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hello friends it's me your favorite riddle solving youtuber back at it again for our brain busting butt clenching riddle wrenching time people were talking about a new criminal who hypnotized people and stole their valuables when I count to ten you will unlock your phone and give it to me yes ma'am one day a woman came to the police I'd like to report the theft of my diamond ring how did it happen I was walking down the street when a stranger stopped me oh my god guys his head it's the Hypnotizer he looked right into my eyes I felt dizzy for a few moments when I picked myself up I realized that my ring was gone but the inspector didn't believe her why excuse me ma'am first of all yo straight up why're you wearing sunglasses how could he look you straight in the eye you looked him in the eye maybe that's how he does it maybe if you look him in the eye he can hypnotize you with the power of his pupils you know that's all it takes father that doesn't make sense dumb guy hypnotized me and stole my ring mom they just stolen well you got to make up the whole part about hypnotizing she was wearing sunglasses he couldn't hypnotize her like that it was the real thing to be wearing sunglasses they can't hypnotize you like John Cena you can't see me sunglasses don't only protect you from the Sun inspector Rick decided to have a break and go on vacation you know solving riddles is very hard work my check myself into a luxurious hotel one day he noticed the woman with four suitcases in different sizes the woman looked rich and mysterious wow she has four suitcases and sunglasses on the doorman offered to help with her bags but the woman said no how can you carry four bags with two hands unless you got like a bootie shell you know like one of those badonkadonk that's it like a shelf and then just throw a suitcase on the back later that night the inspector saw her leaving Hotel with one suitcase oh she left the key at the reception very suspicious what happened to the rest of your suitcases maybe she had to make a delivery why was she only at the hotel for a few hours mysterious indeed how much you charge per hour when the woman came back and entered her room she immediately called hotel security someone stole three suitcases which I left here security asked the inspector for help Brad the inspectors on vacation whether you check into the hotel like an investigator so let me know if you need any investigative help even though I'm on vacation but like don't worry about it honey inspector quickly realized where the suitcases were where are they seriously y'all made me sit through all of that those two cases are in the suitcase well she won't smuggle them it could be anywhere they could be under the bed I'm gonna say they're in the suitcase cuz it's like what she had various sized suitcases right Wow so mysterious yes look it's like those Amazon suitcases where it comes with like a big suitcase a medium a small and extra small I've seen this before you don't fool me you make it fake drama see they're inside the largest one duh Wow so she just came to the hotel for a few hours with four empty suitcases oh sorry three are empty one is full of the other three you suck at scamming insurance the woman faked the robbery to get compensation oh yeah see exactly that's exactly what I said cuz well like when you go on vacation you can insure your trip like if you lose something and then just report it as stolen and then you get money for it who is his wife a Gertrude or B Barbara Barbara looking at him like I've never seen this man before in my whole and like and Gertrude shocked like oh not this dude again he just mad at both of them wait does he work there and his wife is in jail but he works there can't you just bust her out or maybe he's like disappointed like oh my god Barbara how could you end up in here i'ma go it hey chill do like she bought a bus out of there like Billy you gotta help me out wait B has a ring and he has a ring to beat for Barbara maybe they're trying to come Fuzzle me hey look like she's looking right at him my goal with a oh they're gonna fight she has a black guy and he has like oh he look like he got into a fight a Wolverine though not Gertrude may really have to give a turn that please so that makes it his wife maybe it's the other one cuz the arrows pointed to her I don't know probable uh whose is wife I still don't know seven second riddles y'all gotta be more precise we are answers Alex just got his driving license yay it wasn't easy but he succeeded week he was driving home on a highway oh wow there you just got your license and you driving on the big-boy road suddenly he saw a big deer and a little buck right in front of his car he has only a few seconds to decide what to do I don't know that's why they call him seven second riddles if he goes on the right side he'll eat the big deer and ruin his car okay you know what we're gonna do is avoid all damage to the car because to the left he will eat the baby deer into that tree and wheel onto oncoming traffic oh there's no on oh wait oh no you can't do that and he can have his license take it away but he just got his license and now this family of deer is about to ruin everything for Johnny over here what should he do why can't you just break I mean you got seven seconds to think about what you're gonna do but you can't like think to just break why can't just drive onto the grass the grass lava we playing this now I'm gonna say you go to the left side he should pull over and wait for the animals to use the probe then why did you give me those two useless voices I thought it was a either-or I said he should have just break although there though there's something dear in the middle of the road okay see you which wood should I go should I hit the big one or should I hit the little one so I pick one when you can have both not really why didn't he just break that's what you do you just break if something's in the middle of the road just break slow down mal will take his license away from being straight-up dumb what's wrong with this photo I don't know what appears to be wrong we have a family over here enjoying an array of sweets for dyndns mommy's eating a cookie but mommy's really on a