Faith Like A Farmer // Sow It Before You See It // Crazyer Faith (Part 6) // Michael Todd

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today we are in week six of a series we're calling crazier faith and today i have a special assignment from god to talk and preach through a message that is so powerful and it's a powerful piece of scripture but i need us to set some parameters before i go into this scripture i need you to allow me to teach this scripture outside of the box it was introduced to you in okay when i say this scripture you're gonna think something automatically i want to step outside of the box that you would normally hear this scripture in and i want to reveal a crazy faith principle that will literally change the trajectory of your entire life can we do that together i said can we do that together so today i want to read second corinthians chapter nine i'm gonna read verse six all the way through verse ten and the box that this scripture is usually in is in the offering box you only hear this scripture when people are talking at offering time there is no offering being taken today no second offering no hundred dollar lines nothing's happening i want to teach you a principle that will change your life are you ready i said are you ready second corinthians chapter nine verse six it says remember this whoever so sparingly will also reap sparingly and whoever sows generously will also reap generously each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give not reluctantly or under compulsion for god loves a cheerful giver and god is able to bless you abundantly so that in all things at all times having all that i like all them all's right there that's a lot of us that god in all things at all times having all that you need you will abound in every good work somebody say amen sit down as i walk you through this crazier faith principle i gotta go back up to the beginning in verse six cause he's saying the apostle paul is saying remember this as he's talking to the church of corinth he's saying remember this everybody say remember this that means don't forget it that means when you get busy and blessed don't forget this that means when god does answer the prayer and things start going good and you don't need as much prayer time because you feel like you got what you asked for don't forget this remember this and these two words mess me up whoever [Music] who ever sows if y'all get this it changes everything it literally says whoever and this when i see whoever in the bible is an indication that this is not for special people it is a principle in the earth and most believers get out of um character and bent out of shape when they see people who don't believe in god like they do prospering in ways that they don't oh i'm coming to your house today well they live like that and how does that happen because they've caught the whoevers of the bible [Music] they've caught the principles that create a life the sad thing is they don't get to take it with them so they can have all of this on earth but it mean nothing in eternity because they never caught the second half of it but they live in good on earth while you live in hell on earth cause they caught the principles of everybody say whoever write this point down whoever gets this gets this so get this or let me say it in a different way so you can get it whoever gets this principle that's about to be shared in the word of god gets this promise so get this please i'm asking you to check in for the next 45 minutes to get this one principle and the other thing that everybody has to know whenever the bible says whoever whoever includes your haters whoever includes the people that hurt you and whoever includes the people that live like hell today and you think that you should be better than them god has made promises that and principles that live on the earth that apply to them too sit with it because most of you are mad at somebody who has seemingly what you want but they didn't have to go through what you're going through to get it first off you don't know their story first thing second thing is god allows his principles many of them to work for the just and the unjust this the bible people don't preach because it makes you locked into religion by fear well i got to do it like this because if i don't do it like this god won't bless me there are people out here living completely opposite of god but have tapped into principles that the church is missing and all i'm saying is don't live like them but don't miss this hear what i'm saying somebody shot at me whoever okay now there's a principle it comes right after the word whoever write this down underline it make it big get a tattoo of it on your face souls whoever sows everybody say so that's the principle i want to give you in crazy faith today because many people in the body of christ have been void of sowing god spoke to me so clearly mike and he said to me he said michael he said my people are believing for a forest where they've never planted a seed crazy faith you ain't sown one seed i'm gonna have a business with all these people who work with me and they're passionate and you don't serve nobody i'm about to take over this territory and see god do a math move and you're not a part of a church you have not sown and when i looked at this i started to think whoever can sow whatever according to the scripture the reason i'm taking it out of this box is so that you know that this scripture is talking about money but it applies to everything look what it says who overs whoever so sparingly will reap sparingly and whoever sows generously will reap generously you can sow your time your talent and your treasure you can sow information influence and ideas you can sow a platform a plug you can serve could so connections and contacts but you're stingy and god said why would i trust somebody who won't sow what i've already given them with more so they don't sow that today i want to ask you if you have the faith to sow what's in your hand yeah yeah and i know like you think oh get just offering out your mind for a second what's in your hand what gifts and talents has god given you that are becoming decrepid because you won't give them away well that idea is just for it no no no that idea was a seed it wasn't the harvest it wasn't the fruit it was just the beginning somebody say just the beginning the best thing that god's ever given you was a seed and right now people are protecting seeds when they should be sowing them i'm about to preach this thing oh it's kind of starting off a little slow no i'm about to teach you how to sew about to teach you a principle y'all see how hype i am already i'm trying to control it i'm trying to teach you a principle that ended me up on this platform today i'm trying to teach you a principle that took us from not having anything to now being an answer to people's prayer i'm trying to take you and the principle is that if you do not sow now it will never grow the seed outside of the soil cannot grow there are non-profits you should be sowing your life into right now cause 10 years from now it's going to grow into a tree that everybody will eat off of but right now cause you don't got the time and it doesn't work with my schedule you spent seven hours your iphone told you scrolling this week when you could have sold that seven hours into something that would show back up in your life but i understand we don't think the way that jesus talks in the bible do you know over one-third of his analogies were about farming jesus talks about sowing and reaping all through the bible and i begin to study in this six week of crazier faith what is going to unlock the forest of your faith because there y'all i need y'all to get the imagery of this the forest of your faith the thing your grandkids will be able to walk through and say dang my granddaddy believed god my grandmama was sowing seeds when i wasn't even thought about did i just get through college with no debt because of the seeds of my mom did i just gain a spiritual inheritance that just dropped down i don't know i just have something am i being provided nourishment and nutrition from something i didn't eat it's the forest of your faith that starts off as a seed the business the book the buildings god will never give it to you finished he'll give it to you as a seed i want to bust somebody's magic bubble in christianity you pray for what you think you want and god gives you the baby version of what it can be in the book when i talk about baby faith i'm trying to give everybody the formula for seeing what god wants you to see remember last week i talked about see it before you see it this week i want to talk about sow it before you see it you're never going to see it until you sow it let me ask you a question because it got heavy in here real quick and some of y'all like what is about to happen stay with me let me ask you a question which one of these three people have more faith the first one i'm going to put it up on the screen