Michael Todd: The Difference Between God, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit | TBN

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if you don't get anything else that i say the reason you have to receive and release the holy spirit in your life is because he is the only god that is active in every part of every day of every moment of every breath that you will take for the rest of your life and then he won't leave you he will escort you to a heavenly home if you put your faith in jesus who saved us and you will be introduced to the father who provided all of it for us i'm telling you right now the holy spirit is god [Music] the holy spirit is god so in the beginning when they said let us make man it was a meeting between god god and god god god here it is let's turn up well we got to create something in our image so god looked at god and said god i'm just trying to i'm trying to drive home a point right here holy spirit come help me you can say god come help me thank you jesus for dying on the cross and jesus says you're welcome jesus come help me he says the holy spirit's going to come god god and god they still not getting it charles okay so so so let me build this out for you god is his name okay but then god has a title and we love god the father he's a good good father it's who you are he is he's a great father and then he sent us his only son now i want you to realize it was not multiple sons it was his only so it then is god the son and he has a name what's his name jesus so it's god the father god jesus and then guess what the third god's name is the holy spirit you're getting it some of y'all are going to be at the top of the class by the end of this this one i'm just having to take you through it because by the end of this it's going to change everything but god the father has a specific function god the father's function is watch this provider i'mma provide the heavens and the earth i'm even gonna provide my only son i'm going to provide purpose and plans for everybody but once i provide what i want i'm going to take a seat on the throne of the universe so if you need somebody in a different function then he sends jesus and his function is watch this very simply i'm giving you theological principles that will guide your life jesus function is savior so god the father didn't come to save you he sent god jesus to save you but this scripture tells us that after jesus saved us he doesn't have to save us over and over again and i know some of y'all have backwards teaching in your church that tells you you need to come to the altar every time you do something and mess up no that's the point where you repent and you turn back to god and i know some people use that as a manipulation tactic but what jesus did for us when you really actually receive the finished work of jesus christ it is a done deal when you put your faith in jesus christ i know i'm coming against some strongholds right now but when you put your faith in jesus you don't have to come to the altar every sunday and say god forgive me he already forgave you and he knew it before you would do it and so that's why he sent jesus as the propitiation that's a big word for all of your sins that means he died for the sins you did commit that you are committing and that you'll ever commit and what he's saying is your eternity is secure but your history is jacked up people don't know how to live they know where their eternity will be spent but they don't know where they're tomorrow so what did god the father provide for us a savior and then he said they're going to need something else to live so i'm going to send god the holy spirit and his function look at it and john is helper now how many of us need help in an area of our life hands lifted high you need help in some in your marriage and your business you need help stop calling on the god whose function is not helping you i know it's rough but once you learn the function of god the father talk to him about provision and it's the crazy thing he already done it he ain't providing anything new he just waiting for you to discover what he provided do you know that there will be no diamonds ever made again because when god made diamonds in coal mines he made them all for one time but do you know for the next centuries and eons we will be discovering things that god put there years ago because it's not about finding out about god it's about discovering what he's already placed there what i'm telling you is you is when you get in a relationship it's not about god help this marriage it's no god help me find out who you created me to be so i can be the right person in this marriage it's never about what god will provide it's what god's already provided so he said jesus and then he sent the holy spirit to help you now this is the one that's going to mess you up i've been hitting towards it all the way but i just need you i'm just trying to make sure you get right theology and i'm not being um uh facetious or i'm not trying to be um into semantics like if you say god i'm praying to you i'm not saying like it's three in one okay but i'm trying to get you to recognize the the family member that y'all act like don't exist i'm trying to just get you to recognize that uncle jerry that's crazy he's a real person and the reason that he's addicted to that and the reason that he's going there because he has a real story like we treat people that aren't like us or that we don't understand we treat them like they're less than human oh i know how you treat homeless people just because they don't have a house like you you think because you're riding around in the toyota corolla and you live in a high rise that somehow you're better than them be careful lest you be the one that fall down and you've dehumanized people oh i see some of my fellas who have dehumanized human beings because you've been addicted to pornography and now you see women as a sexual object instead of something that god created because of the perversion in your hand when you don't know something you dehumanize it [Music] when you don't know something you make it less personal that's why some of y'all the the the commercials of children in africa don't move you no more you see the children with their bellies and they're eating out of thing and you threw away what they would eat for a week and it doesn't even compute to you anymore because what you don't