Stop Holding It // Release (Part 4)

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is anybody ready for the word today well I want you to get out your notes and your Bible we are starting week four of a vision series that we're calling release and if you're just joining us we gather our faith around a word every year that that we believe God has spoken to us and that is gonna set the trajectory for the rest of the year and and and some of you know but we're on day 21 of our tell some a some a my god there was a quicken in my spirit tonight will be the end of our fast and we're gonna be able to go and see everything that we believe God for and prayed for during this 21 days of prayer fasting I believe that we're gonna see it come to pass this year and I just believe my faith is that we will not have a repeat or a rerun of anything in the past but God's moving us to something new and part of that is us releasing and God told us he said this is gonna be the year that he's gonna release us from the bondage the place of bondage he's gonna release us of the the mentality or the perspective of bondage and he's gonna release us into the promise of our blessing and I really do believe that and I believe all year like like release is not just this series you're gonna hear release all year even when we're talking about other things this is the year of release and and so I believe that us being released God releasing in us what he wants to do is going to be a process and part of that God has a part to play and we have a part to play and it's so funny sometimes we want God to supersede us to do the miracle and he's saying I have to have you be a part of what I'm doing in your life and so one of our responsibilities is to release and I want you to write this down stop holding there are things that many of us have been holding on to that it's time for us to everybody say release yeah yep uh-huh you have attitudes that you need to release you have anger that you need to release you have people that actually hurts you that you need to release you have dreams that you dreamed when you were 12 years old and then when you consulted God he never gave you an okay about it but you still been holding on the dreams that don't have anything to do with your purpose and it's time to release see a lot of our frustrations aren't even frustrations from something we should even be thinking about it's things that we made up without God and are playing without his presence is a problem and there are things that you've been believing for and asking God for and you need to release the and I know I know that a lot of us like holding those things because they've been they've been what we know they're so familiar like my knee-jerk reaction is to get angry and cuss you out cuz and I appreciate her being honest because while she's being real some of y'all are wearing a mask and God can only bless who you really are not who you pretend to be and everybody say that God wants everybody say truth see this is a cuss word in church because people feel like if I tell you the real truth then maybe I won't be worthy of what God has has done in my life or people will think different of me but I'm saying the Bible tells us that the truth will set you free and many of our freedom hasn't come because we haven't told the truth hmm what if your husband really knew the truth what if your family really knew the truth what if you were honest with yourself about what really happened and you started facing the truth I believe the result would be freedom and there are too many of us because we won't release the things that are comfortable to us the things that we've been holding we never get to experience what God has for us but the title of my message today is what I want you to do and what I believe God wants you to do stop holding it stop holding it I don't know what it is for you but it has been keeping you in a place that God wants you to be released from it could be unforgiveness and you've been holding it because your dad did leave you when you were a young person and it sucked to be raised without a father figure and you were looking to other people to be able to do it but God says now we're here and I do not want what happened in the past to paralyze you in the present I don't want what did happen to be plaguing you then and it's still controlling you now I need you to release I know you were exposed to things at a young age that nobody should be exposed to and I'm not gonna sit up here and act like I know why everything happens the only thing I know is that we live in a fallen world and because we live in a world where sin is able to be a real part of everyday life that there's perversion and sickness and all these things and I don't know why it happened but God says will you let me take your ashes and give you beauty because I'm the only one that can take a burnt-up situation and make something beautiful and many of us God's begging us let me have it and we will not release we won't stop holding it because we found protection in it because this is the thing that has kept us safe we feel like us building walls has been protection but we keep building all of these walls and what we realize is the thing that we built to protect us now has us trapped in the very thing that we said cuz nobody will ever hurt me like that again and this won't happen and that won't happen and I want and now we've been trapped we can't move forward and what God has called us to do because we won't release but today I want to help you our part in this is to stop holding and and when you stop holding