MESSED UP Riddles that will make you SWEAT

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love friends it's meet professional riddle solver over here Christie over here is a vlogger relatable Christie has a great community on her YouTube channel she's got two million subscribers but she can upload a video in four hours get three million views one hour get what a million views man Christie is poppin what they didn't tell you is Christie is actually mr. beast she exposes fake products ding 7 million people thumbs up a video that exposes fake Steve Madden shoes and she exposes online shops every day her followers sent her tons of different cases to solve these riddles getting a little elaborate we got a whole plot so basically we're gonna do a day in the life of Christie fake blogger here which logo is correct man you add all this backstory for me to guess which logo is correct oh this is tough which BMW logo is correct is the blue first or the white first doesn't matter because inferior to Mercedes okay I think it's the second one I think the blue is first because white looks off yeah first ones faith which logo is correct what do you mean which logo is correct this is too easy the iPhone on the left they took a bite from the right yes exactly you only take a bite from the right that's the right bite both of them say Starbucks both say coffee what's the O one got a star in one don't obviously the girl like this with the star it ain't Starbucks whoo that's the star this just buffs coffee nobody give up bucks about bucks coffee spot the fake Nutella Nutella only got one wait why why would the e be black the e is not significant the nuts or the nuts Ella i'ma go with the first ones of faith thought its Nutella not nut Ella that should be a whole damn nuts Ella Nutella y'all can't fool me I know my nuts what shouldn't be in this famous photo man Christy getting four million views on spot the difference videos is that Captain America the background biting my bus is for this one no way no way they put Captain America Wow Chris Evans is that you they traveled in time to meet Thanos hi you go say he don't belong in this photo then but lies and slander Jeff graduated from a top university with straight A's Wow congratulations he was young ambitious and handsome okay well we got a chat over here he had a great future ahead of him brah my grape future my dude gets hit by a bus oh he was so young ambitious and handsome I'm just kidding Jack had an interview at a large corporation oh my god dudes Oh Google's arch-nemesis they gave him a few riddles and puzzles Wow Wow if only it was that simple to get a job we don't care about your degree but okay what school you went to we don't care how handsome ambitious or young you are solve these riddles and then we'll talk there's a house with four walls yes yes D each wall faces south each wall has one window well you mean each wall faces south each wall has one window a bear walked by one of the windows what color is the bear okay so everything I was trying to pay attention to completely irrelevant does not matter one bit the bear is black right or is this a figment of my imagination why why you mean he was black a second ago you trying to make me out to be a racist so you don't hire me if all the walls face south oh I thought each individual wall could face south y'all did me at bamboozled guess I can't work on zuzo a wall there's always Google I hope my dude got it right though cuz I got it wrong the bear is a polar bear great job jack now take a look over here I just typed in my passwords five letters long I push six buttons on the keyboard and the computer accepted my password how come are you serious right now are you serious name assuming her name is name perhaps it's not maze she did a capital a b c d e s the first letter got to be capital that's why you pressed one more button I guess you just pressed the five letters of your password and the Enter key I was assuming she capitalized the letter and then press it with her mouth this is not a key she pressed enter with her mouth my explanations are completely reasonable I just think outside of the box like these are too simple for me she's like nice well done young man emphasis on young don't forget ambitious and handsome time to check your attention to detail okay hopefully I can get one of these right can you find the hidden animal in the picture bro that's a bunch of dirt oh yeah I see it do you guys see it smash like if you see it cuz I see this one it's a frog that musky little fellow he in there good he camouflaged solid snake could never that's correct okay I see the moth you really gonna test me again like my eyesight perfect at this range imagine getting a job based on these tests I would be scared for the world I live in oh wait no this was just the precursor it's a warm month let's move on to more serious tasks to be successful you have to be really attentive you have to spot what's wrong at once okay we got to do this real-time spot the thief brothers do just chilling at a restaurant with a tag on his shirt he stole a or maybe they forgot to remove it he was like I'm gonna wear this anyway cuz you know fashion spots the thief there's something wrong with this dudes face it's distracting me from everything else okay who's stealing Mary over here has a pizza in her this briefcase okay she's dealing she got something in her belly Oh y-you got a whole entire cake in your shopping basket just rubbing up against the broccoli oh it's the pizza okay I called that at first but how do you know she stole it what if she just won like HOPWA John's first grocery store second maybe it's leftovers from lunch like why she oughta steal it it ain't shoplifting is the shore no okay well I guess they hired him welcome abroad he even got his zoos old name tag like man you so smart you starting this job now the police have come to take Tim away so they don't know what Tim