this is a multiple choice question for you this is a tight rope walker would you say that this person has faith most of us would be like he has craziest faith like that don't make any sense there's somebody else that many of you would say had faith put it up there for me this is a skydiver anybody ever been skydiving before one black person in the room okay so uh your pastor has been skydiving my wife for some reason thought it was a good thing for my 26th birthday to throw me out of a plane so i've been skydiving and most people would think that this person has faith but according to scripture in the kingdom the person who has more faith than both of these people is this guy a farmer now he's not up on a tight rope cascading two mountains and he's not flying ten thousand feet up in the air but he understands faith he understands that for you to see a harvest there has to be a seed sown the title of my message is faith like a farmer sow it before you see it faith like a farmer sow it before you see it this message is counter-cultural it's kingdom so it's going to bother your insides because some of you are counting how little you have right now some of you at this moment you're turning your heart and your brain off because you're saying to me well you don't know what i've been through and you don't know how the pandemic hit me and you don't know what i just lost and you don't know how that investment would sound i'm telling you that if you want your faith to go to a crazier level you need to have faith like a farmer can i prove it to you genesis chapter 8 verse 22 after god is done with humanity and wipes that whole mug out with the flood and only leaves noah in his family he's like i'm sick of these people i created i'm done with them it's how some of y'all wish with y'all kids and y'all be like just go in your room i can't stand you you look like your daddy like that like god was done with us and then he sits down in the recliner of heaven and and just chills out for a second and who says he's like you know what i messed up i blew up on y'all i'm gonna make a covenant with you and i'm never gonna destroy the earth again but there's some principles i'm gonna put in place that will be a covenant with creation i'm i'm trying to teach you to unlock this next level of crazier faith god's covenant with creation genesis 8 22 while the earth remains so you'll be gone before this doesn't exist anymore there will be seed time and what harvest now we we read that and it's like yeah let me see eternal harvest okay keep going cold and heat winter and summer and day and night shall not cease chapter ends what like there are four things that he uses to illustrate to us this dynamic that he wants to know will always be on the earth day and night oh we got that like that's when i go to sleep and that's when i wake up day and i got that winter and summer yeah it's fall right now i'm gonna get my winter clothes on and in summer it's gonna be sun's out guns out we get that cold and heat my wife is in love with the cold i freeze every day of my life in my house and i don't know what it is to have heat in my house even though i pay for it but i understand the concept of cold and heat but most believers because we live in such a technology advanced time we don't understand the principle of seed time and harvest this is what we think it is say time harvest that's how we read it as long as ours will surrender oh i love this part this is where god does this thing same time harvest we think it's that quick and we think god has failed when i gave my seed i applied for the job i went and finished school well i'm not a millionaire why don't people know my name why i'm not i'm not distinguished yet because you read the words and didn't get the principle see time harvest in a generation where everything is about instant gratification we miss kingdom principles it's not sea time harvest it's not start a church go viral oh y'all know y'all think i started when transformation church blew up do you know how many i asked my wife the other day how long have i worked at transformation church greenwood 13 i started off as the sound man in this church sowing seeds [Music] what you're looking at today is the harvest but what you didn't see i'm about to preach this thing it was every day i showed up every week in ransom when it was 35 a week to run sound and i was driving a 15 passenger van at that time so 35 y'all think i'm playing my mama laughing on the front row 35 would get me a fourth of a tank in that big old ship i wasn't doing it for money i was doing it for my future oh y'all missed it i wasn't doing it for accolades i was doing it because it was my assignment [Applause] i was sewing and i knew it was seed time but sometimes i like to deconstruct the word because it helps me get it better so seed time is one word but god said read it slower michael and so i was like seed time harvest it's like slower seed time harvest i was like huh he says read it even slower seed time heart i don't want y'all to miss this come on just say it slow with me seed time harvest god said the principle is that every seed you sow has time attached that there is a ticking time bomb on every seed you sow that if you plant it in right soil it's just a matter of time that that mug has to there is a principle in the earth it has to break through and many of us have not understood seed time [Music] because that's what it feels like sometime don't it [Applause] you thought it was coming right after you shouted he said possible god didn't talk about went to church yesterday got out about 1 15. 1 30. ah got a call and it was heart baby [Music] you might be shouting today for what you see in three years [Applause] i know i know i know that's why some people's praise is ignorant because they know the more that they praise all they're doing is sowing seeds into their future some of y'all only praise when you see it happen others of us we begin to praise god in advance because i know i'm just so in seed i'm just so in seed and there's going to be time and i promise there's going to be a what however yeah yeah i'm gonna walk you through this today if you got something else to do if the game is on go ahead and watch it but don't don't play yourself and miss the principle that would change your life so then i cross reference this because we don't understand farming how many farmers do i have watching right now hands raised in the chat and mom put your hands down my mother-in-law put her hand up you ain't been on a farm in six decades she said sit down any farmers in the i don't see no hands in here in the chat maybe two or three if you don't understand the parameters of how somebody lives their life you miss the revelation that may be in there so i started studying farming this week and what i found is that the bible was not incomplete but it just left out some details that we don't think about remember what i said the formula was it was seed time and what heart but they forgot something that i found in second corinthians it said remember this remember our anchor scripture whoever souls hold on seedtime harvest seedtime harvest i don't see sow in there see time harvest so that means you can have a seed and if you don't sow it it doesn't matter how long you wait you won't see a i just need to make sure the bible said see time heart you can hold your seed you can eat your seed you can wear your seed you can if you don't sow your seed you will never reap your harvest i'm trying to help somebody because right now what you've been sowing you've been seeing and it's nothing cause you ain't so nothing well i thought god was for me he is and that's why he placed all them seeds in you and you at home praying when you should be plowing [Applause] you're praying why you should be plowing you should be in somebody's field picking up dirt and planting seeds seed sow time harvest i just expanded it for you i need you to write that out c so time and then what harvest okay so write this write this point down sowing is implied because everybody has seed sowing is implied seed time and harvest the reason they didn't put it in there is because sowing is implied if you got seed use it for its purpose the only purpose of a seed is to sow so that it can produce more after its own kind seed sow time harvest this is why i say all the time all you have is all you need why because god's not requiring a seed that he has not already given you some of y'all are so discontent with the season you're in and god says you are holding your future right now in the place of seed form and you trying to go to that city and work that job but you'll have the same seed god said i'm not giving you new seed so if you go there and the boss he doesn't recognize me god said it don't matter if they recognize you sow the seed there well they don't see my potential it don't matter the seed and the right soil got to produce it doesn't matter what your family says sow the seed somebody shot at me sow the seed sow the seed