diet that's what's wrong children are drinking teens at 8 in the morning or 8 at night Wow your heart means is so distracted by this family eaten their macaroon and the Chips Ahoy cookies that I didn't notice that the teapot got 2 hands but Jack's card died on a gas station on the open road jack has to hurry so he wouldn't miss an important meeting he saw three cars coming and decided to ask the drivers to give him a lift to the city center post should he ask for help okay okay okay we got three very sketchy dudes over here one of them is smuggling something in his elbows oh never mind that's a sleeve I thought he was smuggling a foot do you see that it looks like a foot hanging out of here am I going crazy anyways he's a flat tire that makes him useless green car over here has tools to fix a tire why is there blood on it dog okay you can't trust this dude oh there's a trash can in his back seat no you asked him for help you gonna go home in one of those this guy is a messy slob ketchup all over his shirt eating a hot dog at a gas station he seems like the most reliable one and the most relatable yeah he got a flat tire useless oh you cannot trust him the black bag looks us just ketchup the third driver is the best option heck yeah awesome maybe he'll give you a little bite of his hot dog double win a rich man loved exclusive flowers he asked his friends to bring him some rare tulips from Holland the flowers were incredibly beautiful everybody was jealous of his garden wow look at bill over here flexing his Dutch tulips one morning all the tulips disappeared somebody cuts them oh there were three suspects in the house in the house wouldn't it be the neighbors you ain't got like security for your tulips no way you literally has a security guard it's impossible I've been on duty all night long so you should I knew who cut the tulips Butler the flowers were so beautiful who could do such a terrible thing I don't know that's what we're here trying to figure out uh how did they are oh he looks terribly suspicious who's lying okay the security guard and the gardener looked terribly suspicious the butler's just like shocked like uh who would do such a thing hahahahaha I'm gonna go with the security guard the security guard was on watch all night and this happened overnight it was him gardening gloves those look like dishwashing gloves maybe he was just washing dishes he held the wet flowers against his chest Oh coughed in the axe Wow imagine your security guard ruining your garden over rare tulips though it's cheating I don't know these people I've never seen them before my life how do I know who's with whom just because these two people are getting pet C at the same time from separate machines doesn't mean they're cheating right Wow and here are not thinking who's not being faithful no it's the dude who brought a whole glass lemonade picture turn McDonald to fill it up with Pepsi Wow caught in the act he's so proud of himself - he's like my family we'll be drinking for days I bet he asked for a water cup - scumbagjill called the police my hobby he has been heated from this world he didn't come home from work yesterday I was waiting for him all night long and then the morning I found him dead by the door it sounds like a horror game dead by the door about the police question three suspects Simon the neighbor said I woke up when Jill began screaming I rushed to her house Lila or maybe it's Lila you know cuz her hair is lilac Lila with the lilac hair I came from the club late at night and fell asleep at once and didn't hear anything I was so worried that I couldn't get a sleep result 4 a.m. I slept for a couple of hours then got up and went to look for George I found him right in front of the house she looks so angry like George you didn't come home all night and I found you passed out on the front porch broom but he's gone deceased and she seemed mad about it like why did you text me back but who did it I'm gonna say it's Lila that's what adults do they don't trust kids with the colored hair oh it's Jill when Jill called the police she said that she hadn't slept all night but now she's saying she slept for a couple hours your eyes do that all the time they'll be like I didn't sleep last night and I would have still slept like 3-4 hours I don't know it's just something you say but no they're like take her away Jill is a liar that's why your husband deeded himself who is not his wife how luck we got two women both of them pregnant wearing the same thing one is surprised and one is from an anime I hate just looking at them like surprised we're having twins maybe she had a twin sister also why she built like that she's dead no like this severe case of lordosis okay no but for real though how am I supposed to know which one is which they look exactly the same no shadow what do you mean no shadow she doesn't exist - literally photoshopped in and they forgot to do a drop shout out what do you mean this isn't a real-life situation no there's duplicates of my wife oh one doesn't have a shadow oh just a figment of my imagination precisely no wonder he was so confused so was I would you rather have your bank account hacked or have your phone half oh that's horrible probably my phone I mean I love my mom go through my phone so like yeah I got my YouTube login the hacker can see how much money I make but I mean if I get my bank account hack can they actually like take my money I would they just like log into it and be like yes look at all these transactions congratulations you know where I get my breakfast lunch and dinner from that's all you're gonna find on my bank account that and Bill's anyway that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you didn't got any of these right make sure you hit that like button them and make sure you turns out notifications click click and subscribe you're the Wolfpack I love you guys so much thanks retching hey guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 13,791,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, riddles, brain teasers, puzzles, test your brain, brain teasers with answers, riddles with answers, hard riddles
Id: EWa4gpod9Go
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 18 2019
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