I Made the Earth 1,000,000 Times Bigger and This Happened - Universe Sandbox 2

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all right so we're checking out the only game where if there's not enough Florida man and the news you can just make more Florida it's universe sandbox 2 universe sandbox 2 is a game where numbers usually don't mean anything unless it's the freaking earth and then numbers piss me off I say this because today I want to make the earth ridiculously large we made the earth bigger than the Sun but quite honestly that's not good enough I want to make the earth so big that everything else pales in comparison to it and worships its giant girth however there's a big problem with this allow me to demonstrate the problem is when you reach right around 14 Jupiter's of mass so you're at 12 you go slightly past it and then you get a sad Jupiter see this is what happens when you don't stay in school what ends up happening is the earth ends up taking after its cocaine abusing drinking and driving older brother Jupiter ends up growing up looking like this that's not good enough I need to have the earth gigantic but still looking like Earth see this here the earth while it can still make good choices the earth when suddenly it endorses teenage pregnancy good choices teenage pregnancy why does this happen right in this region I don't know now we need to make this happen because Florida man needs a place to put his tall boy in a tea light but also because I want to see what happens to the solar system when the earth is so large that it takes up you know an entire orbital section and that that's why we got to start screwing with the density you're gonna notice just like giving the earth some viagra reducing the density makes the earth get much bigger the problem is there's a sweet spot because if you go too far eventually the earth just gives up the will to live see Jupiter didn't give up the will to live it just made bad choices I don't know how but so far so good I'm kind of curious do if as we start making the earth freakishly large the Sun begins to interact with the surface of the earth in a different way and we begin to see different surface temperatures because as of right now the earth is pretty friggin big come on baby you can do better than that oh it's pulsating it doesn't want to go any bigger this is interesting I have found the limitation of the e numbers right about here this is bad as far as you're allowed to go that's okay though because we've got plenty of mass because the earth has so little density just messing with the mass a slight bit increases the size of the earth to such a spectacular amount so to give you an idea right now at just how big the earth is yeah okay before we made the earth you know like the size of the Sun this time the earth is like 30 times the size of the Sun okay um well this is new and exciting I never really reduced the density to this much so ah I'm gonna hope that all that stuff that's leaving off the earth was things we didn't need you know loop boxes the monetization fortnight all that stuff it's going off of the earth right now all the good stuff staying behind but lightning dodge Rams okay well you know I mean the Earth's smoking a lot but other than that looks to be pretty healthy it's like vaping okay so yeah I don't I don't I don't see what could possibly go wrong so I think we can just go ahead and uh keep bringing the mass up sure everything will be just fine surface temperatures getting a little hotter probably because you know the earth is much closer to the Sun now since it's like eight billion times the size that you but it's not that much bigger it's what a hundred times the size of what it used to be I like how it's not so much that the earth appears to get bigger it's that everything else the entire solar system it just gets smaller this is the new size difference even though the earth is just pissing out sadness right now like what is all this what happened like what happens if I put a moon behind the early won't be able to see it because it's so damn big I'm sure it'll be fine add moon oh sure the earth is so big that the moon spawned inside of the earth that was I what the hell Wow the moon hit the earth and it pissed the earth off a lot considering the size of the surface area what do you know the moon hit Africa how come every single time something hits the earth it always hits Africa all right we got plenty more mass to go hey it stopped spewing out trunks up never mind Rebecca I'm hoping I can make the earth so big that this shock wave of death won't reach Florida we're at five million kilometers the earth you're this pretty friggin annoying it likes to stay it right around 400 degrees Celsius somehow there's still water on the surface I'm not gonna question it never mind it's ice now look at the size of this freakish mutant cancerous earth - what the hell just happened they'll just have it Amer who screwed my arse up alright the previous earth didn't do well enough in school that's why it ended up dying one moment it was sitting it was it 5 million kilometers in radius next moment it was jumping out the window in the middle of night taking at the parents car okay maybe we worked at this the wrong way I'll do the mass first we'll get to right about where we're allowed to be at which is right about we'd go a little bit further you can get like almost to like 12 Jupiter's of mass before things start getting crapped on all right right about there okay now we can start messing with the density which will start increasing the radius if I can't get this earth at least 1 million times the size of a normal earth I'm not gonna be happy now you don't want to just yank all the density away all at once all right you got to kind of ease it in there right nice and slow it's like torturing any civilization of people you don't you don't drop the hammer on them all at once you take things away slowly before they realize it's basically what it's like working for the man they take away your paycheck they take away your benefits oh hell yes we're able to get way farther than we were before I mean let's let's that's that's excessive chart wise here's where we are at this point in time oh he's Florida bigger than the Sun it's what I've always wanted hold on while the earth is dabbing on the Sun I've