Joseph Prince: God's Grace is Corrective | FULL TEACHING | Praise on TBN

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it will never be about what you do or what you have not done it's all about what i have done right and surely he was corrected so there is correction in grace but god does not correct you with with accidents and car wrecks and disease and sickness that's how he corrects you but it is a correction but it's still uplifting when god corrects you you learn it humbles you you have a right perspective but it corrects you so there is correction i just want to say that the the idea of talking about the finished work of the cross sitting in front of god's finished creation and instead of what we painted on some canvas somewhere what god created with his own voice and so basically this is this is kind of a big day for me so let's let's start with the most wonderful thing that we could ever start with the person of jesus and talk about grace yes you know on my way here the lord gave me a verse psalms 36 verse 6 and it says your righteousness is like the great mountains oh my goodness and uh it's my the assignment of my life to proclaim the gift of righteousness made available through the blood of christ that today we are righteous not by what we do we are righteous because christ died for our sins and he took our sin so that we can receive his righteousness and he got what we deserve so we can we don't get what what we deserve but what he deserves and he got what we deserve that's grace unearned undeserved favor and what better place to push that than this great mountains i'm sure that david you know in israel for them mountains is really like this yeah it is not like a like a hill right when it says great mountains it must have been referring to the colorado mountains with the amazing shot that we have on the screen right now with the mountain behind us what what song did you read on your way in again just psalms 36 30 yeah and it says right in the same psalm it says endow preservers man and beast and the very next verse says how great is your loving kindness oh lord therefore the children of men put their their trust under the shadow of your wings now that verse that verse is from the old king james but the word loving kindness in in hebrew in which the old testament is written is the word hasset and has said even our messianic believers friends they read from their new testament in hebrew right but but in the new testament everywhere herself is mentioned it is grace like jesus grace and truth came by jesus has said they are met so has said how great david says how great is your husset therefore the sons of men put their trust under the shadow of your wings beautiful we are getting to talk about the finished work of jesus in front of the finished work of jesus the beautiful mountains so this is a big day for me great scripture to start with by the way joseph and as we are here uh this is the first time this airs is december 2nd 2019 we're welcoming you right here to a beautiful part of southwestern colorado okay let's get into uh something we were with you not long ago and heard you speaking uh about kind of you you started in isaiah 60 okay and it it reminded me and and i wanted to i wanted to uncover another facet of grace and it has to do with an understanding of protection many people are concerned about this and that the other thing and travel concerns and warnings and all the things that that are issued you know as and and people could be anxious about matters like that and you've written an entire book and so i want to uh reference the prayer of protection your your book that you wrote on this subject but you recently preached it was so powerful we got to sit there and and see you minister that live here in america and start with that uh and let's just um just just let me sit here and and enjoy this because i've been looking forward to this for a long time so just start and uh let's get into this yeah the word of god tells us in isaiah 60 arise shine you know we have many songs written on this uh for your light is come and the glory of the lord is risen upon you but what many fail to realize is when this will happen the very next verse tells us for darkness shall cover the earth and gross darkness the people and i think that we we live in an um today's in today's world we can see literally see darkness covering the earth and gross darkness there i believe is the the immorality and the science of the times that we live in we are seeing it all around us and more than ever people are living in in gross darkness but the bible says when this happens the glory of the lord will rise upon us and our light shall be seen you know if you are in a in an auditorium and and you switch off all the lights in that auditorium someone just switch on a little flicker of light no matter where you wind it in the environment you can see that light yeah even a small flicker so when darkness covers the earth it's our greatest opportunity to demonstrate the light of christ in our lives in fact there is a parallel in the old testament when the children of israel were in egypt the bible says the second last plague before the death of the first born before the institution of the passover was deep darkness it was a thick darkness and and it was such a darkness that covered egypt that the bible says they can't see each other not their hands in front of their face it must be supernatural darkness because um you know if it can just be dispelled with with light they will switch on i mean right you know they'll cause the light to come from with their lamps and all that but obviously they can't do that it's a supernatural darkness but at the same time god made a clear line of demarcation between his people and the people of egypt so this is good news for the times we live in because god is always paralyzed uh paralleling history from genesis exodus and we're seeing that happen again in our times and i believe that before the