of your life so the seed of your influence so that some of y'all won't even invite people to church because it doesn't work with your social media aesthetic the reason god's not giving you no more influence is because you won't sow the seed of the influence you have you have what you got and you got what you have cause you won't so oh i'm telling you right now that this principle works in every area of your life can i tell you a personal story when i started pastoring this church i stood on the shoulders of two people who literally in crazy faith moved to the north side of tulsa as a white couple in the womb of racial tension right where the 1921 race massacre happened is where they had the audacity to build the church and call it greenwood christian center i would have called this a male circle of hope or i would have called it but they had a mission from god to go in in a place that was devastated by all of this division and be able to be a light right there 16 years of planting right there did you hear what i just said 16 years of planting or can i say it a different way sowing they sold where nobody else was sowing they took resources and connections and all they went to where it was uncomfortable just they went to where they weren't invited to sew they went to where there was no red carpet to sew i'm trying to give somebody a formula it may not be easy to sow there but it's where you'll grow you may not get applause sowing where god tells you to say your family may not understand why you can't go on the vacation because you gave that to that non-profit or to that business or to that single month they may not get it but they'll see it one day remember the formula seed so y'all got to help me time harvest say it again seed sow time harvest one more time seed so time harvest for 16 years they sold they sold so much that when it was my turn i started off with the harvest i didn't plant this is what generational blessing looks like when i started pastoring and some of y'all adults is so nasty you want them to get it by their bootstraps that means you didn't make enough for us to get anything when you will not generationally think i'm talking to you right now now they got a day 18 go figure it out that means you're a selfish god bless you because my god talks about generational blessing a good man leaves an inheritance for its chill y'all better hear me up in here and you so stingy and broke and busted you want your kids to struggle how you struggle [Applause] do you know experience is not the only way you can learn it's actually the lowest level of learning it's actually no go out there and figure it out that's dumb look at you i started off with a paid off building i started off with members most of them didn't want to be there just honestly about 300 people but i started off with something it was crazy faith for bishop mcintosh and pastor debbie to take out a second mortgage on their house to help the church stay afloat can we give god praise for modern day faith heroes oh y'all better nothing about transformation church would be what it is without those two people yeah i love you now watch but then when god gave me the baton he said crazy your faith i said hold on what i was just trying to maintain what they was doing god said i go from faith to faith [Music] if this is where you start guess where i'm taking you and when i stood up bri and tammy as my witness that first day were my knees shaking i said god said this church is going to be multi-ethnic monkey what i write down right there that's how i was scared multi-ethnic multi-generational multiplying [Music] and multi-campus nobody was cheering jay you were cheering jay that's my sister she was cheering but most people wasn't cheering but god showed me something in seed form so when we went here and he said crazier i took over the church and all that bishop and pastor debbie had done we had hit a plateau we had hit a place where it seemed like if you're gonna do good this is this is how far you're going to go like money-wise influence-wise everything this is your plateau and i in prayer figured out what was happening we had come against a principality of poverty now i know i'm getting deep right now but where we were in north tulsa there was a principality of poverty over our church and over people's minds and then there was a ceiling of segregation i'm just telling you what happened i'm just giving you the process i figured out in prayer that there was so much segregation after that 1921 race massacre and the railroads came right there black people and hispanic people was on this side of the railroad and white people were on this side of the railroad and that generational divide was still there in 1999 and still there in 2002 when they started the church over there and still there and god said we're about to deal with this i said okay he said there's one more thing mike there's restriction on your reach where you're at i said okay god so who do i need to call who do i need to partner with who needs to come in and bless the church he said we don't need anybody else me and you are the majority [Music] [Applause] okay so what do you want me to do he said when you hit a plateau so [Music] what i'm giving y'all big keys right now whatever area of your life you hit a plateau so so right there your marriage has no more passion send somebody else on a staycation in your city and pay for it well shouldn't i use my resources for my struggling marriage y'all hit a plateau so whoa my situation is backed up and jacked up so shouldn't i whenever you hit a plateau you do what so so first year pastoring god developing crazy faith in me he said michael listen to my instructions your church has a poverty principality over it you're going to break it by sowing that doesn't make sense he said but it makes miracles [Applause] i sell okay so what do you want me to do he said get up in front of your church there are people in this room that were there that sunday he said get up in front of your church and tell them you're going to take an offering and every dollar that comes in you're giving to other churches in the community and i stood up and said y'all today and i think like an expectation i think me might have been an expect effect or something like that we gonna sow a seed and give it away and we raised eight thousand three hundred dollars that sunday and that week now that was crazy faith that wasn't like no oh eight thousand three didn't nobody have eight thousand three hundred dollars at the time what nobody that eight thousand three hundred we was like oh my god god bless you lord do the work do the work bring it like we was trying to oh yeah we did everything sending that 8 300 away because at the time it was completely crazy [Music] but the generosity that people know transformation church today last year we gave away 3.5 million dollars in one service [Music] i can't fool with you i got proof though god's been too good from 8 300 to 3.5 [Applause] but everybody rejoices over the harvest but they don't know to see we sold 8 300 in the dark and it became 3.5 in the light what are you sewing today that other thing about the ceiling of segregation first year of my pastor tammy remember when i would be coming into the meetings and i'd be like we're doing a unite my city event which was another non-profit and around the time terence crutcher had just been murdered and our city was in a boiling point of divide and i partnered with this group called um unite my city with jason law and all those guys we hosted events at our church we paid money for stuff we catered and brought all these people and somebody was like why are you doing all this do you get anything out of this all this i said oh no no no i'm in the future i need all these people who look like this to come to the north side of tulsa to this church so i'm going to invite every different type of person and we're going to everybody shout at me so we sold time talent treasure i was making graphics and videos didn't nobody pay me look at us at the university event go back on my social media you can go all the way back down and see me all out here with jason mall out here doing this just sowing and now when transformation church opens up do you know that there's as many white people at this church i'm up here in yeezy's shorts and a chain and sally likes it do you understand what i'm saying y'all y'all fake right here but this is the most interracial place in our city [Applause] you gotta see it before you see it and you gotta show it before you see it somebody's going to get me and that restriction on reach jewel that we had we'd do great stuff we did a play called ransom y'all i'm not no cat ransom could be on broadway right now matter of fact why don't we just turn this into yeah so so okay all right somebody saw it but when we did ransom for the first time it was like 1200 people that saw ransom like the whole city didn't come out for ransom but god said um so i said how you want me to do that he said sometimes