Meze 88 Classics, Underwater Camera, | Ashens

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"British Random Shit Reviewer"

Excellent name for Ashens.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/TRULY_HEKTIK 📅︎︎ Mar 05 2017 🗫︎ replies

Unbox Therapy did a video before actually, but I don't trust anything he says about anything.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/Senor_Platano 📅︎︎ Mar 05 2017 🗫︎ replies

Ashens and headphones, a match made in heaven. He also does the 55 classics in another video! (and loves them)

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/WatchingStorms 📅︎︎ Mar 05 2017 🗫︎ replies

How dare you make such remarks; Ashens is top quality, just like his sofa.

Or maybe 'British Reviewer of Random Shit' would have been less upsetting for all concerned.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/LauriCular 📅︎︎ Mar 06 2017 🗫︎ replies
hello it's the terrifying polystyrene head which can mean only one thing it's time to review some headphones hurray says somebody in the audience who particularly likes headphones for some reason and today's headphones are the MS a classic 88 mm shiny black box tasteful photography you'll notice they do have a certain charm to them don't they made by Antonia MS a who is a man who makes headphones box says very little but on the back we learn individually handcrafted Urban II wood enclosure reproducing crisp but warm natural sound dedicated 50 millimeter neodymium drivers I have very little understanding of what that means detachable TPE cable I know exactly what that means passive noise isolation what that means is they've got cushions on them compatible with iPhone Blackberry ipod blue label of course it's compatible with everything they're just a pair of headphones they're compatible with everything except cats and certain breeds of dog anyway I don't care about all that if you do pause and read that there we are that'll be some exciting for you I just want to see if they're pretty mmm pretty well and be pleased to see they're very carefully wrapped up so they don't get smashed to bits in the post at Holiday the Liberty also gold always believed in your soul and yes you would expect that from a pair of expensive headphones here they are in all their evany wood glory and look it is detachable what more could you ask for weird on the end just to show you how woody they are look wood it's enough lacquer on those to deflect a tank blast I think but something you'll notice is they don't look like a big plastic you piece of which is somewhat different to most of the premium headphones you'll find on offer in the shops at the moment and also non adjustable top instead you get this sort of weird shock mount to the sits on your head it's quite comfortable I'm very comfortable actually and seems quite effective so well done for doing that it's a bit different go on on your head oh yeah she's enjoying that look dunno face like that I wonder what she's listening to my Goldfield i reckon just meant again to moonlight shadow so what do they sound like then which really is the only important thing well other than the price but we'll get to that and they are yeah without a doubt really the best headphones I've ever used it is matter what you play through them it tends to sound fantastic the bass is beautiful they're very warm sounding it was still very crisp and clear and there's so much better and everything else I've got it's unbelievable the headphones I normally use are actually another miss a pair but a soft small pair of fold-up ones which I thought were pretty fantastic until I listened to these and though they've ruined the other ones for me anyway who cares but I think here's what Dan the sound engineer thinks firown' was asked his opinion on such matters because that's his job and he gave me a list of things that I don't really understand let me just skim through it for something that appears to be in English no Distortion yes that's a important I suppose very clearly defined no muddiness that's important yep sounded slightly better after listening for a few hours I suppose they'd beddy in or something but I didn't notice that when he gave him back to me that I am an ear idiot here's the important bit he said for the money these are the best headphones he has ever seen also excellent bass impact I miss that bill and the money is quite a bit they're going to cost you slightly over 200 pounds to have delivered and flip me that's expensive but then I suppose for that price you don't have to compare them to beats by dre and those m fitty cent ones i reviewed and frankly these don't so much as kill them as beat them to death and then piss all over they're still twitching corpse it beggars belief that you can buy those in the shops and not these because these are so much better for pretty much the same money so if you are gonna spend about that much money on headphones I would strongly recommend you buy some of these unless you're really desperate to have a rapper's name on whatever it is you take home from the shops and a completely different note I was given a pair of headphones free and when I bought a mobile I'll phone an angle and curve pair I'd never heard of angle and curve and hopefully I never will again just once they sort of contrast how crap headphones can look solid chrome effect plastic fake screws well I will say this for them they do sound better than they look but I think it would be impossible for them to sound worse than they look unless they did burst eardrums me turned the bastards on anyway that's enough audio stuff here's a camera instead from our friends at speedo who usually make things you were wrap around your genitals before you go swimming yes the idea is this is an underwater camera so it's not a big powerful flash and a lens these are very important things when taking photographs underwater in order to access it you push this in here and here's the bit we put in the memory card just takes standard micro SD you go and there's a USB slot one of the types of mini USB I don't know which one micro USB type seven it's the same one that blackberries and Amazon Kindles use one slightly worrying thing actually will mention one talking about this I did notice when you push this underwater you get a few air bubbles out here and when I removed the memory card after filming underwater it was slightly damp that's probably not a good thing over time anyway turn it on and really it's just a cheap digital camera as you would expect look wow it's like living in the future where you've got too many camcorders and it just takes still photographs and technically we'll take video but not a very good video to say the least you don't need 640 by 480 and looks a bit puh