Tyler Perry: Actively Chase Your Dreams | FULL EPISODE | Praise on TBN

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if i went through this and i made it to a higher level even though i feel like there's higher for me to go if i made it you can too what is your hire where what is your hire in your life what is the next step in love and finances and family and friendships and whatever what is that for you whatever that is for you reach for that pray for that strive for that fast for that ask god for that don't stop pushing until you get to that that's what i want people walking away with that kind of encouragement just driving up on the property my goodness to see what god has done in your life and the doors he's opened uh i don't know maybe we start back uh you know you didn't dream you would be here today maybe you know give us a little bit of your background and how you grew up and you know somebody's listening today and saying wow great you're at tyler perry's and you got all this stuff going on in your life joel but i'm not there yeah you know maybe some inspiration because you didn't start this is not where you know if you looked at the statistics back then you wouldn't be sitting in a studio and the most successful african-american filmmaker in history never dreamed but you know what god has something in you right yeah for sure people look at the now and they don't look at the what i went through and if you missed the through and look at the now you tend to sometimes find yourself in an envy of it or jealous of it but if you look at the struggle and the walk and it was very very difficult i i came from a a home that was um you know my mother was uh 17 years 16 years old when she met my father he lied to her and said that he was uh rich and he was going to take her away from the small town of louisiana they end up getting married and end up in new orleans and at 18 she's married finds out he didn't he wasn't rich he didn't have a ranch in texas he had nothing to offer her and there she was uh married to this man broke live in a nightclub trying to find somewhere for them to live and at 18 she's pregnant with my sister and then at 19 with my other sister and i can tell she was trying to stop then around 24 i'm born into it i'm born into this chaos and this hell between the two of them because they were just both very very wounded people and they were trying to raise a wounded child uh my father had been abused since he was a kid so he would beat my mother he would beat me he was just the man who was very very um violent and dark and but but but but but of his own issues and looking at it from this point again i'm looking at it from the now where i am now i understand it and i was able to forgive it because i understand it but coming through that and then growing up in new orleans and having friends this during the 80s when there was an aids epidemic and we would go to church and every every sunday someone would die i would go to school and someone would be murdered every day we could go to school and one of his classmates was murder there wasn't any grief counseling nobody told you how to deal with it uh i didn't think i was going to live to see 30 because everybody that i know had known was either in jail or they had died so i'm going through all of this but in the midst of it i have a mother come on who taught me about jesus come on who taught me about faith who taught me about god who wouldn't let me give up on it and and i have to i have these extremes in my family because my mother was the type of christian that believed at her level because because on friday night you know she was drinking and smoking and playing cards but sunday morning she's like come on baby we're going to church you know then i had another aunt who was a demon chasing tongue speaking fire and brimstone who believed at her level so i found myself with this balance of finding that god knowing god and understanding god and living in truth and living the life that god wants you to it's also about living in balance you know not being too far either way but just walking the path of faith that god wants and has for you you know yeah that makes sense oh yeah yeah so amazing you know i was tyler's got a new book out it's called uh higher is waiting it's so inspirational tyler you're a preacher too i know you know that but you know what that one chapter i was reading it just lord no it was called breaking patterns and it's interesting you said that because my father was raised during the great depression and they were very poor it wasn't wasn't your situation not comparing it but he was raised very very poor and later in life maybe in his 40s my father started started thinking about all the things his parents didn't give him man i didn't get a good upbringing didn't get him you know he kind of let it all build up and he was going to go back and kind of let them have it and he said i guess it was i guess he said the lord something spoke to him down in here he said he said john what if you were in their shoes what if you were raised in the great depression what if you didn't have any money so basically saying you know not making excuse for people but you know the people that that raised you they didn't get what they should have gotten right but somebody's got to rise up and break the pattern somebody's got to say like you did say i want to set a new standard for my family that's what my father did rather than blaming the past and saying well i've got an excuse to be bitter to be angry to be dysfunctional you know not making not making light of any of that but i love people like you that says you know what i'm not going to pass that on down to my children you broke the broke the pattern you have any thoughts about that about breaking the pattern yeah well well it came down to forgiveness of my father and how how important that well forgiveness is so important but people always ask how did you do that how did you do that and the one thing i can't i always come back to is first of all praying lots of prayer but also the thing that opened it up for me is one day i sat down and asked what happened to you and he said something to me to blew my mind he said he couldn't answer it he said third grade education but he said you don't know what happened to me and i said no i don't so te share it with me he couldn't share it so i started asking other family members to kind of describe his life and once i was able to understand and separate myself from being his son and all the things that he didn't give and all the tools that he didn't have he had been sent out on a journey in life with a suitcase with no tools to raise a child no twos to be a husband it's like going on a business trip with an empty suitcase and you've got nothing that you need to make it through the night so once i understood that i was able to give him the benefit of the doubt and allow him to not just be the man that raised me but to be a human being who had many many flaws many many struggles a lot of pain and once i understood that i i said okay god what he did is still wrong but i am able to forgive him because of his background and his history and i told this story there's also a letter that i wrote to a friend of mine who was very upset with his father because his father wasn't there and the father couldn't give him things but i told him your father taught you in reverse if you do the opposite of what he did you