looks like they just know where he lives and his name no he looks like that aloud they only know his name okay we got a 5-1 1 on that Tim he lives here hunts him down do you don't even know his last name Kenny felt like look him up on Facebook or something they know he's in the house right now they rush in let's go they see three people having dinner well this is awkward I'm mechanic a driver and a gardener they rest the driver right away how do they know what's him I mean he looked like a Tim the gardener is a girl her name couldn't possibly be Tim maybe Kim but definitely not Tim do you have a name tiger song are those two both females they're like let's arrest the only male feminism the mechanic got makeup on I mean both the girls got makeup on the driver has no makeup the only guy in the vicinity okay take him away that was too easy Peter was sick for two days stayed in bed in his room cuz just me and you nasal spray I know one of the days he was robbed by a neighbor oh that sucks man the dude is sick leave him in his nasal spray alone the police narrowed it down to two suspects Oh both women you got robbed by two ladies or one of them either Diana or Anna oh they're both so very similar both girls were out last night they said they came home late the police checked their cars in the parking lot they knew that one of them had came home earlier and robbed Peter's house which one of these ladies did it Diana look like she drives a Porsche I think she paid for that also anna is like sandwiched between them so I mean I guess judging by the parking spots they want you two think this dude was parked the whole time and then Ana parked next to him and Diana the mischievous harlot came back home the latest she parked there also a thief would have a green car Ana she couldn't open her door if she came home late so I was right was the other girl I mean you could also like I went to that parking spot multiple ways you could possibly go in through the trunk none of my business seven second riddles a girl was picked up by the police you see the way she twisted her head right there should at a halt scuse me sir I've lost my mother she's too young to talk you mean too young to talk she young enough to know what this means she young enough to be walking the streets alone but she don't know how to talk three adults showed up to collect her they all claim to be her parent you liars only one of them can be her parents got ladies just waiting on the street like oh I heard a girl was missing I lost my daughter by the way got some issues each adult was allowed five minutes with a girl that's a lot of time and they watch them through a one-way mirror oh my dear where were you I was so worried I'm so relieved they found you okay I'm real mom won't say that blondie over here she a liar I don't know what she's doing here that's obviously not your child here's some food bro she brought some lollipops and a burger and some candy it's not what you feed your child why are you like rewarding this child for being lost and founds nah the child's gonna be like no stupid I was looking for you everywhere look here's your favorite toy what is it doesn't my talk what you mean I never seen this jag on a day in my life does this kid knock no more her mother looks like honestly scary who's the fake parent bro you lost your kid and you go to the police did you go my daughter I missed you what have you been like stuck crying tears I didn't see a single one of these heartless harlots shed a tear y'all all faint but if I had to pick the one who the toy and the one with the lollipops she's blonde first of all none the other one she could pass as her mom but she saw the time unless you will like what to see my toy what this count Ben you pull this from what parent would give candy burgers and gummies to a kid yeah exactly like why would you give him that just holding the burger with her hands special sauce dripping down her fingers she's just trying to lure her with the toy she's the real mother I was correct I'm actually having a good time he's rested a pretty wild who looks suspicious all right airport security I'm gonna have to check all the I'll just open up your luggage in front of everybody we all got in there this first girl she got a pair of us why are they different colors why she got a pink pair and a chestnut hair and she got a bathing suit she got some shampoo oh wait you can't bring that much shampoo on the plane you fool too much liquid throw it out then dude he got a baseball cap some shades and the razor you can't bring a razor oh wait you can and I have multiple times okay that's okay you got some hairs growing out of his hat maybe he a part-time farmer but he looked too fancy to be a farmer I don't know what he's doing with that hat maybe he's available on or whatever the farmer dating site is I don't know this girl she looked like an Amy she got a brush a loofah and some shirts okay there's nothing suspicious about that unless there's a secret compartment to her luggage that I don't know about that's none of my business I'm gonna go with the first girl who brought the big old thing of shampoo and the mismatched jugs oh I knew it not matching shoes so it's suspicious what makes that suspicious like what if I pack a pair of mismatched shoes and TSA opens it up like when you got one of each like sector away you gonna go to bonus security we gonna have to check the rest of you why is that suspicious I'm scared this video if you did we should hit that like button I love you guys so much things are watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 8,450,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, riddles, puzzles, brain teasers, test your logic, riddles with answers, brain teasers with answers, riddles and brain teasers with answers, sssniperwolf riddles
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 28 2019
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