over the world everyone wants to have impact for the kingdom and if they're chasing the wrong thing they're not gonna they're not gonna get there yes sir this was given to you by god and now we're sitting here yes sir okay so that was that was march 9th 2015. and now we are sitting in the lobby of that building and uh your testimony is hit another phase you've hit another milestone in your in your road but i love what i've heard i've heard for the last 30 to 40 years god has been grooming me for this oh yeah and and all the steps along the way it's so funny i was sitting with all the kids last night at dinner and i said it might take decades before you know why something happened you know so don't ever don't ever get weary and well-doing god will do something and and your lack of wanting or needing all this and and your faithful steps of obedience along the way that's few and far between yeah yeah the people that do that but i know that there's so many people yearning for that there's so many mike todd's out there watching that that don't need a limelight but have a something on the inside just like you did the encouragement that i would give them is be faithful in what is before you today because it opens the door for tomorrow and most people are looking at tomorrow enduring today like i want that and so i got to do this instead of i'm fully focused on this and god's got that and i believe that is why my mantra is over and over all you have is all you need god knew we didn't need a professional website he just knew we needed youtube and so that's all we had and from that moment and cameras and cameras but but do you see what i'm saying like every step of the way now god knows for what if we wanted we needed all of this right we didn't have an led light on our phone four years ago and now we're sitting in the lobby of the church with leds everywhere because he knew how i needed to present the gospel for where he was taking it we didn't have it until we needed it and i just would encourage people right now if you're serving that youth group or serving in that that um um senior citizens home or if you're serving your family or if you're serving um the vision god's called you to do and you don't see the progress yet it's okay god's got tomorrow you got to work today like if you work today and you're faithful over today and you pray over today and you find joy in today god says the birds don't worry about tomorrow it got enough worries of itself but be focused right here in today and i just want to let everybody know that our faith today matters to god and i'm sitting here with you guys and i've seen tons of interviews y'all have done with all kinds of people i'm kind of in an out-of-body experience at this moment because i never dreamed of being here but god knew i would be here uh i remind you we've been after you for a while so uh there's i'm just sitting here a while a while ago could have been here a while ago we're with michael todd not only did this book go to the new york times number one bestseller it's brand new companion book so i want to jump into a theology thing we were watching a video and you said something really interesting you said he's called the prince of darkness okay so satan is the prince of darkness and he said the word darkness is ignorance so he's the prince of ignorance so good okay i really like that yeah okay so how do you just just preach your fourth sermon now on praise and give us a little bit of where you were at and what you're talking about with satan being the prince of ignorance well i think the whole concept is that that's where everybody um allows satan to work the most and where we are ignorant there you go and we do not know what god says about something even if we know what culture says about it or our family says about it we are still ignorant because the ultimate truth is the word of god and once we know what god says about marriage what god says about how to raise a family what god says about how to deal with finances how to be generous all that other stuff that's when we get liked knowledge and the problem is the area that we are the most ignorant is the area that the devil has the most control and that's why when we talk about race there's people who are ignorant in that and that's why the enemy can come in and divide nations and divide businesses when people are ignorant on what god says about um resources and stewardship that's where the enemy is able to bring people when people don't know that they're actually loved by god then they start going and searching for um comfort in richard and then ricardo and then ronaldo and then and then everybody else it's because they're ignorant and that's where the enemy is able and that's why i believe it's so important for me to bring the light or god's word the gospel to every situation not just um the things that we're used to talking about in church if you've ever seen a transformation church um service or experienced it live we talk about everything everything from pornography to what god says to do with finances to um me having cheated on my soon-to-be wife before we got married to healing to deliverance to prophecy why because it all matters yeah because we're all walking through it and we need christ his light his knowledge in the middle of it because that makes the enemy powerless because he's only strong where we're ignorant new questions that was your that was your fourth time um here's a new one when jesus said on the cross it is finished yes sir what did he finish he finished in my um um exposition of the word he finished what god purposed for him to come to earth to do to give us an opportunity to get back in right relationship with god okay he finished the opportunity like he said it is do you know jesus died on a maybe like there was no guarantee that people would accept him wow he did it for just the opportunity that somebody could be made right with god oh my goodness and for me the reason why that's so important is because i was raised in church i have amazing parents but i chose a lot of wrong things i mean i was addicted to pornography i was a liar i was a manipulator i had a potentially felony case for car insurance fraud this ain't decades ago this is like in the last 10 years like there were all kinds of things not while you've been senior pastors not senior pastor but youth pastor i ain't going no shame in my game like like i'm i'm telling you the reason why i'm this authentic is because god doesn't bless who you pretend to be come on now he blesses who you really are and there are so many people out here and so many people that might be watching me that you think that god's in the