Messed up RIDDLES to Test Survival Skills

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hello friends it's me and today is survival riddle Friday you know just in case you ever leave your house y'all gonna need help surviving out there let's start one day you were exploring a desert in hot weather oh my god finally a relevant issue yeah it was 106 degrees today that's me I live in the desert okay but I don't explore it or anything I was like there's something missing today riddle inside a riddle what is missing on me comment below and a case of extremely hot weather your rubber boots started melting Wow okay who's gonna wear rubber boots nobody even owns rubber boots in Arizona okay those are for the rain why did you wear them to explore the desert in 120 degree weather to escape the heat you tried to hide in a cave but as soon as you entered the cave it locked up and turned out to be a tomb there are three ways to get out of it behind the first door there is a room full of venomous snakes behind the second door there is a room full of giant axes I think we've all played a game that has like axes going like hey D just have to wait for the perfect moment like now and then run through I feel like I'm really bad at what kind of stuff behind the star door there is a tunnel with the wet floor and electric current whoa that's weird okay I mean those axes are swinging pretty close together you might be able to crawl under it like under the axes or you could like jump over the water oh my god you're wearing rubber boots you fool have you never watched Pokemon that's why Team Rocket has to have the electric where is this thing gloves when they try to snatch Pikachu oh my god life lessons it makes perfect sense see final answer with rubber boots you'll be invincible good thing that I am melt off your feet July 3 because you are wearing rubber boots and they don't conduct electricity hell yeah you are being chased by werewolves okay bow before me I'm your leader I'll just show them my YouTube channel I think we be good hopefully you see a house and hide there I don't think that's a good idea hiding in a house to be honest they can't come in and stay waiting for you outside what are these zombies I love that going games whenever you hide somewhere and then the enemy can't come inside three more doors which may lead to your freedom we back at this again so there is a trap in each door behind the first door there is a raging fire of 1830 degrees Fahrenheit aka extra burning hot behind the second door there are walls that will crush you okay that is much easier to like go through you could definitely like time that correctly so the third door there is a toxic gas dodge will destroy anyone immediately what would you do to survive okay you know what I feel like I would take my chances through the walls because they're going like this there's like enough time to time it correctly and just run through I think that's the only way to go alright you could die in the fire no we've got werewolves outside into the fire I go goodbye and Sirte talk on Titan spoiler with no context wait until the werewolves turned into humans of the morning y'all just bamboozled me I have been trolled I want a refund what if they still try to like get you in the morning what happens to the fire that's behind the door would it have already set the whole house on fire by then okay I mean that one got me I ain't got time for this I ain't got time to wait all night taking my chances with the crushing doors good that was hard comment below did you get any of these right there is a man locked in a room with no windows the room is slowly filling with water from a tap he has a mop and a bucket that holds up to five liters how can he escape drowning oh my god literally turn it off I'm just gonna stare at this and think about how I'm gonna die oh my god I see this tackle water as getting my shoes wet oh it appears my trousers are becoming wet so this is how I go whatever will I do I have a mop and a bucket of water you know what those do should do let natural selection take its toll like if you too stupid so turn off the faucet but I know what the answer is gonna be because I've done one similar to this put the bucket over your head so you can breathe underwater okay yeah you know who you really had me for a second you really had me I really thought you were that dumb I mean you let the room fill up with water to your knees before you decided to turn it off kabbala did you guys get that right you are trapped in an iron cage with a wooden floor to get out of it you need to pull one of the levers the first lever floods the room so you will drown the second lever lets lions into the room okay but as lions come into the room and you're in a metal cage they can't get you the third lever strikes the cage with lightning which lever would you pull definitely the Lions the lightning one you're dumb for the one that fills it with whoa wait it can't fill it with water oh you've been holes in it how could it fill it with water y'all just try to play me for a fool right now huh if it fills with water it just pours right out the third once the third as the cage is made of iron it will block the lightning but I am taking my chances with that they don't block the lightning how does it fill with water literally all of these answers could have been correct all of them like the Lions couldn't get you in the cage if you stand real still but the water comes right now like I feel like whoever made this didn't even think of that all three of those could have been good and you would be fine to escape man this one got me find up you're locked in a room oh no all I have is this burger with some food in a bucket how do you even get in this situation I really want to know I got my burger but I'm in a dungeon but there's four doors to escape classic situation to be stuck in your kidnapper doesn't keep an eye on you oh my god it's the guy who didn't turn