have your answer on how to be a good husband how to be a good father so i learned in reverse wow that's so powerful and so tyler um you know getting getting to where you are now but that that wasn't easy i mean matt you were with tyler or you know back in 1999 take that up we we met uh way back and and um at some point when we would have met you would you were not the steward over giant studios you didn't have hit after hit you didn't have a new number one new york time best-selling book you didn't have some of those things and we met you know about 1999. uh but you have a chapter in your book about asking uh how do we how do we start asking for something and not think that we're being selfish about something you know for me i i i go by what's what's burning inside me what's on my heart what's what's in my soul like i feel like we all have a candle that we're given to carry this little light of mine my mother used to sing about we all have this light and that light is your destiny that light is the thing that's going to lead you to your path what is that in your own life so so i always wanted to ask in alignment to what that like was there been many times when i was struggling and homeless and broke and out on the street and didn't have anything and any food and and and 20 dollars would have made the difference between me and me being having food for a week or not but that light that compass that that that was always there was always say for me i know now was the voice of god in the light of god in the light of christ saying you know what you're going to be okay just pay attention to this so what i would ask i would always ask according to the light wow does that make sense yeah i would ask god to do things according to what the way this light was shining or whichever direction it was it was a light until my feet so whichever way it was leading me to that is what i'd ask and i write in the book about this about you know back in the day before there were flashlights on your cell phone i would get up in the middle of the night i didn't want to wake anybody up so i i'd use the light from the cell phone to walk through the house so i've got this little bit of light and i couldn't see in front of me just just far enough to walk two or three steps and i think that's what walking by faith is sometimes because walking by faith can be very uncomfortable and and if when you're walking by faith and you're asking by faith sometimes you don't have the whole picture you just have this little bit of light and you just have to keep moving forward your story about the light also made me think of a sunday school teacher i heard said one of the little students in the sunday school class said teacher can we sing that cussing song and he goes no we can't sing a cousin song he goes no that cousin song let's do the cousin song you know you go that little light of mine no no hide it under a bush hell no that's right you know i want to ask something because like joel said at the opening that you know everyone sees the now they don't see the then and i think with everyone has faced this before and you you talk about it in your book about feeling worthy and so often things can happen to us and we don't feel worthy or we make excuses you know well i can't do this because this happened to me and i'm that how did you overcome that feeling of not feeling worthy you you wrote about it in your book the gr i didn't even know i had a gift to write so when i started writing my first characters i i had i kept thinking um you know why i would write a line the character would say i'm moving over here and i say well why is the character moving over there so you always search for the motivation so my writing became my therapy i started searching for the motivation and everything in my life and i started thinking about my mother how how she stayed with this man no matter what happened she would not leave she stayed by side and she loved him to the day she died she loved and i just couldn't understand why she was staying this abuse and that i had come to a point where i was doing pretty well i could have moved her out of the house she still stayed and then one day i'm praying like god what is this and the the word came to me she didn't feel worthy wow and if you live in a place where you don't feel worthy then you can't allow any good thing to come into your life every good thing you find a way to self-sabotage it in the back of your mind you may be saying oh yes i want this for sure i want this for sure but but but that unworthiness and that comes from what something mama said or daddy said or childhood or bullying or abuse so you carry all of that into adulthood and you don't feel worthy and i i in searching my own motivations i realized very early on that i i wasn't i didn't think i was worthy until i learned in the word that i'm worthy because god says your word yeah yeah he's if if god gave you the breath in your body then that makes you worthy and just that alone took a lot of the guilt out of it for me you know and understanding that his thoughts toward us are pure yeah and to give us a hope you know those things are very very important and and i think that if more people could understand that's why another reason i wanted to write the book is just get too worthy just get no matter what you do get to worthy let worthy be the focus that doesn't mean you're arrogant that doesn't mean you're cocky what that means is that you believe what god says about you preach so good we're talking with our friend tyler terry at the tyler perry studios but you know as as as a pastor of tyler that's that we deal with that so much because people you know life beats you down isn't it exhausting though can i just ask you as a pastor i mean you stand there sunday after sunday after sunday and you sp give all this word give all this word and then you've got people that come and they say i just need i just need this i just need that but didn't you just hear the sermon it's got to be it's got to be a little bit exhausting because because if they would just take it in take the word let it become life to them don't always happen all at once but it's got to be exhausted i'm not going to get you to admit my favorite is when somebody comes up and you've just given him 30 minutes you have a word for me today after the service and i said i just gave you 30 minutes i gave you my but you know i do think life beats you down and if especially you know i was raised by two good parents and i think about some people they didn't maybe they had two parents but they weren't speaking life into them they were you know tell them what they couldn't become or just life in general but i you know we all have a recording playing in our mind and some people don't realize the recording is wrong because they grew up with people that didn't teach them the right thing so it's it's i'm not attractive i'm not talented i can't do what they did you know and i'm not worthy they're saying until you until you change that recording you'll never reach your destiny you got to go back to plug it in you are who god says you are not who people say you are and god says you're blessed you're valuable in ephesians he calls you a masterpiece and i think you get that down on this on the inside and again it's not an arrogance it's not i'm better than somebody else it's just i know who i am i'm a child of the most high god i'm not here by accident you know god