you have to know that there's a time and a season for this God took me to ecclesiastics chapter 3 verse 6 and i'ma read it in three different versions because I think it's gonna help us uncover what we're gonna have to do with our past pains with our frustrations with the issues that happen to us with the things that happen that were unfair I want you to see this it says there's a time and a season for everything and then it says there's a time to get and a time to lose a time to keep and a time to cast away everybody say cast away then look at it in the NLT version it says there's a time to search and a time to quit searching relationship advice and there's a time to keep and a time to everybody say throw away so there's things that we've been holding on to that is saying we need to cast away and some of them we need to throw away and look at it in the message version it says there is a right time to hold on and so many of us thought that we'd be holding these things for years the unforgiveness the bitterness the anger the people will be holding for years he said but there's another time to do like Elsa and let it go okay it's time or maybe let me say it a different ways stop holding and I know it's hard I know it's hard to start doing these things because that means that I'm gonna have to give over control but God is saying through these scriptures I need you to let those things that you've been holding on to I need you to cast them away I need you to throw them away I need you to let it go I need you to stop holding but God they don't deserve to be forgiven he said but it's killing you and how bad do you want revenge do you want it to kill you or do you want me to take and fight your battles and the problem is many of us think that if we keep holding these things that somehow it's gonna make everything better just in case they come back up just in case this situation happens and God says I want you to trust me that my ways are better than your ways that my thoughts are better than your thoughts that that I have a plan for you to prosper you that's not to harm you and I want to move away from here but I can't do it if you do not stop holding and let me give you a practical example brick could you come out here real quick cuz first Peter chapter 5 and 7 it says give all your worries and your cares to who to God that means we gotta cast it another another version actually says that cast all your cares upon the Lord for he cares about you he was like yeah he cares but then why why why did I go through it and see what what ends up happening is we we come in and and and I want to say like this life is a conglomerate of two different things what happened to you which you had no control over there were things that happen to you but it doesn't just stop there it's what happened to you and then what you decide and a lot of us we only look at the past of what happened to us and then we base all of our decisions on the fact of what happened to us instead of allowing God to transform us in this place right here release the things and move to our our next and this is what happens life happens I got offended because somebody did something to me that was wrong and the thing is we never release it cuz I can still function with my offense and a lot of people are okay as long as they're able to function with their dysfunction so as long as as as I'm a young man and I can get angry that's fine I still can do everything that I need to do I still can clap if I need to clap I can still punch you if I need to I don't have full mobility of what I could grasp and touch but I'm okay with with keeping these things cuz I can still move but what ends up happening is life keeps coming at you and you lost the job and you got caught up in perversion and there was a relationship that was not like God now what happens when you're carrying things you were never meant to carry and now God's telling you to release but this has become comfortable having frustration in my life having anger in my life blaming other people it's comfortable and so now instead of releasing things I'm more accustomed to catching things I take offense uh-huh like offense is thrown in the air I don't dodge it oh I wanted I want I wanted that offense I wanted to get that and so then I go to the job where they undervalue me and there's some big offenses but then there's some little offenses then I start I start catching the people who talked about me on Instagram and the people in my family oh yeah I'm coming to your house today oh no I don't know and see this is how crazy we look cuz we would rather chase an offense we would rather we would rather get down and pick up something that's insignificant cuz I didn't deserve to be treated like that and they don't know who I am over here looking crazy and what ends up happening is we spend our life focusing and trying to catch small offenses and this is what most of us look like this is what your soul looks like and you're functioning every day and you're trying to go through life and that's like god is good and everything is alright and this is what people see because I got to keep preaching but now oh no no no not no no no not my bro are not my family they never believed in me I can't let that go they didn't support me when I tried to still I can't let that go nope so I'm gonna keep trying to function while holding everything that's hurting me and been a weight in my life it's harder to do what's easy when you're holding things that you were never meant to carry but look at Ephesians chapter 4 cuz cuz Paul I like Paul because Paul is one of the