michael scott being extremely mysogynistic for 10 minutes straight | The Office US | Comedy Bites

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what you're saying is extremely misogynistic yes thank you women in the workplace yeah translation I have been banned from my own conference room so that Jan can talk in secret to all the girls oh sorry women of the workplace about what I don't know close me Meredith I would like you to pretend that you are from Abu Dhabi hello I am ashamed at your naked face I must cover it with my jacket you are now sexy in your culture some guy exposed himself to Phyllis in the parking lot really is she okay yeah Bob Vance took her for a walk to calm down okay feel as you say hmm what is so funny um I mean did you even see Pam or uh Karen from behind I'm guessing not I'm sorry foreign it's disgusting and demeaning oh okay masters of Comedy a guy dropped his pants have you ever been to the circus okay he's back [Applause] okay oh man you should order milk get it why do I like Hooters well I will give you two reasons the boobs and the hot wings oh here we go here we go bogey at three o'clock hi hey I'm Dana and welcome to Hooters we're not where are they we're not worthy hello Dana I am Michael and this is Jim and we are brothers nope we're not Brothers I'm his boss actually and I treat him well I'm taking him out to lunch because I can afford it and he can have whatever he wants I just have the ham and cheese sandwich thanks and for you tell me Dana how was your chicken breast oh it's great it's served with our world famous wing sauce mmm sounds yummy I will have a chicken breast hold the chicken is that what you really want no I'm gonna have the gourmet hot dog great I wanted to say that the guys downstairs are thinking about forming a union and they have some good point a union I'm not part of my job is knowing how to talk to women let's be rational here what are the pros what are the colors the cons are that everyone will lose their job Michael everyone office warehouse what do you think are don't talk to me that way please this is a masculine environment we need to find a place where you feel comfortable you know we're gonna go steam Town Mall all right girls break it up you're being infiltrated [ __ ] in the hen house Cox in the hen house don't say Cox no uh what is your name Affair Lass Katie ah Katie wow look at you you are uh you're like the new and improved pam pam 6.0 oh look oh hey no cat fights you too I'm against violence in the workplace oh my and nobody cares who you think it doesn't matter you know what I love Phyllis you know what else I think she is gorgeous I think she is an incredibly incredibly attractive person you know what the only thing I am worried about is getting a boner good work today everybody today's fast pace hard to know when a comment or an action crosses the line let's take a look at a couple of scenarios and ask ourselves where is the line Emery tell Mike hey settle a bet are you a natural redhead oh hey stop the video we go stop it right there stop it right there that's that girl from that thing I'll bang this girl right here yes this is the one you remember yeah right here you are a naughty okay okay she is a hypocrite that is such a scam okay yes yes I did okay well we can talk about that later then okay you are never gonna believe this the girl in the video we're watching the corporate gave us Daryl banger and he's about 90 sure a penis when seen in the right context is the most wonderful sight for a woman but in the wrong context it is like a monster movie Alien I wonder it's shot it shut up okay so what I want to engage Us in today is a hardcore discussion about women's problems and issues and situations magazines and TV shows and movies portray women as skinny tall goddesses well look around are women like that no no they are not even the hot ones aren't really that skinny so what does that say that says that you women are up against it and it is Criminal Society doesn't care society sucks I don't even consider myself a part of society FYI because I am so angry over all of this if it were up to me you ladies would be the fashion models yes Indie then the fashion models could come here and work with me what you're saying is extremely misogynistic yes thank you that was not necessary but I appreciated it and proves my point women can do anything I'm saying that you're being sexist no I'm being misogynistic that is insane I'm not being sexist yes when I got my haircut chart you asked me if I was a lesbian because wow that was one possible explanation periods to know whether you're serious or not you know something Dwight we are not the terrorists why don't you just take these women put them in a burlap sack and hit him with a stick because that's what you're doing I celebrate these women they deserve the right to dress as they please if Pam wants to show more cleavage she should be able to I encourage that look it's really simple we just want you guys to treat us with respect see that's what we're talking about did you hear that Dwight yes did you hear that Michael no Dwight respect r-e-s-p-v-t find out what it means to me all right everybody oh my God Pam those make you look so ugly um Pam in order to get hotter you take glasses off you're moving in the wrong direction I can't even hear you it's just noise coming out of an ugly scientist um see we have the entire floor so this is my kingdom as far as the eye can see ah this is our receptionist Pam Pam Beasley uh Pam has been with us um for forever right Pam well I don't know if you think she's cute now you should have seen her a couple of years ago all right all right what oh hey man who says he totally understands women is a fool because they are ununderstandable there's a wishing fountain at the mall and I threw a coin in for every woman in the world and made a wish I wished for Jan to get over me I wished for Phyllis a plasma TV I wished for Pam to gain courage I wished for Angela a heart and for Kelly a brain Michael how can you appreciate women so much but also dump one of them you mean how can I be so illogical and flighty and unpredictable and emotional well maybe I learned something from women after all yes I was the first one out and yes I've heard women and children first but we do not employ children we are not a sweatshop thankfully and women are equal in the workplace by law so I let them out first I have a lawsuit on my hands all right
Channel: Comedy Bites
Views: 875,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: michael scott misogynistic, michael scott sexist, the office michael scott, michael scott sexist comments, michael scott, michael scott sexist jokes, michael scott problematic, michael scott problematic moments, michael scott problematic quotes, the office, the office problematic, best michael scott quotes, michael scott flasher meme, michael scott flasher toby, the office womens appreciation, the office flasher episode, Michael breaks up with jan, Cocks in hen house, sexism
Id: pRzCIuz5Hag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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