Riddles Your Smart Friends CANT SOLVE

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hello friends it's me and today we're gonna be doing some riddles petland had been happily married for five years later the son was wrong she thought her husband might be cheating on her you know he came home one night is that a harlot I smell he denied everything they might do go hard he got his elbows Pierce you can't trust a do who got 5 o'clock shadow at 11:00 in the morning one day he went on a business trip to England alright that's proof enough he a cheater a couple of days later he sent her a photo Helen immediately realized oh he's like I find a big business deal xxx well you meet xxx don't tell me it's that kind of business deal Oh Herbert say it ain't so how does she know the photo was the thing oh it was for real are we gonna sit here and be serious smells like if you're smart enough to know what's wrong with this photo my kid took a picture in England and the Statue of Liberty is just chillin in the background behind him my dude in New York what if he had like a connecting flight he stopped in New York and then went to London also what he doing signing in a business deal out of McDonald's I don't know this dude's whole life sound sketch to me her husband went to England but look you can see the Statue of Liberty does not belong scum which one he uses a filthy dirty lying scumbag I'm sorry shoplifter who smuggling something grandma Gertrude you don't look too suspicious or anything this dude Oh Uncle Ben then he look like you smuggle in a sausage and his pants it's like hanging that's inappropriate see this is what he wanted like you'd be like Julie so you got a sausage in your pants or something he slowed you mister ginger beard over here you look legit ya see girls pants that's illegal huh Billy what about the sausage of my parents runs Tropicana has a ton old hotel in a small town last night somebody eated the life out of Don Carlo one of the guests oh no he's alive he was hit on the head in his room he was the only customer that night this whole entire hotel and we got one person staying there and they just so happened to get read it on the head don't make no sense a detective questioned the staff Don Carlo is a rich man if this two got whacked in the head randomly in his hotel room he's like he's a rich man every rich man deserves a good skirt in the head for humbling purposes he only stopped here because his car broke down oh no I just had one the old lady my car messed up I'm gonna ruin my mercedes-benz it looks like I got a stay at this hotel last night I was looking for someone to fix this car what is this the RPG Oh car broke down let me go look for somebody who can fix the car now you take it to a shop and you drop it off the janitor said the power was out all night there was a huge storm okay I'm calling BS I see those lights on they're on in the other houses why this hotel house just magically lost power because of the storm you will lie your janitor I was in the basement for two hours trying to fix the generator the maid says don carlo called housekeeping from his room phone he was very worried about the blackout he didn't want to be disturbed okay I believe you who did it I must say it was the receptionist I mean he didn't really have an alibi oh that maid electricity was out he couldn't have called the room phone oh she a liar she attacked him to steal his money oh you deceptive wench I had no idea good thing I'm a youtuber not a detective is actually over here cheating or not I mean look like she's just taken a bathroom selfie maybe she getting ready for a hot date oh that's not her hand there's a hidden hand in the shower behind her it could be her mother her brother her hubby maybe she's trying to like smuggle a dude in her shower okay there's the in the back but she cheating or not that doesn't answer the question y'all gonna have to try again Bob was very late for a date how long do you think it took him to get his beard in the shape he drove up to the restaurant at the last minute there were no parking spots but a handicapped spot oh no you did it Bob he parked in the handicapped spot you know looking this good must be a handicap cuz I'm late bro come on you cannot do that that's illegal and that's like you shouldn't I know there comes a time in everyone's life where they're like there's no parking spot but there's a handicap but I don't have a handicap parking pad I will definitely get fine soon Bob came up with an idea and avoided getting fine is this a parking act what did Bob do man I have no idea oh you absolute scumbag did he write a fake ticket and then put it on the windshield oh I heard about this but not for a handicap parking like if you parking in like downtown LA and like you fold a piece of paper you put it on your windshield and so the cop is there not a complete fool well look at it and be like oh they already got a ticket I do not give them a ticket all you need is at least 51% of a brain to realize hey that's not what I think it looks like the same legit okay let's see what Bob the scumbag did so he can make it on time to his date he took the parking ticket from another car because the car next to him of course illegally parked and handicapped as well you know we got a whole restaurant of scumbags here stuck it on the windshield oh so he took their ticket nice Ashley found out that Evan was cheating on her oh no she followed him to the restaurant yeah he totally doesn't realize that his girlfriend was right behind him oh he's gonna meet his lover but Ashley couldn't see her face Oh No maybe if you like move to the side a little bit like skirt show me some blonde hair and a bow on her head when Evan left Ashley entered the restaurant okay square up thought oh my god of course there are three girls that look very very very similar and they're all standing together little does she know they're paid imposters no but I took one look at her raggedy out and be like okay forget this dude forget this girl uh wait how am I supposed to know which one it was they all are literally the same person maybe the one talking on the phone she called her man thanking him for the night out okay behind you no oh because the bow is on that side I wasn't even paying