breathed life into me god breathed life into each one of us but i really think that's the first step to stepping up to become who you were created to be to to know that god breathed life into you i mean the scripture says he's crowned us with favor that we have his you know royal blood flowing through our veins so you know if you can change that recording beautiful you know turn off the old plug in the new you know you are who god says you are valuable talented one-of-a-kind a masterpiece i'm not supposed to be preaching this you know i think what i love is what tyler said that's good i love what tyler said examine the motivation behind it i think that can help a lot of people because when you're saying i'm not this and i'm not that it becomes an excuse right and that excuse it allows you not to be so i think that's a real key point to help people the motivation what is your most why can't you do it right who told you right you know and is it true and just begin to and that's what you said you did with your writing and your letters just discovered in you things that you never dreamed that were in there yeah but also also you couple that with fear because there's a fear of like when i forgave my father i was empty i remember yelling and screaming on the phone i just had it out with him i just i couldn't do it in person because i still felt like i was a two-year-old in front of him wow but we were on the phone and we were yelling and screaming i was saying everything i want to say and after i got off the phone i forgave him and i was left empty the forgiveness will rip something out of you i mean it will rip it out of you like a weight like 30 40 50 pounds out of you and the scary part of it was i didn't realize that my disdain for him was my fuel wow i was operating from a negative dark place that was my fuel for my motivation to succeed i'll show you you said this i'll show you i'm not that you said this i'm sure i'm better than that so that was my fuse so once that was gone see people hold on to forgiveness because it's easy it becomes easy to uh unforgiveness becomes easy so there i was holding on to this and when i when i realized i had forgiven him my source of fuel was gone wow i had to find another source it's like having a car and putting unleaded fuel in it when it runs on regular yeah or it's or diesel so you got an engine that had been built to run on diesel and now all of a sudden you got to put on a lot of fuel and what do you do so for me it was going back to the foundation of my motivation as you said of how do i okay this happens this is how i feel and i don't listen i don't lie to god and i don't lie to myself i how do you feel very honest this is how i feel about this is how this affected me this is where i am okay now what do you do to get up yeah so turning that taking that negativity of i'll show you i'll show you i'll show you into i am what god says i am you know this blessing is for me this gift is for me i can do this because god said i can because his word said i can't once i made the shift my whole life changed you know i love what you said tyler about um i had to separate the sin from the person and i think that is such a part of healing in our lives today is we can find somebody that is going to beat us down all of our childhood whatever happened you can become a victim of that and never achieve you know let them blow out your candle and never achieve what you're supposed to in life but i think the that's such a key is to separate the sin from the person the hurt from the person that's how jesus did it he said father forgive them for they know yeah not what they do he had to separate the the person that god made in his image you know to understand that but you were talking about everyone has a candle and um how do we protect the dreams that god's put in our lives you know what i started doing i started hiding it i think i talked about that in the book too because there were dream killers there were people all around who didn't want me to succeed wow so i started hiding my light i would tell them i'm going to do this i'll never forget my mother loved me and she would hate that i'm saying this i my mother loved me dearly but one day the play had failed and i used her credit card to to uh to oh we've all done that oh dear yeah i i used her credit card to uh to charter the van to to rent the ban to drive up to do the play and came back and the bill was 300 and i couldn't pay it and she was furious because 300 on a credit card to my mother it may as well have been 30 million so so she's arguing with me she's so mad she's sitting there smoking and she said you're never gonna make it you're never gonna make give up that play stuff go to the phone company get you a good job make you about 300 a week and you're going to be all right get you some benefits that's all you need and she didn't see me sitting behind her tears were falling from my face and then she turned around the blood drained from my face she said baby i'm so sorry i'm so sorry i did she didn't get it but her dream for me was her dream wow so where she came from the phone company and everything that's that was a reality but when god has something else for you it's a whole different thing so so i'm sitting there with the woman that i love most in this world and i i'm sharing my dream and i felt like there was a chip at it so i started hiding it and protecting it and even even this place was kind of hard to hide i i i i i yeah obviously let me sit it over here and protect it and nurture it while it's fledgling so that it can find its feet and grow because it's been such a blessing to so many people so it's very i think very important that that if you are sharing your dream with a lot of people and you're getting a lot of negativity and naysayers saying that you can't you can't you'll never do it even if that person is in your house and in your bed that you've been married to for years sometimes you have to hold that and go okay i'm going to keep this bit over here for myself and i'm going to dream this dream wow i don't know if that's biblical you might want to attack that no no it is we can ask joseph you're right that's right that's right you know that's right you know maybe like you said if joseph wouldn't announced what god you know his brothers wouldn't have done there's another place in the scripture and i'm not the theologian but there's another place that talks about the the hidden petitions of your heart the secret petitions of your heart you know i talk about tolerance sometimes ask god for those secret petitions don't ask anybody else because they won't believe you don't think you're going to do that even when i when i stepped up to minister i had never ministered before 1999 my dad had a heart attack and i felt like i was supposed to step up and pastor the church and i got up and did my best but i was so nervous and i was every voice was saying you're not a minister you hadn't been to seminary you don't have the personality and all that but you know i would i would encourage myself and the first couple of sundays i did okay because people love my parents but i was out in the front lobby once yeah my parents thank god but one sunday i was out there oh he's doing his best y'all clapping you know you know when they say bless his heart they're not doing good so i was out in the front lobby and i was already so insecure after service i'd just spoken like my second time