lord comes for us we are in a time of deep darkness but at the same time the lord is showing forth the glory of his son in the church yeah and and the and the verse says that when thick darkness covered egypt but the children of israel had light in all their dwellings in other words that light is also supernatural light because if if that light can be caused by lighting a lamp then the egyptians will also avail themselves of that means sure they can so when this happens when darkness covers the earth and we are seeing that happen we'll see our families come together we will see in fact that same chapter in isaiah that says when darkness covers the earth and it says leave your eyes when god's glory shines on you your sons and daughters will come from afar there's gonna be a family blessing light in all our dwellings i love that light yes in all our dwellings when darkness covers egypt this is um one of the themes of your ministry joseph i subscribe to your daily email it comes to my phone every day and so i read something from you most every day i read them all sometimes i read two or three in a day but but most every day i'm reading something from your ministry and so this is a main theme for you and you know you're starting by referencing this this this story in the in the old testament and the children of israel and all that but what we're really talking about is the idea that christians can have a supernatural level of assurance and and and safety and and other things and you know i i remember reading in one of your emails about a testimony of one of your members of your church in singapore and that they were you know in a very bad situation you tell the story it was a some kind of an explosion that that's right uh august august the 5th in 2003 um this event happened in jakarta a suicide bomber all right uh blew up a car bomb and uh and the entire lobby was decimated you know it was like the bomb just went through and and this member uh this our church member who was there at the lobby at the same time he said that he just had a southern deafening loud explosion he saw a body fly across in front of him and uh when all the dust settled and the deafening noise was just lingering he said he looked at his at his clothes he was splattered with blood but it wasn't his blood he was unscathed he was unharmed because at the same time when the bomb went off he walked right behind a pillar now talk about right place right time and this is what we can believe god in these last days when danger is abounding when there's all kinds of attacks of the enemy and we're seeing it happen even to the body of christ and leaders and even pastors that are taking their own lives you know like a darkness a deep depression coming on people and all that we need to trust the lord for his protection amen upon us and upon our families upon our children upon the people of our church and literally when the world gets darker and darker the church will get brighter and brighter yes now when it comes to right place right time matt all your smarts and your intelligence cannot put you at the right place right at the right time you can be a professor of harvard and you can be you know you have all the the iq uh levels that you have conquered and and met the mensa test but no smarts can put you at the right place at the right time and there's a verse in the bible in fact i know this by heart because it's 9 11. ecclesiastes 9 11. it says that uh solomon says by the spirit i've observed something under the sun he says that the swift is not always the one that wins the first place the battle is not to the swift uh riches is not to man of understanding i've observed that the battle is not to the strong but time and chance happened to them all right place right time and the hebrew word that is kara which is actually a a chance happening a good happening a happening that happens from god to you and that's what when abraham's servant was sent to find a bride he didn't know who the bride would be and this is what he prayed in hebrew it says lord give me success as i stand here by the well the word success there is actually the word kara give me a a chance happening wow give me a a divine appointment a right place right time and at the right time of all the women in the village rebecca came out yeah so this is what we need in our last these last days to be at the right place at the right time but i surely am in the right place at the right time we think so [Music] we are in southwestern colorado this beautiful location here joseph prince we're connecting the idea of grace and truth came through jesus christ the grace-based understanding and you know we're getting to do it uh here in front of the finished work of of god himself um the idea of grace-based living and protection is our subject continue the thought of how that all happened in my book um uh the prayer protection is based entirely on psalms 91 okay and i i believe that god had some of course the chapter divisions we know is from men but you know god had his his hand of course here and there you know for sure even the chapter divisions i believe that in psalms 91 verse 1 and that's 9 1 1 it's god's call you know and and and wake up call even to us right that he says when danger abounds when the enemy is attacking right there's a place called the secret place of the most high and he who dwells in this secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty and that's shaddai in hebrew and he will dwell in the shadow of his wings all right and the bible says the shadow of the almighty under the most high his wings and all the hebrew names of god is there there is the most high el elyon there is shaddai i will say of god of the lord yahweh he is my god elohim but god doesn't stop at four the number of grace is five so where we find the fifth name in the psalm right at the last word the last word of the psalm says with long life i will satisfy him and show him my salvation salvation is the name yeshua