realest I mean he wouldn't do some real stuff and and and he had a rough life like Paul was killing Christians let me just say like this Paul had a past how many people in this room watching right now have a past lift your hands high if you're watching if you're watching in your living room lift your hands and if you didn't lift your hands you're lying we all got a past the question is is your past still present because we call it the past but if it really is the past then it can't affect your present and most of us have a past present because what happened to us in the past is still affecting us in the present and what Paul is saying is I got a pass I got a pass probably worse than all of y'all I was killing people I was probably doing things with females that believed in Jesus I was I was talking down to people I was doing all kinds of stuff but look what Paul says to us in Ephesians chapter 4 verse 31 and this is a htl this is a hard to live scripture because it sounds good when we read it but it's hard to live this one out look what he says he says get rid or stop holding everybody say stop holding all bitterness all bitterness all rage all anger hold on Lord all anger ain't there a little bit that I can keep it says get rid of all anger all harsh words oh all slander well I'm not just talking about him I'm telling the truth mmm I'm just gonna I'm gonna say it cuz some of y'all like oh he didn't get my issue he didn't not get in my issue look at the rest of it as well as all types of evil behavior Gotham coach it says you got a you got to stop holding all of these things he said instead everybody say instead that means there's a trade that means you can release this and you can get something else you can trade your sorrows for his joy you can trade the spirit of heaviness for a garment of praise you can trade everybody say instead feel this thing he says instead be kind to each other tender-hearted uh-oh here's the big one forgiving one another hold on God you don't know what happened you you can't tell me to forgive them because they did not deserve to do that and hear me when I say this they didn't deserve to do it and I don't know why I hate the devil I hate things that have happened to people illegitimately and when they were young and when they didn't know but this is the thing you gotta realize that battle is not yours it's the Lord's and your holding stuff that's too heavy for your heart you've been weighed down because you've had a fear of failure because your your your parents or your coach didn't believe in you and God said I'm bringing people around you to believe in you but you can't even see it because you are stuck to a moment and he's saying you gotta forgive these people just as God through Christ has forgiven you oh no you bringing up my salvation again cuz I'm I remember who I was some of y'all can be faking here but I needed God to forgive me and the problem is the same forgiveness that we've experienced it's the same forgiveness that we have to give so what are you saying I need to stop holding bitterness stop holding raids stop holding anger stop holding hearts words stop holding a revenge --all revengeful spirit stop holding offense stop holding unforgiveness let me help you let me help you really get this cuz I've been standing here with all of this stuff but what incentive happen is life don't stop coming so now I'm I'm a transformation Church but there was a lot of cars getting in here today and somebody cutting me off you mother blessing and then and then I went outside to try to get some new merch but the girl in front of me took my last sighs and then I was really trying I was really trying to be here for all 21 days of Prayer faster but somebody made me mad and then I called somebody who would always make me feel better when I felt like God wasn't doing what he was supposed to do I needed to feel love from somebody and so I got this relationship on the side that I keep holding nobody knows about it nobody knows that I'm in my demons nobody knows that that I still watch this thing I keep this this subscription to premium channels just for those moments where I feel loved and I still keep holding things and I'll be in a loaded position a lowered position truck he'll know and I'll be trying to chase after offenses could you could you bring that to me no no no just bring it to me please could you bring it to me what's your name Megan thank you for helping me keep holding things seems like I should have never came but I promise you you'll find friends who will help you hold on to it uu-aah there are people who have been designed rob come here man yeah yeah yeah come here come here no no no no no it won't help unless you get close enough to me to keep me reminded of what happened to me so many of us are walking around holding pain and frustration and hurts and we're being aided by people who are hurt too and so God says hey I want some good things to come to you because I'm a God of grace and when he sends good things your way you can't even catch them because you're still holding on to everyone and everybody who hurts you and you're saying I'm pastor I did the 21 days of prayer and fasting you said the cast and I want you to think about this cast it's something where you have to get a little energy and you got a cast oh okay I cast this oh thank you lord I casted him but I ain't casting this one cuz this is my Uncle Bill and uncle bill expose me to stuff that's messed me up to this day I can't forgive him but but I'm free enough to at least catch a good thing so now God brings good things my way and I just