and i heard these two older ladies they were in front of me they didn't know i was behind him and one of them kind of whispered he's not as good as his dad and somebody else said you know i don't think it's going to make it i mean that was like somebody announcing i mean that's like the worst thing i could possibly hear but you know i look back now and thank god i made it but i look back now and i realize you know those are times of testing you know god could have kept them away from me but when i heard that is like oh a dagger oh they already thought it wasn't good and then i hear it from them but you know what i do is you know what i was saying earlier you got to reprogram your mind every saturday night i'd be so nervous for sunday morning i look at myself in the mirror and say joel you are anointed come on you can do all things through christ you are strong in the lord this is your time see i've learned you can talk yourself out of your dreams or you can talk yourself into your dreams you know if you'll if you'll talk to yourself the right way and it's not just psyching yourself up it's getting in getting in agreement with the creator of the universe i love what you're saying you said you you prayed according to that light i mean that's the destiny god puts in all of us and i think sometimes we're waiting for god to speak like he did in the ten commandments but god's speaking to us all the time just by leading us and guiding us and so i just encourage you you know put the right thoughts in you you know people may have pushed you pushed you down but god wants to lift you up he wants to take you places you've never dreamed and even even myself tyler and i'm gonna get off of me but i didn't i didn't think this was in me see i was behind the scenes 17 years i was running cameron doing the production my dad tried to get me to minister but i thought i'm not a minister what would i what would i say but god through the death of my father it was that adversity that pushed me into the next level of my destiny and sometimes when we won't move on our own god is so gracious he'll use adversity to push us there you know and i love what you're talking about too you know all those experiences they're getting you prepared for where you're going right now i mean the 17 years i was behind the scenes doing the production for my father every time he spoke a message i would have to listen to it four or five times because i needed to edit it down to he spoke 40 minutes i'd have to cut it down to 25 minutes well i look back now and realize that those 17 years god was getting me prepared for what i'm doing right now so god is getting you prepared you may think well i'm just going to work each day or i'm just raising my kids but every day you do your best you pass the test you don't know where god is going to take you he's going to open up some new drawers i mean just tyler driving up under these studios i know i said it earlier but you know this is a complex this is not something little this is not a building over somewhere but this is a an amazing complex tell us um i guess i go i keep going back to the dreams god put in how they're bigger than you know than we have for our own life but sitting here today tell us a little bit this used to be an army complex and how did it all work out it was it was fort mcpherson army base but i'm going to go back to something you just said is with with encouraging yourself it is so important that you you encourage yourself because in this day and time in this day of social media in this day where you are bombarded with negativity constantly every minute every second no matter you don't even have to look for it it is it'll define you and you carry it on your person sometimes it's in the pocket close to your heart yeah you pull your phone out and there it is close to your heart you have got to you have got to encourage yourself and protect yourself from all the negativity because if you let all of that in it's very hard to find yourself worthy find yourself believing and knowing that you can so when i first came here the last studio uh i'll tell you this story real quick the last studio was over on greenbrier uh the green bar near greenbriar mall and i went there one night and you know the neighborhood the place was all run down it was horrible it's like i'm not buying this place i went home and couldn't sleep tossed and turned and i know that's god because i usually sleep pretty good i can snow it really good i can get it in and i went back and i said i don't need this place i'll never grow it it's too big i never and i went back late at night i'm standing there in front of the gates and i'm i'm i get out of the car say okay god what are you telling me and i started praying and i look at the gates my hand to god this happened i look at the gates and there there's paper taped to the gates i walk up closer to it and they're bible scriptures taped to the gates and my favorite psalm 91 is there wow i'm like okay god you're speaking to me i'm just going to do it so i called them the next day and said that i wouldn't want to buy the place i was like no it's not for sale some pastor from new orleans had bought it this was this was not long after katrina somebody passed from new orleans about he's going to be just a pastor from new orleans so i called bishop morton paul morton who was my childhood pastor i said do you know anything about this he said oh that's god i was just there yesterday we don't want the entire place we just want there's a building on the other side that we want and all the property that you want uh you can you can go ahead and buy and and we can work this thing out and it will really be helpful to the church so i bought it and said i said i'm never going to outgrow it wow two years later we're all over each other not enough room for anything call the mayor say i'm leaving he said well come take a look at this place i don't want i'm not gonna say anything so we came to the army base fort mcpherson army base we're driving around and i'm looking at this place and the first time in my life i didn't feel overwhelmed because god had given me the steps to get here wow god god i thank god he didn't take me here first and go this is where you're going i went from a little building to a building that was bigger to build i had to grow into it thank god that he allowed me to grow into it because i don't know what would have happened had it all been just thrown at me so i i came here uh it had been abandoned for seven years the army had moved out it was overrun and a mess and bought the place and every day people don't know this but when they come in and they're standing on these stages or they're walking around or they're riding or they're moving all through there's bibles buried everywhere come on now when you when you come through the gates you're riding across the word when you leave you're going across the word when you're standing in the lobby you're standing on the word when you're on one of those stages the word has been planted on the under the foundation because because for me that's what it's built that's what it has been built on you know the word and just believing so so having this moment to get a place where thousands of people lived many many people died and families and pain and hurt and army and uh you know who were in the in the military and armed servicemen to have this be given to me and to be responsible for it it's