the name jesus so you have the five names of god right there in psalms 91 but how is this connected to grace because many times when we hear this being taught it is like the secret place is a is a place where the elite few you know the uh matt crouchers and the pope and the billy grahams that sentence has never been said before and i mentioned you first and they are the ones that made it to the secret place you know it's like uh especially holy view and that's the the the idea left behind if you want to be in the secret place these are the things you got to do these are the things you have to get right you got to make sure there's no uh unconfessed sin in your life you got to make sure and most people just you know what i guess i'll never be protected and when actually that verse is for every child of god yeah that dream of the psalm is he who dwells the word dwells is to sit down in the secret place of the most high elion shall abide under the shadow of the shaddai the almighty we are there now because of what christ has done we have been crucified with christ we are dead with christ we've been raised with christ and we are made to sit together with christ our present position is seated with christ where do you think it is it is not the sacred place of the most high so the christian life begins with a sitting down in efficient it says you have to sit down and then you walk worthy of the lord of your high calling how well you walk before the lord is how well you rest you sit how well you are able to experience and enjoy the finished work of christ beautiful and that is going to affect your walk yes your walk in holiness your walk in the spirit and then the final part of efficiency then you can stand against the powers of darkness but it all starts with sitting down and uh i just want to say that as as a believer if you're born again you are there it's not just for the mad crouchers and the pope all right it is it is for everyone who is born again you are there yes you are there and uh we start with the finished work you know god says you are complete in him now walk out your completeness god never puts our completeness as a finishing post right it is a starting point you must realize you are complete in christ now walk walk out of that completeness beautiful wow wow uh the prayer of protection matt crouch and the pope recommend this book and living fearlessly in dangerous times so we're connecting basically a understanding of the finished work of god by the way with the finished work of god kind of in the background back there beautifully i love this kind of i love the shot down here where that mountain is back there it's just tremendous in the fire by the way pastor joseph this is really colorado that's real snow that's a real fire you're you're you're uh i'm confirming that right yes i'm here i'm trembling a little bit so i told you i told you so we're connecting uh basically graced based understanding okay and i'm gonna get circle back to that in one second and protection it's a main theme of your ministry okay for the for the viewer that just tuned in or what do you mean what does what does the phrase mean grace-based christian what does that mean that means uh he does everything with the understanding that he's not trying for example even your prayer life when you pray are you praying grace based prayers are you praying uh for victory are you are you praying from victory it makes a lot of difference for example some of the teachings that that teach you that you gotta do certain steps and take five steps seven step before you can come to the secret place of the most high right okay you start from a position of defeat you're trying to get what you already have you are trying to be what you already are and one of the most frustrating thing is if you are in a house and you're trying to get into the house but you are in the house you only have to have your eyes open to see you in the house so the way you pray the prayer to be in the protection of god is just to thank him father i thank you that i'm in the secret place of the most high i'm in christ your son and i thank you that no evil were before me nor my family no plate will come near my dwelling it is a it is out of faith that's grace-based prayer it is not just oh god please please lord please you know i i i so want you to protect me and my family and and and that kind of prayer is desperate prayer and many a times you know we know in our hearts like we don't have the assurance after we pray that prayer that that god hurt us why because it's not faith without faith it's impossible to please god and the only way is to realize that what he has done and grace-based parenting is to realize that at the end of the day mummies and daddies you know don't sweat it out you know trying to raise your children uh in the right way just realize that god is already working in them uh when you talk to them tell them look you know you're a jesus boy yeah and a jesus boy does not tell lies you're better than this you see you're starting from the from a position of trust right that god has really done something in their life and he has yes and you're calling it forth yeah i'll say justin you are better than this justin we don't tell lies because we are jesus people amen we're like prince and and and jessica you're a princess and that's why we affirm about our children instead of this you got to be all right if you want to do this you got to be and and that kind of law base parenting is going to raise uh rebels yeah wow you know i remember a story that max lucado tells about his daughter that when she was in school and i won't tell it perfectly right but here's the gist of it she just she just said dad i cannot do this class this class is just too hard for me and i'm going to fail it and she was just you know dire straight about this this class she was taken to so he went to the school with her and the teacher just looked at her and she said what if i told you you've already got