Tricky Riddles That SSSniperWolf Cant Solve!

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alright guys today is the day that I prove everyone wrong so if you saw my last riddle video you thought the seven second riddles called me out they made a video called tricky riddle that sniper wolf can't solve and then they changed the title to brittle that sniper wolf won't solve or will she so you know what they got scared after I accepted their challenge they're like well she actually be able to solve these riddles so today this is the greatest riddle challenge I have ever faced we're gonna prove everybody wrong pay very close attention to these play along with me comment your answers and let's beat the riddle master let's do this you were going home late at night a man came up behind you and grabbed you he tied your hands and put you to the back seat of his car now he's driving towards a wood Yamin was like a forest how you know what he's thinking you you have some time to think of what to do try to jump out of the car I'm probably driving hella fast so probably not that's a kidnapper to get him to know why he's doing this stay quiet and try to remember the route what will you do to survive oh man that's it hmm okay you know what this is a tough one B and C are honestly useless I really doubt I could persuade somebody to like just let me go like after they went through all the trouble of getting me into their car they're not no let me go what's C gonna do let me try to remember the route so when I get out I could steal this car keys I just got a new pimple over here hello unwanted friends get out of here I mean if he stopped at a traffic light or like slowed down or anything that's gotta be your chance like jump out I mean as long as you don't got like locks on the window or locks on the door I think we're gonna a jump out I've mentally prepared myself for this but you gotta do one the car is like going really slow or like stop you can't just like jump battle like car going 60 miles an hour oh if you have an opportunity to jump out of the car should use it oh yes looks like a great idea like when you're stuck in traffic like just bust the window down kick him in the back of the head while he's driving I don't know I felt like those other options didn't make much sense all right we got one where's my water I knew even finished my stuff I just can't handle this okay next riddle a car without a driver drove into a snack bar oh those dang Tesla's they're hungry for some electricity y'all got any electricity snacks and it hit its owner Wow bro this was definitely a Tesla the witnesses claimed that there was no driver in the car it was parked at the beginning of the street and suddenly started moving forward oh I know exactly why I know exactly why how did this happen you say so that is parked out of Incline this absolute idiot driver didn't put his parking brake on and so the car just slid into the store and just so happened to hit the owner so why are you parking there ah this sucks man this actually sucks it wasn't even a Tesla it was a regular car I'm done I am done I am done the killer put a big ice block on the brake pedal and laughs not me how do you get it to the car how did he have the keys just putting a block of ice is not gonna make the car just move but not having your parking brake on my i'ma get a lawyer for this one this one is not okay I am NOT happy with this outcome I know because they're like oh you could be sneaky because the ice will have melted that there will be no evidence nothing but water but then the water would evaporate no literally no the ice melted and the car went down the road no it didn't if you press the gas pedal in a car without the keys it's not gonna go well like the dude left his car keys in his parked car and went out for a snack like this makes no sense i'ma call you guys out okay whoever made this this makes no sense y'all probably haven't even like been in a car before y'all don't even know how the gas pedal works who is the alien oh we're doing this obviously the wife she got three hands at least I don't know how many more she hiding under that dress but she's an alien I mean she could just have three arms does that really make her alien I mean maybe she's from another country I don't know passports everybody let me see yeah exactly that was way too easy all right let's step this up a notch choose the alien good ol shovel arm over here shoveling sand with his dang arm he can obviously shape-shift all these other kids look perfectly normal yeah I see you have spotted that right away less than seven seconds I didn't even need seven seconds Jane is studying in New York and her boyfriend is studying in Chicago he lives alone and she lives in a dorm they love each other very much and talk to each other every day they love to exchange photos as well okay I mean they're in like a regular long-distance relationship just now Jane received three photos from him she looked at them and started to cry she called him and broke up with him Wow why maybe because he's a messy slob and gargles his mouthwash and spits it out in the bathtub what kind of animal would do such a thing oh my god he has two toothbrushes you know what that means he's got a G apple of it there oh there is a kiss mark on that glass whose lipstick is that oh he got a secret you got a girl living with him I mean who else is gonna cut up all those bell peppers and sauté then it ain't this dude got a lipstick on a mug he lives alone but there are two toothbrushes he a wire a fact of seeing that not even asking about war breaking up that's it oh I got him I got him that was way too good now not yet there's more there were several sets in the supermarket in May the staff couldn't figure out who it was the police arrived and watched the CCTV footage soon they identified a suspicious person may 1st May 2nd oh she was pregnant why already I know who this was she had her baby okay but she could've just like had the baby in his back trying to get hot dog buns and butt wipes I don't know Oh May 7 at it again Oh she was wearing a wig this idiot thief keeps wearing the same dress same outfit but has a different way and she's stuffing her