huge and i'm grateful on so many levels it's a it's been a burden but it's been a tremendous blessing and i don't know anybody who has not had a tremendous blessing that didn't come with some sort of a burden so wow i'm trying to do my best to honor wow that's so awesome well we're talking with our friend tyler perry tyler's got a fantastic new book out it's called hire is waiting you can pick it up anywhere but before we go any further i gotta i gotta brag on tyler tyler gives millions of dollars to charities and to help people all over the world so when we had the big flood in houston a couple months ago one of the first calls i got was from tyler perry and he gave a very generous gift to help the people of houston so on behalf of all the houston people that were affected by the flood we thank you for it thank you for your heart a heart of gold and just um tyler love lives what he you know he is going to say he lives where you preach is but you're not a preacher but you just exemplify you know giving back and just uh being a person of inspiration but victoria we were talking during the break that was a great question yeah you know tyler you talked about your mother taking you to church and she did the best she could with what she had but i just wanted to ask this question you know there's a lot of people out there that they don't know how to take their kids to church maybe their kids don't want to go to church do you have any anything that you could say about that which is so scary right now because because here's what i know for sure the bible says you get a few days on this surface and some of those days are full of trouble is that right yeah there's going to be trouble in your life if you don't teach your child how to deal with trouble they will turn to something we've got an opioid crisis we've got drugs major drug issues so if you're not going to give them god and faith and christ and believing and teaching them about the bible where do you think they're going to turn yep so i would i would i would ask in an appeal to parents even if you're not big on faith or church or you have problems with the church take your children to church teach them about god even if you don't know let somebody else teach them but take them to sunday school listen we got dragged if we didn't want to go so especially when you're at an age in the early age because the bible says you know when they're older they won't depart from it if you train them in the way that they should go so i think it's very important and and it is so selfish of those of us who have god who know god to not invite others to bring their children to learn the same thing it's really really selfish because i promise you if you don't give them god they're going to turn to something yeah they're going to turn to something and wouldn't it isn't it just better that it's god and faith you got to worry about being strung out on it come on although some people are yeah you know what i mean it's it's it's it's really it's you you have to you have to really think about that i heard a pastor friend tyler the other day in houston say he's talking to his congregation about taking your children to church my parents never forced us to come because we wanted to come because the church was exciting and i had all my friends there but i realized that's not always the case but this pastor made this point i thought it was good he said you know when your kids get up tomorrow monday morning to go to school you're going to give them an option you know and nobody's no they're going to go to school no matter what he says you mean you're going to trust the schools and we love the school system but you're gonna put the school system and say you don't have to go to church you know so it was an enlightening way to look at it to say you know what it is important to to raise your children knowing about god because you know how do you make it in this world with everything that's going on without your faith without knowing that god is in control that you can trust him so i encourage you i think sometimes too taller you know how do i say this in the right sense get in a good bible believing church that that fits your style and the pastor that feeds you because you know what there's a lot of great churches i think sometimes maybe we're in a church that's not feeding you at that time not that that pastor is not great but i think you have to get in somewhere where you're going to grow and where you're going to be fed because you know i want people when they leave lakewood or when they turn turn off one of our messages and say you know what i was better for coming here and i think that's what we need to do but uh matt you had something you know um i love my perspective on getting to sit here on this stage because you know as i've been listening there's a real common bond between your kind of stories both of you could have had every excuse to not light that light to not follow that light you could have listened to your insecurities you could have made every excuse about your past and how you can't make it when your mama was griping about her credit card 300 bill and all that but you guys you know basically lit that light and you uh got past all of that so i think everyone wants to do that so far it feels like the theme of this is the you know uh hide it under a bush praise the lord program is kind of the way it feels like you know uh and and so thank you yeah that's your thing [Applause] please don't do that again please don't do that you know what i make a commitment i'll never do it again amen digging deeper is one of the chapters in your book uh what do you mean by that where are we digging what are we doing well for for me you know in this book and talking about hires waiting and everything you know i feel like it's waiting for everybody if you want it if you want to reach up god is always there's always something higher i think sometimes we get tired our dreams just start to just we get a little older and like you know what i just want to sit down for a while um but that digging deeper i wrote that because i was i was i was getting these ridiculous water bills and i wanted a well to take care of the lawn and the property and i hired this well company to come out and i didn't know that if they don't strike water you still have to pay him so so so he's uh they came out they dug the well and and it didn't hit water and i said okay send me the bill pay the bill but they got another light bill water bill was ridiculous i said come back try it again and say okay we think water is going to be right here that's like you think so they tried digging there a little more no nothing happened got another bill i said forget it i'm never doing that again i'm just i'm out got another bill a couple of months later it was ridiculous again i said okay drill where is it here is everybody going next drill there and don't stop until you hit water wow so he started drilling started drilling and he got so deep he's like we've never been this deep before and we don't know we don't think we're going to hit it i said keep going you're going to find some water i ain't going to pay each other i am not paying you and just and i got so frustrated i was ready to give up and i said just go a little bit deeper and four interest from four more inches they found an underwater spring that was that is still running all the property to this day wow so that's what i mean by