an a plus in this class and she just said what she said i'm already giving you an a plus in this class now do your thing learn learn what you can and he he brought that to the grace messages we're we've already yes completing like you said completing christ we already have everything we need we already have all his love that's the thing every time every time we put it back on our children we put it back on the people like for example it's contingent on you to be in the place where you are protected yeah anything that depends on us we always feel apprehensive about yeah because we are never too sure but if it depends on him on jesus on christ right is that sure you know because the devil can can find fault with us yeah he can never find fault with jesus right you know and the bible says as he is so are we in this world so the focus should be on him yeah in our preaching in our parenting and all that the bible says bring up your children in the admonition of the lord don't forget the last part husbands love your wife as christ loves the church you bring jesus into the marriage how did jesus love the church like this yeah he gave his life for her all right wife submit to your husband ask unto jesus look behind the rascal i mean look behind the guy and you see jesus there and you submit as if unto jesus yes you bring the lord into every situation and the bitter waters becomes sweet had dinner with pastor prince the other night and he came up with a very wonderful suggestion my little sweet children and the torch will pass to them pastor prince would you come sir and samuel smacha i have come to love this dear man very much i i've been watching you but i had never had the privilege of meeting you personally and uh i have learned a little more about grace you might imagine than i knew before and i thank you for that sir my dad uh who got to have a a meal with you joseph in in in israel one night which was just an amazing event that led to a beautiful ceremony that we got to be a part of uh back in 2012 that uh was just such a precious moment and and so look we go way back and we we you know i kind of understand where we're where we're headed with this but i my dad would say that he had to get saved every sunday night okay and so he would feel this gripping conviction to confess everything he had done that week as a 14 year old boy in a sunday night service and and there was just this masses amounts of conviction so condemnation condemnation so so what what i think we're talking about is there was a time when people were surrendering their life to jesus but maybe as a bus ticket to heaven they didn't know the love of jesus they weren't taught the the goodness of god it was it was hell fire and you know it was like you know hellfire dangling your butt over you know the fires here nice nice little illustrated sermon here uh but my dad you know growing up was taught that many of our viewers were taught that you accept jesus and then you have to repent every sunday night to stay saved and so uh you know the the the funny thing is funny now probably wasn't funny then but my my dad's saying that his mother told him if you go to a movie theater and the lord comes back he'll leave you there you know you won't go to heaven from there okay so we're talking about really this massive subject when we say grace based so if you zoom back all the way from just what did we say or what did we mean or what did what did this experience of saying a prayer of salvation what start at the very beginning for somebody that just wants to hear the very foundational message of the gospel of grace yep if you look uh i'd like to illustrate i think it's easier for people to understand if you look at on the past overnight the very first pass over in in egypt when god told the children of israel to put the blood on the doorposts and on the lintel making up the cross the blood and god says when i see the blood i will pass over you but imagine there are two houses right and they have the blood on their doorposts they are both israeli families uh israelites and and they have the blood on the doorposts however one family is trembling in their boots the the father is is desperate and and the son is asking will we die i'm the firstborn will i die will i die tonight and and the other family is singing praises throughout the night eating the roasted lamb and worshipping god and say don't worry all right when god sees the blood he will pass over us the next morning which family is saved the one worshipping both both oh wait both both are safe because why it is the blood teacher go ahead it is the blood yeah i don't think i said it is the blood yeah it can be like a trick question but the thing is that god says when i see the blood not not your faith not even your your you know we put faith in our faith but god says when i see the blood i will pass over you now the blood of jesus has been shed if we believe that his blood washes away our sins and we confess that okay god calls that faith but it's not for us to call faith faith it's for us to look at the blood and say the blood saves okay and god says when you say the blood saves i see your faith it's for us to see the blood and and i think that we need to understand nothing to do with us the blood has been shed now we can we can be in fear and trepidation the entire night and we wasted our emotions wow we just waste our stress and worry and care when actually we are as safe as the blood has been put the question is is the blood put on your family's doorposts that's the question if the blood is there now the other family enjoyed their salvation they enjoyed their deliverance but they were no more safe than the family that was in fear right in stress so i think that we need to come back to uh the work of jesus the focus is on him and not on us we are saved by seeing that christ bore our sins and took our judgments his blood has been shed so for the first time on the day of yom kippur the day of atonement the blood is