praise the one good thing because I won't release the other things and so I I'm better I'm better than I used to be and then God throws another blessing your way and you can't catch it and and this is what Paul is telling us right now he said if you release what's in your hands then God can release what's in his hands and all somebody needs to thank God right there and if you don't release what's in your hand he would be an irresponsible father to try to throw something else your way let me write it down no no no no nope nope nope nope I'm chasing this offense my boss I hate him he don't deserve me uh-uh my brother doesn't deserve my grace either nope nope Pastor Mike why do you look so foolish right now it's because we would rather grovel and chase things hurting us and hold on to no no no no not being cut from the 6th grade basketball team you laughing but that's the thing that made you stop trying so you don't try anymore because you would rather not even try then to get denied and God saying I need you in this year to release stop holding it I have something better for you write this down releases God's desire but my decision yep it's God's desire for everybody to be released but you got to decide remember it said cast throw and some of these little thing literal offenses are easier to twelve watch out I'm sorry don't hit that woman in her hair don't apologize look up it's easier to throw the small things it's easy it's easier to throw the things that look insignificant but there's some things the too close to my heart to throw and that's why the Bible gives us different options it says you just need to let it go letting go doesn't take any more of my energy it just takes me to stop holding what I have right now and I believe in this year of release God's not asking you to do some sexy big release where you telling everybody I've made some decisions and if I don't answer your phone call you wanted them to see you know you y'all know how people do like I'm all for the gram if you need my number call me like wax it's because we're trying to we're trying to act like what we really need to do is based on how other people respond to it but what God is saying is I just need you to stop holding stop holding what you've been holding release is God's desire but it's your decision somebody say my decision yep and so that's what Paul comes to us and he's telling us so many different things and it reminds me of Hebrews 12 chapter 1 where it says therefore since we've been surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith let us everybody said let us let us strip off every weight that slows us down especially sin what do you mean Pastor Mike that means there's weights that aren't sin that are holding you to the place you're in and it says let those weights go he said and let us run with endurance the race God has set before you you gotta understand when good things happen when bad things happen and I'm carrying all of these things and I want them to come from me and I'm getting little offenses and all of these different things that are happening in life and I don't really want them but they're coming at me and I'm deciding to catch them what ends up happening I'll need everybody to see this what you think you're holding is actually holding you see what you think is a defense mechanism for you is the very thing that's created prison walls for you and if somebody told me to run at full speed right now I could not run at my full speed not because I can't run so because I'm holding things that hinder me from being my best and many of you are functioning in life and again this is what your soul looks like and and oh my god you're gonna join the church and change your life and you're gonna start serving and they didn't pick you for a good service position so now you're offended after you met God what happens when your pain is not just from things you did in your past but it's things that keep coming up right now and people don't see your value give me something big because because I thought I would be able to to be more and do more and now I'm offended and now you come into the house of God in your holding stuff and look what Paul said he said these things are holding you holding you back and some of you saying well Paul's just saying these things he ain't never been through nothing part got a past and he has a past after he became a believer look what it says in 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 verse 22 I got a paraphrase but he starts telling everybody everything that he's been through because you think you have a past Paul had a past he said I've been put in prison I've been with so many times I can't count I face death over and over again I had 39 lashes you know the the lashes that Jesus took Paul got that five times he had 39 lashes five times he's been beaten with rod he rods he was stoned he'd been shipwrecked he spent a whole night on a piece of wood at sea he's been robbed he's faced danger from people who said they loved him some of the disciples didn't even claim him because they thought his transformation wasn't real because he used to kill Christians and God changed his life and now they're saying this can't be real do you know what type of rejection you would have to feel after you have given your life to Christ and the very people that are supposed to be supporting you now are saying that what God's done in your life is not real do you know how much that Paul had to carry and and had to choose to let go it said that on top of all of that then God gave him a responsibility to care for people in church