Messed Up Riddles Most People CAN'T Solve

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hello friends it's me and today I thought we would put our brainpower to the test because it's been a while since we've done some riddles one day John was waiting for his train on the subway he was eating an apple he always had for breakfast Wow some healthy congratulations suddenly he sees a homeless man Pig human chicken so brewed at bull why was he so horrified maybe because he just ate an apple and he's just calling him out on his house key habit wait but does that mean the person he calls human just ate a human what another person he called Pig was eating a pig Bobo was able to tell what people last ate no wonder that dude looks suspicious walking by he started sweating a man is trying to replace a car wheel accidentally he dropped all the nuts Suz my that's what ooh shut my mad way if I dropped my nuts that makes me a man and they don't and tall grass what should he do now he should call triple-a I don't know you literally drop them a foot in front of you it's not the all it's grass literally look down and pick them up something I'll make life much harder than it is he should take one nut from the other wheels excuse me what to fix the first one and get to the service so each tire is gonna sacrifice a nut to fix one or you know you could just look in the grass you know if they didn't want me to say you could just look down and find them they should have been like oh you dropped them into the ocean thank good luck getting your nuts back who are the space aliens excuse me this is a traffic jam in Nebraska what do you mean aliens that dudes head he got eyes in the back of his head and he's not even making an attempt to turn right yeah that's right oh and then the dude got technicals coming out of the front and back seats maybe you just went fishing brought home a new friends you don't know if he's a space alien now we got some kids in a water park what you mean who's a space alien Oh Little Billy over here he's either drowning or a space alien because he can breathe underwater Oh a little Ashley you ain't Slee I see you chillin in the water like the four-legged freak that she is so nobody saw them go in right once they're in the water be good we blend in Kate was an administrator at an elite Fitness Club she worked with a high-value client though she got a fancy job she was given a special task take care of a billionaires wife he didn't know what the billionaire's wife look like Kate are you stupid you could literally juggle her she watched three new women at the gym she watched them all day long what a creep Caitlin hello sweater vest on how they get paper observing the three women which one is the billionaires wife okay who got a Rolex on I'll probably go with the oldest so one in the middle she looks rich but she look millionaire rich not billionaire how you identify a billionaires wife oh wait she doesn't go to a public gym because she has one in her mansion of course none of them none of that one of the billionaire's wife yeah I don't care about your expensive jewelry nobody's gonna wear that to the gym if I had to guess is gonna be the one on the right because she looks the oldest oh I got her right mrs. Robin she's the only one who's married oh my god I didn't even like realize to look at their hands I don't even see a ring do you see a ring how am I supposed to know that she's married oh my god you know we work in our brains today we work in our eyes if you look very closely on her wristband for her gym membership it says mrs. Robbins mrs. no big marriage flex the other girls even wear wristbands I didn't even see everybody been looking into that phone like this oh says mrs. I guess I missed that it said mrs. I guess they never miss huh what's wrong here this car is about to crash why there's so many people just chilling in this parking lot like is nobody's business just waiting to get run over so they can file a lawsuit against Walmart okay see nothing out of the ordinary just a lot of idiots doing whatever the heck they want find him whatever spot they want what is that is that part of a train parked in a spot you don't belong in this parking spot sir it didn't even say what it is it was like this is the only thing that's wrong apparently it flies yeah there's definitely something wrong I'm surprised nobody's like crowded around it like excuse me what are you and why are you parked here is this the windi's drive-through there are 10 people in a room each person can see the entire room wait but am I in this room or am i watching these 10 people in a room you want to place an apple so all but one person can see it where would you place the Apple in the room inside someone's mouth right because if the Apple is inside someone's mouth they won't be able to see it but everyone else will now like my logic makes sense to me place the Apple on anyone's head okay you know that was my next guest most people probably can't shove an apple in their mouth so yeah the head is gonna work better we got all these ladies standing in line to go see the gynecologist and then Karen wants to start a fight with the lady in front of her so she has one less person to wait behind you're not pregnant what a lie definitely something a pregnant person would not say you're not pregnant what alive pregnant I get it karen is unfortunately pregnant but purple dress over here she do be looking like she's smuggling a watermelon but why she went in the lineup the doctors