sprinkled on the mercy seat and i have a picture of the angels wings the cherubim because that's the secret place of the most high back then when david taught the secret place of the most high he would go into the holy of holies in the tapping of david there's no veil and god is restoring the tabernacle of david in these last days and he will worship before the lord right between the cherubim at the blood sprinkled seed when blood is on the seat the angels or the excuse me the cherubim their eyes represent god's eyes so for the first time underneath the mercy seat is the the elements of rebellion man has rejected god's provision of manna they complain you have the golden part of manna inside the ark god reject a man rejected god's standard of holiness which is the ten commandments they are there the two tablets in the in the ark a man rejected god's appointed leadership aaron the moment when aaron the the rod that bothered is also there so all these three elements of man's rebellion god says put it under the mercy seat and when blood is sprinkled on it god does not see man's rebellion wow god does not see our sin god sees the blood yeah and there's one thing god's eyes cannot penetrate god i mean he can see the intents of our hearts he can see through solid rock he can sew right through the mountain he can see everything but there's one thing his blood cannot see through and that's the blood of jesus and god ordained it to be like that and the question is is the blood applied to your family's doorpost is it applied to your heart have you availed yourself of the blood if once you have done so you are one drop of the blood of jesus can wipe away your sins at the sins of your entire life lifetimes yeah past present and future [Music] [Music] what we're talking about is accepting the finished work of the cross believing it understanding it and living in protection and peace because of it yes if somebody wants that joseph your camera can you uh uh just look right into the camera there and there's somebody that's been listening to this and drawn by whatever but they want to accept this and there they are i just want to say that there is a place of protection uh you know when you read all the new you see all the news and you read the news nowadays you know i can understand what fear comes into your heart for your children for yourself but the thing that we need to realize is that god will not leave his people without his provision and god has made ample provision much more grace than there is sin then there is the problem and uh the place that we are talking about the secret place of the most high where the we have angelic protection where we abide under the shadow of god's wings where he protects us and your children can be in that place just remember this that it all starts with you being born again you need to be in the family of god so you've not done so just pray a prayer say lord jesus come into my life thank you your blood has washed away all my sins now once you do that you are saved because it's the blood that saves you it's not your nice prayers that save you you can believe god for protection because the same way you are saved by grace through faith the same way god's protection comes on you by grace through faith and you can pray that there's one thing however i need to to just do a caveat by saying this god has not promised that he will protect us from persecution now that you are a believer you will be persecuted by those who don't understand by those who are not saved by those who are who are you know the enemy will persecute persecute you he will use people to say things again so that's one thing that we the bible says in fact the bible promises all that lead godly shall suffer persecution so that's the only thing that we have to suffer from when i read my bible right that's the only thing that we have to suffer from all that live godly shall suffer persecution but i don't see in the bible that we are to suffer those things that jesus bore for us at the cross i don't see in the bible where it says that we are to suffer sickness even though many of us are sick but we need to find out god's provision for us and keep on tuning keep on hearing because the answers are here as we are discussing from god's word how you can find that place because you are already in that place it's not a matter of finding it it's a matter of having your eyes opened by the spirit to realize you are in that place so what you pray is that father thank you i'm in the secret place of the most high read psalms 91 and all the promises there is for you thank you father no evil shall befall me nor my family no plague will come near my dwelling every time you take a plane or you go traveling thank you father a thousand shall fall at my side in ten thousand in my right hand you will not come near me because you have given your angels charged over me even promises long life right at the end it says with long life so tell the lord father thank you because i'm in christ in the secret place with long life you satisfy me [Music] it feels like the grace message is new but it's not new it's old yes why does it feel new to some of us well you know i feel like uh because of the abundance of teachings that teach otherwise you know when when you you go to an environment where you know everyone is like uh uh topless for example you know uh by the beach and all that and you come in fully clothed you know you feel abnormal right but then the i feel just right yeah the normal life the yeah but you know our young people you know that they are actually in the environment where everyone is doing the the wrong thing so you feel abnormal you know so that's why when when normalcy comes in you it feels like normalcy is new you know so but i think that the good news is that when darkness covers the earth and there is loose likeness and immorality everywhere the people get jaded you know when they get jaded there's hope for us because people are spiritually hungry