when the sun is 1mm from the earth's surface

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all right so we're checking out the only game where you get to find out exactly how much of the population you immediately vaporize just by screwing with the distance to the sun it's universe sandbox this is the earth otherwise known as trevor apparently that was the one thing i saw everyone caught on in the last video i want to mention that today's extravaganza is sponsored by raycon earbuds but since talking about them would be boring i'm going to beat the hell out of them with a gas powered weed whacker more on that later supposedly the distance to the sun is the one thing that keeps the earth alive however that's only because the sun gives off so much energy and is so big since this game tells you exactly how much of the population is left based upon how much you screw with the solar system i want to find out exactly what it would take to have a sun that allows us to survive but the sun will be one millimeter from the surface of the earth now luckily because universe sandbox does whatever the hell it wants we're going to be able to mess with not only the density mass size and heat of the sun but we're also going to be able to freeze it in place you know so that it doesn't get gravitationally pulled into the earth and kill everyone now you may be asking yourself but great what would happen if the earth did get pulled gravitationally into the sun well besides everyone getting to feel the pain that i go through 365 days a year down here in south florida i'll show you now from this distance normally trevor would be immediately vaporized the second i take my hand off of the pause button so we're going to have to kind of scooch you over a little bit yeah here we go welcome to the surface of the sun otherwise known as valhalla it just looks like a part of photoshop that i forgot to color in so um the earth might not actually even get to the surface from here but i'm gonna go ahead and slow things down just in case gonna get the opportunity to see just how quickly it heats up as well you can see um it's been a couple of milliseconds and the surface of the earth is still uh exactly the same temperature so we wouldn't have died yet oh never mind we already died zero percent chance of life i think it's possible that the radiation has already reached us it's also possible that the gravitational forces have also already reached us you can vaporize all the water melt all the ice or freeze all the water with the click of a button now i've never seen this before we might mess with this a little bit later alrighty let me go ahead and speed things up a little bit here since it's taking so long for everyone to experience the total loss of their atoms see now the temperature's starting to go up it's only 47 degrees celsius well 54 okay i don't know how but part of the earth is currently inside of the sun whatever driver you okay buddy vapor mass is getting kind of high and it's gone so yeah the heat is a lot worse than the gravity all righty so first things first we're gonna have to reduce the size of the sun like a lot all right how about if we change the radius to the size of the moon i mean it's still giving everyone skin cancer so that's good all right trevor get in there now obviously we need to save this sun i'm really hungry and you're yellow in color so your new name is banana alrighty so much smaller sun normal size earth it's only about you know 25 000 kilometers from the earth you got to start somewhere go oh jesus christ well um there's times when you forget certain things uh i changed the radius of the sun to be the size of the moon but i forgot to change the mass so it still has the mass of the sun and when the sun is 25 000 kilometers from the earth uh that's what would happen trevor how you doing buddy 48 000 degrees celsius yeah walk it off this is a kitten these are my raycon everyday e25 earbuds this is my commercial grade weed whacker do you know who loves raycons mike tyson do you know who's never beaten a crap out of their raycons with a weed whacker it's also mike tyson raycon offers their wireless earbuds in a wide range of colors such as red which i like because it contrasts well with the green grass when i beat the hell out of them with my lawn equipment they're incredibly comfortable and come with a wide variety of options for fitting which is great because riding on a zero turn mower for 12 hours a day sucks ass okay let's hit it with the weed whacker imagine this you're doing yard work with your brand new raicons with their six hours of play time when all of a sudden they accidentally get clamped to a cardboard box you think nothing of it since there's a 45-day return policy to see whether or not they're right for you but what should happen if all of a sudden your weed whacker comes in contact with them at high [Music] i think it's tougher than speeds thought [Applause] [Music] holy crap this case is a freaking tank so the raycon everyday e25 earbuds can absolutely survive a trimmer they got a ton of bass they actually do sound good and i do wear them while i'm doing lawn care also if you follow the link below to buy raycon dot com slash gray still plays you get 15 off thanks for continuing to sponsor my crazy ass recon okay so i've got the sun at about 10 000 kilometers at this point now and i've got it as cool as i can make it and still have it be you know