belly with someone else that ain't no baby that's merchandise and that's illegal the woman was the dress she been wearing the same dress she seems to be the same person she comes with a fake belly and a wig and hide stolen goods in her belly what if she's doing the 24 hours pregnant challenge on YouTube or something maybe she's like playing out character and a movie I don't think they would do this in real life this seems very very very unrealistic that they would be like hey pregnant woman stop right there because that would be a huge lawsuit if like the woman was actually pregnant Shawn Ginni and Helen met in school after the summer holiday they started talking well to me it looks like they're eating about how they spent this summer break my father and I went to the mountains we climbed to the top Wow congratulations nobody cares literally here for the food my brother and I were in the desert we even fed a camel weird flex but okay my sister and I were on a tropical island we were swimming in the ocean Wow look at this privileged friendship like all y'all gonna go on like out of the country vacations on your spring break got too fancy but no one bully Helen you're lying damn get called out Helen why man I call BS on the the camel okay so my sister and I were on a tropical island who went swimming in the ocean why did no one believe her I'm trying to figure this one out but I've actually stumped is it not a tropical ocean is it a lake was it Photoshop is it because she wasn't with her sister does she not have a sister the wind is blowing the other way Wow so what it's Photoshop maybe she edited it to make it go like squiggly doesn't mean she wasn't actually there no I want a refund on this one nobody is gonna call that literally nobody that is some next-level expose stuff like the wind is going that way but the kind of going down way how'd this happen you a liar you didn't actually go to a tropical island with your sister unfriended blocked deleted get out of your Helen not y'all look bad friends this is a bad riddle and I want a refund Oh where's her shadow she doesn't have a shadow oh my god if this was a real picture maybe I would have figured that out but like nobody has a shadow in this picture y'all are freaky liars Wow Helen I trusted you I believed in you I thought you were actually legit and went to a tropical island with your sister but like this is the equivalent of editing yourself into a photo they're like oh there's no shadows you a liar I mean this is an illustrated picture Oh y'all got me but I got most of these right okay but this one whew I'm a little heated Tom wants to find his soul mate on a dating website wow that's the first usually people go on there for just something else but there are a lot of fake profiles Tom got interested in three girls Layla I'm an artist I my dog and I travel a lot wow what a profile oh my god she's perfect for me an artist who loves her dog and loves to travel I feel like everybody got I love to travel on their tinder that and tacos might be the only person in this world that doesn't like to travel I like being at home but anyways next up we got Kristi I study music I practice yoga and I'm afraid of heights how you gonna be afraid of height and sit on top of our roof in your picture and have a high-rise penthouse Chris you a liar I already know the answer of this I love reading I am a vegan I don't like sports be it as she's sitting here eating a hot dog really Natalie really I mean it could be a vegan hot dog we don't know that but her friend actually give her the stanky eye oh my god didn't you just go vegan like three days ago that's a cow me which profiles are faked Natalie and Kristi are hacking liars Leila is the only one that's legit since when is this how you tell if somebody's a fake profile oh if they're lying on their page and it's an apparent lie that you can figure out by reading their bio and checking their pictures really carefully Kristy yeah I see you you lie or sitting on a roof oh I'm afraid of height bug that was after I fell from sitting on that roof yeah Natalie I'm a vegan I mean there are vegan hot dogs that's like kind of dumb who's not lying I'm the you're not okay I mean there's two girls that was exactly the same and he doesn't even know which one's the wife oh no she has green all over her arm she's an alien send her back to area 51 she's not the bride come on man yo alien what'd you see one Wow dude actually an alien she's not a real bride I mean why can't she be a alien and the bride which page is fake I can't we going through dating profile so he was born in 1999 he's from Dallas and went to high school 2008 to 2012 now he's fake claiming he went to high school when he was like nine years old he a liar okay this is literally an emoji you're just automatically gonna X this one I'm gonna say this was not legit but I mean he was born in 2000 and went to college he was 18 to 22 which makes sense I guess it's a real profile but something tells me he doesn't actually look like that in real life okay went to college when he was 18 the first one it's so simple like who sucks at math that much yeah I went to high school nine years after I was born do you ride your way from high school at 13 I mean he could have he could have been a child prodigy but anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video I think I did pretty good the ones I didn't get were very unreasonable and I want a refund on those or I'm calling my lawyer comment below let me know how you guys did and if you guys enjoyed this video and want more riddles or you got any of these right make sure you smash that like button on the right so I know you're smart and not dumb make sure you turns out notifications today Nick and make sure you subscribe Jon the wolf pack I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 12,393,288
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, sssniperwolf riddles, riddles, test your brain, riddles with answers, brain teasers with answers, 7-second riddles, puzzles, brain teasers, tricky riddles, tricky, solve
Id: myUc5PaSMBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 24 2019
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