and to build this church and this one helps me understand that God's telling us to release because he has something better for us than anything that we've been carrying around if you do not let this stuff go if you do not have the faith to believe that God's plan is better than your problem if you do not are not able to see that that what happened to you is not a punishment but it is a platform for God's glory to be seen in your life if you keep holding on to this stuff it will keep you from God's best for you and there are too many people and I'm sick of counseling them and I'm sick of praying for people who their main issue is not that God wants to do more it's that they won't let go they won't stop holding and there are relationships and people that you've been holding and you can't even take what's good God says I want to do something good for you and you're barely holding on to the good things that God has for you but I want you to look what Paul says in Philippians 3 verse 12 oh no I'm losing things can I have a friend that'll help me keep my issues thank you for helping me stay in bondage that's what some of y'all should text your friends on their birthday Philippians chapter 3 verse 12 what happens what happens when your pain is legitimate my question is is it worth it not is it legitimate because most people like I got a right to feel like this let me tell you yes you do let me validate you for every pastor who's never said it you should without God you have a right to feel how you feel and hold everything you're holding my question is is it worth it and Paul decided that every day he woke up after God transformed his life that he wouldn't live in shame and guilt think about this this man killed Christians and then he has an encounter with God and he has to wake up every day and choose to let these things go he cannot focus on the past because if he focuses on the past he'll never be able to do what God's called him to do in the future Paul goes on to write over one third of the entire Bible and three-fourths no no because that's the only good thing that's happened to me in a long time I'm not losing that so I'll rearrange my function I'll rearrange my dysfunction and I'm spending more time effort and energy trying to hold on to something and I don't even know if I can get up but I won't let it go I can let this thing go and be able to use my hand like it was supposed to be used but I can't let only have two good things that have happened to me so I got it you see how foolish I look but this is how many of us look every day of our life when God says I had better plan for you I'm not letting go of my ex-husband he should have never left us like this and God says stop holding him why should my sister should have protected me she saw what was happening you don't even know what's happening to her this barrel is not yours it's the Lord stop holding it and so Paul says Philippians 3 verse 12 he says hey I don't I don't want to come off like I got this thing figured out he said I've not already achieved these things and I haven't reached perfection but I press on everybody say press on oh I just feel God this is this year of release where many of you who have been paralyzed in your present that you're about to start pressing on he said I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me I'm not gonna stay at the first version of myself I'm not going to stay in this bound place where I've been broken I'm not going to use my pain as an excuse to see God move in my present I'm not gonna stay here verse 13 no I don't want you to get me wrong I've not achieved it but I focus on this one thing now what is Paul about to focus on because out of everything he can focus on look what he says I focus on forgetting the past what no no no no see this is so funny thing right here um no no you could just keep it right there because I'm trying to focus on something different now so when something falls off or I release something the only reason I want to go after it is because I keep looking at it where's your focus my question is are you focused on what happened are you focused on what God is doing look what he says he said forgetting the past and looking forward for what lies ahead I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God through Christ Jesus is calling us I'm here to tell you that God is calling you and he wants to do more with you than you could ever do with yourself but it can't happen until you start forgetting the past because I'm like I can't do that I can't forget because it hurt me too bad write down my next point forgetting or the formula to forgetting it's fixed focus the formula to forgetting is fixed focus I remember that a year and a half ago one of my friends watched this documentary on minimalism okay some of y'all seen it we try God still working on us but we got all gung-ho about like doing less having less and so what we made a decision is that all of us are going into our closets and we're taking out everything we haven't worn in the past six months and I was like let's go let's let it go let's Relays and first off they started coming in my closet and saying stuff was ugly I said who who even asked you to come in here and then we first did a dwindle of things I couldn't wear anymore and there were some things I was like but no no no two months from now two months from now I'll be ten pounds lighter and I bought that for a specific reason I see I got a vision of God using me in that shirt like like and so after we got over that it was painful and then they started taking away things that I could wear but