a glowing ball of gas now if i had to guess i feel like this may still be pretty hot but before we move down to one millimeter away from the surface i at least have to know if i can get this far listen you gotta start somewhere okay ouch i'm not really sure where all the water went um i can only hope that maybe it rains back down onto the surface okay some time has passed and the water is back now unfortunately it just so happens that the only thing left on the entire planet is the coast of every place around you can see from the lights where people are still able to survive which is basically california california is all that's left oh hold on i was wrong there's actually some life left over here in you know like alaska all japan is is coasts so that's still okay now the earth is getting hotter but it's taking a long time we've all been alive for two days okay been alive for three days again heat wave is kind of starting on the plus side though the sun hasn't absorbed all of our souls yet civilization has come back to most of the continents again only on the coasts okay now things are starting to get kind of bad it's like 25 degrees celsius pretty much all the time so something that's very interesting in all this is that while the maximum temperature in the center of the earth is going up the temperature way at the poles is actually going down because the sun is so small okay part part part of the earth is starting to vomit now i i don't know what that means i feel like it's pretty bad though maybe it'll stabilize maybe it's fine okay now it's starting to vomit a lot to be fair we do have a lot of water on earth so if we get rid of a little bit of it i'm sure it'll still be okay it's actually still a nice tempered 11 degree celsius way up by the north side of the planet and the south side 25 days and the planet still hasn't vaporized if we can if i can get like an entire generation to live on the planet that would be nice you know it's only going to be one generation so let's go ahead and speed things up here um that is a lot of space dust the earth is throwing off right now actually when you slow it down it's pretty awesome okay hell yes earth is still around three months later four months later temperature disparity from the poles in the center of the earth is starting to get pretty stupid been an entire year i'm kind of wondering if just the middle of the earth will begin to liquefy and the upper part of the earth will freeze we're stabilizing at 331 degrees celsius that's not bad oh god we're losing all the water oh yeah now things are getting a lot worse whenever you have like a disco rave party filled with colors on the temperature area um it's not good okay maybe i can back down captain cancer a little bit oh not too much i'm so close the maximum temperature on the earth is only 204 degrees i know i know 204 degrees celsius but look the rest of it isn't that bad i'm almost there we may even be able to get the water back just got to bring this down a little bit more as long as the sun is still slightly glowing it still counts oh crap it turned off okay we're back look at this it's perfect unfortunately the earth is engulfed in a constant dust storm everyone's going to have respiratory problems but the average surface temperature is only negative 15 degrees celsius it's all canada all the time people are still alive on the coasts let's go ahead and bring it a little bit closer okay we're trying to do this a little bit better the earth is currently one millimeter from the sun unfortunately what this means is that you know like only one city at a time gets sunlight so let's go ahead and uh remove the little bit of this mass why the hell did banana turn into a dark portal to hell you're a real pain in my ass you know that banana all right no problem when the sun's being a bit just finding new sun now too big and too big the fact that this sun has the mass of two suns but is only 13 kilometers in radius scares the hell out of me welcome to bernard starr this is going to be our new template for making this insanity work bernard's star is too big though we're just going to call this bs now what you got to do is you gotta find the right mass and radius here this is like a super delicate process because if you mess with the mass of the radius too much it turns into something very sad like that okay i've got it down to 680 kilometers in radius let's see if it doesn't vaporize the earth okay bs one millimeter from earth mass is kind of high but i'm sure it'll be fine how many earths will have to die i don't know if you saw that but you know it's gonna be bad when all of the mountains on planet earth immediately get flattened to the ground all right the average surface temperature is still pretty good okay still 99.8 percent life on earth temperature is it's starting to go up a little bit go ahead and speed things up here okay temperature's starting to go up a lot in some places now it's not looking great bs is starting to absorb parts of the earth oh god well damn it okay i've managed to get this thing down to about one quarter the size of earth and the mass is super low so now hopefully it won't absorb the earth and rip it into pieces but also hopefully the earth won't absorb it and rip it into pieces and they can co-exist in harmony and the earth can continue to survive oh boy this is gonna take some effort oh this is actually kind of neat though if you notice it's snowing