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hello friends it's your favorite brain exercising youtuber today we're doing riddles like protein for your brain orally how is he alive monday falls in front of an expensive car turn the caption tuesday alright cashing in I got a new bike after I got my insurance check from my accident how was he a lot of weight see were the same guys he is gon be why are his eyes red maybe he transferred his wounds to his eyeballs why does he have a mole this is even the same dude he's much paler than the first guy I mean he got the same shoes he got the same shorts same hair he lost his tan is this really the next day or is it like several Tuesday's later I don't know they could be doing me a bamboozle okay let's think logically he could be a zombie could be another person maybe it's his twin brother Alfred could be a vampire he could have just cashed in his insurance check got the best medicine that money could buy and the new bike and took a first roll the next day maybe he's an agonizing pain as he's riding that bike like I shouldn't be doing this after my accident it could be any one of those watch would be something completely different seven second riddles better do me a bamboozled he has a mole this dude did not have a mole on Monday oh is this twin brother of course because everybody has a dang twin brother yeah my twin brother just got into an accident okay you know why I'm going to go to the park and I'm gonna ride my bike because it's a beautiful day to celebrate now I'm the only brother house what you get for being the only brother Lana loves reading once she went to the bookstore me I finished all these Twilight novels I'm gonna read a real book she saw a book that seemed interesting but suddenly a guy grabbed it first oh is this the book you wanted to read that's too bad expert reader over here Lana looked really disappointed hi do you want this book too I'll give it to you they had a friendly chat the guy's name was Peter Peter asked Lana for a date they met at a nice restaurant and had a great time yeah when this riddle gonna go sour y'all just gave me their whole life story like Oh Lana met Peter at a bookstore they bonded over books went on a date has some milkshakes and a slice of cake sometimes Peter wrote some things in his notebook sorry I just have to make a call what did you say I can't imagine some I'd be like so what are you always drawing in that notebook then Peter took Lana home they agreed to meet again okay oh my god a few days later Peter was found dead what no doubt it was Lana Lana you actual psychopath what have you done what have you done things were going swell what went wrong what am I missing there was no evidence against her how does she do it I don't know Peters life I don't know what kind of people he's involved with oh my god her face broke she's actually insane look at her love scarecrow nose what did she do so it's got to be something when he took his call that was a very sus part about this whole riddle was when he took his calls oh she did it with a pencil hello John wick is that you know it's just Lana okay it's gotta be something with the pencil maybe she poisoned it I don't know maybe she swapped out his eraser with a pink starburst he hates pink starburst literally morbidly allergic to pink starburst oh yes she's made poison on top of his pen Peter often put it in his mouth you psycho crazy lady oh my god brush you ain't got no chill why does she do it I want to know why she did it he write a bad note in his notebook I mean he shared the book with you I mean I could understand if he took the book from her and was the only book she ever wanted to read and he took the last one and it was the last one in existence I could understand but like shared the book with her maybe he didn't actually share it with her seven seconds I mind you to explanation give me a part two of Lana Lana del psycho cuz this is not making any sense I will read your do not pause the video huh say all the numbers out loud okay let's start 888 888 8888 88888 88888 last one was almost impossible huh wait what do you mean think of a vegetable yeah you fool you fool it was an aqua gene because I did a video before and I had an eggplant and then I was like hey some people call that an aubergine and ever since I said that word has just been on my mind Sniper Wolf one seven second riddles zebra try again if you said some other kind of vegetable here you need juice oh stop it you Brad was it love with Sara but she always refused him uh maybe it's the best maybe she's allergic to flowers maybe cuz he got black holes for eyes soon Sara met the man of her dreams okay I guess she into raggedy cheeto looking dudes and she agreed to marry him oh no Brad couldn't stand it oh oh no next thing you know she woke up in his basement so if she can figure out the three-letter code he'll let her escape if not we will both die if I can't have you no one can especially not a cheeto and even a hot sheet up they ask you how are you just say that you're fine you're not really fine you just can't get into it because they would never understand what is the deactivation code okay oh so these are the hints skates ice iceberg Ice Ice Baby abcdefgh I okay the deactivation code is I so seems very very simple here are various photos showing ice why are we in second grade answers ice Wow Ashley survived this one that was too easy Perry was a robber that's illegal he always planned his robberies in advance let me look on the facebook got a scoped out on my next victim while listening to some super loud music was my big fat subwoofers now this is like a whole professional set up for robber but go on he knew everything about the house owner and the valuables they had okay but do you know what color underwear he's wearing yeah I didn't think so today Harry is going to rob mr. stains house that's funny his name is mr. stain it's like the opposite of mr. clean mr. stain your stain on society he knew all his money was kept in the safe you know somebody got some illegal money when they keep it in a safe and mr. stain studied he also saw mr. stain opening the safe with a silver key which he hid somewhere in the living room what so mr. stain just lives by himself oh it's just me and my money let me go check up on my money takes key from the living room I bet this dude's stupid enough to hide it in the couch hope nobody's watching me Harry snuck into his house oh no and now he's looking for the key where is the key do you mean where is the key oh I look like this is very childish the key is right there in the cushion this fool really hid it in the cushion but oh no no look at this house for a hot second there's a key on the couch a key on the ground akela plants in the paintings and father plant in the shelf bro how many keys you got he just like leave my keys scattered across the living room couch get to keep let's get the key everybody gets a key because I'm so lonely it's just me and my money oh but you see I was paying attention I was paying some good attention as a so lucky y'all catch that smash like if you know where it is because I see it you see it is in the car inched hide him right in there in the back you know I feel like that's actually a really good spot any regular robber would not have found it I know they made it just like poking out feeling the riddles are very unusually easy today or maybe I'm just getting better at them I don't know but I don't think he'll find it got him you know this might be an issue that's very relevant to real life which vampire has a fake passport no I didn't even know vampires could have passports whose dude be straight up dressed up as Dracula in his passport pay so you know he's legit okay hey he got a regular passport pic he looks slightly Tanner wage but vampires aren't allowed in the Sun how does he look Tanner also he's wearing a blue shirt when in reality he's wearing a red shirt he's a fake vampire Edward Cullen is shaking okay see cause literally a girl maybe he cut his hair okay that looks like a woman it doesn't even look like him you show up the TSA and your passport has a woman on it and you would do I mean it's 2019 can they even say anything oh it's not the Internet's real life so yes you can they'll take you in the special room out back and be like okay you're gonna have to prove this to us all right no but for real though which one is fake I'll go with I'm gonna go with a cuz he's can vampires can't tan I love how he was the Dracula like his school uniform or something okay so it was see he's a male vampire Wow okay so I noticed the tan but I didn't notice the Adam's apple of course yeah hold on let me get my glasses and zoom into that tiny little passport pic like really GSA gonna look at your passport picture and check for a little lump on your neck and be like they st. you you are a man this is a woman because I don't see no Adam's apple am I supposed to figure this out I don't think this one was fair I want a refund on this one seven second riddle send me a tree bed in the mail cuz I'm upset I thought we were on a roll today we got like almost everything right and then you gonna hit me with this so anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you didn't got any of these right make sure you smash that like button though make sure you check out notifications today today and subscribe to join the Wolfpack oh I love you guys so much things joshing bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 9,360,797
Rating: 4.9271426 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, funny, reaction, reacting, riddles, riddles with answers, brain teasers with answers, test your brain, puzzles, test your logic
Id: whCjRZz5WKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 05 2019
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