you got to sew collectively you got to get with a circle of faith who will sow with you i said okay what that mean he said get up in front of the church who all of them don't like you this was real at the time and ask them to sew so you can buy new cameras because i need to expand the reach of this church okay god now you know who i'm talking to right god they don't like me and some of them are just waiting for the moment to say i knew he said obey me or have what you have i said you know what let me so i stood up and i said y'all we're going to raise 80 000 for brand new cameras everybody just you know bring your faith bring your best faith and let's also and we raised almost to the dollar eighty thousand dollars now watch guess what happened people left the church oh no i lost something in this season sowing but do you know what i gained on the o on the other side of what seemed like a loss nobody would know transformation church if we as a collective group didn't sow for those eighty thousand dollars when nobody but remember the principle seed so it was four years from the time we sowed to the time we saw any harvest on them cameras can i tell you that my mom and her prayer group was watching the service back we had 50 plays a week because nobody was checking for transformation church i'd be up there sweating doing everything i'm doing right now for 41 plays how do i know because i screenshotted it one time believing in faith that my seed wasn't in vain sometimes you got to know that when you sow it's not in vain and some of y'all been discouraged that you sowed and the enemy's been trying to wear you out why would you move there why would you give your life to that you built that and didn't take any credit and god said hey don't get weary and well doing you sold something that's going to pop back up if you don't uproot it and some of y'all are digging in dirt right now trying to find a seat leave it alone that seed has something in your future and then relationship goals goes viral all this stuff happens years happen and now we're here tell me how did this happen mama i mean you can pray but like how did it how did this like how did we just spend 35 million on the building across and still have money in the bank to give away i i mean i know i can speak but there's words misspelled on this paper right now like i there's no way did i learn a principle of the kingdom that when there's time and i've recognized my seed then i have to have the crazy faith to so and then i have to have the crazy weight i have to have the crazy weight to last whatever amount of time but at some point it's going to show back up okay so when you hit a plateau what are you supposed to do so okay okay and nat should i give him the bonus point can i just that somebody in the back gave me okay to give you the bonus point i can't talk about it for real this week maybe next week but many of y'all gonna hate the harvest because you're not a farmer church people shout at harvest time farmers know that it's time to work the harvest you're believing for most of y'all going why is this depression come upon me why is everybody forsaking me why do i feel separate you prayed for this you sowed seeds for this you mad because you're in meetings with finance people and lawyers and all this is what you asked for god expand this to the place where we can this is your prayer so let me explain this uh-huh it's seed so y'all not helping me let me start over it's seed come on help me so then it's what time and then it's work dale they don't want to work they want the prophetic word and not the prophetic work the work i do is more anointed than the word i get god doesn't want to just see me be able to receive a word and just pray and believe god says work i hear prophetess rihanna work work work work work when you see me work work work i mean under your gun get like i see the hope and if the church doesn't lose their lazy faith we will miss harvest time seed i'm y'all i'm i'm doing this so y'all can get it see so time work then what heart this is the principle that will produce in your life over and over and over and over as long as the earth will remain this will never cease so what i decided is that i would be a serial sower y'all heard of serial killers my wife be watching all these crazy like this woman she was the bank teller and then she just killed 58 people like what this point came because of what my wife watches when i go to sleep so this is what happened you talk about serial killers and serial cheaters have you met any serial sowers somebody that's so repetitive in generosity somebody that just wherever i'm at it don't matter what you're going through i don't so because of what you look like i sew because i'm a serial sower i'm a i got faith like a farmer people would be like well do they really need it it don't matter if you need it i know when i plant it it don't matter what it looks like it don't matter if they already got it uh some of y'all so broke you only soul where there's a need [Applause] also where i'm going i saw where there's a need and i saw where i'm going somebody well they don't need that but they got it so i want to sew in good ground [Applause] somebody say i'm a cereal sewer and you just lied many of you many of you just like only cereal you eat a froot loops and the only sowing you do is to close but what i want to give you an invitation to is to become somebody who's a serial sower god blesses me the automatic reaction is to so when god blessed me with the platform on social media that he gave me i automatically started sewing my platform into people who did not have that platform the first book i ever put out relationship goals the day my book come out came out god said what you about to post about my book he said no no you're a serial sower find somebody else's book that comes out today and post about that first and there's another pastor in north carolina named pastor darren during gray who also passes a church called transformation church and he had a book coming out the same day how ironic and if you go back my first post on my first book was not about what god had given me it was to sow into somebody else how did crazy faith become a new york time bestseller nobody barely ever in book world what they tell me gets two consecutive new york times bestsellers nobody can convince me i didn't write a better book it's good but it ain't cause it's better it's cause when i had the opportunity on the first one i everybody say sowed and all this is is the harvest write this point down consecutive sowing produces consecutive harvests i need everybody to see me the reason i'm a serial sower it's because when i keep doing it it keep popping up most of us sow a seed and wait for the harvest to then take another seed off of that harvest and sow so seed time harvest to do sensitive is that a harvest okay great okay let me i should sew again see it's just time is that a harvest wow 30 years three time sowing 30 years and you sold three times 30 30 years and you still living off the seed you sold that one time at that one a cereal sower we'll go borrow seed you got some seed let me god bless you boo hold on boop see y'all not getting it like this can you put some soil on this platform for me can you turn this whole thing into the life that we are living just start just pour it on they need to get this and can you hand me the seeds yeah just start pouring it on the ground yeah just get it all over it come on y'all gotta pour it like you mean it come on okay see this is where i work and this is where i live and this is where my marriage is and this is where my kids will be raised and this is the soil of my life and god brought me here with all of these seeds and all of these seeds look good in this bucket the aesthetic is beautiful matter of fact i think these are sunflowers eat and see and some of y'all will sit here all you're like yeah yeah back in louisiana where i'm from [Applause] you just ate the forest of your faith was it good was it enough hold on were you satisfied i would have to eat so many seeds to actually be full where if i sowed the seeds and gave it some time it could turn into something with more seeds in it but enough substance for me to actually be full a serious sower looks at their marriage and says i don't just sow on our honeymoon let me stop let me let me help you i'll get the full visual see because none of y'all have ever farmed neither have i but i studied this week and the thing that i found out is that farmers have a different type of clothing they know that sewing can get dirty they know that for them sowing may require them to have to be around something and in something that could leave a stain so what i'm doing is i'm getting the right clothes on to be able to do this and i'm gonna have faith and you know i just had to take it to the next level some of y'all should stop posting what you look like this is a nice look i kind of like this right here [Applause] i know what you see on the ground