if she's not actually pregnant she just here to waste your time after waiting for three and a half hours the doctor finally sees me it's a prank bro just wasted your time awesome I see you Adams up according to 5-minute crafts that's how you spot the male on the group this girl's pregnant yes I can see that it's a murdered there's a man here little chunky pregnant and it's Taco Bell and was always afraid of dating that's why she didn't have a boyfriend but one day she decided it was time to act so and went on a dating site let's help her find a good guy wrong divin John Fox 3 17 years old and he's in Australia wait you can't turn location services on where's she even located Robert is in Canada and he's 20 you know I'm I just go with the oldest and he's in the US I guess Ron is literally the only choice that we got because he's in the US I guess she's going on a date with Ron Henry's favorite game is minecraft he said it's because he loves cars there's no cars in Minecraft this dude the lawyer John's already been married twice but he's only 17 years old how was that legal you know I saw 17 that I was just like no and he's on Australia this guy wears glasses he couldn't have been a sniper wait what you can you wear glasses because the scope be like boom you can wear contacts and should go on a date with Robert he's the only one who's not lying imagine having standard set that low this guy's not a liar but we have nothing else in common by the way I'm allergic to flowers why would you give me this - the detective suspected a man of smuggling gold and decided to wait for him at the airport wait so you can travel with gold dubai princes have been real quiet since this riddle came out the suspect was going through customs with a single suitcase where they found a minimum of personal stuff and any golden disco perhaps you're smuggling it in your toothpaste but when the man headed towards the exit the detective knew the gold was inside why what do you mean why maybe there's a hidden compartment I mean ain't nobody gonna travel with four things in a big old suitcase well you couldn't just shove them in his pocket he could ask the hotel for all of these the man is carrying it with two hands it's obviously happy because of the gold what I didn't catch that how was I possibly supposed to catch that most luggage you're gonna pick it up with two hands so this large so he put two hands on it when he picked up from conveyor belt that means he's hiding something ridiculous maybe I'm just not smart what's wrong her sisters in the bathroom with her while she's taking a bath why do you need her in here holding the towel when you could just put it on that chair and be done enjoy your bubble bath in peace ma'am what's wrong here is you have a wooden bath in the middle of the living room the wood floors are just soaking up all the water now that's how mold happens Nivea lotion is the lotion what's wrong with this oh this is like the 19th century Queen Elizabeth taking a bath how did you know were you alive back then seven second riddles how do you know Queen Elizabeth didn't have body lotion you are in a locked room yes yes I am with Ford in a wall clock I got three doors and a TV one of the doors leads to the freedom you hear that one of these doors go walk out and get the freedom and the others cheer dad whoa wait so we don't got a bathroom do you found a note with numbers one four eight eleven one how can you choose the right door why did I think I was gonna rhyme so one four eight like immediately I'm gonna look at the clock and be like okay that's an hour before - when are we talking about the time here 1 4 8 11 1 oh this is easier than I thought so once you connect to all of those on the clock you get this shape that's on the green door and this is the door that leads to dad kidding the freedom matters thinking it was gonna be a lot harder than that okay who is dead ABCD we all dead on the inside they really all do be looking dead though wow they did not give me the answer I'm gonna go with B she hasn't moved from that spot since 1968 what's around here we have all these cavemen and women I'm expecting to see one of them pull their phone out I feel like yeah we all instead of a movie okay we looked and looked and looked what is going on here oh my god that is so hard to see I am literally blind you can't be playing me like this if you zoomed into that from the start I guarantee it what I told you probably gonna draw a car they even have cars back there yeah that's actually funny because it's like if I draw a flying car in 2020 and then somebody from the future sees it and decides to make a riddle on it they'd be like wait they don't have flying cars back then you can't even draw it that's illegal I want a refund on that one I'm gonna call you guys out there is nothing wrong with him being creative on the inside of a cave but anyway that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure that that like button the Khumbu how many you got right and make sure you turns out notifications today click and make sure you subscribe to the Wolfpack I love you guys so much big stretching hey guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 4,057,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reaction, reacting, funny, riddles, riddles with answers, brain teasers, brain teasers with answers, test your logic, test your brain, puzzles
Id: NFocA58Pigs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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