Gold-Rich & High: Quartz Vein To The Sky

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well with as much stuff as there is outside I can't wait to see what's inside here look ego the size of these rails and that actually looks like a switch right there not how to percent surgery but looks like a real switch to me massive massive rails we're headed that way looks good so far [Music] [Music] pocket threw it out here on the right you all right like we're starting to come out of the water again which is nice [Music] yeah it's flowing down the sides here which I'll take any day or flowing down the middle [Music] we got something right here [Applause] life is draining the water from somewhere I know if there's a natural spring that tapped into or the best arena from somewhere else since your estimate and you can see that God bunch of timber here and we are carrying on that way [Applause] okay auction the sensor just triggered almost certainly because of this week here but a little bit farther and hopefully it settles down you yeah definitely curves the left here this means like some initials and 2500 that sounds about right okay kind of been to the left up here you you now we have a choice so the track continues this way but we've got drift going off this way let's do you right hand rules this may not go back quite far give them the absence of track yeah it just stops right here but they call those rules right their interests their big billables all right let's continue down Lee nap right here just saw that name I was walking by [Music] you okay okay another one have a curve off the left there's a drift there and see the back of that one [Music] okay so that goes back there and dead ends and this keeps going back you some piece of equipment there I'm not sure what that was it was a bit a little exploratory drill right there and we are continuing this all right and got another curve through right now [Music] you there we go specially dates and even the time push them back pretty straight for a while now you okay we have a junction here got track going to the right where it looks like there's another drift taking off that way and the track off the left and actually like the trap stops right there but I'll stick with right-hand rule big timbers a lot of big humorous and it's like it stops right in there until it's a cave-in or dope up here okay you can see a bunch of material cave down from above here I don't think they stoop that out in that cave so we'll head back and continue on the next rate branch okay I just came from there and we are continuing what I think it's now the main branch like we're coming up on a timber section here [Applause] large reception and see a fair amount of materials come down here from up there so they were right - timber this section [Applause] [Music] [Applause] getting pretty messy back here now [Applause] forget you all this it's just some fair amount of courts here and wow there's a large quartz vein ceiling right there back that way obvious s what they're after and then we're still going that way hard going back here that's a mud and Wow lots of deep mud and timber it's a trip over [Applause] [Applause] and another quartz vein running up through the ceiling [Applause] and Wow waters card a fairly deep channel through here and I bet that's gonna be hard to get through the ad it keeps going that way now some inner tubes side of mine you ever seen that [Applause] okay guys this is getting really hard to get through it's very deep it's not a little oxygen see some course right there I don't know how much farther I can go to be honest with you the low auctions started making a little bit concerned can hear some rushing water up ahead do my best let's get to the end really hope I get to it soon a deep pool of water up here and I can hear something right here a fair amount of rushing water oh wow okay so deep pool and rushing water over there but if you look above me they cleared out large area here so far up that goes goes way up there stay about the stools right there and I guess this was Norse you hear interesting all right a little bit farther really hard going guys remains some minor for you I can't make out what it says anymore I can feel the rail and amazing mud [Music] Wow and a serious so come over here you can heart L for the amount of water coming down that goes up a long way they clear that phase banging out of here a really big one Wow very now chew okay yeah large bottle water we have to steal the camera from the water see how far back this goes together that so well I'll just up for the shower very easily right there yeah this show those are there and termite I never got fun get back go away so I'm on trial waters very very black sois women especially so they can see the back of the stove right there Wow see what Hill hair here that degrees all plugged up right there there's a beer back at our waterfall so I'll head back out take off will that last dresses in Explorer goes back away okay I'm back at that injunction the drift you just went down where the huge Stokes is back that way and now we're gonna see what is down this trip which extends off that way you and this is it that's the face right there well I'm freezing because I'm soaking wet from getting doused by that waterfall I never liked being a little awkward in environments which is what I am now so we're done here I'm gonna Hill out back into the fresh air hey guys so when I first arrived at this mine I went straight in because I was curious what it looked like and I used the good camera with image stabilization and all that great stuff and I came out intent him to film everything out here but the temperature difference between inside and outside fogged up my lens I've got out in the Sun right now trying to dry out but I've been waiting half an hour and it's still foggy so I gotta get back up the hill I can't wait around for the lens to clear out so I'm gonna have to shoot this with my phone which is what I'm doing now see some monster rails here in front of me but behind me where those rails go is to a Stanton hill which those are a rare treat okay you can see the rail there in front of me and the rails but bring the or mostly courts over to this structure here where it would be fed down to stant mill there okay this building was sort of wrapped around where the Stanton mill was I'm not really sure what purpose was the building I just showed you earlier is that one there tank here in front of me and I'll show you another angle stamp mill and actually this is a giant wave rock pile I don't know if that's a separate stamp bale down there or if those are pieces of the one behind us to ended up down there we'll go check them out in a minute okay so here we are at the stand mill a terrible light looking into the Sun but it does give you an idea that's all about there is the manufacturers pleat cloak manufacturing companies Francisco California see some of the stamps they're stamped okay I'm standing on part of the waste rock pile below that first stamp mill I just showed you and seeing this one down here closer I think this was actually a separate mill besides that waste rock pile there's because all the components for the stand mill are down here which they wouldn't be if it you're just castoffs from the the other mill maybe this is an older mill hard to say see a huge flywheel right there and I don't want us just straight up right there show you some of the parts down here there's the mechanism that drives the stamps there's a date 1899 patented number I can't read the numbers by its do you see 1899 very clearly right there that's really cool and then you just found the stamps here big stamps as a manufacturer stamp it's like globe ironworks Stockton California patented August 24th I think 1897 that's very very cool to see that out here Wow okay that Stan Mills behind me now and I just wanted to show you guys this stuff real quick I was curious what this was and I would love it if somebody the audience could enlighten us on what that might be okay so the stand mill is there and then we've got some kind of foundation here which this probably is this before a compressor or generator or something like that she lifts up the bits of metal and things like that up there and then the ad it is over there where you hear that rushing water and yes that rushing water is coming out of the Abbott so there's two men found a shin here on my gear on that right now drying out and the ad is there but first look at the size of this rail this rail is huge that's my hand on this rail that is big real and I've showed you this Senate track that ran out to the stamp mill you can see there's a junction here so that Junction wants a Stanton mill and then this one went out or still goes out over the waste rock pile here that's just one edge of it obviously the creek washed a lot away as well more down there [Music]
Channel: TVR Exploring
Views: 341,189
Rating: 4.7964931 out of 5
Keywords: Gold Rich And High Quartz Vein To The Sky, Exploring Abandoned Mines, Mine Exploring, Abandoned Mines, Underground Mine Exploring, Mineral Exploration, Quartz Vein, Gold, Lode Gold Mine, Stope, Adit, Winze, Ore Cart Track, Stamp Mill, Free Gold, Gold Mining, Geology, Flooded Mine, Quartz Gold, Stulls, Quartz Gold Vein, Quartz Gold Mining, Mining History, Underground, Caving, Adventure, Exploring, Underground Gold Mine, Abandoned Mining Equipment, Globe Iron Works, Krogh Manufacturing
Id: dhWQwCuz_vA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 16sec (1756 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2019
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