when they're jaded they're dissatisfied been there done that you know what else is new you know there's a beautiful uh analogy given by paul in the book of galatians where it says that that mount sinai is like hagar hagar corresponds to mount sinai which produces bondage we know the ten commandments is from mount sinai but it says that sarah is the mother of azal so sarah's grace hagar is law that came from mount sinai now abraham has two sons one is ishmael and one is isaac they both had the same father but not the same mother okay so they are brothers from another mother all right but the thing is this today we have the same thing it's the son of the law the mother is law that persecuted him who was born of grace they share the same heavenly father so today our brothers who persecute us for preaching this they have the same heavenly father just that their mama is grace i mean mama is lord and ours is grace so he's bondage yeah yeah so it feels like whoa you know what's this teaching and it's new and not because of base i think there's a lot of sincerity a lot of people are honest yeah but honestly wrong because we are focused on the instead of jesus we focus on ourselves yes how can anything be secure if you depend on yourself you shared with me about your experience in iraq a number of years ago if your your protection depends on you can you really be secure yeah i couldn't have so to respond to that i was sitting getting ready to board an airplane from amman jordan into baghdad iraq and my father had invited me on the trip i had a young wife still have a young wife but had a younger wife then and much younger smaller boys and when my dad invited me to baghdad i instantly just said oh heck yeah i'm going to baghdad with you that's awesome well then i get there to amman and we're getting ready to literally go and fear gripped me and super unusual for me and i was sitting there just dwelling on this have i don't know why all of a sudden and maybe this has happened to somebody else but because you needed this revelation thank you right well obviously yeah i i needed it i needed it right then really bad because i was literally boarding an airplane for baghdad and i said to myself i didn't pray about this i didn't you know i just accepted my dad's invitation i'm now here and i'm wondering so this was the thought that hit have i been good enough for god to protect me while i'm in you know that in baghdad and so i don't know why that thought hit me but that's what hit me and i mean i'm sitting there wondering if i should even go and what would i even do if i wanted to back out could i even back out you know what where where would i stay and and and and all of a sudden in that really contemplation of that panicky little moment there the lord i didn't hear a voice i don't think in the room but it might have well have been because i heard it'll never be about whether you what what you have or have not done beautiful yeah it'll never be what you have or have not done but what i did and so the idea hit me that all of a sudden i felt kind of corrected but the correction felt so beautiful because it washed the anxiety away yeah and we went to baghdad experience one of the funnest most amazing trips it's one of the most memorable times it was 2004 uh and active combat was still going on in in iraq and and so basically that's how the lord taught this to us but even before that we felt it it was something inside of us and it feels i've said this a thousand times like your books put words to what we felt on the inside i think that that there is a fear though to make sure that everyone knows that you have to live a holy life and that sin is sin and that we cannot just go and live however we want and still feel like god's hand is on us and still live in grace that's a huge fear for people and so people go no no no no can't teach too much grace because then they're all going to go start sending in all these young people are going to derail exactly now have you noticed just now that there is correction in grace like matt said it so beautifully i think he was unconscious even when he said that he said that it was a correction when the lord said to him it will never be about what you do or what you have not done it's all about what i have done right and surely he was corrected so there is correction in grace but god does not correct you with with accidents and car wrecks and disease and sickness that's how he corrects you yeah but it is a correction but it's still uplifting when god corrects you yeah you you learn it humbles you you have a right perspective but corrects you so there is correction and the fear that people have let me come back to the analogy of what paul's paul talked about in galatians when he says that hagar the mother of ishmael is the law and grace is sarah the mother of isaac right and we know who the inheritance went to right right so but the thing is this what we are in essence saying like what to address that uh question the fear that people have that grace will give license to sin actually the bible says the strength of sin is the law wow wow first corinthians 15 56 the strength and the greek word is dunamis dynamite of sin is the law remove the law and guess what happens sin loses his power wow but the thing is like back to this analogy it's almost like saying we need to bring the bible says what's the final answer paul says cuss out the bond woman sarah says cast out the born woman and her son for the son of the one woman shall not be aired with my son and god says abraham listen to your wife there's one time we find that god says listen to your wife the only time but but you know what the bible says you know what the bible says it was scripture what say of the scripture her word became scripture yeah what say of the scripture cast up the bond woman and the son take the the whole law thing it has been fulfilled it is now antiquated we are no more under it and bring it but what people are saying is that no