I Made a Black Hole Explode and This Happened - Universe Sandbox 2

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all right so we're back with the only game at where it breaks if you make the Sun give off ten bajillion degrees of heat its universe sandbox to science and universe sandbox two are kind of an interesting thing because science is kind of meant to be broken in this game I'm not sure if black holes are meant to blow up but you can do it here and I want to see what happens when it happens we need a decently sized black hole for this we're gonna go right in the middle okay this is like the medium sized shirt for black holes it's only one million times the mass of the Sun hey maybe saying yourself but gray the black hole didn't eat the Sun that looks friggin awesome but don't worry we're gonna make the we're gonna make the black hole heat up the Sun and take its lunch money in a second hold on here okay ready ass-kicking of the Sun in three two one there you go before we blow up the black hole I want to see if I can get everything kind of moving towards the center because that'll make the blowing up that much better I don't actually know what happens when you blow up a black hole I just know that you can do it in this game black hole victim one there we go grab your explode button here just get ready so the idea here is to just speed things up enough to the point where the solar system is getting kind of jacked up okay mercury got jacked up really fast like mercury straight up left its orbit instantaneously Venus little slower earth little slower is it just me or is Mars on fire hold on nope it's just red it's my fault mercury no one loves you I'm gonna let you die right now I kind of want everything else to begin moving inward as we get a bigger black hole for this it'll probably work out slightly better this is what happens when you screw with Detroit black hole the blowing up is so slow it hasn't even happened yet oh there we go the black hole is glowing this looks pretty awesome it's kind of like the Sun is coming back see the black hole ate the Sun but the Sun didn't digest it just stood for a while getting more and more pissed off until finally it got its retribution I don't know how long it takes to blow up it just ends up looking more and more awesome so this is the inside of an exploding black hole right yellow now go ahead and speed this up just a little bit more as the explosive black hole flames grow ever higher I'm not sure I mean I guess since there's nothing else gravity wise it's going to be pulling the rest of our solar system it'll just continue to go its own way the cool thing was if you had a bunch of planets that were all orbiting at exactly the same distance and then you pulled it in with a black hole and then you blew the black hole up I think they would all smash into one another okay not sure where the red spectrums coming from here just gonna speed things up a little bit more that's hot that looks awesome so there's black hole fragments there's a secondary explosion don't know what the hell that's from it's just like a glowing bisected cheese doodle or something is that it is that a supernova that's a Venus Nova remnant what the hell did it do to Venus what does it done to the middle of the solar system it is it's a legit supernova we've caused a supernova I don't think that happens every time oh look the earth is at 3000 degrees Celsius sorry again for destroying the earth what the hell is this what is the black hole is still possibly here is it sucking in the explosion the explosion is like contained inside of the interior of the black hole it looks I just black hole go all right the black hole's gone nowhere everyone the earth is cooling off so you'll be able to put your stuff back over there relatively soon move things a little bit faster it almost looked like the earth was gonna ping-pong out of there but instead I guess it stayed this venus fragment though is still there and it's 8.4 to the mass of jupiter i'm whoa okay I'm not totally sure how Venus obtained more and more power like an sighs it's heating up again I think it's because it's just resting inside of the supernova so we blew up the black hole and somehow we ended up with a really really big Venus Oh huh out of all the plans Neptune survived I mean you know air quotes survived it's 3,000 degrees Celsius right now kind of weird because the time that's passing it's a year and a half per second and it's not cooling off okay y'all ready for this a ton of planets just perfectly orbiting a Sun it's so beautiful that I hate to ruin it but that's what universe sandbox 2 is good for all right we're going for 10 million Suns now I would say it's gonna eat the Sun but it's so big you can't even see the Sun there go the light just went out the frames per second is already at 26 because of how many planets there are there we go okay everything's getting pulled out of orbit now you got to wait for it wait for it wait for it okay stop right about now if we blow up this black hole this is assuming it can blow up in time because the planets are probably moving really really fast if we blow this black hole up it should either force everything here to fly away or bring everything in and then it'll all collide with one another I don't really know all right explode in the darkness of space one man seeks to ruin lives no matter what galaxy he goes to I'm sorry perfectly engineered solar system there we go okay there's the initial explosion I'll hold on I got a I need to go follow one of these planets just to see what happens as we get right in on the explosion this beautiful planet I mean it's 86 degrees Celsius right now and the Sun is fragmenting it what the hell what is all this what the hell is this oh my computer oh it's so sad right now Oh God oh the sound is crackling and it is possible that we have reached a realm of the time-space continuum that we were never supposed to get to because I can't even see what's happening the whole screen it's just white one let me back it up maybe it's like okay well you would even would even do here I may have to get a smaller oh you can't see everything I'm wrong it sounds like the devil but you can kind of see what's going on let me speed things up a little bit more here okay there's the preliminary explosion I think that the supernovas are shooting all over the place there's also black spherical sadness oh it's all the planets they became their own Nova remnants all the planets that made it to the middle all right around 3,000 degrees Celsius you got some tie dye in the middle here and then just a ton of Nova remnants it actually looks like a mushroom cloud we're putting two terribly destructive forces together mushroom clouds and supernovas I'm just gonna continue to speed things up here just to try and figure out what the hell is going on I don't wanna be too close because the things it does to the audio it's not healthy it's definitely not healthy for my ears this is a pretty good painting right here though I feel like our paintbrush of calm soothing Bob Ross apocalyptic genocide has worked really well here things are so bright that I can't believe how bright they are if you back up a lot it kind of looks like the rings of Saturn except for the fact that there's you know