off the water until it got his knees wet now he's lounging about on Instagram I knew he was a psychopath there is grave danger behind each of them but you know exactly that one of the doors is safe and 20-foot wall of fire a giant octopus what people have a giant octopus behind a wall unless it's like a ocean behind there what what's going on a polar bear with her cub oh no a pool full of crocodiles okay definitely not the crocodiles I mean look at them they're forming a perfect path you just go on and step on each head and get out I feel like maybe the polar bear and her cub because she and Mama she like preoccupied with her baby she's not gonna care what you do she's that I don't care if you like run also like an octopus was an octopus gonna do okay I never mind I know what tentacles can do but it will not go through the octopus door I'm gonna go with the polar bears cuz I don't know she was her baby I mean I might want to pet her baby she might attack me but if I just resist my petting urges she might let me live distract the crocodiles with the food you have and use your bucket to fight the fire watch man I am way off with oh but you said it's a 20-foot wall of fire I don't think a couple bucketfuls of water is gonna do much distracted with my food and I would already have inhaled my burger like just thinking about which door what if it was a vegan burger okay that doesn't make sense I'm gonna throw the burger in hopes that the crocodiles will be preoccupied for enough time with that burger that I can get like 20 buckets full of water to put out the fire and go through the fire door I don't know about that you cannot buy a mad scientist what is he cute I'm going to experiment on you damn daddy what kind of experiments sorry I'm thirsty Lilly wants to throw you in a tank he goes swimming the first one is acid ok that's a no-go lava out of the largest volcano oh no so scary erupted a year ago toxic chemicals that will destroy you so basically like the first one mercury that will destroy your brain oh hell no notes of the mercury but i'ma go with to the lava let's make a real good youtube video out of this because it would just be ashes if it was a year ago this pictures clickbait d the president decided to let one of the prisoners out to celebrate his inauguration oh my god is that Kim K all prisoners have to pull a bean out of the box there are nine black beans and one white bean but people say the game is a trick and all the beans are black how can you win look in the box and see if there's a white bead grab a bean and swallow it if you're asked about the color say it's warm and show them nine black beans in the box what nobody's gonna believe you so the whole thing was a scam to begin with like oh we're gonna release one of these prisoners but jokes are down oh let me take one of this bean oh it's the sacred white one I'm just gonna eat it so there was a contest with Cheetos there are different shapes of Cheetos it's like you get a gummy bear you get a palm tree you get a frog and you win thousands and thousands of dollars that's like saying oh I ate it cause a cheeto customer service it can I speak to the manager yeah so like I ate one of the winning Cheetos what do I do so I saw first blitz second before I ate it but it's so good I could have helped myself and then I realized oh my god is the winning one nobody's gonna believe you I'd be like yes give this woman fifty thousand dollars immediately she has won what's left doesn't work that way you're locked in a room the only Escape is through six doors oh we have upgraded there is a fierce ninja with a sword there's an alligator which has eaten for two years there's a lion that hasn't eaten for two weeks a deadly hot desert I'm from Arizona used to it the door is locked because the key was misplaced oh well darn Diggity darn it it was in my pocket and the sixth one is a zombie okay the crocodile has a year for two years is dead this ceased stinking up the whole dang place I'm gonna go the crocodile but also maybe that could be friend the ninja the lion might be like very weak but alive nah he's probably dead too he hasn't eaten in two weeks what No okay this is a scam this is a scam I am so done with this video after this the desert who wait will die spy why when I could just like hold my breath and walk over a dead crop oh no I'm gonna wait until the desert gets colder at night and then get lost of the desert who look for the kids it could be somewhere in the room only maybe y'all should have told me that before like Oh does it just with Akiane in the corner I didn't even notice and that door happens to be the one that will lead to freedom man that hair dye really must have got into your head if you didn't see a key on the floor when you first walked in before you gave me the six doors yes the lion could survive two weeks without food while alligator can live two years why I can live two years without food okay but you know what I thought I could probably take them I could probably take both of them as long as I got like my Doc Martens on glue just end up thanks with my foot and their dunzo the value is all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this videos it's really fun to do I really like doing these riddle videos even though they're mildly infuriating when I get it wrong if you guys don't mind these make sure you thought like bite of the face and comment below did you get any of these right and subscribe to your the wolf pack I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 2,999,289
Rating: 4.89189 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reaction, reacting, funny, messed, up, riddles, to, test, survival, skills, tough riddles, riddle, answers, puzzle, puzzles, sssniperwolf riddles, brain teasers, riddles with answers, brain teasers with answers, test your brain
Id: _ySFcSgmo-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2019
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