know about you make less personal oh is that why we have racial problems in the usa right now it's because you was raised around all black people and you was raised around all white people and you go to the lake with all hispanic people and i got a black friend and he's the guy that you pay to work for you and he's the token that comes to your thing the reason you've made it less personal because you don't know him and the reason you've made the holy spirit less personal it's because you don't know him god the father is a provider god jesus is a savior god the holy spirit is a what helper and they all have a current status look where god's current status is the father look at it his current status is set apart and holy that's why god couldn't come to earth because he couldn't mix with the sin i can't do the sin like for me i can't do smoke so like when i go not because i don't like people who smoke it's just like it does something to me like when i go into a hotel room or i go into a car and i rent a car it's like i can tell a medium i start the water i like having an allergy i can't i can't do the smoke so when i go and rent a car and i get in and somebody was you know blowing them trees and making things happen i ain't got no problem with you i just can't drive this car because i can't do that that atmosphere is not conducive for me to be exactly who i'm supposed to be it begins to impair who i actually am so what god said is i can't do sin like i created a perfect earth and i just can't do sin so it literally tells us in the bible that eden is still a place that is hidden from humans because it is guarded and gated by angels because that's a space that only holy is accepted in only perfect is accepted there but god is so loving he really is a good good father that he said i can't stay without my children so instead of them coming here i can't let them come here because i can't do sin like i can't do it but i'll pay for it and so i'll send jesus and now jesus has a status too where's jesus's status look at it he's seated hold on what he seated luke 22 69 said that when jesus finished his assignment that then he was seated in heavenly places at the right hand of the father hold up so when he said it is finished as savior he went into the sea that's his current status right now we worship you jesus he is in his lazy boy in heaven like that's it i like that song use the thing i do i do i do use the state he is in the lazy boy reclined seated read the scripture do you know the holy spirit and his status put it on the screen active he is the only god expression still active and you don't even think he real [Music] something told me to not go that way and there was an accident on the highway something it was god god god the big man upstairs he said apart he's not down here he created it but he ain't down here god the son yeah yeah he's seated he he done with y'all he had 33 years of this ghetto world and he was like i'm pretty much done with this think about it the only god that is still active in the earth today is god the who holies if you don't get anything else that i say the reason you have to receive and release the holy spirit in your life is because he is the only god that is active in every part of every day of every moment of every breath that you will take for the rest of your life and then he won't leave you he will escort you to a heavenly home if you put your faith in jesus who saved us and you will be introduced to the father who provided all of it for us i'm telling you right now the holy spirit is god and the crazy thing is i could go to tons of churches today and there are people that are lifting their hands raising their voices and they don't even recognize the person of the holy spirit can i just sum it up for you all of them have a location i just told you but some of y'all at the head of class god the father's location at this current moment heaven and that's where everybody's trying to get to yeah yeah god jesus his location guess where it is heaven but do you know where the holy spirit is right now he's on earth he's right next to you and he's right in you holy spirit make yourself come alive to people right now oh don't think that i'm about to teach a message about him without him like i'm gonna have random stops and pauses because some of you right now something on the inside of you is starting to move you're starting to release and wake up you're understanding faith is coming to you right now and some of you need to understand that he is a person why wouldn't you accept the upgrade why wouldn't you allow him to be god in your life so god the father write this down god is our father you can just go straight down the thing and see it god is our father that provides who is set apart or holy and he's in heaven how do we know that matthew the lord's prayer that everybody says it tells us where god the father is our father which art in it gave you his gps think about the scriptures you read and how disconnected we are because of how we've been taught it tells us where god the father is in heaven who is jesus jesus is our savior who finished his assignment and is now seated in heaven that's why luke 22 69 tells us but for the son but for now on the son of man he will be seated in the place of power at god's right hand i'm giving you scripture for everything who is the holy spirit he is our helper who is the advocate and he's right here right now on earth and he wants to work in your life at tbn our mission is to use every available means to reach as many individuals and families as possible with the life-changing gospel of jesus christ thank you for helping make the gospel of grace go around the world without you we couldn't do it god bless you
Channel: TBN
Views: 7,512
Rating: 4.973856 out of 5
Keywords: transformation church, transformation church forgiveness, transformation church crazy faith, transformation church marked, mike todd, mike todd upgrade, upgrade, Michael Todd, Transformation Church Worship, Sunday Service, Holy Spirit, Faith, God, Jesus Christ, transformchurchtv, representtv, vision sunday, prayer, pray, god, jesus, holy spirit, the holy spirit, provider, helper, savior, the trinity, the trinity explained, holy, t8b2n6, 8t2b6n, tbn826, 826tbn, tbn, trinity broadcasting network
Id: Ix_Ssv29CNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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