untold amounts of life that are getting broiled right now and go ahead and move things up a little bit faster there we go it's like you're watching something on laserdisc I have a feeling I saw this this is like an entrance to to some 1980s movie and you get a laser lightshow in everything this is crazy it's like one really really bright chunk over there and I don't know exactly what that is supernovas continuing to extend outward I should say these supernovas the many many supernovas that have been created from the various apply let's keep moving and this must be the main is super yeah that's this the main supernova so what is at the very the very center the radius of the supernova is 30 to light how far is this game what is this giant Sun over here what finally decided to calm down Jesus keep everything moving supernova is continuing to expand there's nothing to stop it so I imagine just the radius will continue to get more and more yep and across the entire universe we now have the first Universal laser lightshow okay I feel like this is gonna hurt a lot more than the first thing that we did I'm gonna put two black holes in on equidistant sides of the Sun and then I'm gonna blow those up but I'm not gonna destroy the Sun I'm gonna leave it there I'm gonna let the black holes the exploding black holes do their thing alright two black holes equidistant amounts from this you can't really see the other one like there's an outline over here the other one's really it's got urban camouflage okay or space camouflage you can kind of see the distortion of space slightly alright first things first we need to let everything be sad Oh crazy the Sun got pulled two different ways look at it the sun's being ripped from two different directions it's being stretched like beads of freakin taffy down at the Jersey Shore okay everything's starting to roll in oh we've made like an eight alright so now it's time to blow this stuff up black hole explode black hole to explode okay the habit a lot faster than I thought it would we go ahead and continue to slow things down a little bit here so there's the double black hole explosion so now we have twice the supernovas it appears like the supernovas are starting to pull toward one another so these supernovas will be mating in just a second here let me get up in here I still don't know like what these weird pocket dimensions are that occur whenever we blow up the black hole it's probably all the mass all the things that the black hole had eaten in the past it's all just coming to the surface because when you blow up the black hole it's just vomiting everything out I could see part of the Sun in there it's a lot cooler now so that's nice right all these planets though are reaching 10,000 degrees Celsius so they are all currently on fire however they got turned on fire so quickly that the picture of the planet has not yet updated to show its flame eNOS and another random explosion going back over here the two supernovas now currently making love the size of the supernova growing a lot the luminosity of the supernova pretty bad but if you take the luminosity down like what doesn't make it like one thing happened I don't know maybe there's all kinds of bad stuff happening over here though see if you look through the cloud of souls that have been created from the destruction you can see all of the flaming planets as they come in I'm gonna go ahead and see if I can speed things up a little bit there's all of Jesus I was gonna say there's all the planets passing through one another I think they made it through the Miami Turnpike over here decently I don't think a lot of them have interacted with each other okay that's cool I don't know what's going on over here but we've got tales of flame power whipping off of that I feel like we have more colors this time than we got last time I definitely feel like we have more Chi it's kind of like the police so you get the red lights on one side the blue lights on the other they finally come to arrest me for all the murder that I've done in the universe at this point well it is go and like one last fragment finally decided to head on out of here who would have thought that a perfectly engineered solar system would be so fantastic to destroy but now it's time to blow up a whole ton of black holes okay I've got eight black holes equidistant surrounding the Sun right now and we're gonna blow them all up so first things first I have to let the black holes do their thing what's gonna happen to the Sun when black holes are pulling it in eight different directions all at once it's crazy everything's getting dragged in word but the Sun is basically staying where it is because everything is fighting for it at the same amount of a force I think that the Sun should get ripped apart actually it may be getting ripped apart it's getting ripped apart in eight different directions I'm so proud of the Sun it's still hanging in there somehow I don't know how okay now things are getting close to the black hole which means now it's time to blow all this up these this right there yeah okay there we go there's all the explosions there goes my face oh god did I miss one a lot I may I may have missed a there we go I was gonna say I may have missed a black hole in the explosion again it's kind of hard to tell because they're so dark compared to everything around here but now all the black holes have exploded and there is just stuff forming everywhere again planets come out of nowhere I don't even know where supernovas are shooting like buckshot across the screen at this point they're just flying in all different directions and these are the colors that we got going on now go ahead and speed things up as we do just a cat it can't go that fast there is so much destruction going on over here there we go everything's moving along pretty friggin sweet don't know what happened there or something shattered into a billion pieces normally you just have various supernovas like cut each other off on the on the Turnpike over here something turned into a gaseous orb and at the middle there's still a lot of something going on here it's just a crisscross of laser lights like being at a freakin Prince concert or something you just continue to do this and there goes all the supernovas okay so yeah blowing up a black hole fantastic it takes everything that's good in this world and puts it into one space bending entity force and box to where it doesn't matter if science says it doesn't work because we're gonna freakin do it anyway till the next time folks they foxy much love [Music] [Music]
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,696,152
Rating: 4.9139376 out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, best vr games, family friendly, gray still plays, graystillplays vr, gaming, video game, video games, universe sandbox, universe sandbox 2 gameplay, universe sandbox 2 gameplay pc, universe sandbox 2 workshop, universe sandbox 2 update, causing the apocalypse, ways the world could end, greystillplays, supernova, universe sandbox 2, and this happened, size black hole, black hole size, biggest black hole, black hole exploding, black hole explosion
Id: _c2dFSsua-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2019
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