Michael Todd: Ask God What He's Trying to Say | TBN

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i don't know who i'm talking to right  now but i'm giving you practical ways   that you can hear for your family and your god  how to be anchored in this year you've got to   get the puzzle piece of his presence and his  pattern and it has to be practical and this is   the thing that i love about god is that when  god speaks something he will be persistent and this is how you get those puzzle pieces  to come together the first thing that happens   when i go to get vision and this is how we  got to anchored as i get in god's presence   you never get a word from god without him actually  being there his presence it's not a gift he sends   in the mail it's a gift he gives as he's there  with you it is his presence my wife loves gifts   that i get her but she would take back every  purse and every piece of shoe and every gift   i would ever for my actual presence and i feel  like the church has been so enamored with gifts oh they seem good the gifts they  preach good that they have settled for   gifts instead of his presence if the  note is off and he's there it's all good   you see they don't want that one because at  the minute we might sacrifice excellence but   we get his presence do you know some of  the most amazing times i've had with god   had no led screens attached to it had no  good sound the times when god checked me   and changed me and transform me i wasn't in a  ritz called and i was at a best western 79-99   do you unders i'm just trying to say that if you  do not put value on his presence you're missing a   piece of the puzzle and for you to be anchored  this year you're going to have to get in his   presence that's why we're spending 21 days praying  and fasting and i'm encouraging everybody that's   still tuned in because some of people tuned off  because the appetite went up we just went from   mcdonald's into ruth crist and some of y'all have  had an appetite spiritually for fast food and what   god is saying is i'm about to change your palate  i'm about to bring you up to steak potatoes shrimp   and lobster and some people can't eat that all  the time because they've been used to eating   things that are processed but i'm coming to give  you the actual organic word of god and what god   has for you will not come without his presence  and honestly you should be ignorant enough to   say i'm not good enough without his presence  so if your presence is not with me i won't go   let me stop i'm encouraging somebody these  last seven days of praying fasting get on this   join us 170 000 plus people have downloaded  this youversion bible app but 170 000 people   haven't done it i can bet that i'll bet  my own life on it because we would rather   have the appearance of god doing something in  our life than actually his power moving in our   life and the only way that changes is through his  everybody say presence and so when i went away and   i got in god's presence this has been a number two  thing you need to the puzzle piece is a pattern   see i want to be super practical right now  as a lot of people get in his presence but   they have not made it a pattern yet so it's  so sporadic that god's trying to get on your   calendar like can i get okay no i blessed him too  much he ain't got time for me okay um so can i oh   no they just got in a relationship okay so i was  gonna say okay and if you do not make it a pattern   to make time to spend with god then you miss the  nuances of the pattern that god wants to give you   the reason that my staff and my team know  that we're going to have a word every year   is since 2015 it has been a pattern why is pastor  mike gotta go for a month and a half two months   because he has a pattern with god that the  rest of our year is different because he   keeps to the pattern some of you in your  marriage need to have a pattern of a date night   your children are suffering because the love in  your house is sucked out because you only are   business partners now and god says it's because  you do it without my presence and you lost the   pattern and i'm just asking you practically where  are the areas in your life that you have drifted   away from the pattern remember 2020 is the year  of the anti-drift and i'm gonna talk about that   next week but i gotta lay this foundation that  we need his presence but we need a pattern   and as i go away for that week and  just ask god what he's trying to say   i do another pattern that's under my pattern  of going away i always ask god for wisdom   this is one of the things that i don't care who  you are and if you just joined the faith today   that god says that as you are one of his children   you can ask for wisdom james 1 5 and 6 says if any  one of you lacks wisdom let him ask god not google   wrong g some of y'all are so quick to  ask the wrong g about your situation it says ask god watch this who is faster than  a search engine and gives it generously to all   without reproach he doesn't factor in your past  he doesn't factor in the last time you didn't   listen to him he doesn't factor in any of that  he says he'll give it willingly without reproach   and it will be given it will be given him  but let him ask there's a caveat with faith   with no doubting for the one who doubts is  like a wave ooh sounds like they need an anchor   the one who asks that doubts is like a wave of  the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind   god's saying if you're gonna  ask me drop your anchor in faith   and know that if you ask me for wisdom i'll  give you wisdom for your marriage i'll give   you wisdom for the business i'll give you wisdom  for what house and neighborhood to live in yeah it   looks depreciated right now but you don't know  the city's talking about redoing this area and   the reason i told you to buy the