I had too many of them they said Mike you don't need ten jean jackets I said you don't understand there's details to these jean jackets I said this jean jacket has a denim light wash this jean jacket has more and I started telling all the reasons they said you can keep three I said what and then what they did is they dismissed me and they said this is too hard for you to let go of because you keep looking at it so if you don't have focus on what's being let go of will keep it and see if you don't notice it's gone so I left and I came back to my closet and it was like maybe I got more clothes in here than I thought what I realized is my process of forgetting was wrapped up in what I was focusing on when I kept looking at it I kept thinking about how I couldn't live without it but when my focus was on something else I was able to allow things to be everybody say release I came to tell you today that your process of forgetting all those things that have happened in the past is going to be wrapped up and you getting fixed focus on Jesus see a lot of you have had fixed focus on who offended you and what hurts you and you've allowed that to take over your focus of who saved you who redeemed you who calls you who has blessed you and you stop looking at the blesser and you've looked at all the things that have hurt you but somebody say I'm fixing my focus say it like you mean it I'm fixing my focus look at proverbs 425 it says look straight ahead and fix your eyes fix your focus on what lies before you mark out a straight path for for your feet stay on a safe path don't get sidetracked somebody say don't get sidetracked stop getting sidetracked by all the little things in life that come to affect you stop getting sidetracked stop looking at them see because when I stop looking at them but they're still coming I don't even I don't even have the opportunity to get ready to get offended I can't even catch the offense because I didn't see it coming you meant to hurt me but I ain't even see it you you meant to make me mad but I didn't even catch it I am NOT going to fix my focus on everything that's coming my way and that's why letting go is about what you look at yeah some of the hurts and the frustrations and the people you don't have to let them go but you can't look at what you're letting go you have to look at Jesus see because what God has for you is so much bigger than anything you could ever have for yourself see what you got to realize is you've been you've been holding on to pain and good things but there's a god thing that God wants you to hold on to and you cannot catch what God has for you when you're still holding what has hurts you and those who keep you right here so what are you saying Pastor Mike today in this series throughout this entire year my last point stop holding it I know I know your husband stepped out on you you're trying to make it work but you don't trust them you're gonna have to trust God and if he told you to stay in that relationship you're gonna have to stop holding him he's not your child he's your helpmate and now you're gonna have to let him go and become the man of God that he's supposed to be and if he can't do that biblically you have you have the right you can leave that thing but if you're deciding to stay stop holding him to his past cuz nobody can ever fully move into what God has for them if we're still holding them to who they used to be Paul goes on to be one of the greatest apostles but he had to choose every day to stop holding what he used to do stop holding who came against him stop holding the good things that happen because even in isaiah 43 the bible tells us because we start holding good things and we start thinking we're excited but but he tells the children of israel i delivered you from out of egypt i parted the seas and then what did he say and isaiah 40:3 he says forget all that no no no what you're telling me to forget the good things that God did he says it's not worthy to be compared so what I'm about to do in your life I need somebody to get the faith to believe that even the good things that have happened are not worthy to be compared to what God wants to do his plan is to prosper you to give you hope in a future and so you've got on everybody say forget it [Applause] because when you stop holding your hands are open to catch not the good thing ah but the god thing and this is the thing you got to realize [Applause] when I fix my focus on the god thing it's big enough that when life starts coming at me from every angle come on life just start coming at me I don't even see it I am protected I have found refuge I have my focus fix I can walk through the valley of the shadow of death and fear no evil because my faith is fixed on who goes before me life can come at me but God is it I need somebody to help me in this place my focus is six [Music] standing all over this place so Pastor Mike my focus is fixed I just I just I just keep thinking on Jesus yeah like forgive your father let him go focus on Jesus forgive your boss let him go focus on Jesus forgive your children for what they did to you after you sacrificed your whole life for them forgive them focus on Jesus Paul is so good that all these scriptures I've read all of them have been from Paul because he went from somebody who was killing Christians and had to forget his past and had the daily release people to somebody who could write something like Philippians chapter 4 verse 8 he said and now dear brothers and sisters one final thing like before we go today let me just tell you one thing fix your thoughts remember the key to