but to god this is what i look like he knows he can trust me because i got faith like a farmer when god gave me 300 people when god gave me a little bit of money when he gave me a little bit of influence i didn't eat it i didn't negate it i didn't act like it was nothing i said all i have is all i need and i just started wherever i go i'm a serial sower you'd be like hey it's nice to meet you nice to meet you i'm sowing seeds every i don't just sow in me and natalie's marriage when we got married but every monday night on date night what am i doing i'm playing sees girl you know i love you and you look good and girl your booty getting tight and i'm just telling you what am i doing that's why your marriage is dead you ain't planted there in 20 years but what i'm telling you is that when you become a serial sower i saw on accident can i say it like this i'm addicted to sowing if you get around me too long you're gonna get something from me why cause you're in my field and if you get anywhere near my field the seeds that's coming off me [Applause] this is what it looks like the seeds coming off me [Applause] all it has to do is fall on the ground [Music] this is why you shouldn't give your leaders hell at your job your boss all the this is why you should be good ground because if your heart is hard when they ask you to do something it doesn't go deep and even if they do things a different way and you don't like what they do and all that keep your heart open [Applause] because if you get around the right people and you're good ground partner you're going to see a harvest [Applause] can i prove it to you in the word ecclesiastes 11 6. oh i like the word of god oh you thought i was wasting time no no no no i'm a serial sower cordell every time we get in the car the reason i'm just talking and sharing stuff because i'm trying to drop something in your heart that'll build the billion dollar business i'ma see i'm uh it may be 30 years from now cordell before we walking up to that building and paying for another church is 35 million dollar y'all so [Music] dale we gonna buy somebody else's building with no strings attached y'all don't hear me run the tape back cause it's gonna happen i'm a serial sower i don't ah this thing is about to go pastor pearson didn't know when he was singing those songs all them songs i sang today was songs sewn into my heart when i was a baby sleep on the pews while my mom was leading prayer he was throwing out seeds didn't nobody know i'd be mike todd except god and all the faithful people who've been serial sowers just been throwing it out why would i keep throwing it out on this platform right now there's no harvest like we're shouting but this is pretty depressing day after day to come out here and just be like all right i sold it great sowing this is why you're going to the word of god ecclesiastes 11 6. i love the bible sow your seed in the morning every day i woke up every day i wake up what am i do so see when you go to your job stop looking at what you can take well i need a promotion and i need to get recognized have you sown anything there stop looking for a harvest where you have never sewn no farmer goes out to pasture and sister is like looking for the harvest and somebody walks by is like what kind of harvest you looking for looking for wheat well did you sow wheat nope sowed corn but i'm believing for wheat why would you like see that whatever that whatever you sow comes back to you includes bad things why do all your friends gossip because it's harvest time i'm in somebody's business why does everybody leave you when when they said they would be there for you it's hard you sowed everybody say whatever this is why the bible tells us if you're going to sow something so good things like if you just okay either don't so or so something good cause it's coming back and that's why ecclesiastes 11 6 says sow your seed in the morning and an evening let your hands not be idle for you do not know which seed will succeed whether it's this one or that one or whether both will do equally well god's saying become addicted to sowing because at the end of the day nobody knows which seed is about to produce fruit so i keep throwing it out so god has more to work with i keep giving to those people i keep serving in that area i keep going back to those family members who don't appreciate what i do for them every holiday season cause at one point at some moment there is going to be ah remember what it is seed so time thank you proverbs 11 24. i gotta end this because some of y'all too full and some of y'all too frustrated because the truth of the matter is your life is not god's fault at this moment you keep blaming him for not doing what he said and he's holding you responsible for not sowing what you said god if you ever get me out of this situation aisle and you never did you never sold those seeds it didn't make fiscal sense it wasn't a part of my five year plan it didn't make sense i was at the top and you gonna tell me to leave this high-paying job to go start over and all the devil there's a lot and you rolling your neck and i wasn't the devil that was divine but now you're going to pray for seeds to flourish in a dead field oh i'm in your business and the truth of the matter is the church is who's supposed to exemplify this and we have the least amount of harvest we always begging people could you please if it would i mean if you know if god oh my god god has done a miracle you gave us 800 what the hell i'm sorry i i am so sick of the church being the place who needs the handout when we have the god of the universe on our side he gets a bad rap because we don't work the principles i'm gonna say it again we give god a bad rap because we do not work the principle if he says seed sow time work harvest and you sitting up here waiting for somebody to bless you i was just waiting for god to bless me he said waiting for me to bless you i did with seed now show it somebody say i have seed the enemies had tried to convince so many of you you didn't have seed he tried to tell you you didn't have seed big chris but you're sitting there with so much seed fee you're sitting there with so much seed kaylee you got so much seed now you got so much seed but now god's asking you to do what so proverbs 11 24 25 give freely [Music] start getting creative in your song [Applause] [Applause] why is there a limit [Applause] the bible didn't give us a limit to how we sow he's literally telling us right here get freely so creatively walk into every store some of y'all need to walk into places and so encouragement [Applause] you saw so much judgment and so much i didn't like the way she sang that song and i don't like that and look at her outfit and did you see that mic up there in some shorts i'm skinnier than i was i'm doing stuff that i don't like i'm just wearing sure i don't know i don't know i may look back at this and be like that was a bad idea but when i put it on i said boy you look good i don't know [Applause] but did did you sow encouragement today creatively sow and become more wealthy this do you y'all see the bible give freely and become more wealthy be stingy with your seed and not not reap a harvest watch what the bible says be stingy and lose everything hold on does this confirm the the parable of the seed and the sowers where god literally gave one one one two and one five and somebody got scared of the seed god gave them and said i'm gonna protect this one seed uh uh hey what y'all doing working the field doing what god gave us what you doing just protecting my seed don't want anybody to misunderstand me don't want anybody to get uncomfortable by what god's placed in me so let me just protect my seat you doing okay see okay cool and then jesus comes back and wants to see the account of what you did for what he gave you all of it was grace he gave everybody a measure of grace gave everybody seed then the one with five he said i doubled it i made it 10. i plant it seed sow time work what's the last thing harvest i multiplied it the one with two he doubled it we did four the one with one listen to me god i knew that that one thing you gave me needed to keep it safe keep it secure keep myself safe and secure be open to no criticism really be at a place where everybody was just happy with what was going on didn't take up any more space than what you started me with can't really feed anybody but i still got the seed god said you wicked and perverse man you could have done something with it you were lazy and scared and look what he does to the man he takes his one seed and gives it to the one with ten and this where the church gets mad how are you gonna take from them and bless them with it they're bad farmers and god wants a return on the investment so he looks at who's using the seed and he looks at who's not using the and he goes back and says come here and he'll give it to somebody else ain't that's what this says give freely and become more wealthy be stingy and lose everything the generous will