house now and it  seems cheaper than what you want because it'll be   three times that two years from now if you would  just listen i'm telling you i'll give you wisdom   but wisdom comes from his presence and a  pattern so as i went to that hotel this year   and i asked god for wisdom then i want to  give you the third puzzle piece to really   getting a word from god a vision from god getting  anchored in your own life is it will be practical god does not live up in this ethereal  realm he says that i work in the details   of my children's life so his presence creates  a pattern that will come out practically   and i know this is not the teacher  because every pastor wants you to   feel like they smarter than you let me tell  you very clearly i'm not smarter than y'all many of you have more actual knowledge  more things in your head than i ever will   the one thing most people can't mess with me  on is that i am practically looking for god   everywhere you might know about him i know  him i can see him at ihop i can see him   i can see him as i'm walking down the street i can  see him and a homeless person i can see him in a   beat i can see him in a movie i can see him in a  camera i can see him the whole earth is the lord's   and most of y'all look for him on sunday   and i see him in everything so when god gave me  his presence and i had a pattern god spoke to   me and he said michael open your eyes and look  i'm going to speak something in your conscience   and i i want to show y'all i thought it would  be better today to show you how we're here and   what god wants to do than just to talk to you  about it it was in august august 7th i woke up   and i pulled out my phone and i just typed this  down i'd never seen this before but god spoke   to me because i had made room in his presence i  had a pattern and then he made it real practical   this is all he said the word for 2021 is anchored  august 8th 2020 at 1 52. this is my real phone i   literally practical i need everybody to understand  this is not mystical or spooky or oh yeah he no no   practical i hit the word anchored and there's  a thing on the iphone that says look up word   and i looked up the definition of anchor  and this would have said a person or thing   that provides stability and confidence  in an otherwise unpredictable situation and god said he whispered this one sentence to  me and i marked his word what you are tied to   is more important than where and then i this is  how i left it up here just like this because i   was supposed to say where you are but it  was unfinished because i got distracted what you are tied to is more  important than where my go that's pastor natalie what you are tied  to is more important than where daddy   and i left this up here to let you know that even  the people that are supposed to be the closest to   god have the opportunity to be to be distracted  but what god had me do is go back to his presence   and i had a pattern and he finished this word in  me and that's why i can finish it for you what   you are tied to is more important than where you  currently are and that was a practical thing and   i said okay god so so so so what are you telling  me he said michael any time you do anything get   in my presence get the pattern i'll make it  practical proverbs 3 5 and 6 says trust in the   lord with all your heart and lean not on your  own understanding i did not understand why he   wanted it to be anchored i did not understand what  2021 whole because i didn't have god's view on it   but he did so he said anchored and he said in all  your ways acknowledge this is me that's why i had   the audacity to put it in my phone because  i acknowledged this wasn't me this was god   and he said if you will do that i will direct your  path and i don't know who i'm talking to right   now but i'm giving you practical ways that you  can hear for your family and your god how to be   anchored in this year you got to get the  puzzle piece of his presence and his pattern   and it has to be practical and this is the  thing that i love about god is that when god   speaks something he will be persistent do y'all  know how many times i tried to change the word   tried to maybe like when maybe this was what  god was saying and god's saying is i'm the same   i gave it to you and if you don't like it it don't  matter the truth is not affected by the opinion   your opinion of what god is doing has nothing  to do with the truth of what he's doing   and he said whether you tell the church or not  2021 you need to be anchored and he said and   i'll give you confirmation and this is the  beautiful thing with walking and talking and   knowing that god speaks is that you will begin  to get confident that god will give confirmation   i expect confirmation my life is too in the  balance to not hear god say this is definitely   it and let me give somebody freedom right now god  is not offended by you asking for confirmation   at tbn our mission is to use every available  means to reach as many individuals and families   as possible with the life-changing gospel of  jesus christ thank you for helping make the gospel   of grace go around the world without  you we couldn't do it god bless you
Channel: TBN
Views: 187,156
Rating: 4.9633365 out of 5
Keywords: transformation church, transformation church worship, transformation church relationship goals, transformation church forgiveness, transformation church worship songs, mike todd relationship goals, mike todd soul ties, mike todd false teacher, mike todd music, Michael Todd, Sunday Service, Faith, God, Jesus Christ, transformchurchtv, mark my words, vision, 2021, tbn, trinity broadcasting network, trinity broadcasting network live, tbn live, matt crouch, t8b2n6, 8t2b6n, tbn826, 826tbn
Id: DDdr_KyOZcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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