got to see here up there's there it is I'm pretty sure that the penis of the United States is now officially bigger than the Sun we're not done yet now earth you know it's it's doing some things I'm not really sure what all this is 627 degrees Celsius chunk le'ts coming out of it Pryor just just listen just keep it together man all right we can get way bigger than this I know we can what 10 million kilometers right now we're almost there we're almost at an entire orbital size like it's the distance between the Sun and mercury like does it does it still orbit around the Sun or like are we how does it does it mess with the with the solar system I mean everything looks ok I don't know what the hell happened but we're at 22 million kilometers in radius right now ah what's the help are things like crashing into the earth something I hadn't thought about was that the earth is now so big that when Venus tries to give it to on your left treatment it's gonna end up hitting it okay the Earth's starting to go super saying there's a little bit of a problem son the Sun is also starting to get pulled out of its little area Oh God oh Jesus venus is barely even a measurable speck upon the surface of this gigantic earth yep just lost Venus I have to go bigger okay we're at 36 million what the hell just happened all my radius it's like losing all the steroids all at once Oh 40 million oh yes just got vaporized okay earth I know we've had our differences but I have big plans for you this time I've put you way the hell out away from the Sun this way you're nice and cold so that when you get big you don't end up being 2,000 degrees Celsius okay it's working I got the earth super far away from the Sun it's starting to come out of its deep freeze you can see you know part of the United States again which is nice Africa hasn't been blown up yet that'll probably change in the next three minutes all right iris just smashed into the earth but it's fine that was like it's like it's like brushing off a flea it doesn't even mean anything there is all kinds of asteroids and stuff just flying everywhere they've got no place else to go so they're all abusing the earth we need to get this radius up I honestly don't know how at this point the earth is going back and forth between existing as it real earth and being a frozen earth even though it's 288 degrees cells is maybe there's some sort of weird climate airy thing that's going on down here the people of Earth have been abused so much that living in 218 degrees Celsius weather just isn't that bad right at around 33 million kilometers and radius the earth turns into an absolutely demonic entity it's just a Multan pit of Florida's regrets you see the Sun trying to run away it's like Jesus Christ know do better I know we can by now all right we're at 40 million 45 ma baby 5 million 50 million sick brilliant no what the hell happened lost all my sighs all the games went away all right let's just sit at 58 million for a second oh my god all over the place okay maybe if I maybe if I go out by Saturn a Saturn on your left we just killed Saturn we just killed Santa and we got shot out from the freaking solar system okay we've managed to get to a hundred and one million kilometers so far I mean this this is some serious overcompensating right here when you compare the size of the earth to everything else so here's the chart size comparison for everything in the entire solar system can you see the Sun it's this sad little pimple over oh my god okay I didn't expect that to happen the earth is now really really big like freakishly big like way bigger than I meant to make it it just whoops okay I have what I feel is a big brain idea I put the earth farther away from everything in the entire solar system so now nothing can really screw with it and we are getting somewhere it's checking to see if it still follows an orbit oh my god it's totally working now to be fair it does take 1,200 years to go around the Sun at this point but it's totally working it's it's pretty cold it's negative 250 degrees Celsius so no one can live there but there is way to fix this more radius you got this earth you got this earth hell yeah okay so far so good I think we may have found the golden zone I think we're at a point where there's nope damn it I was gonna say I think we're at a point where there's no limitation to how much bigger the earth can get I think you know what has to happen we have to take our gigantic earth and then fired at the solar system at light speed speed 1.2 kilometers per second rookie numbers light speed I don't know how but my Lightspeed Earth coming at the entire solar system is still kind of looking like an earth it's got water and everything be dead-ass I don't know what just happened there but whatever this is what it looks like from the sun's freaking perspective this is how big the earth is and the earth is still nowhere near the solar system it still has more to go that's right son you pissed the earth off for far too long now it's coming back for all that crap you made it do Oh God I have no idea then the earth just turned into like a giant piece of powder is there anything left I don't even know if it's still there or if it's all of its mist is just going to coat the entirety of the solar system yes the solar system gets to inhale the broken promises the lost hopes and dreams of the earth and the solar system is still in one piece well we did it we made earth way more than 1 billion times as normal size and I think I don't know we're probably better off the way we are the less Florida man the better universe sandbox 2 till next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
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Keywords: graystillplays, best vr games, gray still plays, graystillplays vr, gaming, video game, video games, universe sandbox, universe sandbox 2 gameplay, universe sandbox 2 gameplay pc, universe sandbox 2 workshop, universe sandbox 2 update, causing the apocalypse, ways the world could end, greystillplays, supernova, universe sandbox 2, increase gravity, bigger earth, earth 1000000 bigger, if the earth was bigger, what if the earth was bigger, what if the earth was bigger than the sun
Id: 8PfChhBuHQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 24 2019
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