prosper and then this messes me up those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed the blessing of god that has come over my life when i decided to have faith like a farmer y'all i can't explain it money comes looking for me connections come looking for me y'all know cap i'm not out here looking for nothing people send all kind of stuff that has nothing to do with what i'm doing today it was seeds i sold in different seasons that are sh they're chasing me down to give me the fruit of my faith it's a principle of the earth if you plant it it's coming back but it takes what seed then what so then what time then what work then what so what are you saying pastor mike everybody right now take your hand and just quench it in front of you and i don't know what this represents for you but it's something you already have you're holding your harvest right now i'm holding my harvest you'll never see it if i don't let it go but this is the forest of my faith this is my family being healed delivered and set free this is me walking in confidence no insecurity blessing other but it's not until i take what i have right now and sow it do not end 2021 holding your harvest you want to own a business one day go serve somebody else's business don't ask for the money because you would be manipulating it at that point because you knew god told you to go do it to sow it don't be a burden just go do it go to that ministry nobody wants to work in and say i'm going to give the next year of my life to this sow it you may be sewing for your kid's kids [Music] somebody say sew it okay um holy spirit how i'm gonna do this okay um okay um dang i'd have messed up my shoes hey okay this i didn't plan for it today to mess up these shoes didn't plan for it in the idea of this whole analogy for some reason no dirt got on my shoes and i literally just that's a real moment i just realized i ruined my shoes um but one of the things i just thought about is that i'm no longer attached to material things no no no hold on at one point in my life this would have been devastating but the crazy thing about this is is john in here i think he's over he's in the back i gave these exact shoes away nine years ago and the blessing now anybody who's not a hypebeast or anybody that knows shoes or anything these are pretty cool shoes okay i gave these shoes away in a season i couldn't afford to i was stunting as the children would say i was trying to give off an image that was higher than what i was actually living and so i bought the shoes stunned it and the holy spirit said give them to that young person right there took the shoes off gave them to him realizing today that i'm in the shoes again i sold them over there they came back but this time i didn't pay for these shoes somebody else gave me these shoes and i already had it made up in my mind because they hurt my feet just a little bit on the on the side i got she got a 13 and 12 and a half y'all know some of y'all be your feet is crippled because y'all wearing shoes that's too small i already made up in my mind i was supposed to give these shoes away when i just stood on the stage i'm having a real-time realization right now i'm showing you how it's happening when i stood up on this stage and just sat down and was looking at my notes and looked at my shoes and realized they were ruined at that moment i realized god didn't change the instruction that i had to give these shoes away it just meant i now had to sow another seed to get a new pair [Music] to give them away my plan was to give away from the harvest to give away from what somebody blessed me with so it wasn't as you know i'm saying you bless me and god just required another seed as quick as i thought i had a way to get out of feeling the sacrifice at the moment that i saw that god said no no no no this life with me is going to require you to always sow another seed somebody say sow another seed so if you're going to sow a seed you need to know these three things and we got to get out of here okay if you're gonna sow a seed you need to know that sowing's not first surrender is okay so let me come to your finances real quick because this is where the body of christ really gets jacked up okay and people want to talk about prosperity gospel and this and that and i won't believe in none of that we believe in the principles of god here's a principle when you surrender you tithe you return according to malachi 10 of all of your income everybody put your hands up like this say i surrender that's how tithing feels i surrender i'm going to give you back what you gave me i wouldn't had his job i wouldn't have this i wouldn't have i'm going to return you can't give a tithe you have to return it because that proves that i didn't give myself this god gave it to me and some of y'all were counting your money right now you you're so planned for christmas and so planned for thanksgiving and you're robbing god of the opportunity to bless you see people like you robbing god no no god don't need nothing from you you're robbing him of the opportunity to bless you because he only rewards his kids who obey [Applause] and i'm telling you the first level of doing this is surrender some of y'all just need to start tithing this week you need to go to whatever church i didn't say transformation church whatever church you get fed from whatever place you need to take that to the house of god and you need to return it to god let me prove it to you because some of y'all just got real tight your booty just squinched up right there malachi 310 bring all the tithes into the storehouse that's the house of god that there may be food in my house and try me on this this is the only place in the bible where god says test me i double dog dare you and you know if somebody double dog dares you it's kind of like you better do it i double dog dare you to test me in this and see oh i love this if i won't open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there will be no room enough to receive it and i'll one-up you i'll rebuke and protect you from the devourer and the for your sake so that he will not destroy the fruit of your ground that means i can plant seeds and it get robbed because i don't have protection nor shall the vine fail to bear fruit for you in the field it's all these like faith like a farmer says the lord of hearts host and all nations will call you blessed for you will be a delight in the land says the lord of hosts write down this crazy equation surrender hands up equals tithe tithe equals protection and god's pour out when you tithe when you return 10 that's when god says all right i'll protect it and i'll open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing there's not room enough to receive let me go to the next one now after you surrender you can sew i'm giving you the formula a lot of you think you're sowing when you when you haven't surrendered and you can only sow after you surrender so you so write this equation equals offering which equals multiplication this is where this comes in when you sow you never sow one seed and get one seed back when you sow one seed you get a tree with multiple fruits with multiple seeds god's favorite math is multiplication and this is why in matthew 14 i don't got time to do it 13 he does the miracle of the multiplication of the fish and the loaves it was a long john silver snack pack it was five fish and few loaves and he turned that and fed 50 000 people how did he do that it's because it was blessed and broken and then generously given away it was an offering and what happens at the time of the offering is multiplication this is what your life should look like because you are a farmer somebody say i'm a farmer i'm a fine farmer somebody just say that right now i have faith like a farmer but there's one more level to this one more you surrender then you sow then this last level i pray that everybody gets here because this is where i've been the past four years of my life then you look to sacrifice sacrifice equals extravagant offerings and extravagant offerings produce god's presence and his partnership can i prove it to you tony this is the level god's called you to live in when you sacrifice sacrificial giving hurts huh my range rover that was the first sacrificial sacrificial gift god asked me to uh oh i'm stuttering because i'm just remembering wow y'all i didn't i didn't have no money that was that was everything that was all my little identity wrapped up in that black on black range rover stupidest decision i ever made to buy that just drained me so that you could think i look cool and god said i want it back all right wait he said give it to him he doesn't deserve it he said but i want you to give something sacrificially this is not about him this is about me and you i sold that range rover and y'all heard me talk earlier about how i drove around a 15 passenger van because the formula is seed help me so two and a half years with no car as the pastor of transformation church oh you thought it