facade but he's in the real you she only wants to bless you from where you are right now and even though it may be ugly to other people when i had to stand before my church as a youth pastor and say i made a mistake i got in an accident and i tried to call geico 15 minutes or less and it almost cost me 15 years or more like do you understand what i'm saying like i had to get up i had to earn it because it doesn't take away the consequences but god's grace will allow you to not have to suffer under the shame and the guilt of that thing and it used that moment i preached the message locked up they won't let me out and i talked about the grace of god god wants to use everything come on now if you would be authentic and actually used the bible says we overcome him the enemy the prince of ignorance and darkness by what the blood of the lamb that's what jesus did on the cross but the words of our actual testimony not the fake one you made up not the one you post on instagram or facebook but what really happened and i believe that's why god is blessing this ministry jesus said i've come to seek and save the lost he said i've come to destroy the works of the devil on the cross he said it's finished if the devil is defeated by jesus and he has the redemptive work is complete why do we in 2021 blame the devil for anything the problem with this is the victory is ours if we show up for the fight and the problem is there are too many believers that have left the belt unclaimed okay it step into the ring yeah no weapon formed against you shall prosper when you stand up in the name of jesus you have already been given the victory all the enemy can do is bark like he won but he has no teeth you ever met a dog and it'll scare a lot of people right until somebody is brave enough to step on that puppy and say come here and then he's just that is what has happened in the great story of humanity where god has come in and rescued us won the ultimate victory and the devil's still barking and suggesting and trying to say but if you would just stand up the victory is already ours we have already won the victory and that's what i encourage people to do to stand up in the victory that god has already won for us and claim that jesus christ is lord we like to say we don't pray for victory we pray from victory and and when when when jesus was basically you know in his ministry when he was finishing his ministry when he was on the cross it it it almost feels like some people if you don't know anything about jesus you're lost yeah if you know about jesus as the redeemer and accept that you can be redeemed if you know about jesus who said by my stripes you're healed or the isaiah said it and prophesying about jews and and so if you don't know that jesus heals if you didn't know you know think of the stories in the in the book of acts we know of the baptism of john we know of the baptism of jesus we don't know about this baptism of the holy spirit we don't know about that one tell us that one see so it's what you know it's that ignorance thing it's like you know you'll know the truth the truth the truth will make you free if you don't know the truth that's that's why i feel like where god has positioned me um in the body of christ today and the small sliver that i play is to represent god to lost people and found people so they can be transformed in christ i want to talk to the guy who's never set foot in church and can't stand the idea of being controlled and let him know that god loves him so much and i want to go to the mother of the church that's been there for 45 years that has been stagnant in her walk with god to be able to become alive again and be able to do the things that god has purposed for them we have the greatest story ever told yeah and we gotta tell it again and again and again because more people need to know what christ has done how it affects them and how it can affect them for generations to come we're sitting here today because of what your parents knew what my parents knew and what they gave to us and so i'm gonna tell i'm gonna tell the whole world until i can't speak it feels like uh one of the main themes uh that we're kind of hitting on here even though we're kind of moving around doing stuff is one of the themes that relationships can't be right until you have one relationship correct yeah i i tell people all the time i said that all of our relationships need to be um certified by the manufacturer um there is one who came into relationship with himself father son holy spirit and said let us make man in our image and then the two became one and all of these things that we see about relationship were made by a manufacturer i have an iphone if my iphone breaks i don't go to honda to fix it right cause honda did not manufacture my iphone and it's so crazy that in today's society we all have relationships but we try to go to reality tv to fix it if we try to go to culture to fix it we try to go but i'm saying let's go back to the originator of all our relationships let's aim at a relationship with him and make that a goal and out of that relationship all our other relationships will actually be able to win in and that's why i'm telling people we got to help them win in relationships those that are viewing right now that you just spoke to some of them the the the guy that doesn't ever want to walk in church there's there's a lot of people that stopped and and is going this this young man's got something to say here the the idea that there are people viewing now that need that one relationship right why don't you look at them and explain that to them and lead people to jesus so the thing that you need to know is that i'm sitting here as a flawed man i'm sitting here as somebody that has experienced the grace of god i was a liar a manipulator addicted to pornography i had a lot of dark things in my heart and this is not a long time ago i never wanted to be a pastor god saw my purpose and he said with all of that i'll still use you he he literally saw my flaws and he said i can deal with that i know what religion tells you to quit all the habits and then come to god but what god says is give me your heart and i'll help you change the habits today i am inviting you into the one thing that transformed my life it's the thing that took me from being a person that was horrible to a person that is healing from a person that was concerned with perfection and now a person that is only concerned with progression today what god wants to do is come into your life and transform you and if for no other reason that you're watching this today is your day of salvation it's not tomorrow that's not promised to us but