forgetting your past is fixing your focus so now you need to fix your thoughts somebody say i'ma fix my thoughts o what all the haters all the problems all the issues no no no fix your thoughts on what is true I am a child of God the number of days that God has called me to be there ordered by him he has a plan you gotta fix your mind on what's true you gotta fix your mind on what's honorable what's right what's pure what's lovely what's admirable think about these things that are excellent and worthy of praise keep putting into practice all you've learned in all you received from me Paul said I modeled this from you I had a horrible past I let God meet me in a moment I allow God to develop me and then I got my focus fixed or not what happens to me but what I can do to help other people become who they are called to be and I just keep seeing Jesus and he says do these things everything you heard from me and saw me doing then the God of peace will be with you I came to tell you today stop holding it this is what 2019 is supposed to look like for every person oh if you have faith to believe it why don't you give God a shot of praise in this building this is what it's supposed to look like but you can't fully grasp what God has for you if you're still holding your past I want to pray for everybody because today I'm believing you're gonna stop holding it and I don't know what it is but you do hands lifted all over this building father I thank you that today you met us in this place god you're saying this is the year of release and that means this is the year where we stop holding you're gonna do your part but we're gonna do our part father we let go of every person every idea every moment that caused us pain that has kept us poor paralyzed we declare and we decree right now that you are a god that is moving us from where we have been to where you have called us to be I come against fear I come against doubt I come against that the the paralyzation of pain and I declare that right now we are no longer stagnant but we are letting go we are releasing we are casting our cares upon you because you care for us today I thank you that we will not trade old things or even good things for the god thing that you have for us change us from the inside out and father this is not just the moment of release but this is the year of release do it over and over and we have faith to believe you and matter of fact God we give you praise in advance for all you're doing and all you're saying come on if you're gonna release it give God a shot of praise in this building I'm letting it color I'm letting it go I'm letting it go say that out of your mouth I'm letting it go something's happening in our church and now you have a part to play this week there are people that you're gonna daily wake up and say I'll let you go and they're gonna try to offend you again because cuz people will throw things at you throw it at me Kordell and instead of catching it you're gonna do what let it go it's gonna come at you and I'm a Dodger I don't know it's gonna come at you oh you hit me but you're not gonna get a response out of me like like like like like it hit me but you're not you're not gonna get it and it's gonna come at you and I am going to intentionally intentionally start allowing the things that the enemy means to distract me to become the things that fuel me to stay devoted to him here in this room today you've never made the greatest decision of your life which is accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior or rededicating your life like putting him back in control releasing control today I want to give you that opportunity cuz it's the thing that changed my life it took me from being somebody who was addicted from pornography who was carrying all of that baggage who was trying to do God's will but not letting him take control it took me from that to a man that's not perfect like palsy but I'm progressing towards the mark that God has called me to today I want to give you that opportunity if you would just close your eyes and bow your head right now not a religious moment but for you to focus fix your focus right now if you're in this room and you need to make God your Lord and Savior I'm telling you it's the greatest decision you could ever make even all those who are watching online I'm telling you God wants you to release the first thing you're gonna have to do is release controls and so today I want us to pray this prayer nobody at transformation church prays alone because we're family amen so let's pray this prayer together for the benefit of those who are coming to Christ everybody say God I release control and I give it to you I stop holding my past and my present and I give it to you thank you for living and dying just for me and today I asked you to be the Lord of my life change me renew me transform me I'm yours in Jesus name Amen hey thanks so much for watching today and transformation church has impacted your life in any way we want to hear about it citizen email and my story and transform Church taught us also if you'd like to partner with us financially to see more lives transform you can visit our website at transform Church Dinah's slash give hey thanks again go out and live a transformed life
Channel: Transformation Church
Views: 739,268
Rating: 4.94912 out of 5
Keywords: Transformation Church, Tulsa, Represent, God, Christ, Sermon, Jesus
Id: g0-BZNhsTqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 34sec (2854 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 28 2019
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