stopped when you got a platform i was i was in transition to becoming the pastor and i was literally asking church members for rides to church i was walking from my house my executive what's your title bree where's your title chief of staff i don't know she's my sister but the chief of staff got another car and i remember rejoicing because she let me use her dirty sonata for two weeks i threw that dirty uh you know i love you y'all though she let i remember while i'm getting up shouting to everybody about expecting god hadn't left me the principle was at work in the earth seed oh i got goosebumps so time work harvest and do you know what god had the audacity to ask me to do is when i got my next car he asked me to sow that one too i didn't even have it for seven months give it away now god i have a wife and dignity i'm a man like you start taking on these cultural [Music] you start trying to act like you know what i'm saying and god said i'm counter-cultural this is about the kingdom you want to gain your life lose it gave my second car away but it was preparing me for the harvest somebody came and gave me a car then i gave that car two years later me and my wife saw somebody in need didn't now need somebody to bless me with a car god said now go buy it and give it to him now lord i'm fine with giving it to him if you provide it for free now if i got it on the hook up god it's yours come on i'm trying to help you but you want me to sow and then give it and as soon as my heart turned somebody gave me the car to give to the other i am now a serial sower of vehicles now don't walk up to me and ask me by your vehicle because if god don't tell me to find you it ain't happening [Applause] i'll carry you on my back i hold your hand but i'm not buying you but if god says so it why are you saying this it's because i've learned the value of extravagant giving first kings chapter three this is your bible study for this week go study solomon go study solomon and watch what solomon did when everybody else it was customary for them to offer one bull as a sacrifice in the house of god guess how many bulls solomon sacrificed one thousand one was the regulation one thousand was his sacrifice one was the quota one thousand was his worship one was what everybody else offered but 1 000 was what god placed in his heart to offer and this is what happened after solomon gave sacrificially oh i love the bible first kings chapter three verse four um let's go to verse five that night the lord appeared to solomon in a dream he brought him his presence and god said what do you want what you want no for real what do you want i ain't seeing this type of crazy faith when the quota was low and you just came up here with a thousand moo moose you killed all them bulls for me and so you gave us that took work to do what you want this is the only place in the bible that god asks a human what you want tell me i want to partner with you he didn't say what did you need what you want that level of giving what you want i'm believing that god's taking us to a place as a church that we don't just surrender and give the tithe that's the lowest level and i'm proud transformation you're a tithing church this is not a message this is for all the people who are just coming here i'm giving you a principle we're not taking no offerings we're not doing anything right now i just need you to know will you tithe the truth of the matter is that's the lowest level that's the first level you surrender but then you sow but once you get to the level of sacrifice god says be my partner what you want to do you want to build back black wall street in the whole city of tulsa i i i somebody asked why we buying up all this property the vision god gave bishop mcintosh was to reverse the curse what they did was take businesses land grocery stores community they burned them to the ground if the vision was to reverse the i i can't talk too much vision to y'all there's too many haters watching right now but before it's said and done and crazier we buying up the city you y'all i'm telling you as sure as i'm standing here in overall week and then we come into your city y'all don't hear me and then we go into different countries cause we are going to see [Applause] what god wanted to happen in this city we see it before we see it but we sow it before we see it what do you want i told god as long as i lead this church if you're still watching you ride or die i love you can we give it up for transformation nation right now come on give it up for yourself now [Music] some people logged off that's too long that's too much that's other they just missed it send it to them again you can watch a three-hour marvel movie that you paid you sowed into them the reason they can keep making the movies because you sew in and nine dollars for popcorn but a key to the kingdom it took two hours to unpack but if you get this and you become a serial sower and you get faith like a farmer your children and their children will look up and be living in the forest of your faith bella's kids and ava's kids and mj's kids and jesus kids are gonna say my my grandmama and my pop-pop believe god like that you mean he built us a house before we were born i'm talking crazy faith right now hold on he paid for our wedding and i never met him he left me a bible with scriptures highlighted in it that would give me the keys to the kingdom crazy faith [Music] i wanted to start with us standing all over the world if you at your house i just want everybody stand up for one second we done who i feel the presence of god seed so y'all got to help me this is the last time see so time work hard [Music] god's given all of us a seat it's time to sew [Music] every year since this church has been in existence we ask god in crazy faith how are we supposed to stand behind this vision and this word that you're giving us [Music] and um every year we give an offering an extravagant offering above our normal tithe and offering and um we give it to the house of god for the expansion of what he wants to do all i want to tell you is the things god's showing me right now they scary it y'all i can't even share it with people because what god's about to do is blow our minds crazier is where we're gonna live but just like those people sold that eighty thousand dollars for what the world experienced somebody had to sow i'm asking transformation nation and transformation church to start praying i didn't say giving oh they got to see the word one more time um second corinthians 9 16 after it talks about all the things that we talked about it says in verse 10 now let's go back to verse 8. no let's go back to verse seven y'all gotta get it each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give this is where the church has messed this up not reluctantly or under compulsion i'm not telling you if you want a miracle come up here i'm gonna pray for you for everybody that gave 200 that's manipulation the bible says don't give reluctantly or under compulsion because god actually wants you to be happy a cheerful giver when you've come to this point so on december 5th we're taking as a family an opportunity to step out in crazier faith whatever we've done up until this point that might have been crazy but we're going crazy and we're going to sow whatever god tells us to say standing here with so so much confidence in the seeds that are planted in us that god is about to do so i don't care if you're in high school i don't care if you on government assistance god is telling you today if you make it up in your heart to sow i'll give seed to the sower is that a scripture go ahead and go to verse 10 of that this is all in ecclesiastes um or second corinthians chapter nine verse six look at it now he who supplies seed to the soul that means when you've made up in your mind and your heart to sow then god comes and finds you with seed it's not he says i'll give seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and it will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness on december 5th i'm just asking for the farmers to show up just the farmers if you don't have faith like a farmer if you're a fan cool watch service i need this is a call for farmers [Music] if this is how you're gonna look in the spirit [Music] i'm calling you with your wife with your husband with your children with your family and i'm asking you to ask god i'll never give amounts i'll never say because god's gonna speak to you i want you to pray starting right now today is october what is it 24th this is over a month away there should be no compulsion and no pressure and no don't come to church this other thing don't watch like it's like you ain't this is this is just for the farmers if you're a visitor here and you don't want to get on all of this now the bible said whoever so this ain't for no close group of people if this your first time watching it's like this brother talking get up in here sow your seed let's go whoever somebody shot at me whoever it don't matter but if