on part of the earth and by snowing i mean it's being pelted with microscopic dust moving at thousands and thousands of miles per hour did it seriously hit africa damn it okay new plan we're gonna have to keep this thing exactly the same mass as earth all right everyone play nice do not make me remove gravity from everyone oh oh uh oh oh no i don't i don't like it when when things start cotton balling hey everyone still has a 99.7 chance of surviving it's not so bad i don't really know what's happening i'm gonna go ahead and speed things up and hope everything's okay everything's not okay well we just absorbed all the gas of the sun and now we've turned ourselves into a gas giant there is the full absorption i'm gonna make this work i don't care what it takes one way or the other i'm gonna find a way to have a sun that's one millimeter from the earth goddammit i have to mention something real quick so i had to reduce the gravity of both of these beings the life likelihood on earth is now a number what the hell does this mean is this is this just whatever number i want did they do this so i could put a big number in my title like i typically do how much of the earth is still alive that's a number there's a value here too oh there's a number value yeah 10 10 gajillion that's what the life likelihood is like right now okay let's see if looks like all of the water bodies on earth immediately vaporized okay so i'm gonna need to have this thing way cooler it's times like this that i realized that the last planet i made was called sad virgin jupiter okay let's back that ass down a little bit okay i've got good news and i've got bad news the good news is i've got everything living in harmony look wtf am i it's got a little rotation it's got a slight orbit earth also rotating unfortunately i was a little heavy-handed with the heat and so all the ice has melted we're now at water world on the plus side though the average surface temperature is completely normal what the hell happened to my sun and now without the sad sun the earth will slowly freeze okay this this is it this is like when you make the house of cards and it's damn near perfect i've got the sun with the perfect amount of hydrogen density so it actually looks like a real sun now what's weird is i think because the sun is pelting earth in certain spots with slightly more radiation than others it looks more like a cancerous growth than like it actually has a normal amount of water but there is liquid water on the earth and there is life i don't know how long this slight bit of symbiosis will last what is the temperature of the earth okay the temperature is perfect 13.8 degrees celsius maximum temperature 24.7 minimum temperature negative 26 we're getting there okay i've got bad news um things still look okay but for some reason the sun is now blue this is what happens when you screw with radiation and gravity i think i don't know i didn't do very well in science i let this go for a while and now it's like a now it looks like baby vomit now the color of the sun is baby i'm not really sure how this is going to be portrayed in all of our floridian memorabilia now that the sun is no longer you know orange dammit has survived for two and a half months and then it turned into molten sadness also the sun got smaller because now it's farther from the surface of the earth okay one last try okay this is it i've made the sun basically depressed i don't really know what else to say it's just like a like a sad gray color now but you can see how much time has gone by the earth totally normal temperature if habitable we get city lights the earth is in fact habitable now i love that the life likelihood when i managed to do this insanity is still just a number it's giving me just a little bit of hope it doesn't want to say it's zero it's just uh it's a number now again because of how close and how big the sun is um ice doesn't really exist on earth anymore so a lot of earth is underwater but there's tons of little islands for people to live on look at this everyone gets beachfront property and when you're on the surface of the earth this is like the surface view this is what you see every morning i don't know if it'll burn your retinas out because of how much i've messed with the luminosity and everything maybe you'll be fine despite there not being much heat though you may get skin cancer in the first 10 seconds that's fine though because all you have to do is quarantine yourself and stay inside forever well after killing multiple trevors we finally did it we made an earth that is indeed habitable with a sun that is located one millimeter from its surface anyway folks hope you enjoyed this episode of universe sandbox until next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,982,098
Rating: 4.953403 out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, gray still plays, universe sandbox, universe sandbox 2 gameplay, universe sandbox 2 gameplay pc, universe sandbox 2 update, ways the world could end, universe sandbox 2, black holes, dime sized black hole, dime sized black holes, smallest black hole, smallest black hole ever, simulation games, black hole on earth, 1mm black hole, donut earth, donut planet, earth donut shaped, life on a donut planet, when you turn earth into a donut shaped planet, god games
Id: PZ9nFDo9Zm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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