attention to that what if she wants to the bathroom and like change the positioning of her bow we don't know these things who is the father you see Samantha had a baby and she said because she doesn't know who the daddy is who's the father hey I was in the army okay that doesn't mean anything B I'm virgin excuse me but dude what does he do it he just like by the way I'm virgin that's stupid is that your name or what you identify as and see the whole woman whoa you you drew a trap card okay look like nobody want to be the daddy just because you're in the army doesn't mean it couldn't have been you I'm virgin you didn't say I'm a virgin oh the kid got his hair the child's a ginger oh it's gotta be him if this dude's a woman or this woman's a woman why is she even in the lineup cama go with B she cried because she hoping the father really someone else bond told his wife that he didn't want to go on a business trip it was up in the mountains and you see I'm scared of elevation but he had to go they ain't in the cold he took warm clothes with him Oh God a business trip on a mountain this seems like some illegal business oh yeah Google's offices they up there so he sucked it up and he left anyway and he reached the hotel brought this is a where is the mountain you sent her a photo from the bar she immediately realized he was lying bro but is this how to catch a cheetah these wives would be like Oh have you sent me a picture let's make sure if it's real and I'm like just FaceTime him he wasn't in the mountains hey I could have told you that how does she know everybody's wearing a t-shirt he the only one like bundled up like yes why apparently in the mountain are you trying to kid we got guru from Despicable Me behind him he doesn't live on no mountain oh is that a palm tree I couldn't see it my screen is too dark but like everybody's wearing short sleeves I mean you could have a palm tree on a mountain I literally live on a mountain with a palm tree outside your logic is flawed ma'am oh we got another set of hooligans here alright which one of y'all bumbling idiots are stealing oh oh I see it Wow Deborah yeah we go to the same church and everything very disappointed in you much like if you see it again with the sausages she got some hotdogs tucked inside her dress though their weenie links aren't things look they just dangling in the wind you thought I wouldn't catch you police our kids are missing they went camping on Friday and disappeared it was the demo Gargan they just snatched them up into another dimension here photos of all the boys oh man that's a lot of kids Oh found in our state over the last week okay so this is the ones that they got can you find your sons yes both of them also there there oh is it up to me to find the sons bro they just said they saw their kid in the pictures why can't they find our own son why I gotta like be like mmm does this child look like this mother and father I mean like the kid could be adopted you have to look like the parent well I guess there's one that we cut eliminate off the back I'm gonna go with that last kid he had goofy looking ginger with blue eyes just like mother and father and then this dude with the awkwardly shaped big ol head I think I found this child too all right the fourth one and the one those who's gotta be their children it's not like they can pick their own kids why this my responsibility yeah okay nice repeat after me you are not your parents offspring unless you have the same hair and ice Oh same hair oh wait I chose the wrong kid oh the mold definitely mother has a mold therefore Little Billy must also have a mole in the same area all right who's the sausage stealer today oh my god I saw the shows put the eggplant emoji I'm sorry aubergine I would like exactly to oppa jeans no Saints the mom I don't trust her maybe it's the dad he got bread and watermelon in the same bag can't trust him alright no but for real stealing something oh it's a tag oh I thought we had a grocery store and they stealing groceries oh they done did me a bamboozle this sure says 50% off have you forgot the tag on it I forget the tag on my shirts all the time walk up this house looking so good like I stole it Mary and Kerry got married Wow names vibe that's like I'm meant to be now they're thinking about their honeymoon where should they go what that's the riddle where should they go I don't know nothing about them except they name is Mary and Kerry they're obviously very spoiled Oh their friends gave them some advice go to Sri Lanka they have amazing diving go to the mountains to ski or snowboard go on a five day camping trip in a forest you know what all of those sound horrible I think not like everybody's just saying what they want to do oh maybe they'll bring me along with them alright the wording is not that bad love you know how to do it I guess reasonably ones know word and let me tell you wear a helmet because if I wasn't wearing a helmet my head would I just went like and cracked open and I would not be here today a couple decided to first sort out the wedding gifts first then they would decide where to go let's see if anybody bought me a trip to the Bahamas or Hawaii maybe some plane credit maybe some hotel comm gift card none of the gifts that named they didn't know which friend gave them one good day to get them a cheap gift bro I swear that's hack get some money a cheap gift or don't get them anything at all and then just rip the name tags off every gift they'll never know so they got a warm hat a flashlight and snorkeling gear ok the snowboarding dude obviously gave the hat the guy who said go to Sri Lanka to die gave them that and the flashlight is the camper focus on their advice but anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure that like fernanda and comment below how many did you get right and make sure you turn off notifications click click and make sure you subscribe to the wolf pack oh I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 7,127,869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, riddles, riddles with answers, brain teasers, brain teasers with answers, test your logic, test your brain
Id: PJvjKX4v1bs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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