you feeling something this ain't the sunday for you but i just wanted to pull i want to say like i wanted to put out a call for those who are going to live in a forest of faith that they're gonna take their seed sow it wait the time work it and see the harvest everybody in this room and all over the world i'm emotional right now like i'm literally actually i can feel i can feel generations changing right now like i can i can literally feel like poverty breaking off of people's minds right now i can literally like i'm very sensitive when i'm up here right now and i can feel people in the tension of their life right now you're literally sitting in your seat and you know it will take something shifting in your mind to participate but your future is calling [Music] generational curses and habits being broken why does your family always just have enough it's because nobody put on the overalls and had the faith to farm and god's saying you can change it see the farmer sees the power of the seed because when he holds the seed he sees a future form hands lifted all over this building today god i pray for the farmers [Music] there's a blessing coming to every person who will work the principle of sowing whoever sows sparingly will reap sparingly but that main means whoever sows generously oh god we're gonna reap generously let us sow our time our talent our treasure our connections our calling let us sow father god our energy our effort god let us sow we all have seed god i thank you that even right now what you're calling transformation church and transformation nation to come together and do god i thank you that it's going to change the trajectory of the world because we're going to have crazier faith on december 5th we are going to bring sacrificial offings to this house send them father god some of us are going to bring them in person god and we are going to sacrifice so that we can see a harvest of souls [Music] god we thank you for the blessing i come against doubt i come against confusion i come against even right now father fear and i thank you that you are the god that gives seed to the sower right now if you desire to sow i want you to say this out loud god i am here to sow bring me the seed say it one more time god i'm here to sow show me the seed just one more god i'm here to sow i am the seed [Music] if you just made that decision you can sing this song you can say ah uh [Music] amen ah it means so be it let it be so if you already said that in your heart it's done [Music] heaven is agreeing with your decision [Music] can you just lift that up one more time right now somebody say um [Music] so be it lord have your way god i agree with you gonna say i'm in a manner it's happening all over the world [Music] if you've never given your life to christ i want to give you an opportunity [Music] to receive what somebody else sold for can i explain to you when god saw that we were going to be disconnected from each other he sent jesus as a seed oh this thing is preaching and he sowed him see the thing about a seed is it can never produce until it's broken and jesus came here and did nothing wrong in all of his divinity and died in humanity and stretched out his arm and died as a seed for all the other children of god and today you're the harvest of the sea god sold and all you have to do is accept jesus as your personal lord and savior it's the thing that took me from being a liar a manipulator addicted to pornography all kinds of bad things in my heart that nobody knew except me and when i gave my life to christ when i laid it all down when i planted myself in him he said i'm gonna make you into something that can change other people's life i didn't become a perfect man but i became a progressing man and today people are eating off the fruit of what jesus sowed into my life and today there's so much more for you if you would give over control on the count of three if you want to give your life to jesus christ i don't care what you did last night i don't care who you were with last night i don't care what you're planning tomorrow today is the day of salvation and i need church i need the church to start praying right now because there is attention that is trying to draw people back to things that were never meant to help them and god through his love not his wrath not his anger but through his love is drawing you to him the holy spirit is whispering i feel the presence of god right now and he's saying come to me i don't care how much money you make i don't care how far you've been i don't care what you did i love you and i want a relationship with you today i want you to give your life to christ one you're making the greatest decision of your life two i'm proud of you but that doesn't matter your name will be written in the lamb's book of life you're secure for eternity three if you want to make jesus christ your personal lord and savior lift your hand up come on i see your hand right there come on let's give god praise right there there's hands going up all over the world so proud of you [Music] you want to give your life back to christ this is the moment now we're going to just say this quick prayer according to romans 10 9 and i'm telling you it changes everything tomorrow's not going to be perfect but i promise you'll progress now transformation church this is a family and nobody prays alone here so we're going to say this prayer together for the benefit of those who are coming to christ come on just say god thank you for sending jesus as a seed for me today i give you my life i believe you lived you died and you rose again just for me today i surrender change me renew me transform me on yours in jesus name amen can we give god oh y'all better help me y'all got to do better than that there are people all over the world that are giving their life to christ [Music] so proud of you you just made that decision can i tell you over 32 000 people have made that decision this year alone oh y'all see i might have to do another week on farming because uh y'all know when the bible says that the the the field is actually the the white it's it's harvest time but the workers are the laborers are few ain't enough farmers but today i feel like there's about 10 000 farmers with faith i said i feel like there's about 10 000 at least and what could happen if we became serial sowers [Music] crazy faith offering december 5th what i want you to do is i don't want you to put an identity to what you're believing god for we do this every year so if you're new at our church you like what are they doing you can go back every year and see the miracle signs and wonders that are attached to us writing down what we're believing god for some of y'all in the room are here because of what you wrote on your crazy faith card some people are healed y'all don't even hear me right now [Music] [Applause] if you're watching online which most everybody is on our social media day you can download on the website the crazy faith cards are going to be there some of y'all gonna download 10 of them 20 of them 30 of them you're going to start writing down and i want you to post those i want you to tag tc i want you to tag me for the next eight weeks we are gonna believe god in crazier faith and we're gonna see god do miracles and on december 5th we're going to come in so and remember we're going to see seed so help me time what else work and then what what if 2022 is dependent on what we sow now father bless this people who have now gotten the principle to have faith like a farmer speak to us this week god do what only you can do and father we're open to whatever you want to do have your way in jesus name somebody say amen the last thing i forgot to tell you is if you just gave your life to christ i want you to text the number on your screen i want you to text saved to the number on your screen this is why we give this is why we pray is that people would be transformed in christ so i want every person that gave their life to christ to text this number we want to give you steps to help you and walk with you and the only thing i want you to do is come back next week i already got the word for next week and i'm telling you if you thought god did something today get ready for next week because we going even crazier i love you go out and live a transformed life somebody give god some praise you
Channel: Transformation Church
Views: 776,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Transformation Church, Represent, Michael Todd, Mike Todd, Transformation Church live, Transformation Church Worship, Charles Metcalf, Sunday Service, Holy Spirit, Faith, God, Jesus Christ, transformchurchtv, representtv, Faith Like A Farmer, Sow it Before You See it, Sow, Seed, Crops, farmer, faith of a farmer, farming, soil, crazy faith, crazy, faith, crazyer faith, crazyer, church
Id: KyYOnnv71Ro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 16sec (6676 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 25 2021
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