say geez no no can stay very long let's turn the flash on for it just hideously bright go on take a picture my health I forced the flash on since we're currently under quite powerful studio lights and again hurray flashed that time and the picture doesn't look much different to me I can't tell what you can see through the viewfinder because it's all gone squid this end so in order to test this well gonna take some pictures underwater and I had a perfect opportunity because with this camera I could finally found out what was in the bubble bath of mystery 15 years been wanting to know what's in this damn thing and we've been too scared to put our hands in the answer was there are three things in the bubble bath of mystery the first was an alien the second was a toast rack and we couldn't make out of the third at first but a bit of video shows that it appears to be a severed human foot so if you're missing a foot drop us a line and we'll send that along to you yeah so there you have it not exactly fantastic quality and it cost 40 quid and that was reduced cuz I think these are selling these offers they're a no longer produced line hmm quite a lot of money but welter 'native do you have if you want to go abroad on holiday or whatever and take some underwater photographs do you want to risk your existing camera in one of those awful plastic bags of course you don't it'll get wet and go Sparkie and ruined yeah if you want to take decent quality photos underwater you're gonna have to spend considerably more such is life and next we have this [Music] bloody hell right next it's a flat cardboard thing yes welcome to foldable dot me which is one of these things that was floating around on Kickstarter and actually made its money and now produces these what happens is you go on their website and you fiddle around and create avatar that looks like what you want it to look like a bit like em when you make of me on the we kept remember those yeah but the difference is for seven pounds fifty yes it really is that much they will then print it onto this high quality and rather nicely plasticy finished cardstock and send it to you and then you can bring it to life pop me out fold my scored edges slot me together and if you get stuck there's a handy instructional video for idiots brilliant requires no ketchup no scissors no spanner why why would you need a spanner to make something language it's the first one as well bizarre I'm a finished foldable Larry's a blank picture of a foldable yeah well my first problem of this would look at the bloody face that's the closest I could get to my facial hair at the time and annoyingly I've been on the site again afterwards and they now seem to have added a sort of vaguely goatee style beard but at the time the closest was this 70s porn star look which is a bit depressing anyway I suppose I'm they're going to have to actually put this together aren't I right what and there we have it a channel by channel channel book a channel book a channel I have come to fix a version machine yes it's all the bit square and minecraft II and kind of looks like a square version of a South Park character you know why and it's all very nice I mean you're not gonna be printing anything as quality as that homeless you've got some weird Semyon laminating moon printer or something and it all goes together easily and indeed you don't need a spanner and I can't help thinking you'll actually just buy it put it down somewhere and think bloody oh I just spent seven pounds fifty on that or twelve dollars as is the American equivalent if you buy it in the States um so yeah I don't know isn't half the fun anyway just kind of getting a template off the internet and printing it off after fiddling with it yourself I don't know just seems a bit pricey to me but if you do need a particularly high quality and papercraft version of somebody and to use in your strange minecraft voodoo look no further satisfying right as a last thing the company that I bought this off is inexplicably called hang on account remember it's written on the side of the bag advanced mp3 players and they also do something which intrigued me called a bag of crap where essentially you give them an amount of money and they fill a bag with stuff at random this is said bag I went for the 15-pound option because I wanted to waste 15 pounds I thought it might make something interesting on video so what do you get or what did I get cuz I think it is pretty much random in the 15 pounds bag of crap the answer of course is items they can't sell normally let's see what those are shall we there's a headphone bag I think it is with Marley written on which is another one of these designer headphone bands so that's good if something's got particularly small head you could go up them for that as well as it's quite nice and it also muffle their scream slightly so that could be handy and we've also got LCD protective film for a galaxy note yeah thanks lads that's gonna be well useful and an adapter plug for I think Europeans are UK well I know the UK bit just not sure about the other that's um nice thank you for that here's the meat of the pudding a pair of Philips portable speakers I actually used a pair of these before and they were quite good um so I think they worth about 10 pounds I would have said to me so mmm still not quite made back to 15 pounds but don't worry because there is one more item USB decoration kit birthday luminescent birthday computer day Koho great you can make your work computer look like a big flashing pile of this from dream cheeky yeah I'll be sure to do that cardboard and maybe you don't have to you just scrapped it there we go well we've got happy birthday bits of cardboard that says happy birthday and you can fold it together and it stick it to things Wow best birthday ever already oh there's a letter does I tell you how much you've been ripped off no cliff tells you how to make a pointed hat yes I think we can probably work that out ourselves here we are happy birthday that you can't see cuz it's off the camera a birthday Mouse Matt it's just a shiny bit of cardboard stuck to a bit of rubber and this absolutes hurt where presumably you plug that into a USB port and these all light up and then the bloke from IT comes around and tells you off for plugging them in well that was worth fifteen pounds no wasn't [Music]
Channel: ashens
Views: 520,060
Rating: 4.9313846 out of 5
Keywords: meze, 88, classics, headphones, speedo, underwater, camera, alien, toast rack, bubble bath of mystery, coin, bank, foldable, cardcraft, ashens, review, funny, bag of crap, speakers, Marley
Id: l4rdRlTupuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 22 2012
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