right now in this moment i feel the power of god coming to invade your home this is not an accident this is a setup and i'm telling you when you invite jesus into your life it transforms you from the inside out this will be your best year ever if it is your best year spiritually and god's saying let me come in and help you and right now there are people that are broken and hurting and maybe you've been with god for a while and you're saying but i need a fresh fire this is for you too right now in this moment right now i want you to just lift your hands all over the world wherever you're watching this there is no distance in what god's about to do he's right there with you right now and if you want to pray this prayer of salvation i want you to repeat after me and as a matter of fact i want everybody to say it for the benefit of those who are coming to christ we're a family here at tbn and we want to see god do something so miraculous in our lives come on let's pray together somebody say god god thank you thank you for sending jesus for sending jesus just for me just for me today today i know i know i need a savior i need a savior and i choose you and i choose you i believe you lived i believe you missed you died you died and you rose again you rose again just for me just for me so change me change renew me you knew me transform me transform i'm yours i'm yours in jesus name jesus amen amen can we give god some praise right now i want to let you know that all of heaven is rejoicing over one person that made that decision this is not about us just counting you as a number this is that your name is written in the lamb's book of life and i'm telling you that everything in your world is about to transform pray for people's relationships yes sir and and healing for people i feel that come on now father in the name of jesus we pray for every person who is dealing with the relational tension trauma or stronghold father god there are people that have been trapped in situations that father god have literally been trying to take them out and father there are people that there needs to be healing so that love can come back into their relationships we're not just talking about romantic relationships god but we're talking about relationships between mother and father mother and son and and and daughter and father father god family relationship god i'm asking you for co-workers and business partners god i'm asking you that you are the god that will show us how to do relationships well father let us go back to your word which is the manual to life that is the truth and father let us get light or knowledge in every area of what your word says father i thank you that forgiveness will begin to run rampant in relationships in the name of jesus father that you would bring people into divine humility father god that the only way we can have successful relationships is walking humbly in meekness father god and i'm asking you as we sit in this moment that you are bringing back to people's minds right now what they need to do who they need to talk to what needs to be said and who they need to let go i'm praying for a divine release thank you lord that people will begin to release the offense begin to release the pressure begin to release father god all of the ox that have been held god i'm asking you to do a healing work from the inside out do it on the heart level do it on the soul level the mind the will and the motions father if it doesn't show up on instagram or facebook father let it show up in us father god and i'm thanking you that you would do a major work in the lives and let you and your love be our number one relationship goal and i thank you out of that everything else would flow in jesus name we agree glory to god from the lobby of transformation church here in tulsa michael todd jesus flows out of you beautifully thank you so much you know just beautifully you're a product of not just the last few years there's your mom and daddy sitting right over here you know they're over there just uh uh cheering you on we are all a product of the the previous generation and you know just think of what we're doing that we we we are reaping a harvest in many fields we never had to sow into that is that is the product of what god is trying to do god is a generational guy yes he never did anything for one generation the problem is many people stop being focused on god and they started doing their own thing and as i sit here um three miles up the street from the church higher dimensions that birthed me in and we're doing multi-ethnic ministry and multi-generational ministry um pastor pearson was the pastor that i saw that in my parents came here 35 years ago to help him start that church our founding pastor pastor gary they all were in that thing together and to sit here three miles away from on the same street from where azuza and all of these things where people would come and the platform that td jake's um ministry started to um blossom all of that other stuff and i'm sitting here just a twig on the branch of what god has been doing in this city for over three decades i'm honored i'm humbled i mean even the past that your parents and that ministry had and all the different connections we are a part of his story not just history but his story and he's trying to do something and i just am i'm grateful to be a part of it michael todd 7 p.m eastern right here daily on tvn every monday through friday yeah michael welcome to the church of tbn and thank you for ministering to the people around the world we love you we love you too this is just the beginning we'll see you next time from the main church not just the lobby at tbn our mission is to use every available means to reach as many individuals and families as possible with the life-changing gospel of jesus christ thank you for helping make the gospel of grace go around the world without you we couldn't do it god bless you
Channel: TBN
Views: 605,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: michael todd, michael todd relationship goals, michael todd arm wrestling, michael todd anchored, michael todd vs devon larratt, michael todd sermons, michael todd vs travis bagent, michael todd forgiveness, michael todd vs levan saginashvili, michael todd crazy faith, praise, praise on tbn, god's purpose for me, relationship goals, tbn, trinity broadcasting network, trinity broadcasting network live, tbn live, matt crouch, t8b2n6, 8t2b6n, tbn826, 826tbn, matt and laurie crouch, pray
Id: OmhX8l7EAtU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 55sec (3415 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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