no no grace alone is not enough to bring up my son sarah alone is not enough let's bring hagar back to the house we need the law to and grace and law you know they can do their part grace will show the love and law will bring the discipline no no no the bible is very clear cast up the bond woman and son for the son of the born woman shall not be air it's about airship it's about inheritance if that woman and her son is not removed from the house isaac cannot inherit and the reason a lot of believers cannot inherit what has been accomplished for them at the cross whether it's healing whether it's protection whether it's it's breakthroughs in the area of finances and all that is because they are trying to earn it yeah by the law they still have the law in their hearts they still have the law they are making room for both and the bible says there's no room for both we don't need hagar to bring up isaac sarah is enough yeah sarah is good enough grace is able to teach and grace is an amazing teacher so the sin consciousness that's what jesus died for exactly to take away the sin sins and also once you know the sin is paid for yeah i think many times it's like the analogy of drawing money from atm okay let's say if i go to the atm and uh i don't have a million dollars in my atm okay so i'm using my analogy okay uh not met so i'm using now if i go to the atm and i drop the atm yeah my money and all of a sudden i see available balance is a million dollars wait a minute i look at it again i don't believe right yeah wait a minute you know what's going on you know it's like wow a million praise the lord hallelujah thank you lord and i'm rejoicing i'm doing the jig the charismatic dance tonight after what the wait a minute sets in you know the moment the wait minute stop wait a minute all the dance stops how did that get there [Music] so i cannot have unbounded joy as long as i do not know how it got there maybe it was a tell us mistake maybe someone you know yeah and i have to find out where is legit and i make a call to the bank and the bank says well we've checked everything and everything seems to be an order is somebody somebody who loved you told us he loved you and he deposited a million dollars into your bank wow so it's all legit yeah now i can have unrestrained joy yeah i know why it's there so many times the teaching that i bring is just to tell people you can tell people you know you're gonna have joy you know you got to have a a faith and all that but they say you know god doesn't condemn you but you know but why is it god doesn't condemn me why why can't i have unbounded joy why can't i trust him okay my teaching is just telling you why it's legit i break it down to show you why you can believe him why you can know there's no condemnation by unveiling the work of jesus at the cross [Music] this teaching is so rich and so amazing and the camera angles look i can't help it i was an old director i came up through the direction i can tell that right before you took your sunglasses off i could tell that the sun was just about to touch the mountain and this is one of the most beautiful things this is something i've been looking forward to for a long time to sit here at this kind of magic hour of the evening and be hearing about the amazing person of jesus christ looking at this amazing visual and hearing about the most amazing thing on earth okay so in this last five or so minutes and as the sun sets here in western colorado give a a um just your kind of final thoughts on what we've been talking about where understanding the events of the cross and the redemption of the cross and moving it in and applying it to protection your final thoughts on that and then if you would sir just pray for our audience uh as the sun sinks on this beautiful december day by the way if you're viewing this for the first time we're december 2nd 2019 and this is not prop snow and joseph you can confirm that it's a little cool out here but beautiful that's real snow you're from singapore but anyway this is a big day for me your final five minutes or so is yours sir please i would like to say that uh um you mentioned the bus ticket just now and you know it's important that we realize that with the bus ticket or any ticket that comes with it benefits you you might take the bus and you just just you know take the journey there but actually it comes with all the food package and you know a special massage on board and all that but because we don't realize what the ticket entitles us to we just think of salvation is deliverance from hell you know and that's what you were saying the um the previous generation and and the people who didn't realize uh more about what the scriptures tell us about christ's finished work but i want to say this to you if you're watching this and you're feeling depressed just like matt said just now about the fear he had all of a sudden that's how the devil attacks us you know he attacks with fear that causes depression and i feel like some of you are really in deep depression i just want to say that it's all because the devil has turned your eyes within you have turned into yourself am i enough am i doing this enough even when you're doing right you're praying he says you have not prayed enough so you end up being self-occupied looking at your thoughts looking at your your words and you're so self-occupied becomes depression it's very painful to be self-occupied but the answer is to be christ occupied to look at him and the finished work when we say look at him how do you see him well we see him in the word of god as the savior of the world during this christmas season right i'd love to say what the angel said to the people all right the shepherds at that time for unto you is born this day in the city of david a savior not a judge not a lawgiver but a savior in fact his name jesus means savior and all he wants you to do is to just consent to be saved you know jesus shared about a a shepherd a good shepherd that left the 