digging deeper in your life that there's there are times when you've just got to go deeper just when you when you're invested in something and you feel that strongly this is what god has for you this is what i'm i'm i'm supposed to be doing and it's as second nature to you as breathing is when you know it's like nobody tells you to breathe so this this gift this thing is in you and nobody has to tell you or encourage you about it even though you have to encourage yourself it all it's always there my my favorite thing about the the mantra of the studios is a place where even dreams believe because there was a time when joseph right yeah was in all every everything was falling apart in his life and the dream had to believe for him so i believe that there are moments where your dream will come through other people and encourage you hey have you ever thought about that or you dr writing down the street i was pulling out a studio the other day and i was just you know a little overwhelmed everything and there's this big huge graffiti sign on a train says trust god pray i'm like okay so so dig completely digging deeper means just don't stop until you get it sometimes you might be that four inches away from what you're believing for that's right that's right everybody have a dream is does does everyone have the potential for that kind of thing do you believe everyone has that i believe so i do i truly believe that i think everybody has a dream and and sometimes the dreams are just they may be small to some but huge to them i think everybody has and i think society and life and circumstances will beat it out of you smother it and take all the oxygen out of it and make you believe that you can yeah and it's it takes a strong person with a strong will and a strong knowledge of who they are of understanding being worthy and understanding what god says about you to keep going to make that happen what do you want somebody to uh walk away with after reading your book just just to know this because a lot of these stories are deeply personal just to know that if i went through this and i made it to a higher level even though i feel like there's higher for me to go if i made it you can too what is your hire where do what is your hire in your life what is the next step in love and finances and family and friendships and whatever what is that for you whatever that is for you reach for that pray for that strive for that fast for that ask god for that don't stop pushing until you get to that that's what i want people walking away with that kind of encouragement that's so good tyler i love what you said too about uh you know digging deeper because it's easy to get you know the start is exciting the finish is thrilling but it's that middle that middle man that middle that middle man i've learned this though god is working behind the scenes when we don't see it and sometimes god's working the most when nothing is happening that's what faith is all about because you think well joel i'm praying i'm believing i've been doing this for a month or a year or 10 years but you got to know that as long as you're you know being your best honoring god doing what you can god is working behind the scenes and you know with joseph that was 13 years god gave him the dream and imagine if you got thrown into a pit by your family and got falsely accused and got put in prison yet the whole time it said joseph had favor wherever he went yes and you never read in the scripture where joseph had a bad attitude and i would like to think that i've you know but being thrown in a pit and all that stuff but i would have had a bad attitude medea would have really been mad but yeah yeah i think but i think that just knowing that okay you know what i may not understand god what you're doing but i trust you see i've learned god will not mismanage your life you may not understand it but you know sometimes i like to think about it says the steps of a good person are ordered by the lord well god doesn't necessarily take it in a straight line or it would be easy so imagine stepping stones if i'm trying to get you know 100 feet in front of me you know the stepping stones at some point may curve around and go the other way you know because they're going to curve back around and you're on one of those stepping stones you can say god i'm going the wrong way i promise you i'm supposed to go that way but you got to say okay god but i know there's going to be a u-turn somewhere i'm going to trust you when i don't see anything happening but behind the scenes you've got to know god is working in my life right now he's arranging the right people the right breaks solutions to problems and you know sometimes we talk about you know in our messages too that god can make things happen suddenly well the suddenlies are a culmination of all that time you believed you didn't see anything happening then you know suddenly the studio opens up or suddenly you know you meet the right person suddenly something happens but i just encourage you you said it beautifully just you keep believing you keep doing the right thing when the wrong thing's happening and at the right time promotion doesn't come from people promotion comes from god that's right he'll open the right door so okay i'm done preaching i said i want to go do that i talk about that in the book i talk about that in the book too with the with the seeds when you plant a seed in the ground all you can do is plant it you can plant it you can water it you don't know what's going on in the ground yeah and if you go up in there looking at it you may kill it so while you're waiting for that you just have to sit there patiently and wait and one day it sprouts up it's like oh okay i planted it and there it is i heard you on youtube one time and i used it i didn't give you credit either but it's good you said you said it was so good and i'm not gonna do it justice but you said you can plant you can water but only god can bring the sunshine that's right that's right and that's you can say it better than me but the lesson was hey do your best and trust god do it better than me oh that was pretty good okay that was really good you know i love the fact that you did say the dream will carry you yeah if it's something that god has put in your heart it's not going to go away if it goes away and you just you know most likely it's not what god put in your heart but that dream will carry you and you have to look for that dream like you said those little things will will give you that wind you know beneath your wings so to speak to get you to that next point to help you not become weary one little thing one little thing did you constantly look you were constantly looking you know for god and i think that's what we have to do we have to have an expectation we have to be looking because you're not going to find what you're not looking for right you're only going to find what you're looking for so did you experience that how god just led you little by little and those steps that were just something that really stood out to you it was just about being aware just that just having an awareness a keen awareness of everything that's going on like i really need this i really want this i really want this is this me is this you i'm not gonna do it oh wait it's not letting me go oh no i've got to do this when i was doing those plays and nobody was coming they were who they were we're in a building as big as lakewood