99 ship that he had because one ship was lost now number one no shepherd would do that no shepherd would leave 99 to find the one that's lost he will just factor in his loss and take care of the 99 but he will not suffer that one to be lost he sought out the lost sheep he found the sheep put it on his strong shoulders and then when he came back you know what he did he called his neighbor says let's have a party no shepherd does that i found the sheep that was lost now jesus said likewise there is joy in heaven over one sinner that repents repents repents how did the sheep repent now he has a great teaching on repentance the sheep did not do anything the shepherds sought the sheep the shepherd found the ship the shepherd carried the ship and put it on his shoulders the shepherd brought him home safely and the shepherds celebrated the shepherd did everything but there's one thing the sheep did the sheep consented to be loved to be cared for to be carried so all the lord wants is your permission to allow him to love you to believe that he is loving you amen that you are his beloved and to allow him to carry you learn to relax whenever your prayers get desperate learn to say no it's not based on me i let go in fact this letting go is a constant laboring in fact there's an oxymoron in the bible in hebrews 4 it says let us labor to enter the rest so our only labor is to enter the rest wow our only fight is fight the good fight of faith the only fight is to remain in faith come on that's the only fight your only labor is to remain in rest anything any thought that comes in any any any anyone that says anything to you that makes you feel like uh i gotta do something i gotta fight an enemy that's not yet defeated i gotta defeat him you have been defeated even before you start all right the way you you do it no no no i'm not gonna fight him he's defeated and we enforce it devil you're defeated in jesus name amen jesus did the work amen we we speak the word of god because we know the work is finished so i just want to say this to you if you are worried about your family your loved ones your your children uh in a world that we live in today or not there's a place of protection the bible says psalms 91 verse 1 he who dwells in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty let me pray for you but remember this amen you cannot be fearing your way and uh and trust and consent to him loving you because his perfect love will cast up the fear yeah love and fear the opposite of fear is not faith it's actually love love cast out fear amen when you realize he loves you perfectly by the way perfect love is not our love none of us can love perfectly perfect love is his love for us it's not our love for him we don't love him perfectly but he loves us perfectly when you realize that the perfect love will cast out the fear father in the name of jesus i pray for everyone that's viewing this right now if there's anyone lord during this christmas season lord they're still tuning in and they do not know jesus the wonderful savior your son who was sent to be the savior not the judge not the lawgiver but a savior oh father i pray in jesus name that they'll pray this prayer right now lord as they are watching pray this prayer with me say lord jesus i thank you that you died on the cross for all my sins i believe you bought all my judgment and you took all my sins and you sent them away there's no more sins left in my life because they've all been remitted thank you lord jesus and you rose from the dead to demonstrate that what you did for me has been efficacious because you bore my sins and then you rose again without them thank you jesus you are my lord and savior and for those of you who want god to put his protection on you and his family just pray this prayer something like this and you can pray this every day father i thank you i'm in the secret place of the most high under the shadow of the almighty a thousand shall fall at my side ten thousand in my right hand but it will not come near me and my family there shall no evil before me and my family and no plaque will come near me and my family all throughout this day thank you father with long life you satisfy me and my loved ones because i'm in the secret place of the most high i'm in christ at your right hand seated far above all principalities and powers and might and dominion thank you father i rest in this place where you love me all day long thank you father tishmir more and more lord how to rest in christ all the rest of my life lord in jesus name a man beautiful beautiful wow and the sun what a day what a day to be able to talk about the most amazing subject there is grace with joseph prince thank you for being here joseph what an amazing thank you for having me the sun has tipped behind the mountain and uh so it's time for us to say goodbye thank you pastor for being with us we'll see you next time bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] at tbn our mission is to use every available means to reach as many individuals and families as possible with the life-changing gospel of jesus christ thank you for helping make the gospel of grace go around the world without you we couldn't do it god bless you
Channel: TBN
Views: 205,657
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Keywords: joseph prince, joseph prince communion, joseph prince 2021, joseph prince sermons 2021, full sermons, joseph prince ministries, joseph prince midweek sermon, joseph prince communion prayer, joseph prince live streaming, joseph prince healing, joseph prince sermons, grace, god's grace, correct, correction, loving, loving faither, prayer, praying, open your eyes, tbn, trinity broadcasting network, trinity broadcasting network live, tbn live, matt crouch, t8b2n6, 8t2b6n, tbn826, 826tbn, hope
Id: -dlPgTQ33f0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 32sec (3332 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 18 2021
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