with 30 people sitting there and i still had to pay the bills when i was sitting there wow you know and and and i'll give you this testimony real quick i've said this a lot but i really want people to hear it when i first started doing these shows you know the first play i did was in a little theater like this and there were 30 people that showed up and and i lost everything i had car payment and so on but out of the 30 there was someone there that wanted to invest that's god keeping the dream alive wow so we tried to do the show again that next year it failed then but there was somebody else who wanted to invest so seven years of that of struggling homeless and i would get a job in between i'd go to work and i'd at work and i'd say okay then i get a call from a promoter saying we got an opportunity to do a show over here in south carolina you want to do it i go to my boss and say listen i'm going to need some time off uh to go rehearse they said you want two weeks off and you only been working here two weeks so i go to my desk and i pray i said okay god am i supposed to do this and i'd hear this voice as clear as they say quit i'm not telling y'all to go quit your job and say this is my testimony i i i will go out and do the show blow the truck bring put the lights up bring it set put it up and i remember driving to south carolina once and i was so excited about this show and here on the radio there's a hurricane headed towards spartanburg south carolina the weekend of the play wow and i was so angry because i would get out there and do the show god told me to quit but then i come out here and i don't hear from you i would i would be back there in the dressing room can't pay anybody i'd be so frustrated i'd be praying i'd be angry like god what's going on why why are you you you told me to do this don't you control the wind in the rain what's going on with this hurricane coming in so the in the in the eighth year the seventh year going into the eighth year i'd gotten really tired and i wasn't to do it anymore i had given up i was going to do like my mother said go get me a job get work at the phone company i was going to be all right that was going to be my life i had settled with that then i get a call from somebody saying we got one more opportunity the dream believing wow and the the place they wanted to do that was it was the house of blues and i walked in and i said they they have desiccated created this it was a church i am not performing up in here and i will not and like next day i go back in all the folk art that they had on the wall was gone oh house of blues pulled out yesterday now it's the just the tabernacle ah come on so i sat there i'm getting chills i sat there in that night doing this show and the heat goes out in the building and it's march 12th the coldest night in atlanta that had been a long time and there was and i'm thinking god you always bring me out here i always have to quit this job now i'm going to be homeless again and i'm complaining and murmuring i hear the voice of god say shut up you don't tell me when it's over i tell you when it's over as clear as day yeah so i'm sitting there and he said get up and look out the window and i walked over to the window and i tears rolled down my face there was a line around the corner to get in the place come on now and from that moment and this was after i forgave my father because all through those seven years i hadn't forgiven him i had been holding on to it so from that moment on to now i have been living in this place of watching these amazing miraculous moments happen and watching god do things that have just blown my mind blown my mind i don't know if that answered your question but i i felt like i needed to share that you know it says in the scripture that god didn't take the israelites the easiest way to the promised land basically because they weren't prepared for war and so sometimes you know you well not sometimes you just have to be faithful through those closed doors and you know through the joseph when something doesn't work out your way and you're learning through that experience you know sometimes you're learning through the tough well you we should be growing through the tough times you're learning you know how to keep a good attitude when i didn't get my way how to serve somebody else and honor them and i heard uh my friend devon franklin you probably know devon he said you have to carry your crown before you wear it you have to serve somebody else and be faithful there and so there's one more thing we have about nine minutes here but tyler you talk about asking here and i like to i encourage people because i don't think we ask enough because we think i don't want to bother god god there's our kids that are starving in africa and god the other people have bigger problems it's just little old me but we're not inconveniencing god when we ask him for our dreams and you know i think a lot of times you know people that weren't raised in church like me may they may pray at christmas or they may ask god for you know for protection or for some small things and that's all good but i believe you have to pray bold prayers and you have to ask god for your dreams and it's not it's not being greedy it's god's given you something he's put a gift in you and to fulfill your destiny it's going to take more than just you you're going to need god's faith you're a favor and you're going to need his help so i love the chapter you talked about a little different aspect about asking but you're basically saying what what i talk about a lot if you don't ask how do you know you're not going to receive that's right that's right and what you have to also have to understand about asking and people who feel no no no because that's another part of i don't i'm not worthy yeah well no i don't want to ask god to do this he's god yes he is god he he you if you put him in the box of a man the man will get i get tired of you coming to me asking me to help you every day but he's god but but but but the beauty of that and what you have to understand is that and this is what i learned very early on that my destiny and my dream and my goal was not just for me yeah there are people who are waiting for you to take your place so that they can get in line to what god is doing for them so it's almost as if you don't have a choice stand where god wants you to so that that that the saucer the cup runneth over and the saucer that's holding you up will get those blessings as well so so i i look around here and i look at people walking through these studio doors and these kids are bright out of bushy tail they're coming in their eyes are wide they're going oh my god oh my god you did this yes god did it for me every day before we go on set before we do any show we're all gathered together hands in hand and i'm praying in the name of jesus that's where we're praying every day and i tell them listen this is not you don't have to do this because i don't want to be sued if this is not your thing you don't have to pray with us but this is what i'm i want to do here in this moment so you can stand over there you go on and go to work but to see them come into prayer to see them believing to see them having faith to understand that the woman that is working upstairs uh her kid is going to college and her her son is going to seminary school and this one's going to africa because of something that's that i i took a step yeah in my faith and i believed wow yeah yeah you know what i love is is you were saying i'm so glad that god didn't show me the full picture you know a lot of us everyone has a dream we've got a little seed but do you have any idea what god could do yeah i mean look at look at what god has done inside of you and and to touch the world you never dreamed that that was a seed like a seed of a dream but then god you're faithful to that and then look what god can do with that that's right it's amazing that's right and and i am a living witness that everything works together for you good come on i have watched it i have seen it every from from the tragedies and horrors with my father if i didn't have that i wouldn't had to have had a sensitivity to be able to listen and hear and understand i wouldn't have had an imagination that became so active i was trying to escape pain and poverty to be able to write if i hadn't been a bill collector i wouldn't be able to negotiate contracts you know what i mean it just you see you know what i mean you know what i mean every moment every moment every moment in my life every moment in my life has worked together for my good and i as i sit here now i completely and utterly understand that we like to say every event holds the potential for purpose and destiny amen that's beautiful that's beautiful you know uh we when we left mama uh she was in the front seat you were in the back seat she was griping about a 300 bill [Laughter] but you have a way late in your book uh a chapter called remembering mama what what's in that what's in that part of the book oh you're trying to wipe me out yeah just i just just remember just the love the love and i can yeah as a little boy i would grab her and hug her and and i could still smell her sometimes to have i remember her calling me up crying one day she i thought something was wrong because she couldn't stop crying she just i was like what is going on i just tried to get her to calm down because she had been sick for a long time and and i said what's what's going on she said baby i was just calling to thank you she had just gotten her medicine and she looked at the price of the medicine and she looked at our social security check and it was four or five times more and she said if you hadn't been who you are i said if i had been working at the phone company she said if you hadn't been who you are i i don't know where i would be and i and i and i i was we shared a beautiful moment that day and she lived in a fine house that she never ever thought she would live in and i'll never forget she and my aunt were sitting at a table and she uh she says to my aunt i always wanted to live like miss chancellor from the from the young and the restless and she turns to my aunt and she says you know that makes you jill my maid so she's wonderful she's wonderful so wonderful but yeah remembering her and what she taught me and the lessons that that i've had and just i thank god that i had the love of a mother and i and i feel so sorry for the people who don't yeah yeah you know what i hear a lot in you is a lot of self-examination and a lot of appreciation and thanksgiving yes and how do you feel about that do you see that has worked in your life i mean even that self-examination to forgive your father to appreciate the things that could be hurtful and and really just draw the good out of those do you think that's a real key to being a success in life oh sure and also forgiving yourself when you make mistakes that's very that's very uh important too you have to learn how to forgive yourself and also gratitude it's also important to be grateful in every moment there's not a flight there's not a time i drive in here there's not a time i go for a walk on my bike around here that i'm not in praise and worship and in awe i stand in awe this little boy from new orleans i'm standing in awe yeah yeah that's so important to never lose that all you know tyler so we have the church in the compact center where the rockets used to play basketball so i grew up i'm a big basketball fan sports fan i used to have season tickets there so every time we drive up to the compact center you know i get chill bumps practically i stand up there to speak and i see my old season tickets and i just think you know never dreamed up say it again you ever wonder who's sitting up there some people are in my seat yeah that's right but you know you i think that's so important though you don't just take oh yeah yeah god gave us a compact sinner no you keep that sense of awe to know what god has done in your life and i think that's what keeps the humility and recognizing that every good thing it comes from god in heaven this was a confederate army base at one point wow wow a confederate army base where there was a fight in this country for slavery wow and god has made me a steward of it wow wow the goodness of god well i want to thank matt and lori all of our praise audience thanks for being with us today and we're with of course our friend tyler perry he's got a great new book out higher is waiting it's so inspirational but tyler we got about just 45 seconds would you mind praying for the audience let's do that the father we come in the name of jesus thanking you for all the blessings and kindness and mercy that you've given we thank you for your favor we thank you for your power we thank you for your anointing we thank you for leading us we thank you for your grace father we pray right now that you would continue to be with us be with this country lord be with every soul that is looking to you and everyone that is not father you are still god and you are saying that if my people which are called by my name would humble themselves and pray turn from their wicked ways that you would heal our land god we call for healing of the land right now in the name of jesus we call that this division that is going on will stop and there will be peace god we call for joy and laughter and that we will be elevated to look to you for all things father we thank you for the miracles that you've given us we thank you for the grace that you've given us father we thank you for the power of just being god we god we thank you for the strength to letting us be able to know you in all that you've done god thank you for the blood forgive us of our sins and be with us in jesus name we pray amen amen friends thanks to you the message of hope and grace found in jesus is beaming into millions of homes around the world through tvn so for your gift of support and any amount this month we'll send you dr robert jeffrey's new book courageous 10 strategies for thriving in a hostile world so take a moment to visit tbn.org courageous 10. thank you
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Keywords: tyler perry, tyler perry movies, tyler perry sistas, tyler perry the oval, tyler perry plays, tyler perry house of payne, tyler perry love thy neighbor full episodes, tyler perry sistas season 3, tyler perry songs, tyler perry madea, praise, joel osteen, you are enough, tbn, trinity broadcasting network, trinity broadcasting network live, tbn live, matt crouch, t8b2n6, 8t2b6n, tbn826, 826tbn, tyler perry motivational speech, tyler perry motivation, praying, tyler perry studios, pray
Id: xg1ccuWs89U
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Length: 53min 35sec (3215 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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